@Riker So that iStuff is incompatible with non-Apple stuff => So that you have to purchase Apple stuff => So that Apple gets $$$ from the stuff you purchase => Apple Profit $$$.
@Riker I'm curious, what buttons are available to you on mobile chat? Cause I can see "Reply, Permalink, star, flag, pin, and kick". Can you see all those? More?
I was looking at the new APIs introduced in Android 4.2.
While looking at the UserManager class I came across the following method:
public boolean isUserAGoat()
Used to determine whether the user making this call is subject to teleportations.
Returns whether the user making this call...
@LliwTelracs I think most computer scientists consider that all you need is a halt state equivalent, rather than a literal halt state; there's some debate about what counts as close enough to be an equivalent, though
I think most people agree that something that is obviously an infinite loop (while(1); or the like) is enough, though
@fergusq sure, and there are languages where a tight infinite loop halts the program; however, normally when you're talking about Turing-completeness in maths you're working with an existing definition that you can't easily change, and trying to see if it's TC or not
(not to mention that if something has syntax that's as expressive as while(1), it's probably sufficiently featureful to be TC anyway)
Dot Matrix Messages with Github WIP
Goal: This goal to take a string and output how many contributions should be made on which days in order to display this message.
Font: 5x7 DOT Matrix
Input: Take a String
Output: List of (date, contribution) pairs in chronological order
@ais523 This is actually a pretty interesting question. Lets assume that we have a machine that can interpret a TC language but can't halt ie. the programs start and stop, but the computer keeps running. Is this computer itself TC? It can simulate any Turing machine, so I would say that it is.
it's a very interesting question, and the centre of something of a row I was drawn into many years ago now
which is basically to do with TCness proofs that work via compiling from a TC language
the question is, what restrictions apply on the compiler, and what restrictions apply on the halt state definition?
clearly there must be some such restrictions; for example, if the compiler interprets the language itself and outputs the steps of the execution, then you can prove even obviously sub-TC languages to be TC
"the compiler runs in finite time and deterministically produces an output of finite size" is known to be sufficient, but isn't possible in all cases (e.g. languages where the program is inherently infinitely long)
note that this is rarely an issue at PPCG, infinitely long programs score terribly at code-golf
but you could just submit a program in rule 110 or sequential tag or something like that (where all programs are infinitely long due to the nature of the language)
@ais523 Can't we represent all programs in a finite form? Is it valid for a program to be infinitely long? For example if the program is an infinite sequence of number and we have a finite function that calculates those numbers, we can call that function the program. A program that can't be represented in a finite form can't be represented at all, I think, so would it make sense to ban those programs?
@DJMcMayhem oh yeah, there's going to be a problem with languages like lenguage and unary. Well, there could be an upper limit of program size equal to the max number of characters allowed in an SE post
An interesting thing to see for that would be to have your code interpret another language which interprets another language in a chain to run the code
Compiling languages in a cycle could be fun. Compiling A to B and B to A with a non-optimizing compiler would probably have the programs grow in size. How complex could the program become?
This is a heads up, and a request for help.
HTTPS for our entire network is long overdue, but we've been working hard on it behind the scenes. Expect a pretty big blog post when we turn it on everywhere that details the journey.
There are a few lingering questions on HTTPS we're not confident i...
This is a heads up, and a request for help.
HTTPS for our entire network is long overdue, but we've been working hard on it behind the scenes. Expect a pretty big blog post when we turn it on everywhere that details the journey.
There are a few lingering questions on HTTPS we're not confident i...
@HelkaHomba Then the crackly intermittent stuff is due to the vocal compression algorithms the cell phone uses. It prioritizes human speech frequencies and sacrifices things outside that range. Coincidentally, that makes on-hold music suck.
Put some music in a box code-golf
Your task is to take a sequence of letters (the music) as input (in a function or program), and print (or return) the music as it would look like in a music box.
You will only receive the letters ABCDEFG as input.
This is an empty music box, with length 3: