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Any good YouTube series I can sink a few hours into?
@quartata only 14?? O_o
@Downgoat 14 versions of Babel isn't a ton?!!
That's more than the number of JVMs and Python versions I have combined
well usually you have around 200 babel-related modules
And this sounded like a good idea to everyone?
I'm not sure how to say yes without making node.js community look crazy :/
; <-- Greek question mark, replace semicolons with this in other people's code if you want to be particularly evil.
@Pavel This is Rightgoat-level evilness
@Downgoat It's OK.
You have the right to remain silent
@Pavel But why would someone do this;
@pavel hi can help me now?
also who should I ping to get room unfrozen?
@Downgoat Don't worry, we already think the node.js community is crazy.
@DestructibleWatermelon Dennis
Or any other mod
@Pavel ._.
Is there a way to make Vim autoindent properly, and if not how do people stand using it?
@Pavel put this in your .vimrc:
set autoindent
set smartindent
Actually, can I just zip my .vim folder and .vimrc?
Nah, no need.
Actually already did it
@Pavel unzip that into your ~
@Pavel what plugin manager are you using?
@Downgoat he does not have one I think
I use pathogen
@Downgoat I wrote my own package manager for pathogen
It's still unfinished though
Eh, I might look at both. On another note, my Vim is haunted:
I just sudo kill -9'd it.
@Downgoat I've recently converted to Vundle and I have to agree.
@Pavel Seriously, unzip the package I gave you into your ~.
It has all sorts of plugins
Sure thing
@Pavel how are you living without :set mouse=a
@Downgoat What's that do?
It's called switching to linux less than a month ago
@LegionMammal978 Enables mouse in Vim
@LegionMammal978 lets you use the mouse in vim in terminal
idk vim, I just use insert mode for everything
I think it also works with gpm on virtual console
@Downgoat How are you living without :set mouse=? ;)
@LegionMammal978 HERETIC! BURN HIM!
@wat lol, at least I don't use emacs
@LegionMammal978 emacs is pretty cool though
I have a Window class that listens for buttons in one class but I don't know how to link it to inputboxes :(
@Doorknob Yeah I never use :set mouse
I think I should upload a Gist
Kind of defeats the point of vim
@LegionMammal978 It's a nice Lisp dev environment. Shame it has a crappy editor though.
I don't think i got joke
@Downgoat The question mark is not part of it.
i.e it's unset
using a mouse in vi is like adding training wheels to your ducati
Oh, in that case, the same way I use arrow keys instead of hjkl :P
sure it probably helps you not fall over
@wat is my vim actually haunted or is it supposed desplay all this crazy shit when I start it?
I mean I don't use it too much but it is helpful sometime when on some slow remote server and doing w over and over again is slow
Just use count<direction>
@Pavel what crazy shit
Or /
Or j
Or any of these other great movement keys that vim gives you
@Pavel ...
You tried to edit a directory.
that theme is...
I see the problem
I think?
Wait, is that vim?
Currently it is using solarized colorscheme
yeah, left is NERDTree
Oh yeah it is
Yeah you edited a directory. That auto pops up nerdtree
@wat terminal seems to be fighting it in that case :P
Try switching your terminal to be solarized, or turning off solarized in your .vimrc
My terminal is solarized.
Why bother with a colorscheme anyways I don't get it
That's what it looks like when default colorscheme is used in terminal with solarized colorscheme on vim
@quartata Makes syntax highlightimg look better mostly
also, try solarizing your home, that way you'll be using reusable energy :P
@wat What about spacemacs
@Pavel Can you please show your terminal profile preferences, colors tab
NVM I had it for 'Text and background colors'
But not 'Pallete'
And it works now
yeah that should help
@Pavel "Palette"
I suddenly have a massive headache
@Pavel :(
@Pavel stress? I have goat pictures to fix that
electron = awesome :)
Any editor featuring goat pictures = awesome
@Qwerp-Derp NO
@wat What's wrong with it
I thought you made app in electron...
yeah and it did not load properly
@Qwerp-Derp It's a little slow
@Downgoat How little
It has chromium embedded so as fast as a webpage renders
So if you do things correctly it'll be fine
However it's faster than 98% current cross-platform solutions
@Qwerp-Derp Is that a text editor?
@Pavel Application development framework
@Downgoat GTK?
@Pavel Electron is a library that allows you to build apps with HTML, CSS & JS
@Qwerp-Derp ninja'd?
@wat I "elaborated", so technically not ninja'd :P
I see
@wat GTK is great in theory
@Downgoat and in practice?
@wat 1) good luck building it 2) also has bad support for native mac API stuffs
Idk about windows
is javafx crossplatform?
@Downgoat I just started using a mac. GIMP (originator of GTK) works very badly, so I don't think that GTK apps will work any better there
The only good python gui library is probably pygame :P
@Qwerp-Derp Mostly, yeah.
Don't do anything rocket-scinecy with it, should be fine.
Calling Java cross platform is like calling a website cross-platform
@Downgoat How can you make that criticism about Java when you use Node.js?
@Pavel because node.js doesn't use a giant VM? It doesn't sandbox itself and isolate itself from all native API? It supports display resolutions higher than 640x480?
Java =/= JavaScript pls
Go and try say Node.js is better than Java
JavaScript is websites.
Node.js = Olympic-level library mess, which is not any better than the JVM
You understand that abstracting from native APIs is how something is made cross platform right
That's the freaking definition.
@quartata abstracting =/= creating your own versions of them
@wat Yeah, GTK is shit on Mac.
Don't bother.
@Downgoat Um, yes. Yes it is.
Pygame is pretty trash, I like Python but I can't really do anything outside of console stuff because GUI support is pretty shit
@quartata abstracting is putting layer between two things
@Qwerp-Derp Python Card
Java -> JVM -> Native API = Abstraction
It's pretty good
Java -> JVM -> Own API and UI items =/= abstractions
@Pavel > Last updated 2006
Own API -> Native API
Java -> JVM -> Own API and UI items -> Native API -> OS = Abstraction
It has to call the Native API at some point, right?
It's not like it's all that different anyways.
And UI is totally different.
@Qwerp-Derp Works for Python 2 well enough.
Java doesn't interact with Coca
It also hates my HiDPI display
In the case of UI heavyweight components (which is using the Native API) is a terrible terrible thing.
@TuxCopter We're referring to different things when we say Native API
That's what AWT does, there's a reason no one uses that.
Almost all modern UI toolkits are lightweight, not heavyweight.
Including Electron, for what it's worth.
@Downgoat It still looks like Cocoa which is all that matters. And it uses Quartz to draw it unlike GTK.
In context of Apple, API = Cocoa
@quartata GTK uses Quartz on mac
@Downgoat Yeah, no. Cocoa is just a higher level API over Quartz ultimately
@Downgoat Really?
er, it says on website
Oh, that's new. It used to need X11.
@quartata apple says it themselves but OK
@Downgoat Cocoa is just GUI. So.
apple calls Cocoa "The API"
I wouldn't listen to them that much...
It's a API but point stands
They would love you to become reliant on Objective-C and Swift
@quartata oops
Yeah, that's the real reason we see all these Mac-only apps.
Java is cross-platform but what I'm saying is I think it does bad job at it
Anything in particular?
A lot of things it does "wrong" it can't really change. Some of File's more esoteric bits are because of Windows for instance.
And what do you suggest we use as a cross-platform, relatively low-level language?
1) It uses giant VM which feel clunky (OK, this is personal reason) 2) it does not support HiDPI display, so everything looks absolutely horrible (or at least AWT or Javax or whatever) 3) it does not talk to Cocoa so apps viewed on Macs don't fit in
I don't use windows so can't say anything there
Works fine on Windows, I've got no issues there.
Well, some issues.
But minor ones
1) JVM is heavy in terms of size but it's pretty damn good at its job. It was almost always the cutting edge of JIT (until V8, which is designed to do very different things anyways)
@Pavel C. If you don't rely too much on OS-specific APIs it's cross platform.
2) I really don't get HiDPI so I probably can't comment on that one. But you shouldn't be using Swing for games so I can't see why any form of resolution matters
yeah, it is fast but start up time isn't great
@TuxCopter C is the least portable language after Assembly.
@quartata I am on Mac so I don't know what game is
3) Last I checked the OS X look and feel is indistinguishable. That was in Snow Leopard mind you
@Qwerp-Derp Oh man, I love pygame
@Pavel Nah, there are things much worse than C in terms of cross-platform (but still wayyyy more than assembly)
The existence of pygame is one of the main reasons I am a programmer today
@TuxCopter Uh, like what? (Not counting ancient languages no one uses)
$ time java Empty

real	0m0.045s
user	0m0.038s
sys	0m0.011s
$ time node <<< ""

real	0m0.085s
user	0m0.085s
sys	0m0.000s
@DJMcMayhem It's still going strong, but it looks kinda outdated TBH
@Downgoat This speaks for itself pretty much.
@Pavel Modern C++ is very very easy to port across platforms.
halp how do I prevent bots from using a class variable?
Since the standards have incorporated much of the icky native APIs
And C too
TuxCopter said C
I love Python because it's so simple to make code and start something, but I hate it because it can't really do much outside of small, simple projects
C less so.
@Qwerp-Derp It's basically Perl++ in that regard.
@quartata In my defense they are two very different languages, so this is understandable
@Qwerp-Derp Thank you for not writing OS in Python
Can I make a joke at Perl's expense?
@quartata Goodly written C code is as cross-platform as the equivalent C++ code
@Downgoat What if an OS was written in Python
@Qwerp-Derp It's impossible
@TuxCopter Goodly
@Downgoat Sure. But in terms of not actually doing anything V8 should be faster.
Except if the bootloader is a python interpreter
Java uses green threads for one. It has to set up a bunch of junk.
@quartata It's not impossible Java doesn't have an if input == nil { exit(0) }
@Downgoat It doesn't.
@Qwerp-Derp Sure
@ChristopherPeart Looks correct to me I guess. Maybe try adding a hexdump of the output?
That certainly wouldn't take 45 milliseconds for a start....
@Dennis out of curiosity: how do you pass the source code to most of the interpreters? Do you write it to a file, and pass the filepath, or do you pipe it in?
But the class is valid bytecode. So it is doing stuff.
"empty" was misleading I suppose
@ChristopherPeart You should provide an xxd dump.
@DJMcMayhem hexdump?
Hmm let me disassemble
So you know the joke about how Chinese people name their babies by throwing a bunch of woks down a set of stairs? Perl programmers throw a keyboard down their stairs to generate their code.
I have no idea what you are talking about/how to do it
@ChristopherPeart If you're on Linux, run it through xxd
$ javap -c Empty
Compiled from "empty.java"
class Empty {
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: return

  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
       0: return
@Downgoat Obviously very little code. But it's doing some stuff.
It's setting up the VM at minimum.
bit.ly/2lF4LQ2 @ChristopherPeart
@ChristopherPeart Too bad, I'm not traveling to the southern hemisphere this Sunday
@quartata What is javap?
@quartata Java also gets opportunity to compile
@wat Disassembles
I see
@Downgoat There's nothing to compile.
In either case.
Well there is parsing
@Downgoat I don't know what JIT is, but apparantly Java uses.
Parsing the empty string sure is intensive.
nevermind that is invalid
I mean, yeah Java is faster, that doesn't stop it from being clunky :P
That's like 100 nanoseconds, tops.
@Pavel Just in time compilation
We're talking C speed here remember.
Also I did note that as being personal opinion
so why don't we focus on other thing
@Pavel Do I put a hexdump of output right?
@wat I know what it is, not how it works.
The two I already answered?
@ChristopherPeart Yes
> I don't know what JIT is
Oh, correction. JVM 1.2+ doesn't use green threads
@wat Sorry
It's fine
JVM still has extra machinery for monitors though. So there's additional setup
@Pavel thanks done
@NathanMerrill I use files.
also clunkyness isn't just speed
Performance is all that matters on the VM level. It's not like we're compiling to it.
More on topic: Am I allowed to ask "is X good programming thing in language Y" question on SO
@Dennis what was that whole thing about your crack?
@ChristopherPeart CnR probably
@Downgoat Maybe on CR, they care more about wether you should do something rather than if you can do something.
@ChristopherPeart Dennis cracked a submission to a CnR challenge, the person who put up the original submission wanted to take it down.
@ChristopherPeart google translate detected that your submission is mostly vietnamese.
@Pavel My plan was exposed!
> Tries to install .NET under wine
> WTF is wrong with me
crap wrong room
I coulda moved it for you
@Pavel I haven't implemented respawning yet. Should I?
@Pavel Would have stared but circle was not hand drawn
@DestructibleWatermelon Respawning in what?
@ChristopherPeart my maze koth
Because the brk instruction always shows up when iOS app crashes, for some reason I always read as "bork"
I wonder what the origin of 'Bork' is.
Are you asking seriously or in jest?
Broke --> bork
Actually, apparently it comes from this guy. So I learned something new:
Robert Heron Bork (March 1, 1927 – December 19, 2012) was an American judge and legal scholar who advocated the judicial philosophy of originalism. Bork served as a Yale Law School professor, Solicitor General, Acting Attorney General, and a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan nominated him to the Supreme Court, but the U.S. Senate rejected his nomination. Bork is acclaimed also as an antitrust scholar, where his once-idiosyncratic view that antitrust law should focus on maximizing consumer welfare has come to dominate...
I always assumed it was the Swedish Chef.
My ps -a is broken
It only shows ps and zsh
Has SE released any statement about the potential leak of user passwords on SO?
@Downgoat were you serious when you pinged me recently?
Partially, I was asking if it's possible
but if it is, a compiler is always possible
@Downgoat I'm sure its possible, I'll release it if I get it to work, it will require some unique modifications, but I might make them.
I'll pink you if I ever get it to work
@Qwerp-Derp That's where Python's OO comes in
> Fox New's fake expert on violent immigrants in Sweden turns out to be a violent Swedish immigrant in the US, Swedish media reports.
@Riker No, stars are used to say "this is interesting/significant". That was neither.
@Pavel ps aux
@Mego Imo, unless something is truly inappropriate to appear on starboard (i.e. from star spam) star clearing should not be used
I don't know context though
I don't need every proccess, just the open windows. On the other hand, pgrep finally works now, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
Random Question: Do you think </> is a good "code" icon, as it has grown to be?
@Downgoat kinda
{} is less distinctive
I always read it as "use html markup" though
I think not, because </> implies SGML, which is not programming
@wat yeah, this is true
or xml maybe?
It's maybe not the best, but it's certaintly distinctive. Nothing else is really quite as iconic.
@wat SGML is kinda like the original angle-bracket ML, that XML & HTML were derived off of
Okay so I'm in the process of making github.com/MiningPotatoes/Ohm, and I'm trying to figure out a good dictionary-compressed string system
I'm not sure how to do it in a way that isn't a direct copy of 05AB1E or Jelly
Execute it as a bubblegum program?
@Pavel Can't tell if /s
Not /s. Bubblegum is good compression.
Really? How do you think it'd work with a dictionary?
I uhh... missed the dictionary bit.
@wat I'd prefer something I can implement in pure Ruby
b64 zlib
@Downgoat That's not the guidance I was given from the other mods/ROs
user image
No chrome, thats javaScript
@wat Again, dictionary?
no idea
Define dictionary compression
Taking a string of characters and somehow mapping it to a dictionary of English words
Oh, that?
You would decompress the string, then map it to a dictionary.
def sss(compressed):
	decompressed = ''
	integer = from_base([code_page.find(char) + 1 for char in compressed], 250)
	while integer:
		integer, mode = divmod(integer, 3)
		if mode == 0:
			integer, code = divmod(integer, 96)
			decompressed += code_page[code + 32]
			flag_swap = False
			flag_space = decompressed != ''
			if mode == 2:
				integer, flag = divmod(integer, 3)
				flag_swap = flag != 1
				flag_space ^= flag != 0
			integer, short = divmod(integer, 2)
			the_dictionary = (dictionary.long, dictionary.short)[short]
I'm thinking something to do with the characters in my code page though
^ That's how Jelly does it
I don't think Dennis will mind if you do it like Jelly.
¯_(ツ)_/¯ I mean, might as well
@Mego from TNB mods?
I have nothing wrong with their advice
just that previously star clearing has been used pretty conservatively, so change is new
@Mego >_> how much of the starboard is interesting/significant really tho. shall we cleanse all the stars on the board?
Any ideas on how to improve this UI? The lots of empty space between the header and the buttons don't feel right
@Downgoat I feel like it's perfect
@Downgoat If you move those buttons up to reduce the empty space, you might be able to put the README in the space left.
Would basic exponents like 5^x count as ?
@HelkaHomba :O so you are making the sequence into challenge!
I'd say yes
@Downgoat yep
Q: 5, 2, 16, 3580, What comes next?

Helka HombaConsider the positive integer powers of five in decimal. Here are the first 25, right aligned: X 5^X 1 5 2 25 3 125 4 625 5 3125 6 15625 7 78125 8 390625 9 ...

@Dennis You mean how it needs to start at the top?
Yes. All my approaches so far treat "missing" digits as zeroes...
CMC: given an array of integers K and an integer N, generate an N-length array with truthy values at each index k in K. E.g., N = 4 and K = (0 1 3), this would give 1 1 0 1. You may assume that K is sorted and has no integer greater than N. Lists may be one-indexed.
@Dennis Oh, you'll sandwich it into 10 bites eventually I'm sure
@WheatWizard Is submitting a specification for a language sufficient for your challenge?
I made a new sequence I think
@ConorO'Brien I would really prefer if you wrote an interpreter but since other people have submitted actually invalid answers, I wont do anything. There are already at least one answer there without an interepreter
@WheatWizard aight. I wasn't going to answer w/out an interpreter, but I was wondering about the current answers
which both seem to lack interpreters
Yeah I am not terribly happy about that but the more pressing concern is that one of them lacks a proof and one of them is certainly invalid.
I hope mine might be a pleasant surprise, then :)
Not to say that I don't like the answers already, Legandre's is quite nice and Swallow w/ Coconut is interesting if incomplete.
I look forward to your submission

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