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From what I can tell, -T is supposed to make it output 0 unless the output is 1
But it does not do so, at least not on TIO
@quartata that's why they added the bot API
It's Valve's way of saying 'Nah, let the community do the work for us'
They seem to do that a lot
Oh absolutely. I wouldn't want them spending their time making good bots
That takes a lot of time and effort for very little reward
That time could be spent making moar hats for TF2
You know, since developers are artists
Implementing a new particle effect engine for hats for TF2?
Is TF2 on source 2 yet?
Only Dota 2 is
With only CS:GO planned to be ported
If not, then I'd imagine that's there next big project for TF2
Oh really? TF2 too old?
There's 6 people actively working on it right now.
The way that Valve is structured internally, an employee works on whatever project he wants, there is no management to tell you what you should work on.
Hence, TF2 is kind of lost, and Dota get all the love.
What do you think about KOTH RPS tournaments?
I think that's been done before, maybe several times
@ETHproductions ah, damn
switch new Random.nextInt(3) {
    case 0:return 'r';case 1:return 'p';case 2:return 's';
Actually iirc it's been proposed many times in sandbox but never actually posted.
Yeah. It was one of the first ones on the site: rock paper scissors lizard spock
This challenge being the nail to hang the duplicate on
Oh, didn't know.
Which, is actually much better than a standard RPS contest due to the fact you have more options
I knew that question, but mine is regular RPS, and that is RPS+LS
I'd say the RPS would be duplicated of RPSLS
How long is it customary to leave a post in the sandbox for?
What if it gets literally no votes or comments?
let it stay for a week or two
RPS and RPSLS are very similar from a strategy point of view
What should I do with a post that has been in there for a while, but has received no attention?
it depends on whether you personally think it's postable
if there are still things you're unsure about, advertising in here often seems to work in practice
Stay there for more time
if you think it seems fine, just post it and put a comment on the post saying "Sandbox post was [here]"
that tends to shut up the sort of people who close everything reflexively
Or be "f*ck this, I'm gonna post it"
Damn. The site questionblocked me again. Now I have to only answer for a day
@ais523 You mean the hammer dudes?
no, people with a closehammer tend to be more circumspect about using it
otherwise we probably wouldn't have given them one in the first place
Then who?
Some Mods?
it's mostly people who recently got vote-to-close permissions
Oh hey i finally reached 1000 unread emails!
just 24 until a big milestone
Now youre fired from your job
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆTask Scheduling code-golf Given as input: A unix time at which to first run the program Delay between runs (can be 0) Number of times to run the program (-1 if infinite) A program to be run through the console when triggered Run the program under specified conditions. You can assume your p...

You could maybe eliminate the use of infrared ink by tracking the distance to the projector by measuring the time it takes the light to get back to the projector.
This would have to be pretty precise though, and you couldn't distinguish multiple images or move them around
Is it just me or is HTTPS suddenly broken everywhere
not for me, I don't think
Aww, they just rescheduled the Atlas V launch for tomorrow :(
Is there a meta-question that talks about what makes a challenge interesting?
I don't think such a thing exists
Q: Springify a String

Mistah FigginsSandbox post here. Create a function or program that "Springifies" a string. Input will be a String in Stdin, or closest alternative Input will only contain printable ASCII and/or spaces Output will be to Stdout, or closest alternative A trailing newlines and spaces are acceptable How to spr...

I mean, we are generally interested in math stuff
but, defining what is "interesting" gets into personal opinion and psychology
Q: What makes a sequence an interesting golf challenge?

trichoplaxWe have lots of challenges tagged sequence. What types of sequences make for interesting golf challenges? How can we assess whether a given sequence is worth writing a challenge about? I understand that we need both easy and difficult challenges (for people with different ability levels in thei...

fair enough :P
Not sure if it was a good idea, but I asked
@MistahFiggins if you are looking for challenge ideas:
Q: Problems Not Yet Challenged

RainboltSometimes when I get the urge to post a new challenge, I have trouble finding a notable* problem that has not yet been solved upon which to base my challenge (I'm not very creative). I thought it might be cool if we could generate a list of such problems here. Here are some examples that I tried...

note that that question is 3 years old, so many of the concepts may have been done
I'm fairly positive many of them haven't though
oh, Peter Taylor is updating his post. how nice!
Thanks all
Any opinions/references on whether it's poor etiquette to solve a challenge while it's in the Sandbox?
I am on the fence about it
On one hand, there's no guaranteed that the question will ever come out of the sandbox, so why not do it for fun, if you find the post interesting?
But if you find it interesting, maybe it should become a post on main instead
To be clear, the poor etiquette part is when you post your solution that you made while it was in the sandbox to main.
I think the FGITW effect isn't really a thing here, as most people sort by active AFAIK.
But It might be nice to give others time to find their own solution with the same/a similar language
It's certainly a thing.
Posting time certainly determines where the votes go more than everything else.
If anyone finds obfuscation interesting: 888 byte Hello, World!
I personally don't vote on the first posts necessarily, nor do I consciously vote on highly voted posts. But I do see your point
I am against it myself (I don't/wouldn't do it)
@MistahFiggins People who are active posters here make a small minority of votes.
Good point
The problem is that upvote-worthy answers generally take more time to make
And I think this actually applies to almost all SE sites
Which is a big problem
But making answers while the challenge is still in the sandbox gives people more time before voting can commence in a way
So you could even argue that it is a good thing - it gives people who make time-consuming answers more time to do so, so that they receive more upvotes when it comes to main
It would also give them time to polish their answers
But whether or not they actually do is another question - because they can't/possibly won't be able to post their answers, they may spend less time on their answers
@MistahFiggins SE doesn't see this as a problem because it means that people get answers that might solve their question quickly, isn't that great?
however, over here on PPCG, quick answers aren't particularly helpful for the asker
and in fact they often actively hurt by making it hard to improve the question
SE is not only a Q/A site, but a place to look up your question that someone else already had.
(Which is why SO has hardly any potential asking left)
So its better if the browsers of SE see the better answer first rather than the quick one
But we can't really fix that problem (if it even is one)
@ais523 That's one of the main reasons I see for discouraging premature solving
But if it was in the sandbox, it should in theory need little to no changing once on main
well, I've made no secret of how much I generally hate SE
it's why I took so long to join this site
I still hate SE, by the way, and it detracts from my enjoyment of the site but apparently not enough to make me leave (because I also like golf)
I think when we level up as a site, things are going to get better to some extent
As of this moment and indefinitely, I will be suspending my moderator actions and maybe even stop chatting altogether in The Nineteenth Byte.

As a moderator, I try to enforce the will of the community. I don't know what that is anymore. There are a couple loud people on both sides, for noise and against noise, and a bunch of quiet people who don't say anything. I've tried to do my part in determining what "noise" is and controlling it, but now it seems to me that you guys would rather have a noisy chatroom. (http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/34880858#34880858) I don't feel l
I can't blame you, but I'm still really sad... :(
@El'endiaStarman you'll still be in Pytek?
I think it's like a party where everyone is trying to have separate conversations in an enclosed and echoey space
I've long since become resigned to the fact that chatrooms are rarely about what I want them to be about
and eventually, sometimes you have to go where the users are
that said, I really agree with @El'endiaStarman (as in, I share the same opinions, modulo the fact that I'm not a moderator); I think that it would be preferable if the chat were primarily ontopic, but I also think that I'm in the minority
I think the solution to "noise" could be the creation of temporary, separate chat rooms for those who want to make pun chains or spam emojis. I don't know the specifics of how this might work, etc, but it seems ok to me in theory
it's normally easy enough to persuade people to use a separate room for things that are actually just repeated messages or the like
but most spam/noise is much harder to objectively define
and a large proportion of people will often be fine with it
They may not even notice that it bothers some people
FWIW, I agreed with and starred the message he referred to, because I definitely do agree with it, but not because I want a noisy room. I agree with it because I'm tired of all the discussion of noise that is completely necessary because of the users who insist on creating noise. I think that's a subtle difference.
@El'endiaStarman thank you for the huge amount of work you've done here, and see you around, hopefully!
Let me be the first to say I'm tired of all the discussion of all the discussion of noise.
@El'endiaStarman :( I am really sad to hear that... I really appreciate all the effort you have taken to cut down noise in TNB and am honestly sorry if I have ever impeded in it, which makes me even more sad to see you go :'( I think most of us can still agree you've been an extremely helpful moderator in here and valuable contributor too.
@El'endiaStarman Well crap. I wish the communiy didn't need a frying pan.
But I guess it was coming to this sooner or later
I think we should all work towards fixing or minimizing whatever problems there are. I am sorry to see you go @El'endiaStarman and I'm in support of you, but I just wish there was a way to change things in a way that makes (almost) all happy
@MistahFiggins I'm pretty sure there isn't; online communities only reach a critical-mass size if people disagree as to what they're about (because they can't be perfect for everyone), but either don't know or don't care
The more people there are, the more divided they can be on various issues
in a way I kind-of envy a room where reducing offtopic discussion is the worst problem it has
I've tried to moderate a room with over 2000 people in it, before now, with no moderator powers
that's a case of realising when the conversation is about something excessively objectionable and derailing it intentionally with a conversation that's pointless but harmless; that's about the best you can hope for
in here I'd hope we can do rather better than that
@El'endiaStarman I'm gonna miss you, man. You are always a beacon of sanity in this room. Thanks for everything you've done, and I hope we can make chat better so that you will feel welcome again.
@El'endiaStarman Hope you could come back someday, Like I did!
You left for very different reasons
I know
Does anyone know if java has a good way of comparing arrays of primitives? That is, does new int[]{5,5,5}==new int[]{5,5,5} or does that not work?
I think that wouldnt work.
@Pavel I strongly suspect there's a utility method for the purpose somewhere, maybe Arrays
new allocates data on an empty heap space and returns its pointer, so It wouldn't.
You could at least try though.
Oh right, Arrays. Forgot about that.
@feersum I'm tired, too. I wish we as a community could just agree on some very basic standards of acceptable social behavior. I believe the standards I outlined here are suitable for this room. But even if my proposal isn't the one we go with, I just want the issue to be settled, so we can go back to chatting without hourly debates on what is and isn't acceptable here.
Yay! Arrays has, get this, not only equals which is overloaded for every primitive array, but also DeepEquals, which works for arrays of Objects in a useful way!
Honestly, they need to merge java.util and java.lang
tbh they have to include util and lang by default kek
Both Groovy and Kotlin do that.
I posted that proposal 2 weeks ago. Since then, it's gotten decent support (+11/-3), and no other solutions have been proposed (the other two answers, both by xnor, identify the current problems rather than propose a solution). There's even stronger support (+18/-4) for my proposal of electing more room owners. I think that's enough support on both of them to move forward with them. It's up to the mods and current ROs now to implement them.
woo room owners
Error:Abnormal build process termination:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9\bin\java" -Xmx700m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djdt.compiler.useSingleThread=true -Dcompile.parallel=false -Drebuild.on.dependency.change=true -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dio.netty.initialSeedUniquifier=5506676748000734276 -Djava.ext.dirs=\"\" -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -Djps.file.types.component.name=CommunityFileTypes -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US -Didea.paths.selector=IdeaIC2016.3 "-Didea.home.path=C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2016.3" -Didea.config.path=C:\Users\Pavel\.I
Anyone recognise this?
(Switching to Java 1.8 fixes, only occurs in Java 9)
@Pavel Some searching led me to this. Is your netty version (or something that uses it) out of date?
Uhh... it's not an external library, so no.
You need to use a newer build of IntelliJ
Ahh. You know, I specnt half an hour of google-fu before asking here.
I am very bad at google.
It really just comes down to knowing what to search for
My query was java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent0 at io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent.<clinit>
About halfway down the search results was the bug report for IntelliJ
Mine was Error:Abnormal build process termination: in Java 9. It gave a ton of results, none of which with proper answers
Usually copying the first exception message works
Oh, brilliant, I don't need to update IntelliJ, I need to switch to the Early Access Program build.
On the other hand, I'm finally getting syntax highliting for regex, which is cool.
I guess that's what you have to put up with if you want to use a language that is 6 months away from its public release :P
Can we submit 2 languages for the time capsule?
And can/should I release the language early?
Go ahead
My Sfear language is coming along slowly, because I'm working on a way to reliably lay out a certain number of points on the surface of a sphere in a (semi-)symmetrical pattern.
OOPs, i realized I have 8 java classes called "Main" across all my projects...
@TuxCopter are you there? May I request french assistance in Le dix-neuvieme byte? >_>
I have created a wrapper for Lua to make it golfable.
Hello world is now p^H.
Really? Hello world builtins?
w((char*(90)(65))()) prints the alphabet to console.
@Pavel Yep
So does w((_c*(90)(65))())p(), but only sometimes.
To be fair, 1) I did it before everyone else started doing it, and 2) it was primarily to serve as a simple test that the command parsing was working properly when I first started writing the interpreter.
Also, Non-deterministic functions FTW.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mikhail VBinary clock Once I've made a design for special clock for people with low vision. Therefore numbers are printed in specific binary notation (explanation follows). So this is not code-golf and the goal is to make nice text mode design, also different op.systems can be used and any characters all...

How would one enter non-printable ASCII into TIO?
You would enter it somewhere else and copy+paste
Or go to bash and pipe a reverse xxd into the language of choice.
@MistahFiggins TIO uses the CP437 dingbats for the control characters. ALT+<ordinal> will get you those characters.
So if you wanted a bell (BEL, 0x07) character, you'd use ALT+7, giving you
At least, that was the case with TIO v1
I don't think Dennis changed it for Nexus, though I could be mistaken. The only times I need 0x00-0x1F are when using Actually, which uses CP437 anyway.
Not sure it works on nexus... maybe v2?
Doesn't work for me - that's ok, I have another way
I have a Java question
Yay \o/
Why does this have a white background in LWJGL:
package com.qwerpderp.lonetree;

import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWVidMode;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (!glfwInit()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to access GLFW.");

        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, 0);
        long window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "Hello World", 0, 0);

        if (window == 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to open window.");
It's very bad LWJGL code but bear with me
I kinda want to post a polyglotted version of this, so that every answer must work in two languages:
Q: Do you know that language?

Qwerp-DerpTask: Your challenge is, given previous submissions and itself as input, output the language that they're written in, in the following format: Say the first program is in Ruby. It must output 1, because Ruby is the 1st language used in this challenge. An example program is: a=gets puts 1 Whe...

And there must be two outputs
That challenge might seem interesting
@Pavel Are you on?
I am, but I'm also busy manually fixing all 50000 warnings in my friend's code.
@El'endiaStarman IMO I think you're overreacting a bit - there's bound to be some noise, anyway. Trying to control every bit of noise is nigh impossible. You're kinda acting like noise is this "evil thing" that needs to be eradicated and burned with fire (that's kind of an exaggeration, but you get my point). I think my opinion's probably because I create some noise as well, and I don't see a big issue with it.
Honestly, he knows LWJGL better than me. I'll ask him. What's the expected behavior?
Uhh I'm expecting a red rectangle on a 800*600 window
The background should be black as well
But the whole window is white, there's nothing at all
@DestructibleWatermelon Java is hard :( but hello
@Pavel If you can spare the time, can you send the code over? I mainly got the code from a tutorial anyway, so don't judge if my code is crap
Well, I asked my friend. Everything seems right.
Q: Don't give me five!

ArasuvelQuestion : You get the start number and the end number of a region and should return the count of all numbers except numbers with a 5 in it. The start and the end number are both inclusive! Examples: 1,9 -> 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 -> Result 8 4,17 -> 4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17 -> Resu...

Maybe the clearcolor function is silly and treats 0,0,0 as white and 1,1,1 as black? I've seen that before.
I hate it when you're playing chess and the other guy is a dick and has to promote all their pawns
Actually maybe not
@Pavel Figured out what
Your problem
Then I realized I didn't
@Pavel The 1,1,1 thing doesn't work, it's still white
For some strange reason
Try setting the alpha to 0?
Still doesn't work
The same white screen
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glOrtho(0, width, height, 0, 1, -1);
Try setting alpha to 255..?
I don't know what half of that does
But it's what's in my friends' project
@Pavel The only function I recognise is glClearColor
Yeah, me too.
@DestructibleWatermelon What about people that promote to rooks just to rub it in?
@Qwerp-Derp one time I was watching some guys play chess
one of them claimed to play in competitions
he was one of these people
the best part though, is in the end the game was a draw
because of a stalemate
he didn't know chess rules very well
he said he prefers "classic chess"
with no en passant or stalemate
well, he thought stalemate was the 50 move rule
@DestructibleWatermelon facepalms
he thought en passant
@Pavel So, any luck with your (and my) LWJGL thing?
wait for it
was a house rule
@DestructibleWatermelon Just stop you're making me cringe too much I'm dying of cringe right now
he didn't even know what the FIDE was
I think he said something about how this wasn't france
or whichever country it was
or doubted they were official
@Qwerp-Derp he thought that when a stalemate occurred whoever had the most points won
which is even dumber since points aren't even a part of the game
Plz stop
He thought en passant was a house rule, I showed him the official rules, he then says he plays classic chess
which is weird because this version of chess must have been around for >100 years I think
and I don't think at any point stalemate was a win decided by points
@Qwerp-Derp did you died?
@DestructibleWatermelon Nope still here, still cringing really hard
I can't remember, but I think I might have played chess with him
if I did, he got destroyed
its always fun playing with the people who think they are the greatest and using scholars mate on them
I made a Wrapper for Lua to make it golfable! :D github.com/TehFlaminTaco/Goluaf
@ATaco wasn't it golfable before with golflua?
@DestructibleWatermelon Dunning-Kruger Effect
Close, although golflua interprets it, this simply is a wrapper.
@betseg nah, its more like its more satisfying to destroy someone with full confidence in their ability than some newbie who knows they aren't very good
actually (tvtropes link) Break the haughty
@DestructibleWatermelon I mean, that guy has the effect "people who think they are the greatest"
@betseg I know, but thats the effect of not knowing he is bad
I'm speaking of the effect of the satisfaction of him being taken to school twice in one day
the first being literal, the second figurative if you didn't get it
Btw, from Wikipedia:
> The en passant capture rule was added in the 15th century
@Pavel Still no luck with your thing? That nut looks like it's tough to crack.
It's weird that chess sets don't have enough pieces to play
@DestructibleWatermelon ??? What do you mean
most sets only have two knights for example
when you could promote to a knight
anyway, so you're working on java @Qwerp-Derp?
@DestructibleWatermelon Yeah, working with LWJGL
search it up
I was kind of thinking about making graphical games recently
I didn't want to use pygame because thats didn't seem suitable for my purposes, and I didn't want all the stuff unity has
cool game idea I had: Towerfall but 3d FPS
not exactly original but it would be cool
Pygame is pretty bad
I might use it for koth graphics though
@DestructibleWatermelon You could use Unreal or smth, but you'd have to learn UnrealScript
You can use something like LWJGL (but you'd have to learn Java)
Or you can go with C++, there's an infinite amount of libraries
"stick with c++"
The reason I'm not using C++ is because it's a pain to setup on Windows
I would have to know c++ for that first
Java is really easy to setup, you just have to install JDK and get a decent IDE, and you're practically done
You can just import libraries
For C++ you have to build and do all sorts of fiddly stuff (like gcc command line stuff, makeC - whatever that was, and just random things everywhere)
I remember watching a thing on tv about infinity and stuff
and there was one guy who was like a mathematician or something who believed in integer overflow in real life
he thought that if you went high enough it would just go to zero
I thought that was really odd thing to think but the show didn't make any comment like that
I kind of wondered how he managed to pass whatever course he took
I'm getting stars left and right here
@DestructibleWatermelon an upside down rook?
@betseg but what if no rooks have been captured
how do i even solve this
I learned a valuable lesson today
Programming = Google + Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V
@Qwerp-Derp not necessarily
I use duckduckgo
@DestructibleWatermelon Pls no
what do you mean pls no
Duckduckgo why
because its a search engine
why google?
@wat how many bags of type b till the ratio of oats to corn is as close to 1:3
Why do people keep upvoting this?
@Zgarb Probably because 1) this question topped HQN 2) most people don't know Haskell
And probably don't bother to read comments. Oh well, it's no big deal but still.
All of these in one minute, I believe I'm victim of serial voting
SO had a makeover
why is the SO blog featured on other sites?
@devRicher This will most likely get reverted
I think there should be challenges that have to do with the time since the beginning of the challenge, like an thing but with extra stuff involved w/ time opposed to just "You win if no one else answers within 7 days"
2 hours later…
I'm gonna solve 'Don't give me five'
@MatthewRoh What are we even supposed to say? You didn't ask anything.
Q: Don't give me five!

ArasuvelQuestion : You get the start number and the end number of a region and should return the count of all numbers except numbers with a 5 in it. The start and the end number are both inclusive! Examples: 1,9 -> 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 -> Result 8 4,17 -> 4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17 -> Resu...

Your statement still wasn't a question.
Also, I believe it's already been made clear that asking why there's no response will get you kicked.
Especially when there's nothing to respond to
So what I want to ask is, is my algorithm okay?
2 days ago, by Mego
Don't ask to ask - just ask.
Does not work for [1, 4]
That wasnt the question
Um Yeah I'm sure that I cant golf jelly
I mean, I cant overgolf jelly with my mains, which is C ans JS
But they want a mathematical solution
But I cant find a solution which is truly mathematical
uh why did I got kicked?
@El'endiaStarman Sad to see you go, and I hope you return sometime. You were always one of my favorite people to chat with.
Wait Starman leave?
@TuxCopter yes. But I do hope its temporary.
Should we make "make ~ with game of life" questions illegal since its nearly impossible
no, nearly impossible != impossible
We have Hello World with Seed
Well, the Seed Hello World (most probably) used a flaw in the RNG
Do you think there is a mathematical solution for dont give me five
@TuxCopter For this message
@MatthewRoh There is a long list of challenges that were declared impossible when posted here, and then solved...
I should really make a question about making an esoteric language based on memes
If it's genuinely esoteric, it won't need the memes to be interesting. If it's only interesting because of the memes, then it's not really interesting.
I've starred this message, and hopefully it's clear that this means "it is important that everyone sees this". I relate to your frustration. Thank you for all the work you have put in. The fact that there will always be more to do does not detract from that. People who know they are being noisy refer to you by name rather than just "mods" when asking not to be kicked. I think the stars on your message show that it's not just noisemakers who recognise the difference you have made.

I think it is evident that you still love this community, as you have taken the time to explain rather than jus
Q: A meta PCG question (challenge?)

GreenAsJadeAre there PCG challenges where "general purpose" or "commonly used" [*] programming languages do better than the special PCG targetted languages? Is this in itself an interesting meta challenge? I certainly find it so, though I haven't been able to come up with a concrete idea yet! [*] Let's s...

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