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A: Is mass bountying considered vote fraud?

Ben BrockaBounties are like votes; you're supposed to be awarding the points to the exceptional post, not the user. If it appears someone is repeatedly using bounties to give reputation to the same user on posts that do not appear to deserve it, that's probably an abuse. However mods don't have as good o...

i can follow hyperlinks as skillfully as the next guy, i think
You broke a rule, probably, but I think this isn’t a thing that happens enough for anyone to care about sanctioning it.
maybe i should give bounties to hello world in stuck instead
Maybe drenching every thing you say in sarcasm doesn’t make you an enjoyable person to be around?
people here take their internet points very seriously
@MitchSchwartz You didn't break any rules, here. Now, some of us might disagree with your choice of bounty recipients, but what you do with your rep vis-a-vis bounties is your choice, so long as you aren't abusing the system (which you aren't).
it's just a bunch of button clicks, you know
@MitchSchwartz I agree that a lot of Ton's post deserve more rep than they have, but I think you could have chosen better posts to award your bounties.
they are the first three, as martin noticed
The point of bounties is to get attention to the posts, so it would be more effective to award them to his most impressive golfings (and some are really outstanding)
There’s a StackExchange guideline dictating what bounties exist for, and I think “leveraging points to people because you think they are cool” isn’t within their… intended use, at least.
@Dada I agree with this, but as I stated in my meta answer, unless Mitch is trying to abuse the system (and it doesn't really look like it), they're free to post bounties however they wish.
well i'm glad at least that nobody has tried to refute the claim that ton hospel is cool
It’s not just people being serious about internet points: bounties are also very loud (they bump the post and mark it with a little “+500” icon)
mmhmm, and i care little for that
Ton Hospel is the coolest, yo
He sure is
the designers of the system make it a certain way, and people fall in line. it's interesting
@MitchSchwartz SE is about post, not about posters. And that's good like that: a low rep user can post a very good answer, as a high rep user can post a bad answer. That's why awarding bounties to a precise answer makes more sense than to a specific user. (even if in that case, so much answers of Ton are awesome are deserve more rep)
oh that's not true
look at the meta post
"For reference, a user with 2093 rep is giving 1500 rep to a user with 8643 rep."
now, why would you include that information
if it's about posts, and not posters
For reference?
are you telling me my point isn't valid
TBH I'm not sure what your point is.
@MitchSchwartz Yes, I “fall in line” with the system’s guidelines, in the sense that I try not to act disruptive. You’re bumping answers that aren’t particularly noteworthy, or at least not selected by you for noteworthiness. If you don’t care about that, then whatever, but if everyone funnelled rep around like this, the bounties tab would be an innavigable mess.
It looks to me like you're trying to push people's buttons by complaining about the site
ok, so why did you respond in a way that makes it look like i can't read
if you didn't even know what my point was
I think you assume far worse intentions about everyone here than anyone here has towards you, @MitchSchwartz.
I linked a relevant meta post and you instantly reacted as if I was being patronizing.
so nobody thinks i have valid points
fair enough
carry on
I don’t think ill of you at all for disagreeing about how StackExchange should be used, and I think your contributions to this site are very valuable — but I don’t know why you’re being a passive-aggresive jerk towards everyone who’s trying to talk to you about it.
@mınxomaτ While I am amused, I think that runs afoul of SE's Be Nice policy...
@El'endiaStarman Fair enough.
oh, i was confused at first who El'endia was referring to, then read it more carefully
@MitchSchwartz Speaking of Be Nice...
@MitchSchwartz the Internet points here unlock certain privileges, so they do matter a little bit
not to me they don't
To the site they do though.
i'm not trying to be mean to anyone ok
i'm sorry if i hurt anyone's feelings
i didn't think that i was being a jerk, i thought i was being mildly upset about people responding to me in ways that didn't really make sense
For what it’s worth I think your points are valid, and stuff like bounties is arguable. I err on the side of “using SE the way the devs intended it”, but you can use it whichever way you want to
i mean, very very mildly upset
maybe i've played too much sarcastaball lately
@MitchSchwartz I'm not saying you're being mean, I was just explaining some of the mentality behind the pushback you're recieving.
and it gives people wrong ideas about what i mean
Mhm, mhm
oh i'm not surprised at pushback
people talk about how votes are intended to work
and how reputation is intended to work
and i look at the voting patterns and think it's just silly
FWIW, I fully agree that a lot of voting patterns are really dumb
i usually use a greasemonkey script that hides votes when i view the main site these days
(Like hello world in stuck)
i thought it was really cool that ton hospel visited the site and participated quite a lot
i wanted to give him some positive attention
apparently though
people just want to talk about rules and stuff
and idk
Oh, yeah, people commit far worse abuses of the system than this every day by upvoting low-effort trash like that, IMO.
I saw the bounties and thought "neat, haven't seen that before". I don't think anyone views this as a huge issue
I think we could all benefit by remembering to Assume Good Faith more often
@MitchSchwartz I’d honestly be interested in something similar… Sorting by “active” helps too
@Downgoat If you read that discussion more carefully you would have noticed hat I did not say it should match pixel perfect...
i think, lynn, that the way you posted that link elicited a negative response from me because it felt somehow evasive to me
ais's idea I think provides the best way of visualizing/setting the tolerance
Ohh, yeah, I get that — it was mostly just “here’s someone explaining it better than I can”
(It wasn’t even in response to anything specific you’d said, I just found it at that moment; maybe I should have linked it with a bit more context)
hmm, out of curiosity
did you get there from dennis's comment
as i did
or did you find it through a search independently
Nope, I was looking it up on Meta myself
oh ok
’s fine, miscommunications like this happen! Sorry for calling you a jerk
Hatchet status: BURIED
no problem lol
I really need to build better endurance for these discussions. My instinct is to hide under the covers until the adults stop fighting :P
@Sherlock9 It's cute that you think we're adults
By age or spirit?
btw, if nobody made a fuss about my bounty plans, i wouldn't have tried to "push people's buttons by complaining" or whatever
i've just been responding to stuff
not entirely correctly, maybe
@ATaco what do the commands i and d commands do? I can't really figure it out just by looking at the code.
In what language?
I don't think anyone cares what reason people use for handing out bounties. The highest rep earned on SO in a single day came from someone giving away all their rep in a rage quit. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267557/…
@JamesHolderness Wtf, somebody got 1035 accepted answers in 1 day
Oh, my bad, 1035 rep from accepts
Still a lot
No he was gifted 1500 in bounties. Or are you looking at something else?
Oh, yeah I ran the query they linked under the screenshot. The 4th place person got that
@JamesHolderness He's talking about this query
I'm too slow :(
> As of today, that record belongs to David Robinson who earned 1550 rep on July 6th, 2013.
So if Ton Hospel makes a really good post 7 days from now… :)
Something very suspicious about those 1035 accepts points. All of them were on 0 score answers.
Oh I see what it is. He was answering his own questions.
And then accepting all of his own answers.
wait why we have 3 500pt bounties
i thought the best of ppcg wasn't over yet
Because Ton Hospel is cool
@JamesHolderness it happened once != it's OK or nobody cares
I certainly care. If it wasn't for that lame bounty gifting I'd be top of that leaderboard. :(
But if anyone was going to do anything about it they would have do so a long time ago.
Are you sure about that? It seems that all the mods have to go on to decide whether this behavior is okay is a +7 answer posted by someone who doesn't appear to have any authority whatsoever that contains only the author's opinion on the matter. I wouldn't act quickly in a situation like that. I would wait to see what the community thinks.
Well, strike that. The author is a mod on User Experience Stack Exchange, so he has some authority.
But not over this domain specifically
I'm just going to let the mods deal with the situation now, and leave it be. I said my share on Meta, and I'm happy to wash my hands of it and let the mods do what they do best.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yeah, scroll up
We've been talking about that for a while
Has anyone asked Mitch whether he finds the answers posted by Ton Hospel to be great answers?
Nevermind, the silence after a few minutes was the answer I needed
they're good answers IMO
I can see sorta why you'd bounty them (if you were bountying the specific answers), though not on the order of 500
But the crux of the situation seems to be not what you think of the answers, but what Mitch thinks.
don't bother refunding me if you decide that you don't won ton to get the points
I don't think it works that way
Either ton gets it or you do, there's no way to delete rep
eh maybe i should have written it as a comment then, to dennis's answer that has the sentence "I'm not saying that we will (or should) in this particular case, but moderators can refund bounties under exceptional circumstances."
I think rep automatically gets refunded if a mod cancels the bounty, but there aren't any bounties on C.SE at the moment so I can't check.
@El'endiaStarman I have some rep there if you want to test it
@DJMcMayhem Hah, nah, don't bother. PPCG mods can tell us.
Oh! There's an election. Interesting
There's probably also something on Meta.SE about it.
I have one decently received question there with 5k views
@El'endiaStarman Refunded or awarded bounties never lose rep. If a question with an awarded bounty gets deleted, the bounty poster still gets their rep back.
According to Mother Meta, anyway.
So I'm sure this isn't possible, but... Can moderators force a bounty to be awarded to the Community user?
Actually, can moderators force the awarding of a bounty at all?
The compound word Donau­dampf­schiffahrts­elektrizitäten­haupt­betriebs­werk­bau­unter­beamten­gesellschaft (pronounced [ˌdoːnaʊˈdampfʃɪffaːʁtsˌʔelɛktʁitsiˈtɛːtn̩ˈhaʊptbəˌtriːpsvɛʁkbaʊˈʔʊntɐbəˈʔamtn̩gəˌzɛlʃaft]; English: Association for subordinate officials of the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services) is an example of the virtually unlimited compounding of nouns that is possible in many Germanic languages. According to the 1996 Guinness Book of World Records, it is the longest word published in the German language, having 79 letters. It was allegedly a suborganization...
Ugh. I had a great idea for a KotH challenge last night while I was falling asleep, and I cannot remember any of it.
It had something to do with Dark Age of Camelot
That looks more like a name than a word
It's hardly longer in english.
Just with spaces.
I remember Top Gear making fun of the length of "Doppelkupplungsgetriebe" (Doppel-kupplungs-getriebe), which is actually shorter than it's translation: "double clutch transmission".
@Rainbolt sad day!
I keep on wanting to do a mobility-based KoTH
I just had another idea. A bunch of cars are driving on a two lane road. Each driver has a speed that they would like to be moving at, but they have to pass in order to go that speed. Output the most efficient pass order such that the total speed of all drivers is maximised after N (another input) seconds.
that seems like a very complicated input/output
@Mego No, they cannot. Well, Community can, but it's not a flesh-and-blood mod.
@mınxomaτ I think most people who don't know a Germanic language don't get that these words are compound
like, you need to input their speed, position, (lane?) desired speed, and you need to output a list of lane changes, and accelerations
@quartata At least we have an easy word for most compound words: Determinativkompositum.
Crossed-out 44,444 is still 44,444
@NathanMerrill Yea... it needs to be simplified. The most important thing though is does it have a super easy solution that would undermine how interesting the challenge is, before I go through the trouble of making the input and output simpler?
@quartata English is a Germanic language right?
and it also begs questions of "can a driver go over their desired speed"? If so, you wouldn't score by the total speed, but rather the absolute difference of their speed
@DJMcMayhem *other than english
@DigitalTrauma it's got a comma so it won't be exactly the same
The lack of spaces is what makes the difference
@DJMcMayhem Yeah but it's pretty far from modern german
@peoplewhoknowmorelinguisticsthanI Which language is most similar to English?
I think you just disappointed Digital Trauma.
oh, another variable is car length
@NathanMerrill A lot of the questions you are asking are probably easy to answer. They all start in the right lane, they start 5 meters apart, the cars are 3 meters long, they can't drive faster than their max speed, etc.
@EriktheOutgolfer :( sad face
I think I'll go ahead and sandbox it
@DJMcMayhem Jamaican Patois :P
500 years ago the answer would have been German iirc
But seriously Dutch, probably.
Still pretty different but
@NathanMerrill Thanks for the early feedback ;)
yep :)
@quartata im dutch!
@DJMcMayhem Ænglisc?
@orlp A few days later: sendvid.com/qmfdl5bx
@orlp would you agree that Dutch and English are similar? (Since you'd know more than the rest of us would)
@muddyfish rushes to data.se - no confounding commata there
enters select Reputation from Users where Id = 11259
dammit data.SE seems to be a few days behind :(
@DJMcMayhem yes
I speak so much english it affects my dutch
I start saying things literally translated from english
AFAIK, that's the shortest trivially modifiable quine
Q: Arranging Bubbles

TheNumberOneNote, challenge copied from question asked at math.stackexchange. Recently, I attained quite some skill at blowing bubbles. At first I would blow bubbles like this: But then things started getting strange: After a while, I was blowing some pretty weird bubbles: After blowing hundreds, ma...

> easy
@DJMcMayhem what's the origin of your name?
also lol you went the way of the hat photoshop, I just noticed
does anyone know the name of the sorting algorithm which keeps removing the max element and appending it to a new list?
Selection sort?
But that's in-place usually
yep, that's the one I was looking for (but forgot it's in place)
Insanity. A server with 48 NVMe drive slots.
Well if you need 7x the R/W performance of an SSD array, I guess this is for you.
why would you though
Mostly Big Data map reduce tasks.
@mınxomaτ why not just use a bunch of little ones? isn't that better for backup/fallback purposes?
@mınxomaτ ah, makes sense
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You won't get the latency as low as full-NVMe arrays.
But yeah, the 10-drive one makes more sense.
Fully populated, the 24 drive one would cost about $50k, which is actually pretty cheap.
(with 44 cores and 400GB of RAM)
For example, we run a lost of concurrent tasks that aggregate and merge data on disk. The current strategy is to buy last-generation servers and run most of the stuff in memory. E.g. a 12-core DL160 with 192GB RAM is only about $600 today.
The loss of value graph over time of enterprise hardware is vertical.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ a few years ago a friend of mine (my current roommate) put his name in my sister's contacts as "DJMcMayhem" and I thought it was hilarious so I changed my steam name to that. Then I started using it for everything else because it's always available
So he came up with it and I shamelessly stole it
(but I doubt either of them remember it)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Also, yes. I liked the "mad catter in the hat" combo too much to pass up on it, lol
much lol very wow
Are you actually laughing out loud, or just stoicly typing "lol" with a straight-face?
Pretty sure everyone does the latter
@MitchSchwartz I don't mind that you want to give 1500 rep to Ton, but you're clearly doing it because he posts great content, so I find it odd that you award them simply to his first three answers.
That's the only part I'd consider misuse of the bounty system, specifically because it draws attention to the wrong posts. How would you feel about being refunded the three bounties and then putting them on three of Ton's really exceptional answers? You get to give him the bounty, he gets the rep, people's attention is drawn to some amazing content, everyone wins.
I usually have at least a smile on my face when I type 'lol' seriously.
@El'endiaStarman I also think that but then I usually find that I just smiled in my head. Moving facial muscles is apparently too much effort.
The SO survey is live! Yay! \o/
@MartinEnder Well, I guess that's true for me fairly often.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

carusocomputingPrime Factors that Weren't there Before Given a list of integers a, calculate the prime factorization for each integer in the array. Then, return a list of factors that do not appear in the original input, even as part of another number. For instance, if you were given: a = [1243,11311] The pr...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RainboltMaximize the velocity of a group of cars A group of cars are in the right lane of a straight two lane highway. Each car has a preferred speed. In order to reach this preferred speed, some of the cars need to change lanes, perhaps multiple times. All cars are exactly 1 meter long. At the start...

I'll bet the lack of need for others to see our reactions means that we can do them solely mentally more often.
There are 85110442057803083017176654380266228335153355621773071812575001060246853245317670‌​632918902737154788357496625336926425801378288852687960594528764531467171738822030‌​8429708770104103735878788902078937174928693455204507540870849529634520 ways to rearrange 500 bubbles.
in case you wanted to know
How to calculate
@MartinEnder I golf my muscle impulses so that I only type "lol" instead of actually laughing or smiling.

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