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Probably going to get a Steinberg interface. As for a mixer ... Yamaha I guess. Well you get what you pay for.
my job is a mess
@quartata can a unicorn horn heal you or just cure status effects?
damn, nvm. apparently it can't, and I'm dead.
@GabrielBenamy Yours and Poke's, it seems. :P
I'm a "developer" but I'm pretty much just supposed to work on what I'm told to work on, and I also have to deal with all of the customer implementations and setup calls, as well as all of the trainings, help desks, and data migrations, so I don't have time for any real development work on things that would make the system easier to use, both as a programmer and as an end-user
So you need IT grunts
@El'endiaStarman It got downgraded in like 30 seconds, luckily... but that still means everyone got emailed about it first, haha
For this challenge‌​, since TrumpScript isn't allowed to run on windows, could I just submit a trumpscript answer that always prints false
No because it has to print true on windows. If it doesn't do that, it doesn't fulfill that part
I guess that makes sense
> Code that fails to run/compile on a platform doesn't count as a falsey value.
@TuxCopter That was probably intended for languages that only work on Windows.
Non-falsely =/= truthy
Is the term of "free family" well-understood in the anglophone world or is "linearly independent set of vectors" better?
can I say neither?
*Assuming you know linear algebra :p
> anglophone
that's probably the best term for english speakers I've heard
BRB painting all my phones red white and blue so I can call them anglophones
you aren't all that far off from roots, I imagine
does "fon" mean speak in latin?
@ConorO'Brien a little bit, why?=)
just looked it up, its "sound"
and its phon
@flawr just out of curiousity, do you work at a college/university/other school teaching?
@Fatalize Assuming those phrases are synonymous (in linear algebra), I've never heard the former.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ o_O someone blew my cover, yes
just asking because you seem pretty good at explaining stuff, better than other teachers I've seen
Oh, I'm very pleased to hear that=)
Well actually I don't have much experience, as I have yet to finish my degree, it's just a part time job=)
And I did some private tutoring for a few years before. But it is really something I like doing=)
(most of the time=)
I should stop ending every line with =)
Damnit, I did it again...
That's a good idea =)
Let's do it this way from now on (=
I don't understand why (= is any better than (:
I mean, my eyes aren't lines that go up and down
^^^ Opinion
if anything, they go left and right
@TuxCopter yes this is good idea
put a space
let's use ¦) from now
It actually looks like the =) is blinking
@flawr for math, I assume?
@flawr This one you ended with just = because that paren is close paren not smiley mouth :P
any particular branch of math?
> Asia Dolphin-Training Convention
and I'm quite impressed about every american furry convention
:O I just saw best solution:
> Hello I am a goat [which are 100x better than sheep :)]
@El'endiaStarman Hmm ok. I found a MO question that used the term (it's a direct translation from what we use in French), so I assumed it might exist, though I was definitely under the impression that if it did it wasn't common.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What do you normally use instead of anglophones?
english-speakers/english-speaking countries
english-speak(ers*{1}|ing) <optional added direct object>
anglophones is 5 bytes shorter than english-speakers
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yes mostly, sometimes also a little bit of physics, but only on lower levels, as I don't knot too much about it.
@Downgoat it is a complete set of parenthesis with a smiley, just golfed a little bit (-:
@flawr any quantum physics?
@redstarcoder Is that what you cal "lower level"?
See I wasn't sure :')
I haven't gone to school really, not post-secondary anyways :p
No usually just a little bit of basic mechanics/thermodynomics/electronics.
So no quantuum-anything.
Ooh that's like highschool
Well I'm sure you know a lot more depth than that
I just mean the general coverage :p
@redstarcoder Yes sure, that is about it=)
> Slow worm A, traveling 3 metres per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away. At the same time Slow worm B, traveling 1 mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford. When do the two worms meet? How far from each city do they meet?
@redstarcoder Perhpas a little bit, but I'm not really comfortable teaching anything where I don't have big enough background.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ metres per hour is mph? what
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ This heavily depends on the topology of the space they move in.
@KritixiLithos m-p-h? M etres P er H our
@flawr I'm hopefully going to be studying electronics today (with this) and I'm really excited, I'll ping you if I get stuck :D
I mean what else could mph possibly mean...
And then you say the distance is 260 miles and not metres
they just have a really long way to travel
poor worms, americas is a bit big for them
@flawr Moose per herd
@redstarcoder OOOOOh arduinos are so cool! I do have one too, but I keep killing all of the components... (I've been too lazy to turn the power off and on again.)
What is the average mph in <insert country where there are mooses>?
alaska is a country
it's bigger than many
we officially renounce it as a state
@KritixiLithos default speed limit is 55 miles per hour in alaska
@Pavel .... how does that relate at all
@Pavel problem is once state is state you can't unannex without doing a civil war
I don't like trump either, but there's a line between insulting a state just because many people there like trump and not liking trump privately
@flawr hehe I'll try to not do that then, which one do you have?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ 55 miles per hour moose per herd?
@Pavel How many times do we have to say "please limit political discussion in here" for you to get the message?
@Pavel I'm fairly sure this runs afoul of SE's Be Nice policy.
@redstarcoder uno and nano. The uno is great for developing/playing around, the nano requires soldering but it is smaller and cheaper.
@KritixiLithos each moose moves 55 miles per hour when in a herd
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ also in California/Washington too
@El'endiaStarman You repeated your message...
If you don't have anything nice to say, go clean something
Q: If you're gonna talk Politics, you must respect those who disagree

Shog9This is sort of a follow-up to two past discussions: Toward a philosophy of Chat Does the Be Nice policy require SE users to "be nice" to people who are not SE users (e.g. public figures)? Over the past year, there's been an uptick in discussions of politics in chat. JUST LOOK AT THIS CHART! ...

That's how the saying goes, right?
@ArtOfCode was that addressed at us or him
@KritixiLithos WiFi is acting up here.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ At the now-suspended author of the now-deleted message
@El'endiaStarman mine too, it might be another chat thing
or just my sucky wifi
@ArtOfCode thanks for clarifying
@flawr nice! I was going to get an Uno but I saw this clone of the Mega 2560 for cheaper and got it. Soldering is definitely something I need to practice more so maybe the nano is a good idea too.
I soldered a breadboard to my hand once!
i still have a scar
@Mego I think many people think it is "If you have anything to clean, go say something not nice.".
@KritixiLithos what's your average herd size for moose?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that sounds painful! How?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Others at work are also experiencing Internet slowness.
@redstarcoder Well I recommend using the nanos for projects where you're not going to remove it anymore and you don't have to fiddle around anymore, it is not really made for reusing. For prototyping just stick to the uno or similar ones where you can just plug some wires in!
@redstarcoder by dripping solder onto my hand where it contacted the breadboard
But soldering is really fun once you get the hang of it!
Yeah that makes a lot of sense, I'm glad I can save money when I want to build lots of little things that I keep
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I don't think there are moose in Denmark
@KritixiLithos THIS JUST IN: According to wikipedia, moose do not form herds
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ah I'll try to not do that
> Unlike most other deer species, moose are solitary animals and do not form herds.
so in alaska there is an average of 1 mph
I think that is also the worldwide average
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ if they don't form herds, wouldn't it be 0 mph ?
but you can also think it's 1 moose in it's on herd
Yeah I've never seen multiple moose at once. I guess you could say one is a herd
If you're ... bending the rules
You know, when I first heard the word moose I thought they were talking about this:
Until they started talking about hunting.
@flawr THIS JUST IN: proof that swiss people are addicted to chocolate
Understandable mistake.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No way, chocolate is just staple food.
Chocolate mousse is best moose
@quartata Agree! Also the most animal friendly.
@flawr checks freezer do you want 2 gallons of chocolate ice cream that's been sitting here for a week
@flawr my Swiss family loves chocolate. Specifically from Switzerland though, it's just better.
not sure how well you can mail chocolate though
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ 2 gallons???
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It's probably gonna take another 2 weeks. (at least)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Post offices don't like perishables
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ quantum teleportation
@flawr yeah, my dad really likes chocolate ice cream
@redstarcoder There is also very good german chocolate!
@KritixiLithos "the ice cream is both in your freezer and in flawr's freezer until it is eaten"
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Haha=)
I personally think chocolate ice cream tastes awful, but I'm fine with chocolate in ice cream
like brownie pieces and chocolate chips
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It's like schrödingers icecream, you don't know whether it is eaten until you open the freezer.
@flawr Oh yeah! I love german chocolate too! I haven't tried very much of it though
@redstarcoder I have a picture from an ad I saw in germany for you (just have to find it, 1 moment plz)
I like chocolate ice cream, it's my most favourite kind of ice cream
very grammar much wow
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ you have to combine it with lemon & stracciatella
ehhh it's just not chocolate
idk what kind of chocolate ice cream you have, but this one doesn't taste anything like chocolate
I actually don't like chocolate ice cream either
well, I'm outta here to eat cinnamon rolls with chocolate frosting
see y'all
@flawr it's both been eaten and hasn't been eaten until you check!
^^^ Bye!
@flawr protip: orange/orange-flavored stuff goes well with chocolate
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I don't like that mix at all =/
(I love oranges, and I love chocolate, but not combined )
In my opinion, there's no need to specify the boss's gender in this problem, nor the gender of your candidate. Defaulting to a boss/candidate being male is a symptom of our unconscious gender biases, which really do a lot of harm in STEM fields. — Greg Martin 11 hours ago
@Pavel called it
I absolutely love orange with chocolate. 10/10
"Our contribution against an unbalanced diet."
although it wasn't on the issue that I suspected
@flawr Ritter Sport hazelnut flavour is my most favourite
@LuisMendo One thing I’ve learned about networking and telecom: the relevant section of Wikipedia is freakin’ abysmal.
So many stubs, so many errors, so many unclear explanations.
@quartata I think it's ludicrous that anyone cares about the gender they chose their vague fictional character to be
@redstarcoder I mean, I don't disagree with the intent of the comment. My only point was that of course someone would complain about something in a politically themed challenge that hits HNQ.
Especially in this context ...
@flawr That seems to be missing the sugar-less flavors or did they stop making those?
@quartata yeah it's an entire other can of worms in politics, but yeah it would be the thing that'd happen
@Dennis I have no idea, perhaps they would not fit into a balanced diet.
Hm, fair point.
I don't really know ritter sport chocolate, I just got them the very few times I've been to germany.
Ritter sport is also sold in Denmark (but it is cheaper in Germany)
Me neither. Finding food I remember fondly from Germany is a rare occurrence here. Haven't seen the sugar-less variety in quite some time, and I can't have sugar...
@GregMartin this is obviously a reference to the past US election being allegedly rigged by Russian intelligence. While I also find it of bad taste, it targets specific people rather than specific genders, and the candidate gender being specified remembers us that there was a candidate of the other gender nominated to the election. Although I appreciate your efforts to fight sexism in the STEM fields, I don't think this stackexchange in general and this question in particular really needs to be involved. — Aaron 2 hours ago
“You can fight sexism in STEM, but actually please don’t bring it up if it’s off-topic” >_>
@Dennis Oh no, some sort of diabetes?
Uh huh. Type 2 to be specific.
(The big ol’ problem is it’s always off-topic. Or, in places where it’s on-topic, everyone’s already aware of these sexist biases! The only way to “fight sexism” is to talk about it in places it’s not being talked about yet. Shrug. I agree with Greg’s comment, too, of course.)
@Dennis :(
@Dennis Do you like dark chocolate?
Good point. However, off-topic discussion in the comments isn't great. We have a chat for a reason.
@flawr I do. It's hard to find here though.
@Dennis Ah right, you live somewhere in south america IIRC, right?
Uhh okay, “sexual dimorphism explains the gender gap in certain fields” has got to be the most thinly-veiled way to say “no, see, women are just too dumb for STEM leadership” I’ve ever seen
@Lynn, can I ask you a question about one of the esoteric languages you used to work on?
@El'endiaStarman Sorry, won't happen again.
If it’s gs2, I apologize in advance. :D
Whatever happened to gs2?
Exactly :D
I think it’s kind of a mess, oops. But it exists, as the weird hodge-podge of useless built-ins and bizarre syntax it is.
Is it on tio?
It is!
Yes, it is
05AB1E/Jelly do everything I wanted to achieve with it, but far better
No love for Actually :(
@Lynn I won't argue with that. I don't think calling the boss Vladimir is sexism though. It was supposed to hint that the boss is Russian, and all Greg's comment achieved was to start a conversation that will eventually have to be nuked by a mod.
So I stopped working on it. It still has some useful quirks!
Actually is hard to use.
@Lynn Where can we find it?
@Pavel It's not hard at all once you get used to the stack-based nature
Pretty much every Actually program I've seen is just because it has a one-byte builtin for something 05AB1E and Jelly don't have.
Alright, the other thing I wanted to ask about is only tangentially related to gs2. Back when I was trying to learn it before I found PPCG, there was a guy in an IRC channel who helped me out. Username started with an m, but I don't remember more than that. Do you remember them?
@Pavel Feel free to take a look through my answer history (and Sherlock9's, and quintopia's). There are a significant number of more-involved programs that we have written, that don't boil down to a one-byte builtin.
Because that's @Lynn :P
Sounds like mitchs (skilled golfer who is far better at gs2 than me), or mauris (my old handle).
It might have to do with the fact that whenever I see a golfing language I get scared and go find something that's at least somewhat guaranteed to display properly.
(mitchs is Mitch Schwartz on here)
@Lynn mitchs! That was it!
I don’t remember teaching anyone gs2 on IRC though, so—yeah
I wasn't on the IRC very long
I was asking about writing the Josephus function in gs2 (typical early Sherlock9), and he gave me a piece of advice that actually fixed parts of my internal philosophy
I was asking "How would you write this" (i.e. Can you help write this for me) and he said (I'm paraphrasing) "Half the fun of golfing is in figuring it out yourself"
@orlp are you watching the Ori run?
@Dennis Oh, I didn’t see the question before the name got edited out (I think maybe Greg didn’t either?)
That's been my philosophy to programming ever since
Anyway, thanks for the help. I don't think I've ever seen a Mitch Schwartz in TNB, but I'll try to thank him if he shows up.
@Lynn No, the name is the reason Greg posted that comment.
oh, the run got moved up by an hour. guess I'll have to watch the recording in a bit then
@Sherlock9 He's (was?) in here quite often, he's still in the ping list so you can ping him if you want
@MitchSchwartz Thanks for the advice! See the above messages for the story. Have a good day :D
Ah, thanks!
I need your help solving one of the hardest problems in programming: naming something. I have a function that inserts a date into a list if and only if the date does not match this other date. The two dates and the list are provided as arguments. I need names for the dates. The best I've come up so far is "toBeInsertedIfNoMatch" and "toBeMtachedAgainst" which is pretty awful but gets the point across.
dateToInsert and excludedDate?
Or excludedDate, perhaps.
@El'endiaStarman I just saw this vid and you might enjoy it!
> This video is not available
@flawr That doesn't seem verbose enough
class DataIntoListOnlyIfDateDoesNotMatchDateInsert implements DataIntoListOnlyIfDateDoesNotMatchDateInsertFactory
Aug 18 '16 at 18:06, by Releasing Helium Nuclei
> PowerShellAssemblyLoadContextInitializer.InitializeAndCallEntryMethod()
PowerShell is more verbose
When did you guys become so verbose? It's not like you...
@Rainbolt For sarcasm purposes
Code golf right?
We have to have some place to realease all the unneccessary verbosity that we usually suppress when golfing.
It's just for our mental health.
Like a pressure release valve
Where the pressure is caused by loads of saved bytes
Still less verbose than org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.UnicodeUnpairedSurrogateRemover
I wonder how many bytes the whole PPCG community has saved in golfing
A lot
@Lynn When I studied Telecomm Engineering it was 6 years, tightly packed :-)
What exactly was 6 years?
@Lynn The university studies. Engineering is (or used to be) 6 years in Spain
Ahh, yes
You study computing , right? So I assume you only have some general courses on telecomm
Yeah, one, very general, very bad course :(
It tries to cover lots of topics, and as a result, does a poor job covering any topic
I wonder, if you took every submission on PPCG, excluded the ones that just say "too long to fit here, but it's a billion of any character in lenguage," how much disk space would it take up?
@Lynn Yeah, that happens
I did have some general courses in programming and computer architecture. I must say, really good ones. Except we were taught Modula-2 as programming language
Now they teach Java
I’m drowning in acronyms too, haha
@TuxCopter Thanks, corrected :-)
@Lynn Make sure to say ALOHA to your professor
If their eye starts twitching or they get a 1000-yard-stare going, you did good
how do I match a string followed by anything but another string with regex? i.e. match "xyz<any 3 char string that isn't abc>"
Yes, telecom people love acronyms. Sometimes the same acronym ends up with two differente meanings :-)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You can do it using negative lookaheads: xyz(?!abc)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ [a-zA-Z]{3}(?![^a-zA-z]{3})
@LuisMendo Mathematicians hate acronyms. Thats why they use words of the everyday language in a totally different context with a totally different meaning. That is way better than using those cryptic acronyms.
@MartinEnder nope, was sleeping
@WheatWizard ah, a generalization
both help
@flawr clopen set says hi
@flawr I mean, I agree with them… I can memorize words far easier than acronyms
@orlp I'm like halfway through now. it's really entertaining but I also just played Ori last week, so I'm not sure how interesting it is if you haven't played it (it's a reverse event order run)
Yeah, fuck acronyms.
@flawr "Mathematics is the science that uses easy words for hard ideas." -- Edward Kasner"
@Lynn Hm that is an interesting thought.
@MartinEnder I've seen that before
I could imagine that this is true for many people, but I've never thoughta bout it that way.
@Lynn Nah, you get used to acronyms. They are just words, only golfier
I may or may not have been mentally pronouncing GPRS as jeepers
What amuses me in mathematics is the abundance of words for “a bunch of things, like, together, y’know”
@Lynn In Spain, when speaking in English, people tend to mispronounce GSM like GCM. I hate it
@Lynn "but not too much together, that's something else entirely"
@Lynn Like set, collection, family etc? Well, sets are literally the foundations of Mathematics, so no surprise they go by different names
@Pavel dude, chill on the language and hate please
Or at least abbreviate: YFA
Yeah. And group, class, bag, bundle… there’s probably more
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I fist put a mental comma in the wrong place, and was very confused.
ha lol
@Pavel you're going to get flagged again
@flawr #justmentalcommaproblems
I guess often you come up with a structure and have no clue what to call it and then you get nice terms like Building (mathematics)
@Lynn when the together things has some order or structure you get graphs, trees, dictionaries, mappings, etc
@Lynn The first sentence of that article is 70% nonsense to me
> building (also Tits building, Bruhat–Tits building, named after François Bruhat and Jacques Tits)
I think many of those words might appear as synonyms, but I think many of them are used to express a different things.
that's a very creative name
“An n-dimensional building X is an abstract simplicial complex which is a union of subcomplexes A called apartments such that…”
What an analogy. Oh god, there’s chamber too.
@Lynn I'm not sure if it is the same in english, but I also like the map / atlas combination in differential geometry:)
Ah, yeah, I’ve seen those terms (but I have no clue what they mean)
Simplified: A map is something that "maps" a subset of R^n to a subset of a (possibly) more complicated structure in R^m
with some "nice" properties
And if you want to cover this whole structure, you need multiple maps
i.e. an atlas. (for instance you can smoothly parametrize a sphere locally with a piece of R^2, but not the whole sphere, so you need multiple parametrizations)
@LuisMendo Come on, the word “station” was too long and you had to call them STA?!? :)
I swear, mathematicians put more emphasis on being "clever" than coming up with useful names for things
@Lynn I didn't know that one. But yes, sometimes the over-acronymize things. Like the OSI layers: RLC, MAC,... The now call the pyisical layer "PHY" (?!)
A ring without identity is sometimes called a “rng” cause it lacks the i-dentity
Pronounced “rung”
Yep, we write PHY.
@Lynn That's probably one of my favorites. :P
@Lynn Haha, so cool, I've never actually seen this one=)
@LuisMendo PHY stands for PHY Happy Yay!
Nice backronym
@orlp You probably know what the B in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stands for? :D
Speaking of fancy math names, don't forget the hairy ball theorem
@LuisMendo That's a great one too.
@LuisMendo In german I learned a different name "continuously combed hedge-hog theorem"
@flawr I wonder how hard it would be to make that into my avatar...
@flawr ahahahahahahahahaha
Awww that one is really cute
@Lynn At least the acronyms for the network entities look like words. Much worse are the interface names like "Um", "Gb", totally arbitrary
Yeah we didn’t even learn what those are
totally skipped over that bit
@flawr German speakers and their love for long words
@orlp Jeez, way to make it NSFW.
@orlp Even with its current shape I'm afraid you can't

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