4x500 rep for solving the top unanswered questions on the site
The four unanswered questions on the site with the most upvotes (at the time of this bounty being added) are:
Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life
Build a fewest-moves freecell solver
Longest common substring (No...
coding question.. I want to write a simple C program that reads in a complex matrix. That is the matrix entries are complex numbers. What's the easiest possible format to do this with? I am outputting the matrix using python so I can make just about any format
tell application "System Events"
delay 5
set y to 1
repeat while y is not 128
keystroke (y as text) & ", "
delay 0.1
set y to y + 1
end repeat
end tell
The question's pretty much described by the title: write a program or function that takes a positive integer n as input, and returns the smallest positive output which has all integers from 1 to n as factors. (Another way of looking at this is that you're looking for the least common multiple of ...
Word's A▲ and ᴀ▼ buttons change the font size according to these rules:
The starting font size is 11.
If ᴀ▼ is pressed when the font size is 1, the size stays 1.
The font size changes with 1 point in the range 1–12.
The font size changes with 2 points in the range 12-28.
The choices are 28, 36,...
@Fatalize Wow, that's a really good example. I understood it immediately even though it's not an English word, and it's really cool how apparent the French structure of the corresponding word is.
(Incidentally, Tux, the word you were looking for is "return".)
@El'endiaStarman Well aside from the "flip something" meaning, you would need to specify where you return. e.g. "Je retournerai sur PPCG" for "I will return to PPCG", but "Je reviendrai" for "I will return" and not "Je retournerai"
@zyabin101 You need to stop being so invested in this chat. No one deeply cares about me, or about anyone else. So stop being so angry when you realize that most people don't care much about you here, because that's the case for everyone. We're just strangers having interesting discussions (sometimes) and that's it. No one here is your best friend, or my best friend, or anyone's best friend.
(S (S (K (S (K S) K)) S) (K K) f x y)
= (S (K (S (K S) K)) S f ((K K) f) x y)
= (S (K (S (K S) K)) S f (K K f) x y)
= (S (K (S (K S) K)) S f K x y)
= (K (S (K S) K) f (S f) K x y)
= (S (K S) K (S f) K x y)
= (K S (S f) (K (S f)) K x y)
= (S (K (S f)) K x y)
= (K (S f) x (K x) y)
= (S f (K x) y)
= (f y (K x y))
= (f y x)
@El'endiaStarman I would be interested to know why a lot of english verbs can't seem to take the "re" prefix, while a few can. In French a lot of verbs can take that prefix.
@zyabin101 No you're not, because no one cares in the first place. It gets trashed because it is noise. If Martin Ender posted that it would get trashed just in the same way.
@zyabin101 No one hates. No one loves. No one cares as I told you. We're just here to talk and have fun. Not to find my best friend in the whole world or my dearest enemy. No one thinks about you, me, Starman or anyone while outside this chat.
@zyabin101 If all you do all day is think about this chat and what happens, and what everyone says about everyone else, then sure you will find hate everywhere. But that's not what you should do.
You can do this with ffmpeg
First convert the images to a video:
ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg video.avi
(This will convert the images from the current directory (named image1.jpg, image2.jpg...) to a video file named video.avi.)
Then convert the avi to a gif:
ffmpeg -i video.avi -pix_fmt...