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@Dennis Thank you! Although the first challenge sounds doable without e# in CJam. I might move it further to the end for style points
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I dunno, that seems like a Lynn thing to add.
There has to be a way to do the second challenge with an optimal score. I thought I found a way, but it uses one ) too many.
(It doesn't help that, recently, my girlfriend and I talked about which punctuation characters are most "us", and I think we concluded I was maybe an asterisk.)
@Dennis Which language?
(This is a deep personality question to ask yourself.)
I'm probably a semicolon.
What do you mean by "optimal" score, @Dennis?
I think I might be a stet
That'd be a 0-byte solution, no?
Or do you mean the Quine task
I'm the sarcasm mark
Heh, I thought the goal was to use as many characters as possible in all characters in all tasks.
I should have actually read the challenge.
@Dennis That may have been fun :P
But then if you can do any of 2-5 in the first place there's a decent chance you can easily extend them
Feel free to golf my 2-3 down, I bet there's a byte or two to save
I need a nicer way to get 'r and friends... Haven't really tried everything there
Ah. (How am I good at writing challenges when I don't know an ounce of golfing languages?)
I finally got around to putting on one of those hats you lot keep talking about
I'm going to bed anyway, it's 5am @v@;;
Don't really see what the fuss is about
@Lynn what are you doing up so late in the first place?
I ask myself that question every day.
or would it be 'early'
@Lynn But I'm about to post another time capsule challenge
What Dennis said
@HelkaHomba wut
Am i the only one who wishes there was a ppcg repository
Almost like illacceptanything, but exclusive to ppcg
I don't know what that is
> WARNING - Large repository; may trigger antivirus software!
Huh. Never woulda guessed.
Is there a way to actually build/compile anything in there?
If I start one, will it have some following?
Ima try
MS Paint is gone from the latest Windows 10 preview. "mspaint.exe" now spawns "Paint 3D".
Which is utterly useless.
A) So was MS Paint
B) But the UI is so pretty...
No. MS Paint was anything but useless.
Actually you're right, I just tried doing a thing in it.
I don't get where the 3d part comes in tho
Launches is a few ms (instead of Paint 3D's multiple seconds), useful for quickly cropping a screenshot from the clipboard etc.
you don't use snippy?
Why would I use anything at all is MS Paint did the job just fine.
The thing is that I don't want to be forced to switch programs.
because it takes the screenshot and crops it
@NathanMerrill Well sometimes I don't need to crop it. That was just one example.
I've always used paint.net
I agree that MS Paint is useful. I just used it 95% of the time for screenshots
Paint was useful for doing small things extremely quickly. That's what it was for.
but once I found Snipping tool, I've switched
I know about snipping tool, and I still use prtscrn
I don't get why one would replace it with the lesser Paint 3D that even makes you accept a separate ToS.
If it would be a separate program, I wouldn't care.
Wat? I didn't have to accept any ToS.
oooh, its all in the ToS :P
But running "mspaint.exe" redirects to Paint 3D. That's not ok.
@Pavel Yes you do. Paint 3D has a ToS banner on the first launch.
Didn't get one.
Yeah, no, you did.
But, as me, you might have just clicked on OK as a reflex.
No one likes my repo :(
I'll delete it tomorrow lol.
Must be a windows 10 thing?
Yes. Other versions of Windows don't have a preview anymore (except for Server) ;)
Paint has gotten progressively worse
> This app does not work on your device.
It rewires the mspaint.exe from Windows 10 14986 on.
@Pavel Posted. patiently waits for NMP
And the Enterprise version of Windows 10 still has XBox services pre-installed that you can't uninstall, even from Powershell, because they are "part of the operating system".
> Approximate download size
206.86 MB
WTF... for a Paint app?!
Strange how italics play with numbers in markdown. e.g. pasted raw: 16 1*6* 1_6_
can someone halp with my koth please
Paint 3D
It's stored as vector graphics, but can only be exported as raster.
Q: Time Capsule Fun: Climb The Integer Ladder

Helka HombaUsing the 74 characters from the 2016 time capsule string H@~*^)$.`~+1A|Q)p~`\Z!IQ~e:O.~@``#|9@)Tf\eT`=(!``|`~!y!`) Q~$x.4|m4~~&!L{% write N code snippets all in the same language where: The 1st snippet outputs 1. The 2nd snippet outputs 2. The 3rd snippet outputs 3. ... etc. ... The Nth sni...

@NewMainPosts I really like this one
This one seems more practical.
I'm not looking forward to everyone and their goat making challenges involving the time capsule characters
@Mego I probably won't make any more
@HelkaHomba Yeah but others will
And most of them won't be nearly as good as yours
Speaking of goats, @Downgoat where's my userscript? I have goat.
TIL this exists
Downgoat probably set it up and forgot to tell us.
Oh hey @RohanJhunjhunwala is back!
Oh, I thought he was new >_>
@quartata yes
Guys, so I'm trying to upload some ascii art to reddit, but to get it to format properly I need to insert a second line break between every line. Can anyone tell me why this isn't working?
Did you remember the "question unanswered" call to actions?
Before, it asked people to share the question, now
> When `tr' is performing translation, SET1 and SET2 typically have the same length. If SET1 is shorter than SET2, the extra characters at the end of SET2 are ignored.
it calls themselves to answer:
> Can you help? $ depends on everyone sharing their knowledge. If you're able to answer this question, please do!
@Geobits From the man page
So it's just "translating" the newlines to newlines.
...what if I don't want to?...
I don't actually have a linux machine All I know about tr comes from codegolf submissions.
Do you know how I could get around that restriction?
You don't need a linux machine for man pages ;)
You don't need bash to do it, you know. You can use any text editor in the world with a search/replace.
Oh yeah...
Actually, most things with find and replace turn out not to accept newlines or control characters.
The only one I know off the top of my head that won't is plain ol' notepad, but there may be others.
I haven't had that issue in years though.
so, um, I guess I'm going to need to alter the maze generator
Sometimes it's an option you need to enable, like "extended mode" or whatever.
Found the extended mode in N++
Worked, thanks.
@DestructibleWatermelon In the stack snippet it looks like you have a "non-cyclic" maze... is that intentional?
otherwise too many bottlenecks
I usually think of games being played on mazes that have lots of cycles (classical e.g., pac man)
@Pavel ShareX
Huh. That's actually kinda cool. Thanks.
@Downgoat This is how I see you in my mind ^^^
PPCG Account name and ID *
Wheatwizard 56656
Language name *
Language description (optional)
A open source and extendable version of the game SpaceChem by Zachtronics

Uhhhhhh, @WheatWizard, it's a *polyglot* challenge. It should probably be a text-based language and not a game.
@Pavel It would be a Turing complete.
And it would be text based
so it would be a langauge
It appears to be a video game.
Not a language
yes and I intend to make it into a language in 2017
How would that work?
I would argue that it is already a langauge
You would define the locations of all of the reactor components in a text file and it would process inputs as they are done in the game.
Well... I'm intrested to se how that turns out.
@Pavel put two spaces at the end of each line instead, it looks better
And I can do that with N++'s rectangle select...
Too late.
@Pavel there's an edit button
Nah, can't be bothered
@Pavel i hate that about people
It's an ascii representation of captain picard facepalming.
I don't think it deserves all that amazing formatting
Q: Brain-Flak functions

Wheat WizardChallenges by default ask for submissions that are either functions or complete programs. Historically Brain-Flak submissions have been complete programs because there is no way to define functions like in other languages. However code Snippets in Brain-Flak can be thought of as functions becau...

@DestructibleWatermelon, @KritixiLithos, @PhiNotPi you have an unconfirmed submission to my time capsule string. :(
I justy realized I could have abused windows newlines with echo '[picard]' | tr "\n\r" "\n\n". Oh well.
@NewMetaPosts @WheatWizard interesting question
@zyabin101 I confirm my submission
@zyabin101 where are they
@DestructibleWatermelon In the time capsule string, of course.
@zyabin101 ok I confirm I guess
ok, I think I've done the spawning code now
@DestructibleWatermelon Nice!
I need to just do some other stuff now
for example
@Mego they just added new goats for Christmas too :D
the actual game code
@HelkaHomba goat first
then the subprocess code
@zyabin101 what do I do if I want to add a newline character?
taking a short break now
@Downgoat Completely sold out, though
@Pavel IDK
You control the spreadsheet right? Can I just ask you to write in a newline?
Actually, ignore that. Carriage return.
Eclipse hates me.
This is the universe telling you to use IntelliJ
@zyabin101 same :(
> P:\ath\to\workspace\eclipse-plugins overlaps the location of another project: eclipse-plugins
no its not
you just hate the world, because you are dumb, eclipse
Nice thing that the project can be contained in a sub-dir of eclipse-plugins
I also hear eclipse indents with spaces by default.
I have a pimple on my eyelid
Q: Compose a Song!

CalebIve created a string challenge, and an image challenge, lets see how an audio challenge plays out because I love using random numbers to do various tasks just to make golfing fun and overly complicated! ;) Preface A Chord in this challenge refers to a major or minor chord (A, A mi, B, B mi, ......

1 1/2 goats
OMD, they were too dumb to include schemas that are required for integrity of the PDE.
They didn't release it on the Solution Marketplace either!
Plugins can't be created without schemas!
what happens if two bots shoot at the same target? does one of the shots go through?
that won't work...
The weather forecast says it'll snow for 30 straight hours starting tomorrow. o_O
@HelkaHomba I need "1 1/2".sub(/\D/g) == "112" goats
@HWalters here.
JK, I know what you mean. Colorado
@DJMcMayhem Small snow, -10C here
@DestructibleWatermelon no that's the inside ofbyour watermelon coming out becuse it exploded judging by your avatar
@zyabin101 O__O
@zyabin101 Russia, right?
I thought 18C was bad
@DJMcMayhem Right.
@Downgoat Wimp. Try -18C. :P
(Yup, I know the exact weather for the exact street.)
@DJMcMayhem colorado??
@DJMcMayhem hey goats can eat anything, that is like opposite of wimpy
Anyone here know the trading card game "Colors"?
18C is when people start wearing shorts.
@zyabin101 yours?
I'm releasing a new set of cards for it :D
in Colors, a Trading Card Game, 1 min ago, by zyabin101
A new set is planned. It'll include a Gray action color, six new colors, colour mixing (finally ;v;) and your suggestions!
@DJMcMayhem :/
And, I need your suggestions.
@DJMcMayhem I'm jealous
@zyabin101 Porpoisal: make online client to play
I absolutely can't see a free TCG online client, with source code, that supports PvP.
github.com/filler00/mytcg-f3 is a TCG collector app.
@Downgoat maybe you can participate in making the online client? :3
@wat Fun fact: I'm at your temple right now, the Wat Temple :D
@zyabin101 sure
@zyabin101 I can offer hosting
Okay :D
Can we work on c9?
Okay :)
Or we can work on Gomix.
Your choice.
hey sounds cool how to play
@DestructibleWatermelon Rulebook
@Downgoat what do you choose, C9 or Gomix?
yeah, I should probably use better numerical mnemonics for the units
times I wish python had c macros
@zyabin101 Gomix?
c9, gives us a VM
:) Okay.
@Downgoat what is your C9 username?
nvm, figured it out
@Downgoat you're now added to the workspace!
Does anyone have a link to c(ode)?
Ooh colors?
What's the aim of the TCG @zyabin101?
IDK, I wanted to make it because -.(._.).-
No like what's the aim of the game
I saw your repo but I forgot most of the stuff
"The action happens on the color wheel. Who'll win the colors?"
^ that's a slogan.
Not sure if that's what you wanted, but I can't describe the ambition of the game.
What's the winning objective of the game
Or have you not decided yet
To either
- pick up all of your prize cards, or
- make it so that all your opponents have no cards to draw from the deck on their turn.
So each player has a deck right?
Also what are prize cards?
From the rulebook:
> Next, each player sets aside "*Prize cards*" based on the amount of cards in the deck. These are put from the top of their deck face down.
> **10 Cards = 1 Prize Card**
So prize cards are any card? Or are they separate from normal cards?
If you have 60 cards, do you put 6 cards on to the top of your deck?
No, you set them aside.
> To win a match, players must take all of their prize cards by expelling their opponent's colors by Attacking them.
Aside to where? Are those 6 cards out of play?
So prize cards are basically "currency"
And you have to get rid of their "currency" (prize cards) in order to win
Through action cards right?
They are rewards for expelling opposing colors.
@Qwerp-Derp Yup, out of play, until you expel an opposing color.
Expel? You mean "play" right?
A color is expelled if it loses an attack.
Also, is there a specific rule for deciding who goes first, or is it up to the players?
3confuse I need to read rulebook ?_?
Who goes first is decided by casting a lot (coins, dice, whatever...).
Play then continues clockwise.
Rulebook doesn't state that
Even in Australia?
@HWalters Wat
> Players cast a lot to decide who goes first. Play then continues clockwise.
"Play then continues clockwise"
I heard Australia
@zyabin101 Oh
Didn't see that
@DestructibleWatermelon yo
Peace and happy new year you lovely peoples
@zyabin101 Explain colour-vs-colour situations (which colour beats which?)
Also are you planning to sell this in the future
@Qwerp-Derp I want to, but I also want that everyone who wants to play can.
So you're making a web version as well
Plus, CC-BY is a free culture license :D
Who said I can't sell it?
You should include a graph that says what colour beats what
Otherwise the game seems interesting
I kinda want someone to design a logo for CMQ
Who can draw on PPCG?
And is fairly willing to take requests for free?
@zyabin101 cool :D I'll work on it in a few days wheb I get to a computer
Maybe hotel has some which I can use
@Qwerp-Derp CMQ?
Cheddar making Quinoa?
@Downgoat Charles Montgomery Quince, the biographic esolang.
Cow's mini-quack
Cows may quack
@zyabin101 Biographic what
@KritixiLithos That's the alt acronym-thing now, "Cows May Quack"
@zyabin101 wait really
@Downgoat The name for the lang is Charles Montgomery Quince, guess what it's made for
@KritixiLithos Yey you're on
How to check what direction (in degrees) a point is from another point through both points' X and Y coords
It depends if you are looking at it from the x-axis or the y-axis
@KritixiLithos What you mean
That is looking at it from the x-axis
What about y-axis?
The horizontal line would be vertical then
There should be logos for all of the big golfing langs
Jelly needs a logo
And the angle would be measured from the vertical line to the line connecting the points
Probably looking from y-axis then
hmm, so I decided to have a go at my own monster recognition challenge
@Qwerp-Derp You could create a triangle from the points and use tan to find the angle
and ended up with a score less than half the size of the next competitor (309 compared with 890)
I wasn't expecting to do quite that well!
actually that's only just over ⅓ the size
anyone know what the highest winning margin is at PPCG?
@ais523 Link?
A: Help me recognise my monster

ais523Jelly, 309 bytes in Jelly's encoding “Æ÷“¥s“ɲ“¡µ’;“ịƊ⁴çNṂ‘_\ OḌ;¢*5$%¥/µ“+⁷ż!¤ña¡jIȧƁfvḶg/Ọ=^ƝĠ0Ẇƭ³½N~=.Ɗ°ɗẇ⁵\ɦ*ɠPf⁾?ṾHḣ 2=⁹ƒ!©ƊĠṣƥ®Ƙ0Yƙ>!ȧtƊN0w,$ɠẎ46fẋ⁷(ṣẆm⁾ŻƓṫµsçwṣḂḲd0Ruṛ’ḃ21+\iµØW“&;:' ”;“¡3ȧ%⁾xƑ?{Ñṃ;Ċ70|#%ṭdṃḃ÷ƑĠẏþḢ÷ݳȦṖcẇọqƁe ʠ°oḲVḲ²ụċmvP[ỴẊẋ€kṢ ȯḂ;jɓỴẏeṾ⁴ḳḢ7Ẓ9ġƤṙb€xÇ4ɗ⁻>Ẉm!Ƈ)%Ḃẇ$ġ£7ȧ`ỵẈƘɗ¡Ṃ&

huh, that looks even more unreadable than normal Jelly (because it mostly consists of base-converted strings)
@Qwerp-Derp Something like this should work (calculates the bearing, but you can customise it):
float bearing(PVector q, PVector w) {
  return degrees(atan((w.y-q.y)/(w.x-q.x))+PI/2);
Should I make a meta post for language logos?
It's so annoying that combining characters rarely get rendered properly
I would like to use them as control chars in an esolang but it rarely gets displayed well…
Too small and the combining ¬ is to the right instead of above the combining ~
why is there a combining ¬ anyway?
That's for IPA things I think
I have to imagine the shape to fit it into a sentence in my mind
When you copy it in here it displays well, but no on Github/PPCG
So annoying
I don't even know how to mentally pronounce ¬
In logic, negation, also called logical complement, is an operation that takes a proposition p to another proposition "not p", written ¬p, which is interpreted intuitively as being true when p is false and false when p is true. Negation is thus a unary (single-argument) logical connective. It may be applied as an operation on propositions, truth values, or semantic values more generally. In classical logic, negation is normally identified with the truth function that takes truth to falsity and vice versa. In intuitionistic logic, according to the Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov interpretation, t...
hmm, that seems like a somewhat ambiguous pronunciation!
! and ~ are also often read as "not"
In programming languages, in math it's usually ¬ or ̅
ah yes, combining overline
isn't the latter normally pronounced "bar" though?
Usually yes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ probably not, this is based on the find command, which returns the indices of truthy values in an array or a matrix

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