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Playin' around with idle.land
It's by the same guy that made c(ode)
Uhh, it asks for a Facebook or Twitter.
What do?
You don't need one, you can register with an email and password
I see...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I consider it annying, and the recent suspensions might lead to the conclusion that I'm not the only one thinking so.
Uhh, my character wanders around pointlessly, not collecting collectibles.
What do?
@zyabin101 It's meant to be like that, check the new players guide
It's really idle, that's why it's called IdleLand
I see...
What's your name?
Andrew, the male Generalist
I don't see your name
Did you leave?
Wait, chat on the chat
can I join you guys?
Sure, idle.land and make an account
@DestructibleWatermelon Yup, just get a Facebook, Twitter or an email and Auth0 through.
ok, but it says I can join the same world as friends?
Huh, Andrew stopped before he reached the next level
oh, you can join parties or something
@Qwerp-Derp and you are?
(Your char name?)
wait we all have names with A
I was about to ask if anyone here was Attlock
Maybe make a small guild?
Do you want to make a room for this?
Ooh that's a good idea
my guy has -20 xp already
I'm a fighter and my guy is weakling
My constitution is trash


General discussion for the Lands of Idle (IdleLands). idle.land
pet rock = 5000 gold
Join the room
Is this answer valid? It doesn't work to language limit, but it does support up to 128!.
How should I call my new FontStruct fontstruction? :/
jeez qwerp derp you're guy is so much better than mine
that's just perfect
for anyone looking for some coding... puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/47409/… might be fun to write code for
do we already have a "four fours" ppcg challenge?
I see we do
@VoteToClose I don't see where the 128! comes from
if the problem's that it can't return answers above 128, there are much smaller numbers that work
A: List of bounties with no deadline

isaacg4x500 rep for solving the top unanswered questions on the site The four unanswered questions on the site with the most upvotes (at the time of this bounty being added) are: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life Build a fewest-moves freecell solver Longest common substring (No...

(or that don't work, depending on your point of view)
@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines hi, not sure I've seen you before!
@ais523 Exit codes are from 0 to 127. The first value that does not work for that answer is 128!.
Wait no it's the final prime under 128 factorial
But still
nah, the number in question is a sort of extended primorial
it needs to contain each prime factor the number of times that fit under 128
that's still a fairly large number, but it's much lower than 128!
is it possible to write the program as a function without making it longer? some languages you can do that easily, some it's much harder
@ais523 It needs the largest prime below 128 factorial, which is still huge and well over 2^63-1.
@ais523 That is a function, it just happens to exit. :P
no, no it doesn't
the smallest failing case is 2^7 × 3^4 × 5^3 × 7^2 × …
@ais523 I disagree - that leaves the largest prime below 128 untouched, and my program would finish on that prime.
the sequence ends at the largest prime below 128
coding question.. I want to write a simple C program that reads in a complex matrix. That is the matrix entries are complex numbers. What's the easiest possible format to do this with? I am outputting the matrix using python so I can make just about any format
@ais523 Ohhh. Okay.
hmm, calculating this number is a pretty interesting codegolf question in its own right
I wonder if it's a duplicate
Okay I see your point now
I need the lowest power of all the primes that covers all the numbers below the highest prime below 128.
That's not even how you phrase it, but I don't know how you would. :P
not a duplicate
I'm going to post it
I can't be the first person to want to read in complex numbers in C:)
@isaacg What
It's LCM(1, 2, ... 128)
@isaacg Yup, got the same thing.
In[1]:= LCM[1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 128]

Out[1]= 13353756090997411579403749204440236542538872688049072000
huh, did you actually ask the question like that? :-D
and did you type it out or did you get an editor to help
tell application "System Events"
	delay 5
	set y to 1
	repeat while y is not 128
		keystroke (y as text) & ", "
		delay 0.1
		set y to y + 1
	end repeat
end tell
come to think of it, I'm not sure how many golfing languages have an LCM primitive
@ais523 Almost certainly Jelly.
I vaguely remember it doesn't, although I don't have all its primitives memorised
I think a lot of languages here need a logo.
Jelly needs one.
oh, haha, it does :-D
Vitsy technically has one.
nonetheless, using it comes to a whole 4 bytes in Jelly :-(
that seems way too long
@Qwerp-Derp I don't see why a language would need a logo
I should rephrase my statement to "I want a lot of languages to have a logo"...
IDK I want a logo for big invented langs here because it would look good
I don't many languages created here that have one
27 mins ago, by zyabin101
How should I call my new FontStruct fontstruction? :/
Q: Find the smallest positive integer which has all integers from 1 to n as factors

ais523The question's pretty much described by the title: write a program or function that takes a positive integer n as input, and returns the smallest positive output which has all integers from 1 to n as factors. (Another way of looking at this is that you're looking for the least common multiple of ...

C:\Users\user>chance --seed 2 word
Anybody familiar with the Wolfram language?
@VoteToClose I'm familiar with Python!
So no.
@Dennis Doh, I was using * twice in task 3 on my CJam time capsule answer
Now it’s two bytes longer, and I get 'r in a pretty funky way:
(That’s str(4)[0] ^ eval(set_xor(str(4 | 3), str(!18))) for the non-CJam-readers among you)
I wonder if I can’t use 91 or something
@betseg ooh! Thank you!
I'm still waiting for suggestions ;)
@Lembik more fixed, added a new thing that I learned today: tio.run/nexus/…
of course my problem is to read in a matrix :)
@Rainbolt when is BG.SE chat alive?
which one is BG?
@Lembik shouldn't be too hard
@betseg cool!
Trying sth rn
2d matrix?
Is size known?
@betseg I will output the matrix so I can add the size as the first line if that helps
@Lembik Aye
whatever is simplest for you
@Lembik I mean, can the Python script output the matrix' size before the matrix itself?
@betseg yes
in any format you like :)
the first line says 2 2
should it have two numbers per line?
it does look great though
First line is the size of matrix
oh I see. The rows are unravelled in some sense
would it be possible to put each row on one line?
or is that a pain?
Yep, it's pain.
Oh wait it works I love scanf
I believe you have cracked it!
what changed?
Nothing! scanf just works. Also, I added some new examples.
scanf is saving the reputation of C :)
thanks very much for this
Glad I could help!
@TuxCopter Did you see the leaderboard for polkadotgame?
PAO still on the top
Look into the daily leaderboard
PAO 998
@KritixiLithos Polkadot Game?
yup, I'm in the top of the recent scores leaderboard
Wat iz polkadotgame
try to get the top score at polkadotgame.com
It's so hard.
Only 2 pts
I could get a max of only 2 pts. >_>
Oh, a clone of this from 2011
Use js to get the top score
NO! That's cheating.
I just got to 21 by hand.
I am in the top 4 in "recent high scores" \o/
I got upto 54 by hand, but as you get bigger, the other circles also get bigger
Exact copy of this
I got the infinite life hack
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Shush. :p
@KritixiLithos So modifying the collision function to not call cg.death?
I modified it so that bigger circles will be red and smaller ones are blue
Q: Emulate Word's font size scroller

AdámWord's A▲ and ᴀ▼ buttons change the font size according to these rules: The starting font size is 11. If ᴀ▼ is pressed when the font size is 1, the size stays 1. The font size changes with 1 point in the range 1–12. The font size changes with 2 points in the range 12-28. The choices are 28, 36,...

@betseg You shouldn't use scanf you know
It just works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also fgets etc will get full line, scanf will get just one complex number
\o/ My Mandelbrot plotter works
What whoa that looks cool
In what lang
Give code pls
Edit and add a dot plz
So final defines a constant right?
@Qwerp-Derp Yep
You can get rid of draw
Nope, then keyReleased is only called once (Processing logic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
.pde is processing?
@betseg Yep
Wait why is keyReleased even in there
To save the image
You haven't put anything in draw
Oh so if draw isn't there then it won't go on forever
From what I understand if I don't put draw the events will be polled only one time (at the start of the program)
@zyabin101 There's not enough activity in that room to really predict when it will be active next
Looking at combinatory logic and getting confused
@Rainbolt :/
How does ((S K K) x) evaluate to (S K K x)?
@Qwerp-Derp By definition? Application is left-associative.
Ah thanks
So does I only work on the thing directly right to it, and ignore everything else?
Yes: I x y = (I x) y = x y.
So is combinatory logic high-school stuff? Or do I have to properly learn this in uni?
I doubt you 'have to' learn it anywhere.
@Zgarb True
How do I simplify C's definition?
Also is S (K S) K equal to S K S K?
You have S K S K = K K (S K) = K, and I don't think it's equivalent to S (K S) K. I don't know what you mean by "simplify C's definition".
3 messages moved to Trash
@zyabin101: Quit posting the same links every day.
In name of every regular user of PPCG, I would like to say:
@zyabin101 You speak for no one but yourself.
The problem is that you post those links without even saying why
I clicked on the github one I don't even know why you linked it
I'm leaving PPCG forever. Goodbye.
I bet in less than 1 month you will come back.
"recome" frenchism detected
@Fatalize Dude. That's frenchist ;)
@Fatalize Wow, that's a really good example. I understood it immediately even though it's not an English word, and it's really cool how apparent the French structure of the corresponding word is.
(Incidentally, Tux, the word you were looking for is "return".)
Though come back works just as well.
Retourner also exists
Though you wouldn't use it in that situation
@Fatalize What situation would you use retourner in?
OK combinatory logic is borked
I'd like to say thanks to:
@zyabin101 See? You already returned
- NOTHING AT ALL. Because everything hates me.
@zyabin101 Stop being salty towards everything
zyabin101, 2015-2017
<br />
the new dominion is out!
@El'endiaStarman Well aside from the "flip something" meaning, you would need to specify where you return. e.g. "Je retournerai sur PPCG" for "I will return to PPCG", but "Je reviendrai" for "I will return" and not "Je retournerai"
@NathanMerrill wat iz
dominion is one of my all time favorite card games
the last online version was terrible
@zyabin101 bye
s/card/deck building/
hopefully the new one is good
@zyabin101 You need to stop being so invested in this chat. No one deeply cares about me, or about anyone else. So stop being so angry when you realize that most people don't care much about you here, because that's the case for everyone. We're just strangers having interesting discussions (sometimes) and that's it. No one here is your best friend, or my best friend, or anyone's best friend.
@Fatalize I care about you
Don't ever change
  (S (S (K (S (K S) K)) S) (K K) f x y)
= (S (K (S (K S) K)) S f ((K K) f) x y)
= (S (K (S (K S) K)) S f (K K f) x y)
= (S (K (S (K S) K)) S f K x y)
= (K (S (K S) K) f (S f) K x y)
= (S (K S) K (S f) K x y)
= (K S (S f) (K (S f)) K x y)
= (S (K (S f)) K x y)
= (K (S f) x (K x) y)
= (S f (K x) y)
= (f y (K x y))
= (f y x)
No wait I borked
Is this working out right?
@Qwerp-Derp wat?
GTG bai
@Fatalize But if I get suspended, kick muted and trashed for nothing, I'm obviously hated. What'dya think?
@TuxCopter Combinatory logic
> trashed for nothing
You are posting three links without context, it's normal that your get trashed
@El'endiaStarman I would be interested to know why a lot of english verbs can't seem to take the "re" prefix, while a few can. In French a lot of verbs can take that prefix.
And you are not hated. The mods/ROs are just doing their job.
We need an addendum in Chatiquette: Don't take anything TOO seriously on chat, and don't be salty.
Done and dusted.
Plus, those links were posted without context at least three times.
@Fatalize Hmm, that is interesting. I'll bet you it has to do with what words are of French origin.
@Qwerp-Derp NaCl, CuSO4, CaCl2, ...
@zyabin101 No you're not, because no one cares in the first place. It gets trashed because it is noise. If Martin Ender posted that it would get trashed just in the same way.
@Fatalize Same with "dis" -- I dismantled my bookshelf and tried to mantle it in another room but the dictionary wouldn't let me.
@KritixiLithos Wai
@TuxCopter could you please replace wat with what and @Qwerp-Derp wai with why?
@TimmyD Just realized it's the same in French. Démanteler but no manteler
Nevermind manteler exist, though it only means "to put a jacket on someone" and is both rare and obsolete according to wiki
So my guess is dismantle comes from démanteler and manteler never got borrowed because it was already obsolete
I'm really tempted to say "whair" to @flawr but I might get banned
Lastly, I'm doing a normal chat, where people who hate aren't allowed. I'm looking at people who force me to leave chat for nothing.
@DJMcMayhem I think its interesting that our answers are neck and neck: even to the number of up and down votes
@Qwerp-Derp Uh-oh, you already said that. o_o
@flawr Do you know combinatory logic?
@Qwerp-Derp No
Ping me in the Nth Monitor to be added.
Eh don't worry @flawr, I fixed my problem anyway
It all works out
@zyabin101 No one hates. No one loves. No one cares as I told you. We're just here to talk and have fun. Not to find my best friend in the whole world or my dearest enemy. No one thinks about you, me, Starman or anyone while outside this chat.
Great, I like helping by doing nothing:)
If you go into this mindset you will suddenly see chat as a lot less hateful.
@Qwerp-Derp Amusing, but seriously though, intentionally poor English is annoying to read.
Or in this room, which still is worse than the 1900th Byte, the chat I'm doing.
@El'endiaStarman o/
@Fatalize oh, I totally think of Starman: I'm jealous of his sleek new job
everything cool over here?
Good night ya'll
@zyabin101 If all you do all day is think about this chat and what happens, and what everyone says about everyone else, then sure you will find hate everywhere. But that's not what you should do.
@NathanMerrill I'm not, partly because I don't even know what's his work :p
@ThomasWard Everything? Maybe. Everyone? Nope. :P
@El'endiaStarman Sounds like me. *runs extremely hot at 500000000000 x 10^50 RPMs at any given time, except when sleeping*
anyways... drifts into the shadows once again
Don't even
Didn't you just go to sleep?
@Fatalize Agora games :P
GTG bai
3 mins ago, by Qwerp-Derp
Good night ya'll
can't believe you actually went there
3 messages moved to Trash
Seriously people...
We seem to be having to do that a lot lately...
@quartata Yeah. I'm actually in the middle of writing a Meta post related to chat and noise. Hopefully I'll finish it tonight.
Why don't we chat ban El'endia Starman? He has a lot of messages like this one in the trash!
@ThomasWard Rather apropos considering the trashed messages
Pure noise!
@quartata :P
:34543268 I see you're enjoying our sleek new Popcorninator 3000. :P
I think that joke was too subtle
@El'endiaStarman indeed.
@quartata E: No humor allotment available, please recharge with coffee
E: Unable to find resource 'coffee', critical error
Wasn't a good joke anyways since it requires ranks in Knowledge (Internet Memes)
@NathanMerrill ...speaking of which, I should probably get back to work.
@El'endiaStarman you continue to evade my attempts to stalk you: they haven't added you to their front page
I actually just need coffee :)
goes back to work on evil python code
@Downgoat The reason why I asked about Swift was that it's similar to Cheddar's syntax
How to make a gif based on a folder full of images?
Open your browser, open google.com, search: "create gif from folder of images"
A: Create animated gif from a set of jpeg images

Simon P StevensYou can do this with ffmpeg First convert the images to a video: ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg video.avi (This will convert the images from the current directory (named image1.jpg, image2.jpg...) to a video file named video.avi.) Then convert the avi to a gif: ffmpeg -i video.avi -pix_fmt...

Actually, take the answer below that.
@mınxomaτ Thanks
ffmpeg to save the day
as always
»  ffmpeg -f image2 -i screen-%04d.tiff out.gif
ffmpeg version 2.8.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 5.2.0 (GCC)
  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-w32threads --enable-avisynth --enable-bzlib --enable-fontconfig --enable-frei0r --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libdcadec --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libilbc --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-li
I think that's pretty self explanatory
@betseg what? Why did I get pinged for this?
@AshwinGupta There's an @aSH in the URL string.
Someone's enjoying Processing :)

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