I'm in the process of moving over to a new laptop, and while I want to continue with C++, I don't like using visual studio, it just feels clumsy and slow. Anyone know any lightweight IDEs for C++?
if you merely want to develop C++, you could use a programming editor of your choice + a command-line compiler of your choice; that's not the same thing as an IDE
my favoured choice is mingw (installed via Strawberry Perl) plus Emacs, but that has a pretty steep learning curve; there are plenty of choices which work almost as well and are easier to learn
@TuxCopter: compiling programs and jumping to the errors; integrating with external syntax-checkers to get informed of syntax errors as soon as you type them; quickly jumping around between multiple files to follow the control flow (this is particularly useful with NetHack)
the basic difference between Emacs and vim is that Emacs has a much better understanding of what it is that you're editing, whereas vim just sees the bytes
btw, I'm not crazy enough to learn both to a high enough level to make this useful, but it seems widely accepted at this point that the "perfect editor" is to run a vim implementation inside Emacs, so you get vim behaviour for the editing and Emacs behaviour for everything else
same except my screen is smaller, so I either have the terminal behind Emacs while editing (my usual setup on Linux), or I have the shell as a buffer inside Emacs itself (my usual setup in Windows, whose default terminal sucks)
@KritixiLithos to be honest, auto-completion messes me up. I just never really got into using it. I'm sure if I wasn't so stubborn, I'd be coding much faster in IntelliJ
ConEmu doesn't support non-legacy console hosts (like WSL). It uses bodged client-windows to make it look like it's handling the terminal, but it isn't.
Sure, an IDE that doesn't run on any other platform is clearly "better". Sorry, but I'd like to edit code in the same environment everywhere. Emacs, vim, SciTe can all run everywhere and only need a few MB of disk. XCode is way too bloated and unportable for any of my use cases.
It's totally understandable that in world-war II Steganography was quit efficiently but the question is that in this era where we are using Steganography in our life?
if anyone can explain that would be better.
Many questions on infosec that can't be answered with one sentence using hard facts are way too speculative for my taste. It's borderline world-building, but for attack vectors.
@DLosc My main concern was the lack of a tie-break, which has been added now. There were a few other things that seemed contradictory but I wasn't sure if it was just me being tired, so I thought it safest to close vote to draw attention and let other people decide what to change. Looking today I can see I simply misunderstood some parts. Yes I agree the spec is excellent.
The main problem with X without Y is defining what it means in different languages, but in this case a lot of effort has gone into making this objective, so this seems like one of the "good X without Y" questions that the meta post mentions.
As for looking very difficult, there are so many challenges that are "obviously impossible" until the answers start coming in...
I think the trick is to store code for one language in a string literal in the others, and then do a calculation whose result depends on the content of the literal in question
that way it can contribute to the result whilst still being fairly easy to change
however, trying to write the start and end of the code under those conditions is fairly difficult, I'm stuck at five languages as a result
Procedurally Generate a Dungeon
It's time to make the new Rogue!
Given no input, output a (randomly) procedurally generated dungeon with a start and an end. It must be possible to get from the start of the dungeon to the end.
Elements may include: (but...
If you have a particular challenge in mind, the bounty amount will be displayed next to the answer that received it. I'm not sure if there's a way to search for recently awarded bounties across all challenges.
if your program has to take input, it's nearly always cheaper (which is why most Perl submissions here tend to eat at least a 1 byte penalty for -p or -n, which is an input-only version of -p)
I've never found a question for which -n is shorter than -p the way I write programs, but some other Perl golfers seem to like it
I mentioned it in my answer but didn't claim it in the title, it seems like the best option (especially as none of the answers can win unless the PDP-11 answer is ruled invalid for some reason)
I'm new to Japanese Mahjong and have trouble calculating the scores. Please help me write a program to calculate it.
(aka you can skip this boring part)
Mahjong is a popular tile game in Asia. Different rules have evolved and systematically established in various regions. Japan, b...
@flawr BTW, if you really need it, there are some options at scintilla.org/ScintillaRelated.html. But then again, NPP is the most GUI-y of all Scintilla-based editors.
C, 13 bytes
const main=6;
Inspired by this answer.
$ gcc --version
gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.8.3 20140627 [gcc-4_8-branch revision 212064]
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
warranty; not even for...
There's nothing GitHub can do (keep in mind that this is the frontend, git is doing the heavy lifting and it isn't even on that list), that would benefit from larger addresses et al
@mınxomaτ Use GitUp - it's basically something to go with the command line. The best thing is unlimited undo. And being able to commit specific lines. Lightweight.