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@Downgoat Just wondering if my changes improved it, since you were so kind as to say why in the comments
@JonathanAllan Changes?
yeah I added a load of changes to it
It shows the first steps of how it is patterned
Halp can anyone help me name multiple directions
what sort of directions?
I mean I have symbols that stand for multiple directions
2d language?
e.g. Right Down Left Top, I'm not going to add that literally in, it's way too verbose even for a verbose mode
ASCII-art, 1D
@JonathanAllan ?
Not sure what you mean
1D = normal non-fungeoid esolang
oh so it is for a language :p
Are you already with a full code-page?
you have UDLR free - like Rubiks notation
or NSEW like compass
This is verbose mode, meaning identifiers
e.g. :Left
The directions already use unicode arrows
oh so for a log output or?
what's wrong with "left"?
Verbose mode? Mostly to make it easier to program
I see
@JonathanAllan Nothing at all, just following that the multiple direction names will be so long
So an example of multiple directions is Right Down Left Up (+)
or 4682 - numpad
maybe d4d6d8d2
this is just to type in a verbose mode using a normal keyboard layout I thought
Verbose meaning really easy understandable
maybe I have no idea what you are trying to actually do :/
I'm trying to decide on names for multiple directions e.g. * (all 8 compass directions) is :All
and what is the set you need to describe?
you need N and W for example?
The single directions are all done, the ones I haven't done are +X\/<>KLTVY (look at the directions the lines in the characters are pointing in)
oh wow, do you need all combinations of all 8 compass directions?!
No, just the ones that can be described with ASCII characters
Also forgot ^
that is W and SW
4 S&E
- E&W
r S&W
is > NW&SW?
| N&S
Not entirely sure about 4 and r
v (or V) NW&NE
Already said I had those two (also I mostly need names for verbose mode, not sure if : + character is good enough for most of them)
when you say verbose mode you mean as an alternative way to write the instructions out that is more human readable?
how about a parenthesis notation like X = {NW,NE,SW,SE}?
or a capitalisation rather than csv like {NwNeSwSe}
IDK, it's hard to translate to normal code
yeah you'd need to parse it as a list, sort the list and look it up in a dictionary
but it's not too messy
Hi :)
^ Example for verbose vs normal for single directions
Whatever you do you'll need to take order into consideration, so you can either limit it to, say, clockwise starting at up or allow any and parse then sort.
you are thinking of DownRight +DownLeft for ^?
Is there a way to make this access external files?
# Pytomas (an Atomas build for Python)
# Author: Qwerp-Derp

from random import randint

# Initial variables
element_table = []
atom_range = [1, 3]
specials_list = ["+"] * 48 + ["-"] * 12 + ["B"] * 4 + ["C"] * 3
carry_over = " "
moves = 0
score = 0

# Initialises starting list
for a in range(6):
    element_table.append(randint(atom_range[0], atom_range[1]))

# Processing for Plus atom
def plus_process():
    global element_table
    final_atom = 0

    def plus_code_block():
        # Main code block for plus
(It's my Atomas bot)
@ASCII-only Oh jeez what is that
@Qwerp-Derp a grammar
@JonathanAllan ^^^^ I have some verbose forms, I'd prefer for the others to be similar
I see
L and T are both shapes of set squares, like a carpenter might use, so TSquare and LSquare
but that reuses the symbol :/
Y is the shape of a diviners stick
BTW it's probably better to choose obvious names
^*12 please check out my bot
a "dowsing rod" or a "divining rod"
@Qwerp-Derp access? file.open?
I'm fine with just adding a : before the symbol to indicate that it is a direction, IMO "divining rod" doesn't give the user any idea which directions it expands to
Oh, if it's for output what's wrong with fully verbose (you have vertical where you could have Up & Down for example)
It's for input
@JonathanAllan I'm thinking of using subprocess
But I have no idea how to use it for inputs and outputs and stuff
@Qwerp-Derp RTFM?
irb(main):006:0> 6751269**(1.0/3)
=> 188.99999999999994
@TheveryevilROFLcopter :(
Ruby floating point is borked
Is it possible in other languages to have an input be delivered in the command-line?
So something equivalent of python whatever.py "string"
where the string "string" can actually be accessed in some way
using something like argparse
Ruby: ARGV[0] C: argv[1] C++: argv[1] Java: args[1]
Oh, kule
@Qwerp-Derp You don't need argparse to pass only 1 argument
It's overkill
I can probably do sys.argv or something
And that should be fine right?
Wait @TheveryevilROFLcopter how many langs do you know
I only bother to know Python and JS and that's it for me
Python, Ruby, C, C++, Java, C#, Visual basic, some Rust, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, some PHP, Mathematica, APL and some ActionScript
Whoa dang
So do they basically support command-line argument processing?
For Mathematica I'm not sure, but for the other languages yes
Ah kule
Brb rebooting computer
Argh how does piping and Popen work
I did
I'm still confused :(
I see Mego is already preparing his Halloween costume: webm.land/media/mbP7.webm
@TheveryevilROFLcopter A slightly less rude (and golfier) way of saying that is "RTM"
Tk's canvas is worse than the HTML5 canvas
HTML5 canvas is bad?
@Lynn That's sad :-( I was told the same in my early Matlab days. I spent days finding a "bug"
@Lynn :-) I'm not sure if having such a long manual is a good or a bad thing. Anyway,it's easy once you know some basic Matlab
10/10 squiggle
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Wow nice
Now I just have to write a doc for Y
is there a data structure with O(1) insertion and O(1) random element removal?
challenge designers around here use way too big numbers/inputs
Question to native english speakers: is data set more correct than dataset or are both spelling perfectly acceptable?
@udioica No
> A data set (or dataset, although this spelling is not present in many contemporary dictionaries) is a collection of data.
From Wikipedia
So visibly Data set is more correct
And wiktionary says dataset is an alternative spelling of data set
I saw that yeah, but that doesn't say that it's not as accepted
Wikipedia does though so I'm gonna follow that
i just got done testing a vim macro to isolate all primes under 1,000,000. took 10-15 minutes. and this is the fast implementation. though the last digit did force an interesting trick i guess...
Text editors are a rare case on this site, and since most languages can handle big numbers there are often big test cases
dropping a digit or 2 would make zero implementation change in almost every language
@udioica Y'know, it comes off as snobbish when you criticize challenges on this site because of how they are elsewhere, made worse by the fact that you're a new user and haven't acclimated to the community here.
Especially when you compare them to challenges made for one specific "language", whereas challenges here are for all languages. Obviously challenges will accomodate to specificities of Vim less than Vimgolf challenges.
For more specific rules like the custom .vimrc, it's very hard to decide on what make the playing field level across languages.
yeah, vimrc rules would be hard to set and enforce on this site
A: Bytes for changing a configuration file before running a program?

DJMcMayhemOn PPCG, languages are defined by their implementation. This includes any configuration files. Therefore, if you edit your local configuration files, you are essentially creating a new unpublished implementation of an existing language. Now, if you were to significantly edit your configuration fi...

When you have procedural languages like C++ mixing with tacit/functional programming languages like J/APL/Jelly, it can be hard to define common concepts like "What is a loop?"
Please note that we're not trying to drive you away because really, it's awesome to have a top Vim golfer join us. Not so awesome is friction within the community (or between the community and new people), which we want to minimize.
^^^ If you change a configuration file, you change the implementation
Quick topic change: how does Vim work with other keyboards like Dvorak or Colemak?
Lynn changed her avatar yet again… stop changing avatars I don't know who is who ;_;
@Sherlock9 Badly, I changed from AZERTY to QWERTY partially because Vim
@Sherlock9 some people do musical chairs remapping, but just using the original bindings really isn't a big problem
And partially because AZERTY is a piece of garbage
many years ago i typed dvorak, never remapped anything. now i qwerty again though
@Fatalize At least she's not changing her name too, eh? :P
looks at @TheveryevilROFLcopter
@Fatalize That's just your AZERTYon :P
Multiple name changes are not particularly nice, either :)
@Sherlock9 Didn't even use the full AZERTY for you pun, 2/10
^^ This thing is a nightmare to work with
@Fatalize Done
and the spirit of my "criticism" is more like "lol, that was something". it actually turned out interesting, because the large number forced me to invent a new tactic to avoid typing all the digits
and i could easily have just proof-of-concepted on 10,000 and called it good, though i wanted to check if it could run in human-reasonable time
but editing million-line files can be an issue...
Yeah, we frequently have challenges where some number of languages simply can't do them. I.e., BF can't be used for graphical challenges.
@Dennis - missed a comma, fixed and tested:
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu 30Æá¹–
[1, 0, 0, 0]
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu 210Æá¹–
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu 270Æá¹–
[1, 2, 0, 0, 0]
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu [1,0,0,0]Æá¹—
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu [1,0,0,0,0]Æá¹—
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu [1,2,0,0,0]Æá¹—
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu [[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0,0],[1,2,0,0,0]]Æá¹—
[30, 210, 270]
C:\Jelly\jelly-master>python jelly -eu 719ÆḞ
[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
Unless someone really wanted to create a PPM generator. That'd be quite a feat. Maybe BF and keyboard interaction is a better example.
yeah, conversely, i design a lot of vimgolf challenges, and they're tuned just for vim. few of them would work here
:32893781 Pass the inner stuff through this
Press escape, copy the stuff in "Escaped HTML", put it in the <pre></pre>
@ASCII-only <pre>&lt;span class=&quot;emoji-inner&quot; style=&quot;background: url(chrome-extension://negakbijaemdgbhklopmghphgaeadmpo/data/images/emoji/emoji-‌​data/sheet_emojione_64.png);background-position:2.5% 100%;background-size:4100%&quot; onclick=&quot;alert('D:')&quot;&gt;♦&lt;/span&gt;</pre>
probably been discussed here before, but i actually have a solution on this that's 2 strokes shorter, but the memory/cpu involved make it impossible to run, though there's no reason the result would be wrong if you could. i can mention it in the write-up, but what would my "listed" byte count be?
@udioica If the challenge don't say 'The program have to run in a reasonable time', I think it's ok
@udioica The shorter one is fine if there's no time limit, but provide an explanation so that people will understand why it takes a long time
Y u du dis ;_;
makes sense
In fact, it's expected and normal that a byte is saved in exchange for untold eons of time (in some cases).
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RodHelp with my Halloween decoration The Halloween is upon us, and I haven't decorated my house yet, so I gonna need your help to do this task Input The input will be a list of 4 digits numbers, where each digit represent a portion of decoration: EMBU < 4 digit number |  |  |  |-upper decoration | ...

Going to post this, any last-minute tip?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnorDraw the arc of a ball code-golf Draw the parabolic trajectory of a ball. The initial upward velocity is a positive integer v given as input. The output should have no leading newlines and at most one trailing newline, but any trailing spaces are OK. v=1 OO O O v=2 OO O O O O ...

Might as well throw up a Christmas themed one too, since everyone's gotta get ready for it 2 months in advance.
@Yodle dafuq your profile pic
@TheveryevilROFLcopter It's a pic I've used since I was a kid. I use it for all my profiles :p
there's only 1 vimgolf.com challenge where hardware limitations become a problem, and i made it (my mistake). fastest way to sort by the sum of a list of numbers was to indent the line sum times. millions and millions of tabs
@TheveryevilROFLcopter You're not the first to ask
@ASCII-only I can't get it to work: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1/sandbox
@Rod "Winning criterial" shouldn't have that ending 'l'. "Lower decorations starts" - that "starts" should be "start". Don't include the house. Otherwise, I think it's good.
@Rod I like the mirrorable eyes thing, but ultimately, I think that adds an unnecessary (though minor) complication to the challenge. If you keep it, I think you should move the explanation of mirroring to the space between the eyes and mouth/nose sections so people don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see what the footnote is about.
@JonathanAllan I'll take a look as soon as the electricity comes back. Stupid thunderstorm.
@Dennis, cool.
Hmm, reason for lack of test cases was to lessen the likelihood of something like this search: oeis.org/…
maybe that's not important?
If it's a sequence challenge and the sequence is on OEIS, people will find it.
Yeah, it's usually one of the first things I do if the sequence isn't obvious.
once they know the numbers
If it's not a sequence challenge, and the sequence is on OEIS, people will find it.
my tests are 1:1, 2:2, 17:.... and 17 is not there
so if someone codes it and then searches...
well then they've already coded
What challenge is this again?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jonathan AllanDigital Diversity A positive integer may be represented in an integer base 1 <= b < inf. When converted to that base it has some number of distinct digits. Any positive integer in base 1 has 1 distinct digit. Most positive integers in base 2 have 2 distinct digits, the exceptions being those ...

@JonathanAllan That only really applies to the first person to do it, though.
it's real easy once you work it out
The first person to do it in the easy way, yes
*until someone does.
maybe I should just link to oeis then !
@JonathanAllan That's pretty common in challenges.
Peter Taylor and Dennis noticed how easy it would be, but not everyone would I think
@JonathanAllan That was easy to find after just a few numbers tested though
So people here think I should just give the info and say "yeah it's realllllly easy"
Even when I know how the sequence is generated, I often look at OEIS to see if there's a shorter way to do it, or something that sparks another approach.
I don't like when a code golf challenge is really a puzzle
hmm, why PPCG then :/
i'm all for deleting the PP
Code Sport for life :P
Isn't using that OEIS formula the easy way?
in any case, i'd at least like it to be a programming puzzle, not one about finding a mathematical formula that makes the coding clear
Well then everyone will find that anyway
because someone will explain that formula in their answer or find it from OEIS
i do like when some mathematical insight allows for a better algorithm, but just finding the formula strikes me as boring
I like puzzles when the best solution is not known, e.g. this one
@ASCII-only yeah I posted a search that had it as only result ^
@Geobits Code Sports, you mean.
@JonathanAllan Oh, didn't see it, but this algorithm is easy to do by hand, it took me less than a minute, so the search wouldn't have been much of a challenge
@El'endiaStarman That's an acceptable alternative, but I prefer the singular.
@ASCII-only yeas it is easy to work out.
oh 17 is in there
For sequences with big, probably not common, numbers, it's easier to just search like this: oeis.org/…
You don't need all the positioning ?s or commas
yep Geo, I thought I'd done that :/
you don't even need the other numbers
I like the challenge though. It's one I can reasonably do in Minkolang! :P
So using the oddball 17 test case actually made it easier to find on oeis. Ah, life...
right so - I'm just gonna put the first bunch into the challenge text :)
CMC: Primality checker in Copy
done, [1,7],{17,20,35,63,257}
Q: Help me with my Halloween decoration

RodThe Halloween is upon us, and I haven't decorated my house yet, so I gonna need your help to do this task Input The input will be a list of 4 digits numbers, where each digit represent a portion of decoration: EMBU |||| |||+-upper decoration ||+-bottom decoration |+-mouth/nose +-eyes Eyes: 0 ...

Not sure the description was really needed
Well actually the description is not the same on github, so maybe
@TheveryevilROFLcopter obviously, if you can't get your answer to the top of the page, you can simply pay some rep to do it
and they'll even put your answer in a special tab!
What is this wiki seriously
a community
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Yeah, he already got some flak for that in chat.
It's such a bummer that the sequence of uninteresting numbers wasn't accepted as a sequence in OEIS, but then again, it would be constantly changing, which number sequences normally don't do.
@Dennis Yeah, the bounty bot is apparently working, suddenly. There have been a couple this week that have been posted by it.
@Fatalize Ooh, now you've got me hooked. BRB, going to try Monte Carlo
@TimmyD I think SE fixed a bug a few weeks ago since that's when the bot started posting.
Q: A Triangular Slice of Squared Pi

TimmyDInspired by Bake a slice of Pi Challenge Given input 3 <= n <= 100 and 3 <= y <= n, construct an n x n matrix of the decimal portion of pi (14159...), starting in the top left. Then, take the upper-right triangle of size y x y and concatenate it together. Output the resulting number. For examp...

@El'endiaStarman I think I'm gonna try a more AST-based approach for Cogol 2.
I just got two bflack answers within 10 seconds. 0_0
@DJMcMayhem What challenge?
Even strings
@PhiNotPi Oooh, interesting.
Dang. Monte Carlo only got me 110, when the current best score is 137
Welp, time to try a more structured approach
@DJMcMayhem That's neat to see that language taking off.
hey, I've got a data structure with two operations: "add" and "popRandom". Both occur in O(1). What would you call it?
I'm probably going to allow some kind of nested subroutines. Also... adding support for "normally" scoped variables.
@NathanMerrill A sack?
Sack isn't a bad idea
I like it :)
CMC: Design an esolang using a sack as it data structure
Also, regarding the problem of stack and heap (which is an issue because I want both of them to grow from the same end of memory), one other option is to interlace them.
@TimmyD I know! I'm super happy about it. Expecially when high-rep users like Dennis and Martin use it.
@PhiNotPi Heap is after the code, stack is at the end of the memory?
Why do you want the heap at the end?
As in, every-other RAM address is stack, and the others are heap. Array indexes would be multiplied by two.
This is for Quest-for-Tetris. The further in memory that data is stored, the longer it takes to access.
IDK, it's a bit weird, plus won't having separate heap and stack sections of RAM be faster, also are you sure close to 50% of the RAM will be heap/stack
hey, how do "resizing" operations work in to big-O notation? Like, if you needed to perform an O(n) operation if the data structure grows to the size 2^x?
I guess that would be O(2^n)
I don't think that was clear
are you talking about amortization?
In computer science, amortized analysis is a method for analyzing a given algorithm's time complexity, or how much of a resource, especially time or memory in the context of computer programs, it takes to execute. The motivation for amortized analysis is that looking at the worst-case run time per operation can be too pessimistic. While certain operations for a given algorithm may have a significant cost in resources, other operations may not be as costly. Amortized analysis considers both the costly and less costly operations together over the whole series of operations of the algorithm. This...
if the array grows to size 2, 4, 8,..., I need to perform a O(n) operation
there's an example in the wiki article about that
@PhiNotPi yes
ah interesting, you simply average it
This was actually significantly more interesting than I expected:
Well it's been about 10 days, anyone have any other ideas before I post this? meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
A definitive list of country -> timezone is almost a requirement in this challenge. — TimmyD Sep 30 at 20:56
Whoa, I've been quoted.
I've been almost quoted?
I mean, you could have every answerer using their own list (probably found with a lazy googling), but it'd be better to have a definitive list in the post. There are a lot of countries...
Heck, we can't even agree on the number of countries.
Plus, putting the list in code is going to wreck byte counts. Make it an input.
@TimmyD Or their names, for that matter
Can someone reccomend me a 27in 4k top of the line monitor ideally with no bezels
no price limit
Amazon, Google, or Newegg could I'm sure :P
I've never shopped for a monitor with "no price limit", so I wouldn't be any help.
Neither have I until now :)
just order a flatscreen tv
Hmm I suppose but it needs to sit on a dsek
27in is quite big for a desk imo.
I like my dual 23s, but anything bigger probably wouldn't fit.
yeah, if you have no budget, I'd go for multiple screens, not a single big one
No bezels? Or small bezels?
I know a lot of people that like tall, narrow screen as well
Small ro non @TimmyD
Boss asked me to find one for someone
With those specs
No limit lol
Acer's got a pretty nice looking 32", the BM320. Maybe they have a scaled down version?
That's the one I was looking at
Stop looking at it and buy it then. LG's a good brand for that.
That looks like my monitor
@Poke I know. That's how I got the picture.
I mean, err... What a coincidence!
It's pretty nice but it shakes easily because the stand is small
can't complain with 1440p though
Yeah, I'd be concerned about desk movement with that guy.
Depends on the desk I guess. I have a pretty sturdy one that doesn't really move unless I try.
i think that's mostly up to date
Ouch. Those peripherals are really bumping the price up.
yeah >.<
I've got a 30" Dell U3011 on my desk at home. Bought it new right when it came out. Still love it.
I don't think I've ever spent half that for a PC build >_>
I didn't pay all of it at once. I had the monitors from my last computer
at least 2 of them, anyway
also had the speakers already
Also got windows for free in the upgrade
Oh, right. Well that makes a big difference.
I think I really ended up paying closer to 1.8-2k
Tack on another grand, and you've reached the price of the new laptop I just purchased.
had some good deals/rebates
Also, 2x23" + 1x25"? That would drive me insane :P
it is a little annoying if i'm being honest...
the smaller ones sit on either side of the big one

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