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D: 0/10 the int is outside the for loop
why is that bad?
I think it makes the code more readable--you know what variables will be used in the function
I'd think putting it in the for loop is more readable
bool prime(int n){
    if(n < 2) return false;
    int i, sq;
    sq = sqrt(n);
    for(i = 2; i <= sq; i++){
        if(n % i == 0)
            return false;
    return true;
you'd still do it there?
It only works in C99, but it's way more readable and is local to the for loop
I'm using C++ >_>
pls halp how to faek namespaec in C
@Downgoat D: why are you using C
becuse i have to
@Downgoat prefix
There's no better way because this is C
so struct abuse or something like that won't work? ;_;
Also I have no idea what my halloween avatar will be
@Downgoat it might but it will definitely be at least 1000% hacky
@ASCII-only make fish orange
orange + black = spoopy
idk how to maek gaot spoopy
gaots are wonderful animals which can't be scary
@Downgoat google halloween goat
goats cannot be scary as simple as that
I think my heart rate just doubled.
Goats dont want you to take their milk
aww that's cute
this was my Halloween avatar last year
Goats can be cheeky
Mine last year was a downvote-o-lantern, but I can't seem to find it, so I had to go with a downskull this year.
> Democratic Republic of the Congo'=(1,'WAT');
hm :/ my avatar should really be -2
@Geobits I really quite like that one
@Downgoat -2i
Yeah, it turned out pretty well I think :)
@Downgoat The really weird thing is, I'm pretty sure you've already done that strawpoll once before... let me see if I can find the link...
@Geobits i dont remember... :/'
it was probably a strawpoll regarding if n-- in cheddar sohuld do -1 or -2
Why was that even a poll? It should be -1 :P
that was the joke :|
@Geobits did you make it yourself?
@Downgoat Oh, I think I found what I was thinking of, but it's not exactly the same :/
No, just recolored a found clipart piece.
Well, deleted the eyes/nose and triangled them too.
@Geobits ............ ಠ____________ಠ
brb ignoring geobits
Huh, stupid markdown...
I think I figured out a decent form of memory management for Cogol2. Objects and subroutine call frames will be almost the same. The difference will be that object creation (the new keyword) will be placed in the first available empty spot in memory. Subroutine calls (the call keyword) will be "speedy-inserted" at the end of everything else, so that subroutine calls aren't bogged down by the allocation process.
O___O you can ignore mods
that should not be a thing
You haven't met some of the mods I've met ;)
which mods have you met? ;_;
I'd rather not say, tbh.
(also, obligatory ;_; y u sai dis)
None of our mods here, but on the network as a whole, there are a couple I'd rather not interact with.
yeah but i feel that just beacuse a user got in a petty argument with a mod they can make themselves oblivious to impotrant information (eg: zyabin). If a mod is sincerely annoying you, you can ask them to stop and if they dont bring it up with SE or something
Anything really important would probably best be done on meta instead of chat anyway.
If you want to ignore a mod and take your chances in chat, that's your right I guess. You just won't see the warnings before the kicks :P
I might do it for kicks
can't tell whether to ಠ_ಠ or lol
just lಠ_ಠl
That's one way to solve spaces v tabs: Just indent with pilcrows.
Trivia fact: a group of pilcrows is called a pilmurder ¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶¶
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Legion-ye the Mma Guy 𝅘𝅥𝅮
@PhiNotPi But to find out how big it is you need to be Counting Pilcrows.
@ConorO'Brien lಠl
League ಠf Legends
I'm beginning to work on one of litrosiast's fitting but unsuitable bounties--the TI-BASIC one. If I'm not here, it's because I'm locked in my room working on this.
I'm considering allowing overriding in Cogol2... it will allow for some weird stuff.
@Geobits I can sympathize
Besides, if it was something actually important, the importance could be gleaned from the context, and the message will probably be starred.
Hmm. Do you see starred messages of people you've ignored?
Just a sec, lemme ignore Downgoat to find out.
@Geobits Wait you haven't already ignored him? /s
Side note: "ignore this user" is very close to "kick-mute this user" in the menu. I almost clicked the "wrong" one >_>
Why's this room so silent right now? I'm the only one talking.
I always knew Phi was the kind of person who'd ignore others.
At least now I don't have to hold anything back, since it won't be seen.
@PhiNotPi That would be funnier if it wasn't for the fact that a problem user ignored the entire room when we were telling them to stop harassing people
@Geobits ;_; y u do dis
@Geobits You can air all of your deepest secrets, like how you sometimes actually upvote people
@Mego ಠ_ಠ ;_; y u sai— sigh nvm
Did anyone hear that? It was... like a ghost, whispering...
@Downgoat I'm joking :P You're a swell guy goat who I enjoy conversing with, even if your opinions on Python are incorrect
Like the faint bleating of the wind.
@Mego thank you for acknowledging me as a goat :D
A very non-spooky goat, all things considered.
Perfect halloween goat:
Your penguin would look good with a lantern/knife combo, like a Tonberry:
Oh I was just going to use that deep dream spooky penguin avatar
Way to put some effort into it :P
My avatar is already spooky.
Is that because the only color in it isn't really a "color"?
There's that, but also the fact that it looks like a skeleton if you squint hard enough.
TIL I can't squint that hard.
@PhiNotPi Instructions unclear; am blind now
So Seriously's first birthday is coming up on the first
I don't know why I talk about my language in chat anymore >_>
Q: Given a string, Return it's Cumulative Delta

ATacoExplination Given a string such as DCBA, convert it to character values, such as 68 67 66 65. Then, take the differences between each value, eg 67 - 68 = -1, 66 - 67 = -1... giving -1 -1 -1 Now as long as there is more than 1 left over value, repeat getting the differences. For a 3 letter strin...

@Mego it's hard to escape the jokes when the joke is the reason for the language's name.
@PhiNotPi But it's not even the same joke. The original joke was that, in Seriously, Golfscript, CJam, or Pyth?, Seriously looked like one of the language options. Now it's just adverb puns.
So the original joke was using it like a noun instead of an adverb, and now it's using it as an adverb instead of a noun? gasp
You didn't help matters by continuing with Actually imo ;)
CMC: make a language named "For Realsies This Time"
@Geobits ooh we're doing halloween avatars
@Geobits The plan was to eventually create a challenge called Actually, Seriously, Golfscript, CJam, or Pyth? and watch the confusion abound
I'll start using my Halloween avatar once we get a bit closer to Halloween
@NewMainPosts Bah. Java's char<->int conversions are terrible at this. Overflow everywhere :/
I guess taking input as an int[] would be stretching it a bit far though.
In C you could take input as an int[], but you'd have to discard the null terminator :P
I would if it didn't feel so cheaty here. Seriously, char being unsigned really screws this up.
The one unsigned integer type in the whole language :(
eww, I hate your avatar Geobits
(you're still a great person though)
But... It's a photo of me :(
Wow! With what camera?
I didn't realize they sold X-Ray cameras
@NathanMerrill Galaxy Note 7 :P
@NathanMerrill Nah, I lost my face skin a few years back. I don't recommend it.
@Geobits O_o incident with Marky?
@mods plz reload profile, have halloween avatar
wow. Did you manage to get your brain to work without blood, or did you transplant your brain?
@NathanMerrill plot-twist: marky is his damaged brain
@NathanMerrill I think so, but it's hard to tell myself if it's fully functional.
CMC: Say "____ is horrible and should be fired" without "fighting words".
... that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
@Downgoat ___'s actions are extremely detrimental to this companie's goals and the best course of action right now is unforunately to let them go
@Maltysen +1 this is actually very good
> School: Freedom of speech and petition
> School: No fighting words
> Goat: ಠ_ಠ
Keep in mind that unless you shouldn't volunteer info like that about coworkers...
@Downgoat why would a school give you freedom of speech?
becuse constitution
Freedom of speech has never meant "say what you want with no repercussions". Ever.
which brings up question why i cant bring my M16 to school
@Downgoat you relinquish your first ammendment right when you go to school
@Geobits relevant xkcd: xkcd.com/1357
> The use of "fighting words" or epithets is prohibited in those instances where the speech is abusive and insulting, rather than a communication of ideas, and the speech is used in an abusive manner in a situation that presents an actual danger that it will cause a breach of the peace.
> will cause a breach of the peace
"Freedom of Speech" simply means that the federal government cannot infringe upon your right to express yourself in a manner that is not dangerous, obstructive, or harmful to others. It doesn't say anything about any other organization (like schools).
to be fair this is public school
and policy does keep saying "blah blah blah democracy" "blah blah blah constitution"
But it's not a law that you can't do it. It's a school rule.
you're not getting arrested for it, you're just getting expelled or whatever
Schools have the right to act in loco parentis, which means, during school hours, they act as your parent(s), and can restrict what you can and cannot do, and enact punishments to enforce those restrictions.
Courts are run by the government, but you won't see anyone exercising their 2nd amendment right to carry there.
@Mego I know what that means because of Series of Unfortunate Events :P
what's a verb for "to excel"
@Downgoat "to excel" is a verb tho?
@Dennis - Ah. So maybe the functionality of ¦ could be changed a little - it currently has a condition that len(links)==2; could it be changed to len(links)==2 or (len(links)>1 and leading_constant(links[1:]) and process effectively with an implicit ¤?
@Geobits That's because the 2nd amendment only guarantees the right of citizens to own firearms and store them in their homes. It says nothing about where you can legally take them.
True. And the first says nothing about schools :P
> ___'s actions are extremely detrimental and adverse to the quality of education, learning, and student academic achievement at _____ High School. By the descision of the student body, best course of action has resolved to let ____ go
this sounds better
It's up to individual states to decide the process for citizens to acquire guns and the laws on where they can be in possession of them.
@Downgoat wait what are you trying to fire a teacher?
@Downgoat If by "better" you mean "asking for disciplinary action"
@Downgoat By decision of the student body?
just get a bunch of students and go sobbing to guidance, you don't need anything offcial
yes, petition
The students at a school have no power. You don't get to say "this teacher should be fired".
they don't have power, but they do have speech
which can influence those in power
Don't do a petition. Get every student who feels strongly to complain separately, and with details.
@Mego ;_; school policy actually explicitly specified students cannot recieve disciplinary action unless i am actively distrurbing the peace or being an active danger
@Mego to be fair it worked at my middle school
though it wasn't petition, me and friends got like 90% of class to individually complain to principal
@Downgoat The administration will almost certainly say that petitioning for a teacher to be fired is disturbing the peace
@Downgoat that usually works better
@Downgoat There's a really broad gap between "disciplinary action" and "nothing changes".
@Mego :/
If you want to petition because of a problem with a teacher, go with "We feel that _ is not promoting a quality educational environment, and desire that the administration consider options that will improve the situation"
> Disturbing the peace, also known as breach of the peace, is a criminal offense that occurs when a person engages in some form of disorderly conduct, such as fighting or threatening to fight in public, causing excessively loud noise, by shouting, playing loud music, or even allowing a dog to bark for prolonged periods of time. When a person's words or conduct jeopardizes others right to peace and tranquility, he or she may be charged with disturbing the peace.
It's much less inflammatory, and doesn't sound like you're telling the administration what to do
:/ ok that part can be changed
@Downgoat worse comes to worse, if you have this much support from students, you can all just be really passive-aggressive for the rest of the year and make yourselves feel better that way
@Geobits Better yet get student's parents to all write separately.
Side note: Don't ever, ever do this at an actual job, unless you don't want that job or a job at any place in town.
If a student tells an authority figure what to do, at best they will be ignored. Instead, say that you desire that the authority figure takes whatever action they deem appropriate so that all parties involved will be satisfied.
That's called diplomacy, and it's how we adults handle problems :P
@Maltysen yeah except I have an A+ in all my other classes and i dont want a B sticking around on my college transcript
does "public school" == "paid for by parents"?
Or, at least, that's how we adults claim we handle problems. It's really mostly passive-aggressive comments.
like UK?
@JonathanAllan indirectly through taxes
> ___'s actions are extremely detrimental and adverse to the quality of education, learning, and student academic achievement at _____ High School. By the descision of the student body, we believe the best course of action is to let ____ go. We present our case to you, the administration, to take the ____ claims and our case into consideration to resolve this issue as effectively as possible
@Downgoat You're doing this over a B? Good lord, kids these days...
@JonathanAllan Public schools are funded by taxes. Private schools have tuitions.
@Downgoat No. Completely wipe the part about the teacher being fired.
oh so no then - "public" here is fees - other is "state"
confusing terminology "public"
@Mego well then administration is probably just gonna send a "is everything OK" email to the teacher and call it a day
Don't say "_'s actions are extremely detrimental...", say "We believe _'s actions are detrimental".
@Downgoat Ok, I take it back. If you think affirmative action has anything to do with this, you should be complaining about your education :P
@Downgoat You are underestimating what administrators will do when presented with a mature request from students.
___touched me here points
@Downgoat Wait are you in high school or college?
ok true, i dont really know anything what administration does except ignore my request for recycling program :P
@Mego HS
Then it's time for you to learn something
@Mego yeah I left the qualifiers out of there because I thought that @Downgoat was in a position to make desicions about firing and didn't want him to sound wishy-washy
Colleges don't care about your grades. They care about test scores and extracurriculars.
Seriously. One B in high school is nothing to worry about.
Your grades in high school are relevant only until the day of your high school graduation, and even then only your high school cares. After that, they mean absolutely nothing.
@Mego that's what I tell myself when I get C's on my essays that I do in lunch the day they are due because I was on TNB the night before :/
what's with that bounty on the asterisk triangle question?
Even your individual course grades in college don't matter in the long run - people only care about GPAs, and even then only until about 3-5 years after graduation.
@Mego to be fair, with my ethnicity, what city i grew up in, where i live, not exactly helping me, allong with tens of thousands of other kids applying to same university i want to go to, I relize those are impotrant but I need to meet certain baselines to be a viable applicant
@Downgoat those baselines are not "literally all A's"
@Downgoat Your grades aren't going to be what gets you into college.
But still they do play a significant role
SAT and/or ACT score(s) and your extracurricular activities (aka stuff you did of your own volition and not because you wanted to pass) are what matter
Wow, our education system really sucks. What a terribly soul-draining thing to worry about as a kid :/
@Downgoat but mainly as a baseline as you said, but they are going to look more for did he get A's in the subject he's applying for
No, they don't. There is no difference between a B student and an A student in the eyes of college acceptance committees.
@Geobits it pisses me off so much. the worst part is when your parents don't realize its just a stupid game
@Mego I don't think this is true. I got a nice scholarship to college, and that was due to my grades and my ACT score
also, I've never been asked my GPA when applying for a job. My highscool GPA mattered a lot more
@Maltysen The worst part imo is convincing the kids that they have to do it and there's simply no other path. Straight up brainwashing.
The fact of the matter is, having one B will not cause you to not get accepted at the university you want to attend. That's not a good reason to make a fuss. Focus your energy on things that will impress the acceptance board - like personal projects.
I agree :)
@Mego plz talk to my parents, i will setup skype call, kthx
@Mego I really hope university like a certain type of cheese :P
@Downgoat Then you'd better be appling to the University of Wisconsin
@Maltysen I'm pretty sure that would get me on a list. "Mom, Dad, will you talk to this strange man that I know from an internet chatroom? He has advice about my life."
@Mego s/man/penguin/
@Downgoat This might be a shocking relevation to you, but I'm not actually a penguin
Jul 20 at 10:30, by Mego
I am male penguin
@Mego Stop shattering my safe little world like that.
@Mego "its ok, he did marching band too, so he's relatable"
@Geobits You live in Florida. Nothing about your world is safe.
@Mego That's why I need the safe world where you exist as a penguin. The real world here sucks :)
;_; y u sai disneyworld sucks
(thats in florida right?)
@Geobits I'm reading Catcher in the Rye right now, and most relatable book ever. they're all just effin phonies
@Downgoat Have you been? It's a hellscape of commercialism.
@Downgoat Yep. WDW is Orlando, WDL is Anaheim.
@Maltysen Be careful with that edge
@Geobits Have you been meaning have I been to a disneyworld/land/island?
@Downgoat I meant specifically the one here. I haven't been to the one in CA.
@Mego hmmm?
High school is far too unimportant to spend too much time stressing over. The college years are the important time - where you go to college/trade school/apprenticeship/whatever (or if you choose not to do any further education) will be the deciding factor for where you end up in life - but not in the way you think. Who you meet and interact with is far more important than being at the university with the best program for whatever, and you can't know ahead of time what connections you will make.
@Maltysen You sound like a stereotypical "edgy" teenager :P
oh lel
the phonies thing was a quote from the book
@Mego "It's not what you know, it's who you know" is the truest cliche ever.
damn teenagers with their new fan-dangled "golfing langs"
wait dennis is not teenager
You wake up one day at about 40 yrs old say “My God! I’ve arrived! I’m there” but you don’t feel very different from what you always felt. There’s a slight let down because you feel there’s a hoax and there was a hoax. A dreadful hoax. They made you miss everything. We thought of life by analogy with a journey, with a pilgrimage which had a serious purpose at the end and the thing was to get to that end. Success or whatever it is, or maybe heaven after you’re dead.
But we missed the point the whole way along. It was a musical thing and we were supposed to sing or to dance while the music was being played.
paul graham's essay really come to mind
@JonathanAllan I'm not sure I understand. Once len(links)==2 is true, the condition is fulfilled, so (len(links)>1 and leading_constant(links[1:]) won't have a chance to match.
len(links)==2 or (len(links)>2 and leading_constant(links[1:])
i.e. make it unnecessary for the ...¤¦
make ¤ implicit in such cases (if it is possible?)
does that make sense?
@JonathanAllan Same problem. Once there are two links, len(links)==2 returns True and that's it.
@Maltysen Which one? He wrote like a hundred...
condition = lambda links: len(links) == 2 or (len(links)>2 and leading_constant(links[1:]) would evaluate the rhs of the logical or when len(links)==2 evaluated to False
although I don't know how the rest would be implemented myself
or are you saying that the LCC counts as 1 link?
Nevermind :)
Wait, Ctrl+Tab seems to help!
@El'endiaStarman haha true, the one that talked about school being a jail to keep kids around while adults work. I think it was called why nerds are unpopular or something
@JonathanAllan Say len(links)==2 is False. If len(links)<2, then (len(links)>2 and leading_constant(links[1:]) is False as well. If len(links)>2, then len(links) was 2 before, so this is an impossible situation.
@Maltysen Oh yeah, I remember that one.
@El'endiaStarman the problem happens when your parents are from india where I guess school did matter for them, so they don't realize it doesn't here
my dad actually did middle and high school here, so i suspect he kinda knows whats going on, but he leaves all these things to my mom, who grew up completely in india
So you mean before as in before it gets to that lambda?
@JonathanAllan The parser checks if the condition is true (and breaks if it is), pops a link, then repeats. It cannot pop less than two links because both conditions would return False, and it cannot pop more than two links because the first condition returns True once it has popped two.
Ah I see
What the...?
Question must be longer dialogue :p
@Dennis gonna guess he thought that the title was good enough for his question and was annoyed by a "body is empty, must be x chars long" dialog so he mashed the keyboard like we do for comments
The tag is the best part.
haha didn't notice
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Oliver NiWhat is the n-th number of this sequence? A sequence is defined by a1 = 0, a2 = 4 and an = 4(an−1 − an−2) for n > 2. (...) Source: MATHCOUNTS Given the number n (4 <= n <= 40), determine the n-th term (one-indexed) of the above sequence; that is, an. Here is a table: n | a_n ...

@Dennis There are only 10 people in the world, given a sufficiently large base.
There are only two types of people in the world; those that think there are only two types of people in the world, and those that don't.
1 hour later…
@Mego We've been waiting for you! :P
Ooh, I'm getting close on first posts
I'm currently working with the most annoying esoteric language ever created: LabVIEW 2015 Statecharts.
I iz bord
me too
Create a new language
not that bored
It isn't hard
ROFLcopter and Conor have >10 IIRC, most others have at least one
I want to learn lisp but I don't know which resource to use
@DestructibleWatermelon What dialect
@ASCII-only Probably common lisp, but I don't care too much. I only have that one because one that I looked at dealt with that dialect
I feel dirty...
could be worse, could have "script" at the end
JS is nice J is not
I mean, J is nice, the abbreviation isn't
@Mego Shouldn't the class Dice be called Die instead?
@Fatalize Nah, it's for any number of dice, not just a singular die. Also I appreciate that you GitHub-stalked me to comment on my latest repository.
100% Java vs 95% C 5% Makefile
Makefiles are the worst
Is that a reference to another repo?
Because I think like 1 repo of mine actually has Makefiles
Most C repos are %95 C %5 Makefile
I count 2 repos with Makefiles, plus a third with autotools. All of them are forks. I am bad at Makefiles, so I don't use them in any of my own projects.
New goal: create an inter-language library that exists solely to see how many languages I can cram into that space on GitHub
You should make that a CMC
is not GitHub stalking at all
Aww, you're not stalking me... :(
Q: ls command (list files of directories) , sorted by timestamp

guettliThis commands work, but I think it is too much code. This command lists the contents of a directory, sorted by mtime, printing the day in iso format. I search for a simpler solution. I don't care which programming language get's used. import os, sys, datetime files=[] directory=sys.argv[1] for...

@DJMcMayhem Damnit, I forgot you existed (sorry) also this isn't everyone
I have like 25% more than that
> not stalking me
> September - October 2016
> kckennylau has no activity yet for this period.
Just noticed that I have exactly 1000 rep on SO, lul
Q: List contents of directory

guettliThis commands work, but I think it is too much code. This command lists the contents of a directory, sorted by mtime, printing the day in iso format. I search for a simpler solution. I don't care which programming language get's used. import os, sys, datetime files=[] directory=sys.argv[1] for...

should i submit ls?
@udioica Don't sumbit, if it doesn't look like a challenge, comment and close vote (if you can)
Probably homework
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

milesExploded Suffixes Given an ASCII string, output the exploded suffixes of it. For example, if the string was abcde, there are 5 suffixes, ordered longest to shortest: abcde bcde cde de e Each suffix is then exploded, meaning each character is copied as many times as its one-indexed location. F...

Q: (KevinC's) Triangular DeciDigits Sequence

Kevin CruijssenInput: A positive integer n which is 1 <= n <= 25000. Output: In this sequence we start with the decimal number 1/n. Then we take the sum of digits up until the n'th digit after the comma (1-indexed); followed by the sum of digits up until the (n-1)'th, then (n-2)'th, etc. Continue until n is...

y u yo twice a day

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