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It's also a fairly nice paradigm to program in, I think.
I'd say non-general purpose or non-mainstream languages would fit better, but I know some of the languages that have been created here are usable for general purposes/
And sometimes can save some variables:
Stack based: <some calculation> duplicate +
Normal language: a = <some calculation>; a + a
Can anyone download this file: autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getfile.pl?../autoit3/scite/download/… ... it just sort of times out for me.
Windows Defender tried to eat itself.
@mınxomaτ Huh, cool!
Rofl, it queued all the download attempts. Now I have 20 identical files in my download folder ...
Ah, the joys of Windows.
@MartinEnder I will come up with some ideas for you soon enough :)
in the other room though
I need a JS expert to either tell me or point me to an SO question on the following: what does javascript: do in JS?
It's seems redundant to me.
But the JS works both with and without it.
for the urls?
AFAIK javascript: just executes JS in the context of the current DOM.
@Maltysen Not for URLs.
@mınxomaτ Mmk. I couldn't find anything on SO or Google. I mean, how would I search for that?
It's not easy to search for special chars in a specific string.
hey, in Python, every character is a string. Couldn't you apply this logic to regular objects? What if the interface for an object and a collection of objects is identical?
Q: When is the 'javascript:' prefix valid syntax?

Heath BordersI know that you can use a javascript: pseudo protocol for URLs in an <a> tag. However, I've noticed that Firefox and IE will both allow 'javascript:' to precede javascript code within a <script> tag. Is this valid syntax? Does it change the scoping rules? Examples: I've seen this many times: <...

aka, every object is a collection of that object of size 1
Google query: "javascript prefix"
@NathanMerrill would ., [], (), etc. vectorize then?
@mınxomaτ Ahhh. A label.
I also thought you meant URLs. Of course it's a label in JS.
Since labels are never used, that explains why it made no sense to me.
@Maltysen what do you mean by vectorize? If you do myObj.someProperty, it'd be similar to doing myObj.map(function(a){return a.someProperty})
yeah that's what I meant
@NathanMerrill and the same would have to happen with () then for methods to work properly
if you did myObj[n], it'd return the nth object. If there wasn't one, then null or something
@Maltysen right
what are the downsides of treating every object as a collection?
besides runtime
@NathanMerrill this woudl then allow + - to vectorize also
@NathanMerrill the one I can think of is if ^ happens, then overloading [] becomes confusing
oh, arithmetic operators are complicated
@NathanMerrill not really
ints are objects too
no it is. what is [1,3,5] + [2,3,4]?
3, 6, 9
python is strongly typed
and [1,3,5] + [1,0]?
so, to perform an operation on two objects, they have to be a collection of the same size
the only exception we could have is for [1,2, 3] + [1]
that seems even worse
I guess we'll have to remove concatenation for lists with +
just rely on .extend
ok, better question: what functions from python's standard library don't work well on collections:
cmp() doesn't
what does [1,3] < [2] return?
by first element, IIRC
and then by second, etc. like alphabetical order
I should indicate that these are unordered collections
CMC: Given 0-6, output sun mon tue wed thu fri sat respectively
@NathanMerrill so like sets, instead of lists
so we won't have to worry about the [1, 2]+[3,4] concat vs vectorize then
though I don't enforce uniqueness
cuz itll be {1, 2}+{3, 4}
which is unsupported for sets anyways
right, summing numbers is easy, but dividing is hard
So something like {1, 2} + {1, 2, 3} would be {1, 1, 2, 2, 3}?
@NathanMerrill oh, how about a custom collection type then
@HelkaHomba Good old lambda i:"smtwtfsuouehranneduit"[i::7] in Python, of course
;_; ninja'd
@Maltysen right, this isn't actually python. I'm talking "what if a language did this"
JS, 46 bytes:
Sometimes when I'm looking up the weather, I see really awesome ads. Here's one:
@LuisMendo My Scientific Programming TA taught us all that ' is transpose in MATLAB. ;_;
I'd judge by the book's cover that it's awesome.
JS, 43: i=>'sunmontuewedthufrisat'.slice(i*3,i*3+3) (still 5 behind python)
@Lynn I thought it was e. Gee, Matlab is confusing
Whoops, that's reshape not transpose
@DJMcMayhem Maybe you should add a repose operator.
It can do both. Peacefully.
I guess Kirby kind of could be a plush toy... imageidentify.com/result/18ozfy2879zub
@NathanMerrill oh I though you were proposing an extension to python
Is this for Elegance?
no, I don't think so
I do want to make a SQL-like syntax for collections, but I haven't gotten to the "design the libraries" part yet
syntax is the wrong word here: I want to make collections act like tables in a database
so that filtering, joining, and other tasks are simple and "built-in"
@HelkaHomba 20Y2wY)k in MATL (8 bytes)
I haven’t written MATL before. I didn’t realize it had, um, a 70-page long manual
That’s dedication! ♥
I remembered it having a bunch of interesting string constants, and surely enough 20Y2 is ['Mon'; 'Tue'; …]
@Lynn transpose() is transpose
Then, of course, the day is saved by one-based indexing!!
@Lynn You should be glad he teached you the golfy version :)
Huch, you changed your avatar again! I already feared that I talked to the wrong Lynn
The golfy version that also takes the complex conjugate of the entire matrix… ;—;
I dunno why they made A' the weird complex conjugate transpose and A.' the regular transpose.
@Lynn The complex conjugate transpose is the natural thing when you do linear algebra stuff over complex numbers.
(Oh, I did change it up! It’s all autumn-y now)
Huh, it is?
Well in the real numbers the symmetric matrices have very pleasant properties.
But that doesn't work for complex numbers, there they need to be hermitian in order to have those nice properties.
That roughly means that conjugating-transposing is the "natural" extension of transposing when you consider real matrices as a subset of complex matrices.
Gosh, that sounds interesting, because I can’t immediately imagine why that’d be the case
If you want to read more about it I suggest reading about bilinear and symmetric bilinear forms, and then also about sesquilinear and "symmetric sesquilinear" forms (called hermitian).
I wish we had worked in ℂ like, at all, during Linear Algebra
It was like “yeah yeah, sure, ℂ is a field, but ℝ is our best buddy so”
Sometimes C is the better buddy=)
Well, I just wanted you to know that there actually is a reason for that :)
@ASCII-only your avatar is clothes hanger
@Downgoat Yeah, I looked it up yesterday
@JonathanAllan its ok, why?
@Lynn I think this stuff probably isn't always part of the standard linear algebra curriculum, I think many times it is also included in the functional analysis lectures, when you consider Hilbert spaces (banach spaces with scalar products)
If you're border after you've finished studying CS I can recommend studying math=)
@flawr I actually had a math question, why do metric tensors have to be symmetric?
I'm trying to figure out what a good memory management algorithm is. Right now, I'm thinking that each allocated block contains metadata about where the next/previous blocks are. New memory is allocated by finding the first available gap between blocks where the desired length can fit, and then the metadata of the new block and the surrounding blocks are updated accordingly.
So, it's kinda like a linked-list.
It will be really inefficient though. Since for QFTASM I will use the heap as the stack.
nvm, I got that backwards. CIL would be the way to go.
@PhiNotPi for the Quest for Tetris, "code-golf" means fewest GoL cells?
I'd think it would be smallest bounding box
I could see an argument for both
@Geobits happy now :P?
we don't score 2D languages by their bounding box, but the GoL board is pretty much always represented as a rectangle
@NathanMerrill I think smallest box. Literally nobody actually cares which one.
Wait do we score 2D langs by non-whitespace only
actually, I think you can pick or choose. I imagine there are a lot of GoL interpreters out there, and some of them store a 1 or 0 for each cell in a box, and others of them do it as a list of "on" coordinates
> Was it one of these? ... Imaginary Being
@ConorO'Brien I mean, that's true...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienSpaced-out numbers code-golf string Given a list of non-negative numbers of length N, output those numbers with each padded by spaces to a length of N. You may assume that N is greater than or equal to the number of digits of the largest number in the list. You may also take a string containin...

CMC: Since github avatars are sequentially named (e.g. avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/8023543), write a program that takes a user ID and outputs what imageidentify thinks that avatar is.
Actually, the resemblance is striking:
This never ceases to amaze me: dmitry.gr/…
I honestly don't know what I expected.
I excepted a phi
@quartata Hey Louisville!

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