@El'endiaStarman Lowercase letters scan separately and are all variables. So it's a bunch of expressions that do nothing. The last expression is printed. o is a variable preinitialized to 1.
So you can pretty much order it any way you want and it'll work, as long as the last word ends with o.
One of the cool features introduced in the C++11 standard is the ability to declare a template parameter as being variadic; i.e. that parameter represents a sequence of an arbitrary number of arguments (including zero!).
For example, suppose the parameter pack args expands contains the sequence ...
hmm, but that is catched before running, I mean it will complain that the code syntax is not valid. I'm looking to generate an error during run with an otherwise valid syntax code.
@LuisMendo feature-request would it be possible to link the functions from the function table in your documentation to the corresponding entry in the appendix?
> or simply waddling through a land riddled with scalding lava and landmines with the imminent threat of nuclear bomb strikes (also known as Malbolge).
@TùxCräftîñg you just gave me an interesting challenge idea, given a word stripped of all "useless" letters (and possibly a dictionary) recover the orignal program
sadly cnfrnc.com is taken, but .net and .org are available
and the .com isn't being used
@MartinEnder it would be textual, of course :)
I recently went to a meetup in SF for a language I'd never used, just because they said it was going to be a code golf night. I beat the experienced devs handily.
I wonder how cleverly I could word a question on meta in order to advertise the idea while also gathering suggestions. Maybe ask about topics? Presenters? Experts?
There is one difficulty to consider: a lot of PPCGers are young. As in, generally not the sort of people to travel long distances to go to a conference. :P
@El'endiaStarman the conference doesn't have to be in SF, it's just where I am now. there might be a handful of other cities with more PPCG folks living in/near them
I met someone today who is developing a hex-grid turmite simulator, and wants to build a game around it... and he's never done code golf or heard of ppcg, or any of the non-classic esolangs.
@Riley so I tried the inf loop that grows the pattern space by 1 char on each iteration, but because I have GNU sed it still runs after about 30 minutes now. These day with modern versions of sed I think it's not possible to rely on that limitation.
I want to know which languages get used the most often on PPCG. I can pull answers via the API and try to parse language names out of the "standard" answer header format... has anyone else already done that?
I asked myself "if my codegolf/esolang conference had a small presenter travel budget, who would I invite first?"... and your name is pretty high on the list
@TùxCräftîñg if this is actually based off this community I'd say it might be on topic. there are regular "who is going to (relevant) conference X?" posts on other site's metas.
@Sparr haha that's spooky, that's sort of the next thing I want to work on (I have been playing around with Langton's ants on various grids with various rules recently)
Method of Loci
<Backstory canskip="true">
When I was a kid I was fascinated by a man I saw on TV who could recite pi to incredible accuracy. When interviewed, he explained that he saw each digit in his head as a building and reciting the number was, to him, just like describing a skyline where...
Hello everybody :) ! I'm new here. Novice programmer (still learning English), awestruck by you guys and your works. I yearn to be able to do like you. :D
All competitors try to solve the following list of 10 tasks:
Read a positive integer n from input and return the sum of the cubes of the first n non-negative integers.
For input 1, this should return 0.
Read a positive integer n from input and return a truthy value if and only if ...
@Sparr btw, while this is fun for covering many esolangs, it also has the problem that golfing is more fun if there's more competition within each language (since you can't really meaningfully compete with other languages anyway)
@Downgoat That wasn't my question: I was asking whether they would promote a conference that relates/encourages the use of an SE site, not sponsor users who go to an SE conference (assuming that's what you meant).
@MartinEnder I find that interesting to say... Can Jelly compete with GOlfscript or CJam or (insert golfing language here)? I don't know, it could be an interesting argument to say that creating a golfy esolang in and of itself is a competittion to minimize redundancy. arguably most golfing langs hit this mark. IDK though, what I;m saying might be silly
@MartinEnder sorry, what I mneant to ask was, do you think that some of the extraordinarily golfing languages on this sight have become so compactified that tehre are a maximal efficiency copression scheme for tasks on this sight?