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Challenge idea: Chip's Challenge Koth.
Chip is a bot, programmed by the challenged, and has to reach the end of the level as fast as possible, in terms of turns.
There will probably be only a subset of the game's objects.
How does one go about writing a KOTH controller?
About the subset of the game's objects:
Obviously yes: walls, keys, doors, chips, and a locked end room with a socket for the entrance and the magic hole to end the level in that end room.
@TùxCräftîñg Why did you edit an off-topic question?
Oh, and also blocks.
because i hate seeing code not in code blocks :P
But there's literally no point
Q: Shortest program to convert URLs

ForwardingConvert a given URL into it's decoded form. Example input: https://...%20A.%20... Example output: https://...A....

@TùxCräftîñg I was so tempted to do that, but forced myself not to. Thanks for doing it, although speaking as a moderator I'm not sure it was a good idea.
Especially since that'll probably put it in the reopen queue
VTC guys ^^^
I voted "needs a winning criterion"
But maybe "unclear" is a better choice
I voted "unclear", as the challenge spec first, then winning/validity criteria.
I chose unclear
the two close reasons are valid
Come on guys. It's clearly intended to be a code-golf, and it's a brand new user. Not a single comment before closing it?
especially considering it's fairly obvious what it is
Uh oh!
We forgot. ._.
I was going to, but I don't know what to say without saying something wrong
@NewMainPosts ¶_¶'ed
@NewMainPosts wizzwizz4, it's your chance.
I need somewhere on Meta which I can refer to
You might make the next feed bot joke!
I actually don't blame him for not having examples, if I was a new user who hadn't seen challenges here before I'd assume it was self-explanatory too
Maybe, a list of comments which I can copy and paste
@Doorknob esperanto se launched but lojban se hasn't launched yet :(
A: Produce the number 2014 without any numbers in your source code

Joachim Tuchelmaybe not the shortest, but one of the more readable ones in Smalltalk: Transcript show: Date today year.

i tought it was a compiler output o.o
OK, before anyone downvotes that answer
It was made before the challenge was edited to disallow it
@TùxCräftîñg Why did you link to that? I thought it was an answer posted today
@NewMainPosts Oin?
I was about to downvote and leave a comment
@NewMainPosts did you mean oint me brothers
because smalltalk look like natural language
@BetaDecay you changed your avatar!
@DJMcMayhem Haha yep, I keep annoying people every time I change it
So I change it even more ;)
elevens it to the old one
Which old one?
Blood dripping Hallowe'en Beta avatar?
The yellow-black one you had been using before this madness.
Yeah, I'll change it now
This is a dumb avatar
3/10 very beta not so much decay
Plz 11
:/ I was gonna help out that new user and edit their post to a reasonable challenge but you guys scared them off and they've deleted it now.
And I can't contact them
Oh... :(
⛌o⛌ < quantum version
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayOutput the Filename code-golf Challenge Write a program which takes its own file name and outputs it to STDOUT. Your program must work with any file name. You must include the file extension in your output. Examples Some examples: > python3 helloworld.py helloworld.py > python3 gaot.py ga...

@NewSandboxedPosts 3 bytes in V. :)
@NewSandboxedPosts executable name or source name?
@BetaDecay ^
ruby: puts$0
source: main(){puts(_/**/_FILE__);} executable: main(c,v)char**v;{puts(*v);}
@betseg Source name
Sure, it's simple, but that's the point
bash: echo $0
1 byte shorter in ruby :P
> Fiat Tipo
CMC: find out how to do that challenge in V. 3 bytes to the first person
The Fiat Tipo (Type 160) is a small family car, designed by the I.DE.A Institute design house, and produced by the Italian manufacturer Fiat between 1988 and 1995. The Tipo was initially available only as a five-door hatchback. The car was made entirely out of galvanized body panels to avoid rust, and was built on a completely new Fiat platform, which was later used on Fiat, Alfa-Romeo, and Lancia models. It also stood out because of its boxy styling that gave it innovative levels of packaging, rear passenger room being greater than that in a rear-wheel-drive Ford Sierra, but in a car that was...
there is a 'tipo' in the name.................
@DJMcMayhem But I don't want to be bytten...
ok sry for my bad joke
A: Standard New User Welcome Messages

Alex A.I always start by welcoming the new user. It's best to make users feel welcome in the community and not to sound hostile. I also always recommend the Sandbox (especially now that there's no rep limit). For specific issues: Unclear Welcome to Programming Puzzles and Code Golf! This challeng...

Bytten and smytten
@DJMcMayhem %:p?
stolen from vim wiki
Hehe :p emoticon
ninja'd because of slow connection ;_;
@betseg Nope. That's the input file, not the source file.
@DJMcMayhem oh
Also that doesn't quite work. It just prints the content of the file but to somewhere you can't see them
:e %?
That's four bytes
I feel like that challenge is ready for main already... :/
CMC: Roll the Dice. 20d20.
@betseg no, that just reopens the input file
oh i found
You're getting closer!
Okay then, no one has my attention.
That's still the input file though
@zyabin101 12 15 20 3 1 12 4 16 14 12 18 13 18 19 18 20 13 18 8 10
@DJMcMayhem it...works?
@TùxCräftîñg Sum these dice.
Also, where'd you get these? :3
i leave this chat room for 1 day and this happens
@zyabin101 264
@zyabin101 (1..20).each {|x| puts Kernel.rand(20)+1}
Okai, my turn then. :3
(However, I'll be using RANDOM.ORG for this.)
@betseg no, it doesn't. That prints the name of the file it reads the input from, not the code from
^^^ star this to fix the star problem
@zyabin101 PowerShell v2+, 35 bytes --- (1..20|%{1..20|Random})-join'+'|iex
@TimmyD Run it. :3
@DJMcMayhem ooohhhh
@TùxCräftîñg x2
I said "Starred" message
not image star message
1 min ago, by TùxCräftîñg
^^^ star this to fix the star problem
star image star message star image star
@zyabin101 229
222 ... 248 ... 239 ...
Safari doesn't support <datalist>? Seriously?
I'm going to have to leave this day out of the training set for Star-O-Tron clearly
20d20 = 177
@Dennis TIL datalist is new in HTML5
It feels like it's been around for ages
Whoa ... the new user just radically changed their challenge
Wow, is that an alright question now?
look like
I feel really guilty now :P
@quartata Well, HTML 5 is almost 2 years old... <datalist> would have been perfect for TIO. Now I have to roll my own. Thanks a lot, Apple.
I think there's a workaround
A: HTML5 datalist tag is not populating in Safari

Dave EverittHTML5 datalist workaround for Safari and/or older browsers You can use a select element inside the datalist, and duplicate the option tag values as readable text in these. For example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>test</title> <style> input[list="languages"] { width: 12em;...

@BetaDecay judge it on it's own merit. Is it clear?
^^ I remember doing this for something a while back
who uses safari anyways?
Most mobile users?
im ignoring the most part, but true :/
I use Chrome on mobile
i use FF on mobile
@DJMcMayhem Well I'm not completely clear on what it's about, but it might probably be clear to a mathematically inclined person
@DJMcMayhem saem
I use Chrome for Android aussi
@quartata Not sure about most (at least here, Android is by far more common than iOS), but still enough to need a workaround for TIO.
@quartata Yeah, just found that myself. I wish I had a way to see how it looks on Safari though.
example html for my new js library i am developing:
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <script type="application/javascript" src="dialpha.js"></script>
        <script type="dialpha/dialpha-asm">
            push8 0
            "Hello, World!"
            call print
            jiz print.end
            jump print
@BetaDecay it's not really mathy though. The two problems I see are 1) "moving * that rotates clockwise around the corners, starting from the top left." Is unclear and 2) one of the test cases is 3x4, not 4x4.
@DJMcMayhem It isn't? Oh, I see
@Dennis I can take a picture of it on mobile Safari if you give me a page
not right now though
FYI, is posting multiple lines of code in chat acceptable? I, personally, find it extremely annoying (not just you Tux, but you reminded me)
Haven't implemented it yet. Seeing how the language selection is a rather important part of TIO, I guess I'll just roll my own.
> Don't post huge oneboxes (ppcg.github.io/chatiquette)
I didn't think I'd ever come by a feature in the HTML spec that works on IE but not on Safari...
@BetaDecay Isn't a huge one box, but too large for some.
@zyabin101 Too large for mobile devices
btw unicode doesnt have a ninja emoji ;_;
Hello my friends!
Sdneirf ym olleh!
Isn't it a bit weird this reverse text thing happens only when I show up, and if somebody else says hello you might not do it?
yllaer toN
GitHub profile page redesign just rolled out.
@BetaDecay Go to your profile -.-
Oh I see
You've got an amazing avatar
I love it
I love it, too :D
wat happened to GH O_o
What do you mean?
There's wallpapers, too: imgur.com/a/20Lej
@mınxomaτ that's Purdy
that's what now
I like the new design
Nothing is different for me :(
You see the weird "Git Rest" orga? That's how I broke GitHub.
Try clicking on it.
@mınxomaτ Error 404?
I demonstrated to GH how easy one can create these "ghost" organizations and how it breaks a number of things. The bug has been there for months, still unfixed.
@TùxCräftîñg Is that another language you've made?
Also, I've noticed a new "projects" tab on GitHub repos.
Hm cool
@BetaDecay ...yes
@DJMcMayhem Did you ever get CG working locally?
If so lemme know if you need help picking through the source
Ooh, and GH now even has a code review feature.
@quartata I haven't tried it yet. I'll screw around with it tonight if I have the time, and then I'll let you know
Should it work on winblows?
You may want to refork since I had a commit recently
@mınxomaτ Screenshots? :3
@zyabin101 That video has some 30 screenshots per second :P
winblows uh I mean microsuck uh, I mean MS-DUMB uh, I mean...
And yet I still use it...
> Note: Since a lot of new people are here looking for this chart today,
I'll be posting Wednesday's comic on Thursday instead.
I'm so much excited for the new GitHub universe, that I'm ready to reset my account to try it all.
I like how a project that doesn't even have a main branch yet, already has >15 stars ...
@zyabin101 Why would you need to reset your account?
Don't worry, I won't. ;)
Idea for informal chat currency: green stars :P
How about no.
that's just an idea, don't worry :P
Rakete1111, Karlsruhe, Germany
10.1k 5 24 54
There are now four threads on 4chan about alwsl. If anyone here is creating them, please stop.
Why are you on 4chan in the first place?
It shows up in my GitHub traffic origin
Tfw you need a downvote on your answer to get a gold badge. ._.
@Dennis Need a hand? :P
My understanding of 4Chan is that when you tell those people to stop, they troll you even harder. Have they changed in recent years?
Haha, how? And which answer? And why?
4chan? 4Chan?
@Rainbolt Wasn't it sold at some point? Maybe something changed. I wouldn't now.
@DJMcMayhem I've posted several answers to the same question, and the less popular one was accepted. If the other (more popular) answer outscores the other one by a factor of >2, I get a Populist badge.
I think I know exactly which question you're talking about, haha
@mınxomaτ It's the hacker known as 4chan
who is this 4 ... chan?!
Also not all of 4chan is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Just most of it. Some boards (especially the tech boards, which I suspect is where your traffic is coming from) are pretty tame.
You wanna know something sad? I basically earned populist for this answer:
A: Expand a C array

DJMcMayhemVim, 54, 52, 49 47 keystrokes 2wa0<esc>qqYp<c-a>6ldf @qq@q$dT]dd:%norm dwf{xwC;<CR>gg"0P Explanation: 2wa0<esc> 'Move 2 words forward, and insert a 0. qq 'Start recording in register Q Yp 'Duplicate the line ...

No, no. It's just 4. -chan is a diminutive form.
But it doesn't count cause it's my own challenge ;_;
@Geobits I was referencing the FOX reporter.
I got a populist on SO, but I'm not proud of that answer.

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