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A: Emulate an Intel 8086 CPU

MicroCore LabsNot sure proprietary cores are welcome here :) but I wanted to post to say that this question/challenge was one of my inspirations in developing the MCL86 core. I was exited to see that I was not alone in my affinity for the Intel 8086/8088 as it was the processor in my first computer, the IBM PC...

... wat
once again I kindly ask your opinion on the meta posted I just edited based on the feedback received, about the dreadful topic of how to start sed and spot the newline.
A: Are languages like sed exempt from "no input" rules?

seshoumaraYes Edit: I received feedback about the method of calling sed, shown below, as being misleading because of what sed actually receives as input. I will try to explain better. sed -f script_file <<< "" The syntax command <<< "" is an input redirection of an empty string and is equivalent to run...

That is beautiful :D
@TùxCräftîñg the last one of those got deleted as spam
In the meantime, I'm creating a conversion file for Converber.
> The length unit meter (m) relates to the decimeter (dm) by 1 : 10 (one to ten.)
> This means 1 dm is roughly 0.1 m.
When I get the SI base dimensions ready, I'll publish my file.
A: Emulate an Intel 8086 CPU

MicroCore LabsNot sure proprietary cores are welcome here :) but I wanted to post to say that this question/challenge was one of my inspirations in developing the MCL86 core. I was exited to see that I was not alone in my affinity for the Intel 8086/8088 as it was the processor in my first computer, the IBM PC...

how do this get a upvote o_o
> Length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during exactly 1/299792458 seconds.
Do you think it's spam? I'm kinda on the fence
i think it's more NAA
(as it dont provide any code)
Alex deleted the same thing earlier
Although it was kind of strange since copy (OP) commented on it saying he thought it was very interesting
Maybe that question should be protected?
@DJMcMayhem Maybe.
But let the consensus decide. Community, raise your right hand if you want the question to be protected. raises right hand
I'm hesitant to protect it since pretty much all of the current answers are from new users.
@MartinEnder it's an adaptation of an approach used by tails in a different language, and i wanted to keep it separate from my other completely different solution
On the other hand, protecting questions is a privelege I rarely get to use....
i dont think it should be protected
because ^^^^
puts right hand down
it's not extremely common to submit that way (usually people submit your_username (their_username) when it's in the same language), but anyway i didn't notice another user who used that approach besides tails, it seems tricky to come up with and i certainly didn't see it before the deadline
@quartata yay
for gs2, the 18 and 17 are both based on tails's solutions, but two completely different ones
@DJMcMayhem The person in question has enough rep to post on a protected question anyways
Converber has become dumb, and I'm gonna delete it now.
why i cant find any documentation for File#read in ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/File.html?
the documentation is in IO
@flawr Darn him for making this a 2-part video. >_<
Incidentally, I admire this kid's creativity in solving the Trolley Problem: imgur.com/gallery/yYyN8
Tio is still down btw
I deleted a post of mine, but it still shows. There's an undelete button too. Why?
you deleted it, but >10k users, mods and you can still see it
How do I repeat an array in J? e.g. 3 f 1 2 3 => 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
and you can also undelete it
I won't. More users thought it's not a good post. Is there a way to actually delete it, maybe a mod? I don't want to see it :)
edit it and replace it content by a long html comment
@seshoumara Nope. You can edit out the text and such to make it "disappear", if you wish, but the edit history and the deletion will remain active.
so you will only see the border
but ^^
We don't have deleted question cleanup (yet)
I have a riddle that I'm trying to solve
Why are you Syxer?
@Syxer We'd love to listen.
No love for S.I.L.O.S ;_;
A: Subtract the next numbers

Releasing Helium NucleiS.I.L.O.S, 80 bytes GOTO b lbla n+1 m-n i-1 GOTO d lblb readIO n=i m=n readIO lbld if i a printInt m Try it online with test cases: 2,3 100,5 42,0 0,3 0,0

@zyabin101 Because my parents loved each other very much? o.o
What do you pay the lowest even prime number when they show up looking really nice?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei s/No/Some/ :D
A two's compliment?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei If you really want to make it SILOS, write an OS in it.
@feersum oh my god
I'm dumb
/me headdesks
I knew it was "two's <something>" and I even learned about compliment recently
kill meeeeee
Someone here runs tryj.tk, right?
It's broken.
or just write an interpreter to my graphical bf language
vv Ah.
@zyabin101 Simple Interpreted Language
Simple Interpreted Language Operating System is what I'm suggesting
@Syxer 8196 registers arent enough for an OS ;_;
Also, SILOS is on JVM
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei oh dear lord do not make an OS in this
Hmm, I should program SILOS in C. :3
good luck
Dude Vitsy interpreter of SILOS
Wait, Vitsy's on hiatus.
idea: Vitsy interpreter in SILOS
good luck
@zyabin101 Doesn't mean I won't use it tho
@TùxCräftîñg have fun dying lol
Ah k :)
Aug 26 at 18:40, by Releasing Helium Nuclei
ill port SILOS to C, Superb Interpreted Language Interpreted In Superber Language SILIISR
Oh noes, I'm becoming Sp.
Ruby Array dont have a contains method???
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Soliciter = SILIISR?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei All you need is one register if it's arbitrary precision
Language is with an L not R.
kill me
:32054659 I know - I just read it as "Solicitor"
@quartata 32-bit signed integer
SILIISR shall join the ranks of 05AB1E. :P
I should really learn C >.>
I wake up to 10 inbox messages, and not even one of them warns me that TIO has been down for 4.5 hours... ._.
@Syxer main(){putchar(abs(0-'K'));};
^says K
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei I figured
ಠ_ಠ K&R C
This is a disaster. Due to the TIO outage, hundreds of hours of productive work have been gained.
K&R is evil
@MartinEnder (the brainfuck solution and the 18 in gs2 are based on his perl/C solutions, and the 17 is based on his GolfScript solution)
is R on K&R Dennis Ritchie?
K&R is for Kernighan and Ritchie
@Dennis huh weird
I used it this afternoon.
@Fatalize Done.
@Syxer Not quite sure what your afternoon is. :P
@Dennis Like, an hour ago?
I used this afternoon too, but later this afternoon it was borked.
I might've used it earlier. I don't remember. :P
How useful would it be to have up-arrow notation in a language?
Unless it's GenerateBigNumberLang, i don't think much
Yeah that's my thought
I guess I can use them for increment and decrement then
@BusinessCat would be useful in some challenges involving numbers greater than the cube of the numbers of electrons in the universe
@Downgoat do you know where I can find information on the structure of programming languege compilers/interpreters? I've searched online but couldn't find anything.
@MitchSchwartz that makes sense, thanks :)
Also you'd have to have arbitrary precision to have number that big and I have no clue how to make that :(
@BusinessCat use a scripting language
(ruby, python...)
@BusinessCat If you have a language with up arrows I'm pretty sure you'd want to handle the numbers symbolically
Mathematica doesn't have it, so it's probably impossible.
m47h3m471c4 dont have what?
Well if even Mathematica doesn't have it I won't bother trying
@DerpfacePython I'll take a look. It seems to be written for interactive use (so I'd have to strip the prompt for the file name), but more importantly, I have to figure out if the two calls to eval are safe.
btw i need to add a safe mode to Ru
but idk for floating-point numbers without eval...
Hopefully I'll finish TIO v2 soon, so we won't have to worry about these things anymore...
no need for a safe mode?
s/finish/get to a point where I can make it public/
What's a good symbol to use for negative or subtraction so they aren't both -?
@MartinEnder I don't know. Not really. A V answer (which I actually just posted) would have the exact same approach, but just happen to use a much more efficient encoding. I guess one reason I went with vim is because recently I've been feeling like V is kinda cheap. Like, it takes an already golfy language and just adds a whole bunch of stuff on top without necessarily being more interesting.
@BusinessCat _ for negative
I still like using V when it allows for stuff that would not be possible in vim (Like repeating a command 0 times).
@TùxCräftîñg v2 will have proper sandboxing, so interpreters won't be able to harm the system.
I guess the other reason is that I've noticed people upvote vim more, since it seems to be easier to understand.
@DJMcMayhem fair enough
Maybe I should just expand what it can do further
i was pinged 2 times by the message of dennis
but its not edited
Vim 8 isn't out yet
No, but I'm really excited for it! It looks awesome
@Dennis Hmm, I want a full list of new features in TIO 2.0 :3
It seems to me that this isn't really compatible with the requirement that every answer should "be a serious contender for the winning criteria in use". — Peter Taylor 3 mins ago
but it's in a really good place in the leaderboard
and answers to KotH dont need to be smart
KBD 2.0.4 isn't out yet too :/ i want to AltGr + - on TTY and have "|" :/ i sent the patch bir no new version :/:/
Yeah, I've some really dumb bots submitted to KOTH
And a lot of them do surprisingly well
my worst bot is probably
A: Stock Exchange KoTH

TùxCräftîñgSpammer, Java import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.ppcg.stockexchange.*; public class Spammer extends Player { private boolean panic = false; public Offer acceptOffer(List<Offer> offers) { for (Offer offer : offers) { if (this.panic || offer...

and i have no idea how this is winning
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Andreï KostyrkaMarcel Proust and Markov decipher security service’s T9 texts My second attempt to create an original challenge! As if this challenge could be any more Pythonesque in spirit... You are a spy who needs to obtain some crucial information from the British security service M1S. The agents of M1S a...

@Cyoce one way is 3 (;@#<) 1 2 3
@NewMainPosts there is a new post plz
Q: Convert string to number

OkxTask The task is to convert a string to a number. It must accept the string via stdin and output the number via stdout. You much convert a string to a number by replacing each letter of the string by its index (mind that you don't need to replace it with the index, that's just an example. You a...

@miles Thanks
@NewMainPosts ^^^'ed
@Dennis Thanks!
A: Convert string to number

TùxCräftîñgRuby, 97 bytes lambda{|s|s.chars.map{|c|"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890".index(c).to_s.rjust(2,"0")}.join} Can probably be more golfed

I'm tempted to make NMP say "FINE, I GIVE UP" and then remove it from feeds... :P
@El'endiaStarman please, don't remove it from the room. >:|
@zyabin101 Oh no, I would never actually follow through. I'm just amused at the thought of NMP quitting for real... :P
He's too slow
If he doesn't speed up he'll keep getting ninja'd
Really, the bigger problem here is that someone wants to take it's job. :P
They posted a question in here that isn't even theirs! :P
TIL that people actually talk about cooking "under the grill". I'd never heard the phrase before.
@MitchSchwartz I just brute forced Duplicate Characters. there are 8 different 6-byte solutions (plus 3 equivalent ones), but most of them are so messed up there is no chance I'd ever have found them. two of them are fairly reasonable though, so if you want a challenge...
i can golf my ruby answer to use ord... ?
TFW SILOS is shorter than Ruby
i have misread the question
brb golfing it
based on the no input rule regarding sed and how my way of calling sed was interpreted, I had to delete a meta post and rephrase about 5 answers. Sorry for artificially cluttering the active questions page.
A: Convert string to number

TùxCräftîñgRuby, 97 37 bytes lambda{|s|s.chars.map{|c|c.ord}.join} Take the ordinal of each character in s

@ReleasingHeliumNuclei nope
Q: Let's make a map of dungeon

user902383Long time ago, when I was spending more time playing RPG, one of the issues what some players had, was to track party movement and to draw proper map. So I come with idea, to check how you guys come deal with this issue. Task is to write a function, which takes as input parameter list of directi...

@TùxCräftîñg ;_;
A: Convert string to number

Releasing Helium NucleiS.I.L.O.S, 63 bytes loadLine b=256 lbla c=get b printIntNoLine c print , b+1 if c a Prints the ASCII codes. Try it online!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@NewMainPosts seems cool
reversegolfed to 44 bytes
Screwy hacker strikes again
@Sherlock9 What's the effect?
I see the and b changed to lololololololol.
Also, I hate when my name is changed without my permission.
But the change doesn't apply here, so we're #quit\s here...
lolololololololrlololololololol making userscript to replace each occurence of lololololololol in a page lolololololololy lololololololol
yay i have fgitw the challenge
it's literally killing chat.se
@βετѧΛєҫαγ tfw silos is golfier than python
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Haha don't think I haven't finished golfing ;)
your avatar is a irradied cow?
@TùxCräftîñg Oh no, you're not one of those people that misuses "literally"?
by killing i meant clearing the page and refrehsing in loop
is killing chat.se by making really really bad puns.
@TùxCräftîñg Wait what? What's causing that? Can you see the transcript?
i am making a userscript to replace each b and the by lolololololol
e is more common in the eng alphabet
so it is enough on its own
btw, where's this lol talk coming from?
it works
@seshoumara see chat lololololololy Sherlock9
// ==UserScript==
// @name        lololololololol
// @namespace   ಠ_ಠ
// @include     chat.stackexchange.com*
// @include     chat.stackexchange.com*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

window.onload = function() {
  var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.type = 'text/javascript';
  s.setAttribute("src", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/padolsey/findAndReplaceDOMText/master/src/findAndReplaceDOMText.js")
  setInterval(function() {
3 more rep till 9999 reputation!
just add // @include * at the start for maximum fun on all sites
10 more rep till 876 reputation!
@TùxCräftîñg Yep. Irradiated steaks are the nicest
@muddyfish Congrats! :D
I did it!
what i see: @TùxCräftîñg Yep. Irradiated steaks are lololololololol nicest
@muddyfish dammit pyth :D
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei what's wrong with pyth?
@TùxCräftîñg Whyyy
3 mins ago, by TùxCräftîñg
// ==UserScript==
// @name        lololololololol
// @namespace   ಠ_ಠ
// @include     https://chat.stackexchange.com/*
// @include     http://chat.stackexchange.com/*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

window.onload = function() {
  var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.type = 'text/javascript';
  s.setAttribute("src", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/padolsey/findAndReplaceDOMText/master/src/findAndReplaceDOMText.js")
  setInterval(function() {
@muddyfish 1 byte
Personally I think that question's too broad
/ a duplicate of something
I think the mirror question is dup but I can't find it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jonathan AllanWhen is their birthday? Donald Knuth was born in 1938, on the 20th day of Capricorn. The first day of that occurrence of Capricorn was the 22nd December 1937. Donald Knuth was born on the 10th of January 1938. The challenge Write a program or function which takes three inputs about a person ...

^ any thoughts?
@TùxCräftîñg People like you just want to watch the world burn ;)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
> People like you just want to watch lololololololol world lolololololololurn ;)
@MartinEnder thanks for the info :) i could just look at your submission if i wanted, since it's a post mortem problem, but i'll spend a bit of time trying to solve it on my own, as i was planning to do with echo
actually i already thought about trying to beat 6 in echo before you submitted your 5, but didn't have any workable approach
@MitchSchwartz when you figure it out or give up I can send you the full list if you like.
yeah, I forgot that my 6-byte solution was only optimal for less specific input
also I saw you did the ASCII range thing. I was planning on doing that as well. unfortunately, I no longer I have my code for the 1 to 100 range :/
oh, interesting. i was thinking along the lines that your 6 was guaranteed to exit without errors, and it could be possible to beat it by terminating with an error
you forgot to save it?
yeah, I'm used to working with temporary files, because if I post golfed stuff on PPCG, it's persistent
oh i didn't think of that
much connection so speed wow
(0.03 MBPS)
Thanks to this query, I can safely say that the revelation of the starboard being on the starboard side of chat has been made at least eight times. :P
@El'endiaStarman I just had that a few hours ago.
Plz upvote me only once, i wanna have 876 rep
@DJMcMayhem The point is that you're not alone. :P
What's actually kinda funny to me is that it's something I've seen people realize multiple times, perhaps because they never saw someone else realize the same thing. :P
Relatedly, anyone else ever have those moments where you suddenly notice something you've seen for a while?
@TùxCräftîñg Yes.
Followed it.
Yay, I have my Area 51 identicon changed
i cant find how to propose a site on area 51
@TùxCräftîñg Choose a category.
In the end of the page, it says,
> Can't find what you're looking for? Propose a new Arts site.
The latter sentence is what you're looking for.
Ah, and also, verify your email.
@El'endiaStarman Woah! There's an impossible triangle in your avatar!
If you didn't do so before.
@Mego That'll probably be the next thing I add.
@Downgoat I'd like to, but I'm not totally sure how to do so without having to use a SQL parser.
Or I could just do a regex replacement and forget about covering all the edge cases and ways you can screw that up.
@Sp3000 At least you weren't malicious about it, which I really appreciate. :P
@TimmyD Hey wait a minute, I just saw this on Facebook. You stole it from somewhere!
Aw. Literally the same second that I return to the chat, this discussion comes back.
Back to work!
@El'endiaStarman I could not recall the exact wording, but yes, I saw a post (on tumblr, actually) and paraphrased it here.
@TimmyD The image I saw on Facebook did look like it was from Tumblr.
Ugh. On the day that I splurge and get the fried rice instead of the vegetables at Panda Express, someone brings a box of huge cupcakes to work.
I'm lucky in that I don't like the fried rice so I always get the vegetables (for the three times a year that I go to Panda Express).
Also, for some reason, I'm now wanting a cupcake.
@MitchSchwartz got 12 for the ASCII range (and there's still a no-op within those 12 so I think it might be beatable)
congrats! i had a feeling it probably wasn't optimal :)
@Rainbolt Take a dozen home with you?
Or, even better, a Rainbolt dozen. That is, 14 of them. :P
it doesn't translate into a sub-14 1 to 100 then?
Sorry to everybody who participated in StockExchange. I found two critical bugs that dramatically changed the scores
(the first was that I wasn't properly removing stock from the seller, the second was that I was giving the loser a score of 1 and the winner a score of 0)
things look much better now :)
@MitchSchwartz I think we had 13 for that? But yeah, that one needs the linefeeds, which makes it more expensive.
@NathanMerrill Yeah, that second one is pretty critical. :P
ah no, you're right it was 14
@El'endiaStarman I kind of hope that a "Rainbolt dozen" catches on lol
the first one meant that I could sell as much stock and not lose money
I actually did basically the same thing in a gladiator-vs-gladiator experiment a while back. No wonder the battles took so long... :P
@MartinEnder You mean a Rainbolt dozen.
Hah. That made my day.
Now I can actually go back to work
I have a hard problem to solve
the fact that you are being treated as not knowing what a dozen means made your day ?
It's like a baker's dozen, but one more.
@Optimizer Why do you only speak in non-sequiturs?
is there a way to mark a user similar to marking a question as favorite, so I don't forget about him, he solves in the same languages I do
@Rainbolt because llama?
@Rainbolt The Rainbolt dozen is even, has four factors, and is spoken "Yīshísì" in Chinese.
@Rainbolt Is it the halting problem
Now does it catch on?
Nope? Aww. :3
@seshoumara You could follow a feed? For example, here is Martin's feed
I should make a RSS feed from PPCG's best users. :3
oooh, I'm totally going to make my own room
it'll just have a feed of all of my activity
And call it "Nathan Merrill's Fan Room." :P
I actually want to see what "activity" looks like in chat
Oooh, the mod room
I never used feeds, how do I do exactly? The link you gave was a plain xml text file
@NathanMerrill /me surreptitiously adds myself to feeds
you can make your own C.SE mod room :)
Not much would be happening there... :P
that said...I'm waiting for the huge amount of spam that's going to flood the room
...do user feeds not work?
@Dennis go post something
add urself and post urself
I'd have to rename the room
@NathanMerrill Don't have to. The feeds should display the last 5 posts anyway.
@MartinEnder i caught up on ascii x01 to xf7 with different stats (one binary character instead of two) and one no-op, and i have an 11-byte not-solution that goes to \x80
there we go
@seshoumara It's RSS. You'd need some sort of aggregator (Feedly, Outlook, Flipboard, CommaFeed) to utilize it effectively.
I don't seem to get a notification of someone starring any of my repos on GitHub anymore. Can someone confirm that?
@TimmyD so I need a third party program, that's too much, I'll just save the question where the user posted
@mınxomaτ I don't think I ever got that
i don't think its on by default
@mınxomaτ yes i can confirm but iirc that only happens when you're following the user
@Maltysen It is (or was). Definitely.

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