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tfw you make a joke but joke is just how it is
@Doorknob Embedded tar ball?
ono tar is in bed
llama@llama:~$ ls -lh .cache/pacaur/unity-editor/unity-editor-installer-5.4.0p1+20160810.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 llama llama 1.1G Aug 10 20:13 .cache/pacaur/unity-editor/unity-editor-installer-5.4.0p1+20160810.sh
@quartata Really? I did it. What are you stuck on?
It kinda has to be. I doubt they'd write a trillion bytes of shell commands.
@Doorknob See, this makes me appreciate "treat you like an idiot" installers, where you click it and it magically installs
@DJMcMayhem It was a while back I don't remember. Just an insane amount of junk
@Doorknob What theme is that? I've been looking around for more themes.
read meh
@DJMcMayhem base16
Oh, OK. I mostly use Gotham and candy code
@Doorknob question: do you use neovim or vim
@Dennis hahaha, didn't even notice that
@Downgoat He uses NeoVim
Am I the only vim-nerd that doesn't use neovim?
@Doorknob Would your mortal enemy be a door handle that uses Emacs and indents with tabs?
Who runs Windows, yes
Do they make Emacs for Windows?
Does emacs even run on windows?
Yes sadly
Dammit ninja
They port all sorts of garbage to Windows these days
;_; I like windows
Maybe you'd prefer ReactOS?
@quartata cause I don't have to use wine when I'm on windows
@DJMcMayhem how can you be vim nerd and not use neovim ;_;
@HelkaHomba figured out the lag: planned power outage
@DJMcMayhem XD
and it finally came down, and wifi ded
back now
but can't play
@DJMcMayhem Not much of a trade when you consider its serious annoyances and dumb things
@Downgoat Cause it doesn't yet have a feature I just must have to make it worth A. Installing it for Windows and B. Making it work with my dotfiles
I use it for V though
@DJMcMayhem ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/init.vim
solution: switch to OS X or linux
Both of those solutions would not work
@Downgoat NeoVim uses ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, not ~/.nvimrc.
@DJMcMayhem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i did it and it worked
Do you have a dozen plugins?
lemme cuont
I do but I really only use the language-specific ones as well as the one I made that inserts code licenses
Oh hey, I just installed that one. :D
I have 14, which I think is a happy medium between too few and too many :P
@DJMcMayhem 9
@Doorknob do you use a plugin manager?
Vim-Plug, son
vundle :/
Nice, same here. And 13
13 here too
I need to uninstall a couple though
I have exactly 0 plugins
Yay for happy mediums!
I have jedi-vim for Python but it makes opening any Python file take about 30 seconds
brb installing 4 more vim plugins to fit in :P
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plug 'JuliaLang/julia-vim'
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
Plug 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
Plug 'cespare/vim-toml'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'kassio/neoterm'
Plug 'ararslan/license-to-vim'
Plug 'euclio/vim-markdown-composer', { 'do': function('BuildComposer') }
call plug#end()
Just install every single tpope plugin while you're at it. They're all great
" plugins
call plug#begin()
" motions/commands
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
Plug 'tpope/vim-unimpaired'
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plug 'wellle/targets.vim'
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
" language-specific
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
Plug 'lervag/vimtex'
Plug 'vim-scripts/a.vim'
" appearance
Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
" autocompletion
Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise'
Plug 'KeyboardFire/vim-minisnip'
" integration
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
call plug#end()
@Doorknob you don't use my plugin ;-;
brb crying forever
Plug 'tpope/vim-abolish'
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise'
Plug 'tpope/vim-speeddating'
Plug 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace'
Plug 'mattn/gist-vim'
Plug 'tommcdo/vim-exchange'
Plug 'wellle/targets.vim'
Plug 'matze/vim-move'
Plug 'ararslan/license-to-vim'

Plug 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'
let g:loaded_colorschemes = 1

Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
The only issue I've ever really had with vim is that it's bad with displaying large single line files. If there is a plugin that solves that I'd install it I suppose
I wonder if the Do What The Fuck You Want To license is legally sound.
I don't know how to make it look like code, and I'm on mobile so I don't care
@AlexA. :( I have aliases in my .zshrc to dump license text into a file called LICENSE
@quartata :set wrap linebreak nolist
@Dennis It's just a more profane version of the "unlicense."
A: Edit an extremely long sentence in Vim

DJMcMayhemThese settings will help you immensely: "Make long lines wrap set wrap "Make wraps *not* occur in the middle of a word set linebreak "Make the last line look OK set display+=lastline "Make 'j' and 'k' go down a visual line, not an entire line nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk "Make the arrow keys ...

Shameless plug
Yes I know about this.I was more referring to the loading of it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tbodtCrab Canon A crab canon is a piece of music where the same tune is played backwards and forwards at the same time, and it somehow sounds nice. The most famous example is this one by Bach. In Godel, Escher, Bach, Douglas Hofstadter wrote a crab canon in dialog form, in which the characters of Ach...

Oh. I've never experienced that before
Same. Works fine for me.
Maybe it's just general large file woes.
these files are usually 2MB+ so it's not really normal vim usage
@AlexA. That only defers the question.
@AlexA. :/ I thought opposites attract
What does "legally sound" even mean when you're given permission do to what the fuck you want?
Like, who's gonna sue you when you obey it?
@Quill halp, how to bundledDependencies
7 hours ago, by flawr
Aug 10 at 22:22, by flawr
Please include the title of the poll when posting a link.
@DJMcMayhem Well, playing it loud enough could cause civil complaints...
What's the point of posting a link to a link?
That's a tricky question. Taking over the world requires evilness and competence.
@Dennis evilness lawyers and competence marketing
Well, all three of them are fairly competent. Which one is more evil?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Eh, Microsoft couldn't even take over the smartphone market.
@Dennis XD
Hmm. My friend just ran sudo apt remove apt followed by sudo chmod -R 600 /. Lots of things broke.
> sudo chmod -R 600 /
not sure what (s)he was expecting
Is he a home owner?
wat. i think my ssh login password is different from user password .___.
how is this possible
I'm so bad with chmod. What permissions does 600 have?
Owner can read and write.
@DJMcMayhem ownder has read/write perms, everyone else has none
@DJMcMayhem ._.
@Quill halp, how to virtual host node
The only viable fix is a reinstall or a restore from a backup.
surely there should be some utility to fix permissions
I don't think so.
Probably, but you couldn't run it
> brb holding down power and then logging in as root
> don't think there'll be a login prompt
> dropped me into busybox :P
It's easier to recover from rm -rf /.
He ran chmod -R 777 / and then rebooted. Then apparently got a kernel panic.
That's even worse
Mini challenge: Find 3 4-letter words that have the format [consonant][aeiou][2*different consonant] with no shared letters across words. e.g. doff, tall, kiss
Many files require very specific permissions to work correctly.
@Dennis :/ seriously? .___. TIL
@DJMcMayhem It's pretty much the same thing. Permissions don't matter if you can't even boot.
s is shared, not allowed
Yeah, I suppose
i thought you wanted shared letters ._.
@Dennis Why would it not work to give certain files more permissions?
I believe the last two have to be the same
@DJMcMayhem wait wat, i thought they're not supposed to be (previously i thought they were)
.____. gaot is confused
[consonant][aeiou][2*(different consonant from the first in this word)]
total 6 distinct consonants, 3 distinct aeiou's
@El'endiaStarman Security sensive applications (sudo, ssh, etc.) refuse to operate when the permissions would put the system in a vulnerable state
@Dennis Oooh, that makes sense.
Hill, moss, gaff
Not spelled gaffe?
Idk, I think gaff is a word
> a stick with a hook, or a barbed spear, for landing large fish.
That's funny, I saw one of those earlier today without knowing it was called that
jazz, burr, cell, hiss
Finn, puss, gall.
now try all 5 vowels
Expert mode: all 6
@Downgoat rind doesn't work
'agee', 'biff', 'coll', 'huss', 'wynn'
@HelkaHomba oh yeah shit
>_> i give up
@ConorO'Brien ... I've never heard of any of these words.
@Doorknob they are in my dictionary :P
@ConorO'Brien I think "agee" is backwards
Vowel, consonant, vowel
count the last four
Finn, putt, gall, Mann, boss.
'baff', 'cell', 'diss', 'hogg', 'mumm', 'wynn'
@El'endiaStarman Now without proper nouns :P
@Downgoat wat
The 'n's were shared anyway.
@ConorO'Brien I don't think mumm counts
@DJMcMayhem aw, why?
Other than that, very impressive
@Quill i want cheese.vihan.org to be where cheddar serverside goes to
idk how 2 even approach
@ConorO'Brien Three "m"s
buzz, watt, yegg, riff, doll
'baff', 'cell', 'diss', 'hogg', 'mutt', 'wynn'
Admittedly, "yegg" is a new word for me, but...
@ConorO'Brien We have a winner!
@ConorO'Brien "Wynn" seems to be a proper noun
@Downgoat swap cheddar server side to port 80 and run it on a server
As does Hogg
Then you just put your files in the www folder
> hog
noun: hogg

a domesticated pig, especially one over 120 pounds (54 kg) and reared for slaughter.
google accepts hogg
and wynn is a runic letter
I don't
Google also accepts "wynn"
@ConorO'Brien Oh, huh, okay
@HelkaHomba party pooper. :P
So close to all 5 with common words: mass cell kiss doff putt
the only word in my dictionary with middle letter y that satisfies said property is wynn
I'm not asking for y
extra credit.
@HelkaHomba what exactly are you looking for here?
19 mins ago, by Helka Homba
Mini challenge: Find 3 4-letter words that have the format [consonant][aeiou][2*different consonant] with no shared letters across words. e.g. doff, tall, kiss
but 5
[ 'wynn', 'bigg', 'caff', 'dull', 'moss', 'repp' ]
Swap jazz for mass?
@Geobits Yes!
Thanks for giving a real word :P
Glad I could help. Back to video games now :D
> caff
@HelkaHomba You're so picky with your definition of "word"
using geobits's suggestion: 'wynn', 'jazz', 'moss', 'puff', 'bigg', 'hell'
the only slightly dubious one is "bigg"
@ConorO'Brien BTW I'm still not sure if I fully understand your idea. How would you store "the most likely next word" in a trie?
@DJMcMayhem oh, you wouldn't
I used a different data structure
Oh. How do you load it?
still working on it
Maybe something like a Markov chain?
I keep hearing that word. Imma wikipedia it
I don't entirely understand it myself
@ConorO'Brien specific learning algorithm, it's what marky runs on
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I knew that much, thanks XD
> a stochastic model describing a sequence of possible events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event.
> stochastic
A Markov chain is just a random walk.
hm. not very helpful for storage
Marky uses an ANN, by the way.
Yeah, that's probably not the best option
What is this for?
his autocorrect thing
@quartata a way for V to beat cg. :P
I have an export method, now I just need to read it correctly
Are you making a spell checker?
kind of
predictive text
more like autocompletion for words
that's the demo he sent me
So "Hello world" => "Hell~~"
(say ~ for autocomplete)
V already has a sorta autocomplete, but it only gets the current word
Given try train train train train test testing as a context, the generated trie is [null,0,[[t,0,[[r,0,[[y,1,[]],[a,0,[[i,0,[[n,4,[]]]]]]]],[e,0,[[s,0,[[t,1,[[i,0‌​,[[n,0,[[g,1,[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], almost thrice as long
@ASCII-only reminder
@ConorO'Brien I think a BK tree with Hamming distance as the metric would work for the dictionary
@Quill i know how to do that but like how to integrate with apache virtual hosts or whatever. essentially i am hosting the various subdomains on same machine. how to route nodejs to different domain
@quartata is BK an acronym? If so, please tell me what it means
Initials. Basically the idea is that you have a string s as the root node and you have subtrees 1 to n such that the strings in the subtree have a edit distance of n from s
@Downgoat are you using express?
@ASCII-only idk @Quill made it
@quartata is edit distance like lev. distance?
Yes. In this case you don't want substitutions just insertions/deletions
so Hamming distance
Woops not Hamming. Longest common subsequence
sorry I'm sleepy
@Downgoat route to different domain?
@Downgoat what do you mean
@Downgoat no idea
It's written in express so try googling that
@DJMcMayhem wtaf
I know, it's messed up
starred to show the horrors to the others
they need to know my pain
I think this regex is more impressive:
A: Regex that only matches itself

jimmy23013PCRE flavor, 261 289 210 184 127 109 71 53 51 44 40 bytes Yes, it is possible! <^<()(?R){2}>\z|\1\Q^<()(?R){2}>\z|\1\Q> Try it here. (But / is shown to be the delimiter on Regex101.) The version works more correctly on Regex101 (44 bytes): /^\/()(?R){2}\/\z|\1\Q^\/()(?R){2}\/\z|\1\Q/ Try ...

@DJMcMayhem This is the most absurd shit I've ever seen on this site
Second being the Mathematica upside down goat classifier
This is the most absurd, incredible thing I've ever seen. — Alex A. ♦ Jan 12 at 19:09
Once the tetris-in-GOL gets answered, this will be demoted to second
CMC: shortest regex to match all PPCG mods' usernames but none of the users in here's username
because clearly we are all well qualified to rank the submissions on this site by impressiveness, having read and understood approximately 1% of the ones we've read
@ConorO'Brien but most of the PPCG mods are here
The only one of us not in here is Martin
@ConorO'Brien That's too easy. ^(Alex A\.\|Dennis\|Doorknob\|Martin Ender)$
I guess that's not really golfed
@ven generally, yes, just follow the license; I'd appreciate if you let me know about it and link back
malbolge 99 bottles of beer > regex that matches itself
Regex that only matches itself --> shouldn't even exist, incredible that it was done in 40 bytes
@AlexA. that's like saying quines shouldn't exist
They shouldn't
I hate quines
@AlexA. neither should malbolge
s/loops in // and I agree
While we're on the subject, this is pretty damn impressive:
A: "Hello, World!"

primoBrainfuck, 78 bytes Open-ended bounty: If anyone can improve this score, I will pass the bounty (+500) on to them. --<-<<+[+[<+>--->->->-<<<]>]<<--.<++++++.<<-..<<.<+.>>.>>.<<<.+++.>>.>>-.<<<+. Try it online! The first 28 bytes --<-<<+[+[<+>--->->->-<<<]>] initialize the tape with the foll...

@DJMcMayhem yeah, it almost beat the Java solution
@ASCII-only s/almost//
A: "Hello, World!"

GeobitsJava, 79 class H{public static void main(String[]a){System.out.print("Hello, World!");}} Earlier versions of Java may allow you to use a static block (51 bytes), but currently I don't know of a way to bypass the main method.

Question: My language Ouroboros has a stack snippet interpreter, which I've been copying into my Ouroboros answers (per Helka Homba's statement, "The point is to make something that can be easily copied and used in future PPCG questions and answers"). It's like a TryItOnline, but embedded in the post itself. Is that appropriate? See, for example, this one.
Yeah, that's awesome! I don't see any problem with it
Seems legit to me.
Ok, thanks. I asked because the commenter on that post implied it was overkill.
But as long as it's minimized by default, I don't think it clutters up the post.
All right, Alex, don't look:
A: Golf you a quine for great good!

DLoscOuroboros, 30 bytes ;T...!59*\1=33*++o.9=\1=2*+(1" The T should be replaced with a literal tab character. About Ouroboros Each line of an Ouroboros program represents a snake eating its own tail, with the beginning of the line being the head and the end being the tail. The only control flow ...

i have faith in humanity, i have faith in humanity, i have faith in humanity. everything is going to be all right
@MitchSchwartz That's the spirit!
@StevenH. Stings?
;_; <- me when I realised real Vim quines would never be possible
Also HI
;_; y chat not talking
> The strips all have hover text.
Thank you so much
Most webcomics don't have the courtesy
@DestructibleWatermelon what kind of comics do you read
@ASCII-only ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@mınxomaτ Note: "Ted talk" is normally spelt "TED talk"
Don't care enough for TED to change that
need new challenge...
Vim quine if <esc> is assumed to be non visible, or implied by EOF (but that's not likely): 2i2i
> Brainfuck (Also known as brainf*ck) was a experimental esoteric language for creating the smallest turing-complete language interpreter ever
but P prime prime was smaller, and before BF
hi @Laikoni!
challenge idea has happened!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonTitle TBD Given an input string, in ASCII, output "+_+" as many times as the word "mime" appears in input, and output ";_;" as many times as the word "sad" appears in input. The order is irrelevant. If and only if no occurences of these words are in input, output "._."

feedback pls
@NewSandboxedPosts get ninja'd!
Why so quiet?
I have an interview with Google in 10.5 hours and I am super nervous :/
Good luck :)
Thanks :)
I should be asleep, but nerves
close please
Q: A Program in Python that picks 'k' largest (L) or smallest (S) elements from an array (length n)

Amamcherla NagaswathiProgram in python a program that picks 'k' largest (L) or smallest (S) elements from an array (length n). The program should take k, L or S, and n as arguments.

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