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> This operator uses integer in the implementation so is completely usable.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I agree completely. You can't stop people who downvote for the wrong reasons. But I'm not convinced every downvote is for the wrong reasons - some are well meaning but just sometimes misunderstand
@LeakyNun It means a mod on an SE site. It means that person has mod powers on the site they moderate (Computer Graphics in my case), and mod powers in all chat rooms, but no mod powers on other SE sites
@trichoplax I see, thanks
No problem :)
@LeakyNun I thought about your reply for ten minutes and my conclusion is: OP just contradicted their spec with a clarifying comment, so I really don't know what to say about that
@Sp3000 Alright.
Who the h*ll starred this?
9 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
And I got explicit permission from the author
In case it's not clear, this is where I stand too. The only problem is with the challenge.
It only needs one more close vote, so it doesn't need a mod now
The salt-votes are completely counter-acted by the upvotes lol
(Just out of curiosity) How do you guys transpose in Vim?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE do you have both domains explicitly trusted in your browser? (unless you have a verified certificate for both)
someone submitted a regex golf challenge for all languages!
@ASCII-only I have a valid certificate for both domains.
If downvotes are salt votes, are upvotes sugar votes?
@DestructibleWatermelon ?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE valid = verified?
@trichoplax lol
@ASCII-only As in, distributed by a certificate authority.
And that certificate authority is in my browser.
@trichoplax Sugar vote = undeserved upvote?
@LeakyNun What do you mean?
@Zgarb Ah - that seems more in keeping
@DJMcMayhem transpose as in well you know, transpose
"Peppered with sugar votes from HNQ"
"ABC\nDEF" -> "AD\nBE\nCF"
> Gotta submit fast!
Hey all
What in the heck is going on?
@Sherlock9 hoi
@LeakyNun I wrote an answer that did that. It wasn't pretty. Let me see if I can find it
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Are you Temmie?
@Sherlock9 yes
Like I said, it isn't pretty:
A: Convert n strings of m length to m strings of n length

DJMcMayhemVim, 37 keystrokes All the other answers are boring, and using boring single-byte builtins. Here's a hacky answer that does the entire thing manually, in something that isn't even a programming language: Gmaqqgg:s/./\0<cr>d<C-v>`aGo<esc>pvGgJ@qq@q`adgg Explanation: G ...

@trichoplax TS
@DJMcMayhem alright
@zyabin101 Thank you
@VTCAKAVSMoACE How many GP can I get for these Tem Flakes?
I have a truckload
There are plugins that do it in a nicer way though.
@Sherlock9 1
@VTCAKAVSMoACE is it an error with including/excluding www.?
I'll come back later then
Oh hey, I can take a byte off
@ASCII-only Nope.
@El'endiaStarman Can't work out if that's a compliment or an insult...
@El'endiaStarman That's a beautiful comic
@Sherlock9 Use U+200A
@Sherlock9 use ' '
I'm just trying to use strikethrough, gents
Never mind. I'll figure it out later
@El'endiaStarman Despite it being explained in the next sentence, I had to read "Gee, I'm a tree" 3 times before I got it...
@Sherlock9 ---this---
@Sherlock9 it's ---foo---, you just need a hair space (i.e. U+200A) to put it inside a word
@ConorO'Brien Brachylog, 13 bytes: :Ar%0<A=w@Nw\
Credits to @Fatalize for helping me with it
And now it's time for DR Ham Jam's vim tip of the day! Use autocmd WinResize * wincmd = to make it so your splits don't get mangled when you resize your window.
Alright thanks
Can't edit that post anymore though. Thanks anyway
@DJMcMayhem Kudos!
@trichoplax It's more of a complaint. It's a much more eloquent version of Downgoat's "y u do this ;_;". :P
@El'endiaStarman Until I saw it in context I wasn't sure - I was imagining someone cutting down the bad ideas leaving only the good ones - but I've read the comic now...
@El'endiaStarman P.S. Downgoat's catchphrase is one byte more golfed than that ;)
Does there exist other languages like Prolog?
@trichoplax Oh, hahaha. That should teach you to not judge a link by its title!
by "like Prolog" I mean non-imperative
Never mind, all I need to do is wiki
This is a list of notable programming languages, grouped by type. == Array language == Array programming (also known as vector or multidimensional languages) generalize operations on scalars to apply transparently to vectors, matrices, and higher-dimensional arrays. == Assembly languages == Assembly languages directly correspond to a machine language (see below) so machine code instructions appear in a form understandable by humans. Assembly languages lets programmers use symbolic addresses, which the assembler converts to absolute addresses. Most assemblers also support macros and sy...
@LeakyNun Brachylog :P
@ASCII-only Sure
@trichoplax Oh, yeah, it's ";_; y u do dis".
:31594060 You left that there for exactly the time it took me to read it, and then removed it. Very considerate, thank you :)
@trichoplax idk, i just removed it when i realized Leaky Nun linked to an equivalent article
@ASCII-only I know I was just joking :P
Advertisement: still uncracked cop threads:
A: Can you outgolf me? (Cops section)

DoorknobSnowman, 50 bytes, score = 0.9 (45 / 50) ((}#NDe`nOnO|`2nMNdE0nR2aGaZ::nM;aF;aM:nS;aF,nM*)) This is a subroutine that takes a number as its argument and returns another number. Computes A122649 (offset = 1). Try it online!

A: Can you outgolf me? (Cops section)

DennisM, 9 bytes, score 0.6667 (6 / 9) r©0+’Ac®Ḅ A tad cheaty since M and Jelly are quite similar, but allowed by the rules. @miles' crack to my Jelly answer doesn't work in M; it lacks the œċ atom. This calculates sequence A119259. Try it online!

@LeakyNun wtf
@TùxCräftîñg explain
this language
halp i need a node global/universal (idk) reverse proxy
Selecting RTL text embedded in LTR text is hard :/
I just discovered that Microsoft's C/++ compiler allows you to put dollar sign in identifiers.
I wonder how this could be exploited for code golf.
I was just looking into Snowman
I think I wanna write an interpreter for it!
Maybe a C/perl polyglot...
@feersum Wow, I didn’t know
@feersum :O
lol gcc does too!
open vim
CMC: Multiplify two numbers. Basically that closed challenge on main but without any restricted source.
@DJMcMayhem python: lambda s,n:int(str(s)*n)
V, 3 bytes: Àäw
TODO: learn V
05AB1E, 1 byte: ×
@TùxCräftîñg :) I'll teach you
It basically transpiles to yw@aP in vim.
@DJMcMayhem Jelly, 1 byte: come on, go find it from my answer
Where @a is arg1
@DJMcMayhem More like repeat a list
@ven Nice!
> The catch is, you can't use string operations to generate the number - it has to be done in a purely mathematical way.
@LeakyNun Hmm, I'm counting 34 bytes
I believe there is a builtin for a - 2
@Adnan in which language?
Either Ì or Í.
Oh, right, I remember
@Adnan is there a shortcut for }}?
like Pyth's ;
Not yet
In the future, it probably will be a newline
@Adnan Is newline an operator as of now?
@ven p4c c3s Q { p4c s4c v2d main(S4g[] a) { S4m.out.p5n("Hello, World!"); } }
Alright, real CMC: Given a string of digits, return the string with each digit repeated that many times. E.g. "321" --> "333221"
@El'endiaStarman This made my day. Granted, my day is only 30 minutes long so far, so there isn't much day to be made, but nevertheless it was made.
@DJMcMayhem Pyth, 4 bytes: sm*s
:31595471 Fixed.
Huh. I have replied to a deleted message.
Shit, how do I cast to integer in Jelly
Either I completely forgot it or it doesn't exist
@DJMcMayhem Jelly, 4 bytes: xV$€
That's actually one command
(that consists of two operators, alright)
Why do Sclipting programs often start with 丟 / "Pop an item"? Why is it necessary to immediately pop an item?

E.g. Hello world: 丟낆녬닆묬긅덯댦롤긐
@CalebPaul 丟 is actually a Chinese character while all the rest are Korean...
> uses Chinese characters for instructions and Hangul syllables for data (strings and integers)
Oh alright
Yeah, the only instruction there is an immediate pop. Then it puts in the data.
I wonder if it's just discarding any stdin if it should happen to exist.
No idea
Ah, that's it. Should've read the wiki intro:

> At the begining of the program, the input (e.g. STDIN) is placed on the stack as a single string.

So it's getting rid of any input that would interfere with the program. The hangul data it puts on the stack is the output.
I see
@ven WRT?
World Record Try?
With Regards To
id est, related.
user image
Not all snakes are dangerous
danger cake
my bot is borked ;_;
borked = broken?
@flawr yes
(idc about ninja)
@DJMcMayhem PowerShell v2+, 36 bytes -- -join($args[0]-split''|%{"$_"*"$_"})
@DJMcMayhem Jellyfish, 10 bytes: jellyfish.tryitonline.net/…
Correction -- 34 bytes, don't need the explicit string around the second argument ... -join($args[0]-split''|%{"$_"*$_})
Does anyone know what this resembles?:
@Adnan xray
@Adnan how close are you to the end?
I thought so too, but the bone is also visible on the outside
To the end of what?
I got all of them, but it didn't work
The end is near! Repent! :P
Either a problem with the case-sensitivity or a wrong answer on any of the puzzles
One of the funniest SE questions I have ever seen:
Q: Do centaurs suckle from horse nipples or human nipples?

Ash SmithThis has been puzzling me, because if the human half needs human nutrients, then suckling from the human nipples makes sense. But the horse half needs different nutrients, so which set of nipples makes most sense?

Not to mention if the anatomy was consistent, female centaurs would have them in both the human part and the horse part
TIO is completely borked
Wait, @Dennis is here
Please, resource depletion
Challenge idea: "Given a chess board, guess whose turn it is"
@NathanMerrill Impossible. There are cases where it can be both
right, that's why its "guess"
you won't have 100% accuracy, but there are lots of times where you can make a good guess
There are ways you can know for sure
@NathanMerrill PowerShell, moderate accuracy, 7 bytes -- "White"
import random;print("White"if random.random()>0.5else"Black")
Also 50/50
@TimmyD Wait, same algorithm lol
actually, first I need a "Convert a list of moves into a board position"
like a pgn converter?
Golfed: Texting, "PGN2FEN", 7 bytes.
@Adnan I was meaning as a challenge :)
but thanks
Who's interested in declarative programming languages?
A completely different mindset
If you are, join us!


Discussions about the Brachylog language. github.com/JCumin/Br...
Q: Practicality of chainsaws as weapons in the medieval-ages and how to improve them?

SkyWould a chainsaw be a practical weapon in the medieval ages where swords and bows were the their main armaments? How well would it do against swords and shields? Disregarding the problem with fuel of course. Just go with one of those chainsaws that always show up with a suspicious hockey masked...

Worldbuilding is great
everything is on WB
user image
> Block with the shield, stab with the sword. I am now the proud owner of a slightly used chainsaw.
CMS: What weapon would you choose in a medieval world?
a gigawatt laser
how are you going to power a gigawatt laser
Use one of those bike pedalling generators
How are you going to (effectively) use a GW range laser?
That will definitely produce enough energy
ok nvm the GW laser
Why not just a shotgun or something
Needs ammo=/
i have read something on WB about tanks in medieval battles
But those need fuel
There's a decent challenge in here somewhere ... given an m x n matrix, output truthy/falsey if it's totally invertible?
Q: For how long could a modern tank survive in a past war?

ArtOfCodeA while ago, I asked In what war would one modern military vehicle make a difference? I have now come up with a sort-of sequel. A modern, Challenger II battle tank has been sent back in time to a past war. It was decided in my last question that this tank would indeed have some significant impac...

Would introducing ebola to the population be considered a weapon?
a very efficient bioweapon
This straw poll is unrelated to democracy: strawpoll.me/10959999
if a plague epidemy near-destroyed the europe, ebola...
Problem is it would probably kill you too
but only short-term protection :/
@BusinessCat On the other hand: You'd probably kill yourself with that stuff too
TIL the Achievements dropdown list has UTC time at the top
@LeakyNun Cracked~
@Lynn Nice!
Gentlemen, I have a question for you
My friends in another major are going to learn the Unity engine next semester and they asked me to help with the programming bits. As far as I know, it uses C# and Javascript. Which should I learn?
C#, definitively
@Lynn Nice! Crack is going to be accepted soon (or at least, when Doorknob is out of flags).
this :h<_ trick is great
Q: Reduce and generalize a list of string

Pierre.SassoulasThe goal of this challenge is to reduce a list of string to a shorter more general list of string. Input A list of string that can be on of the following : aaa aaaX aaaX/Y With aaa any set of non capital alphabetic letter, and X or Y any digit between 0 and 9. Ouput A list of generalized ...

Let I got a recruiting email from some company that were happy by my github. PPCG actually helped me irl!
@Maltysen Cool=) But still I suggest being careful with offers like that.
But they want me to move to Madrid, also I'm in high school, so it didn't really help me ;P
@Maltysen Go to @LuisMendo =)
@flawr this one seems legit
The company's business model is recruiting through analyzing open source code, and the email was pretty well directed to the tech I used on my github.
@Maltysen What kind of job would it have been?
@Sherlock9 I found a suggestion in the Reddit comm-Unity‘¹’ using Google.
[1]: hah
[1]: see [2]
[2]: see [1]
[1]: See [-1]
If there is C# is there also Cb? Or C-dull?
C Minor C Major
TIL steam runs on freeBSD
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ better than freeBSE
> Software Engineer for our Tools team at source{d} (sourced.tech)
Money was pretty good.
Q: Automate the OEIS

Eamon OliveWe see a lot of challenges here asking for a function to create a sequence from the OEIS. While these challenges are fun, as a programmer I see an opportunity for automation. Your challenge is to make a program that takes the index of a sequence (e.g. A172141) and some integer n (e.g. 7), and p...

@Maltysen looks startup-y
And why would anyone want a white chair?
And an Ikea expedit shelf?
@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠ
> Standard loopholes are disallowed.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ C#
Except the "Outsourcing the real answer"
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei The goal of this challenge is writing a program that fetches OEIS sequences. You are not allowed to outsource that program.
how to fetch the 130th element of a sequence without processing it
@flawr i mean instead of C dull or something, why not C Pointy?
@Maltysen were they trying to get you a job with them or with someone else? it looks like their product is to help developers find jobs
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Because there is already see-sharp
Does posting a challenge asking all the solutions to access the same website, knowing that each solution will be tested by a number of people, constitute a DDOS?
@Quill kill me
@ hits P with a +1 long sword
@trichoplax DDOS is when like 10000 requests get sent in like 1 second, iirc
@trichoplax I don't think that traffic will be significant.
@trichoplax lol
I wasn't being serious...
I think the first D is there, but I'm not sure of the DOS (intention) is there
Our community is not quite big enough to genuinely worry about this yet :)
@trichoplax does posting a link on reddit count as a DDOS?
I'm guessing reddit can support more traffic than OEIS though
There have been tons of cases where a link has been posted on reddit, the post got popular, and the linked site was down within hours, sometimes for days.
its not about the amount of traffic reddit can handle, its the amount of traffic reddit generates to a site
I hadn't even thought of that...
AKA reddit hug of death
Then I guess posting a link to OEIS on reddit is worse than posting a challenge about it here...
The Slashdot effect, also known as slashdotting, occurs when a popular website links to a smaller site, causing a massive increase in traffic. This overloads the smaller site, causing it to slow down or even temporarily become unavailable. The name stems from the huge influx of web traffic that would result from the technology news site Slashdot linking to websites. However the name is somewhat dated as flash crowds from Slashdot were reported to be diminishing as of 2005 due to competition from similar sites. The effect has been associated with other websites or metablogs such as Fark, Digg, Drudge...
We've had challenges like that one before, with no issue
I need to remember to label my poor jokes
In what way labelling?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TimmyDTotally Invertible Submatrices (inspired by this question over on Math) code-golf matrix linear-algebra Given an n x n square matrix A, we can call it invertible if there exists some n x n square matrix B such that AB = BA = In, with In being the identity matrix of size n x n (the matrix with ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillChess converter There's quite a lot of work that's been done in the world of chess. For example, there is a standardized file format, .pgn, that describes a chess game, including the list of moves. Additionally, there's another file format .fen, that describes a board position. The challenge ...

@flawr That's one way... I was thinking more of ending with :P
@trichoplax Ah now I see=)
I have the same problem in real life. I have the same tone of voice for jokes and people think I'm being serious
But please dont.
@flawr Don't label at all or use a different one?
Don't label all the jokes
Golf tip I just discovered:
is shorter than
Q: Tips for golfing in Python

marcogWhat general tips do you have for golfing in Python? I'm looking for ideas which can be applied to code-golf problems and which are also at least somewhat specific to Python (e.g. "remove comments" is not an answer). Please post one tip per answer.

Last activity was last year :x3
how do i read the content of a webpage in nodejs?

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