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@ConorO'Brien What the hell happens if I do not use ;?
@LeakyNun With the exception of Retina, I think all of Martin's languages are implemented in Ruby.
@Dennis I see
Would love to see rectum in TIO
I meant reticular
@ConorO'Brien What version of Ruby are you using? It doesn't seem to work with mine...
I'm sure you guys have already been through this in chat, but can we get a blanket ban of one Kenny alphabet challenge a month?
@LeakyNun bad things. ._.
@Sp3000 what is a blanket ban?
I should probably have said rate limit instead, but you get the idea
@Sp3000 Alright, observed.
(It's not that the challenges are inherently bad, it's just that too many in succession gets boring fast, like when we had a bunch of flag questions in a row)
Although, it would be nicer if more thought was put into the challenges though
@LeakyNun Why did you delete your answer to the restroom challenge?
@Dennis because of the last comment
A U after J should fix that.
@ConorO'Brien Pyth, 5 bytes: #¶=+Z
One byte more than Jelly
Holy cow, I think I'm going to use RPN in some challenges. It looks fantastic
@Sherlock9 what is RPN?
@lea infinite loop
@ConorO'Brien what does it stand for?
This has been linked many times before, but here github.com/ConceptJunkie/rpn :D
End program
Reverse Polish Notation
@Dennis undeleted
@Dennis what error precisely?
Do you know what would be cool if I could figure out the floats? A language that supports base-12 numbers. Just to test out base 12 with programming
I think I'm using the latest version of 2.x
@Sherlock9 just write your own float
Right, but I've never learned how the C library does all of its math. I think that's what most math libraries work with nowadays. Python's does, anyway.
Double-precision floating-point format is a computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide, dynamic range of values by using a floating point. Double-precision floating-point format usually refers to binary64, as specified by the IEEE 754 standard, not to the 64-bit decimal format decimal64. In older computers, different floating-point formats of 8 bytes were used, e.g., GW-BASIC's double-precision data type was the 64-bit MBF floating-point format. == IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: binary64 == Double-precision bina...
reticular.rb:507:in `initialize': undefined method `size' for #<Enumerator: "\"Hello, World!\"p;\n":lines> (NoMethodError)
        from reticular.rb:769:in `new'
        from reticular.rb:769:in `<main>'
@ConorO'Brien ^
Odd. In irb, does "Hello".size error?
Try it with an array?
Still works.
The error message says in an enumerator though.
"hello".lines.size errors.
Does "hello".lines work?
Yes, it does. I guess changing _code.lines.size to Array(_code.lines).size should be enough.
Yeah, true. Which version are you running?
Ah. I'm running 2.3.x or 2.2.x
Eh, I changed it locally and now it says this.
reticular.rb:680:in `execute': undefined local variable or method `instance' for #<Reticular:0x0000000120eb70> (NameError)
        from reticular.rb:769:in `<main>'
I might have to upgrade Ruby first.
That's an odd error.
@Dennis How's it?
@LeakyNun my answer isn't genius...
@orlp To a C-illiterate like me the chained operators keep fascinating me, as well as the genius for loop limit.
(I do speak Java, so do I count as a C-half literate?)
that for loop limit isn't nearly as good as this one
Sure, that's pure genius
98 bytes putchar(i%20?i^20*atoi(p+1)+64-*p+(*p>72)?i%6^4|i/20%6^3?46:42:79:10)orlp yesterday
or that one
although it was too similar to an existing golf
so I just posted it as a comment
the principle is just really simple
create a for loop for the string length
putchar every character
and then just make an expression that given an index i gives the correct character
That expression is pure genius.
Eww you're using the userscript-thing.
Nothing. Just eww, like I said.
> As eight-bit bytes became widespread, ASCII systems sometimes used the "unused" bit for other purposes, thus making it more difficult to transition to larger character sets.[citation needed]
too many [citation needed] [citation needed]
@LeakyNun >+[+[<]>>+<+]><<+++++[>+++++>>++<<<-]>[-<+++++++++++++[->>.+.-<<]>>>.<+<]<----[>+<‌​----]>++>>+++[-<.<.>>]
@orlp Go ahead
@LeakyNun it's already an answer :)
@orlp it's already upvoted
probably not even close to the shortest possible though
neoscript> f={x|x^x}f(10)
@TùxCräftîñg ?
What is the | operator
| is not a operator
I think its the equivalent of the ':' in python lambdas
Neoscript is the language name?
I see
should have called it ᴎəøßk®¡þ⊤
@DestructibleWatermelon Please, pour l'amour de dieu.
(For the love of God)
neoscript is too dull though
unless you spice it up with unicode characters
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonN-mal Time Decimal time is a concept of having days, hours, minutes, and seconds relate to each other by powers of 10: N-mal time, which I made up, is having days, hours, minutes, and seconds relate to each other by powers of N. Given an input N where minumum(2^31-1, [languages upper limit on ...

i dont like in node.js that everything is callback-based
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonN-mal Time Decimal time is a concept of having days, hours, minutes, and seconds relate to each other by powers of 10: N-mal time, which I made up, is having days, hours, minutes, and seconds relate to each other by powers of N. Given an input N where minumum(2^31-1, [languages upper limit on ...

@NewSandboxedPosts melon'd
No mod here, lol
@TùxCräftîñg what is this
this print ;____________________;
@LeakyNun There's a bug in my Jellyfish answer, and I know how to fix it, but it involves unprintable characters, and my Windows laptop is not cooperating. :(
@Zgarb What bug?
Try it online and see.
@Zgarb And how to fix it?
@LeakyNun Replace the trailing spaces by SUBs (ASCII code 26).
Okay, got it.
@Zgarb Oh, so that's why there's no "26" in the code
because you used ASCII hax
Yeah, it was shorter since I don't have to convert to char in the end.
the letter is used in the uralic phonetic alphabet
you know what would be a good mathematical operator?
@DestructibleWatermelon that would depend on the purpose
z[operator]x=the amount of times z can be divided by x before it's indivisible
i am sure this exists
well, if it does, where is
@ConorO'Brien (it's your own fault)
Q: Do my maths homework!

DerpfacePythonFor all you American folk out there, remove the "s" in "maths". Ugh, my maths teacher gave me so much algebra to do. There's just lines and lines of meaningless junk like Expand (x+1)(x+6) and Factorise x^2+2x+1. My hands are literally dying from the inside. So I figured out a way to hack the ...

@NewMainPosts maths ಠ_ಠ
@TùxCräftîñg Yup
Does it usually take that long for a new challenge to be posted on T19B?
It was like 5 minutes.
@DerpfacePython This room has seen longer durations.
sometimes it's 30 sec, sometimes it's 30mn
@newmainposts Vote to close as... Oh wait, nvmd.
@LeakyNun Ninja'd?
Well, it took 15 minutes instead of 5. My timing is way off.
@DerpfacePython It means someone posted a message while you were in the middle of typing that same message out.
Or if you hit send but their message showed up first
There needs to be a community wiki about the slang here
There is. Sorta
Q: The Many Memes of PPCG

DoorknobCatchphrases and concepts that spread from person to person are known as memes, which, courtesy the Internet, can now explode across the Earth like a highly contagious virus (hence "going viral"). As with their real-life counterparts, some infectious diseases are global (pandemic), while others a...

Is there any efficient way to type ಠ_ಠ?
@DerpfacePython type @ here
@DerpfacePython compose key ಠ_ಠ
or @<TAB<TAB<TAB>>>
@<TAB<TAB<TAB>>> does nothing.
@LeakyNun You lied to me.
@DerpfacePython Type @ and you will see the list
You smart smart person, @LeakyNun.
ಠ_ಠ why so quiet?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@TùxCräftîñg Oct 11, 2014. Never forget.
Damn, most of them aren't posted
we gonna get anymore strawpolls for democracy?
I'm trying to think of what comes next
primary datatype
@TùxCräftîñg I want less Featured Polls I can't answer. :P
tape, register, stack, queue, map, (a little bit of what befunge has a bit of)
Q: Longest Code Golf Answer Ever

ugorenAn interesting number I failed to find - what's the longest code-golf accepted answer ever? Probably someone with SE scripting skills can figure this out. More accurate phrasing of my question - I'm looking for the longest answer that: Answers a code-golf question. Maybe it should be limited t...

Q: Multiplify a number

shooqieChallenge description Multiplification (totally not a made-up word) is a process in which you take two positive integers: a and b, and produce another integer which is equal to a repeated ("glued together") b times. For example, multiplifying 3 by 7 gives 3333333. Similarly, 103 multiplified by ...

Alright, here we go: strawpoll.me/10958635
I think that democracy should have heaps of variables representing people or something
i am searching a painful to use and implement wtf memory model
Code Trolling

Proposed Q&A site for questions from PPCG which were removed because of being code-trolling questions. Some people like these types of questions, and we shouldn't ignore them.

Currently in definition.

I think that how it should work: There is a party or issue, which is declared like so:
{Party <name>} or {issue <name>}
@Quill Wow. That's hilarious but sad
you can align people to a party, or you can align them to a stance on an issue
this is the best proposal on area 51 ever
party value is equal to the amount of people supporting it, and people's values can be accessed as well, as a series of boolean values
example: person[party_of_parties]==in
Are you saying the code itself should run in a "democracy"-esque way?
wait i am drawing the memory model
@DJMcMayhem only code supported by the major party would be executed :P
and parties can be aligned to issues. Issues can also probably be aligned to other issues in some way
Issue value is equal to the amount of people supporting it- the number of people not supporting it
what is this awful
it's the best memory model ever
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
how does it work explain don't post pictures with no explanation that is how z̜̲͜a̱̲̮l҉g̢͚̱̤͇̟ͅo̧͇͇ invades
it's a normal 2d grid where some cells take 2x2
Does it extend further for larger memory? What is the underlying rule?
oh so it's just brainfuck but 2d but some larger squares
I hate it
looks like a grid of 4x4 small squares with a 2x2 square in the middle, adding from an existing edge as needed
otherwise there is also
The Sierpinski triangle (also with the original orthography Sierpiński), also called the Sierpinski gasket or the Sierpinski Sieve, is a fractal and attractive fixed set with the overall shape of an equilateral triangle, subdivided recursively into smaller equilateral triangles. Originally constructed as a curve, this is one of the basic examples of self-similar sets, i.e., it is a mathematically generated pattern that can be reproducible at any magnification or reduction. It is named after the Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpiński but appeared as a decorative pattern many centuries prior to the...
as memory model
I prefer my democracy idea
if it doesn't get picked, I'll incorporate it into my own language and then never implement it
@TùxCräftîñg Ooh, I like that idea
Sierpiński curves are a recursively defined sequence of continuous closed plane fractal curves discovered by Wacław Sierpiński, which in the limit n → ∞ {\displaystyle n\rightarrow \infty } completely fill the unit square: thus their limit curve, also called the Sierpiński curve, is an example of a space-filling curve. Because the Sierpiński curve is space-filling, its Hausdorff dimension (in the limit n → ∞ {\displaystyle n\rightarrow \infty } ) is 2 ...
no you need:
The Sierpinski carpet is a plane fractal first described by Wacław Sierpiński in 1916. The carpet is one generalization of the Cantor set to two dimensions; another is the Cantor dust. The technique of subdividing a shape into smaller copies of itself, removing one or more copies, and continuing recursively can be extended to other shapes. For instance, subdividing an equilateral triangle into four equilateral triangles, removing the middle triangle, and recursing leads to the Sierpinski triangle. In three dimensions, a similar construction based on cubes produces the Sierpinski sponge and the...
:D wikipedia spam
I think this is a good point to stop this, so I'm not going to onebox this
ok, but how does the sierpinski triangle memory actually work, or did you just think saying "sierpinski triangle" was all that was needed?
i think a infinite memory with 3 pointer instructions: move to the left edge, the right edge and move to the top edge
@DestructibleWatermelon the carpet is better, since that can use coordinates
@ASCII-only but how exactly does that work is still the question
@DestructibleWatermelon just means larger squares have more coordinates
@DJMcMayhem Why am I the only voter on this at the moment?
start with 1x1, add iteration as needed
@TùxCräftîñg That actually might be interesting. Did you see this question?
@Sherlock9 because everyone else is still deciding on what the memory should be like
@Quill What is code trolling anyway?
if you want i have more fractal memory ideas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Sherlock9 it was a tag for a while... I can't really remember it well enough to put a description to it, but you can find some more information here: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/1514
@trichoplax One of my favorite questions of all time :D
It's always great to see a familiar topic used for a completely new approach to writing a challenge
I was trying to write up a similar fractal path-finding question with Apollonian gaskets, but it remains unfinished to this day
idea for memory:
I didn't figure out how to draw Apollonian gaskets nor the kind of pictures that Martin and Ell drew for their answers that have indices in the triangles/circles
First, a grid is declared with values along it, and with iterative things for infinite grid
variables have 4 commands: move left, up, right, down on the value grid
Hey, just checking, no challenge like this has been done before, has it?
ASCII art letters have been done in a number of ways, if that's what you mean
@βετѧΛєҫαγ Of course it has been done before
Quite a number of times
(I don't care if I'm ninja'd)
Also, it seems I'm not the only one who's -15
Q: Output the alphabet using the alphabet

DerpfacePythonThe title is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? Your task is to output the alphabet (the string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") to STDOUT, using each and every letter of the alphabet in your program once and only once. Oh, and for a bit of extra fun? The letters "g", "o", "l" and "f" must be in ...

@MartinEnder Did you downvote us?
Who the f**k is downvoting all of the golflang answers?
F***ing hell, the golflang downvoter strikes again
@MartinEnder Sorry for blaming you
Aug 2 at 3:37, by zyabin101
@El'endiaStarman He obviously hates golflangs so much, that he wants to downvote them by opinion.
I thought downvotes are if the post isn't useful.
@LeakyNun Hopefully they downvote enough posts by the same user to have all their votes reversed
@trichoplax I think the downvoter is smarter than this
^^ & ^
@LeakyNun If you have a suspicion that someone is finding a way around the serial voting detection, you can raise it for a mod to investigate
@trichoplax It's easy to go around the serial voting detection... by not downvoting so many answers
Exactly. But if they are not so clever that they can avoid you noticing, then there may be enough evidence for mods to detect it if you raise it. The automated detection only catches the obvious ones
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonN-mal Time Decimal time is a concept of having days, hours, minutes, and seconds relate to each other by powers of 10: N-mal time, which I made up, is having days, hours, minutes, and seconds relate to each other by powers of N. Given an input N where minumum(2^31-1, [languages upper limit on ...

To be honest, I'm not a great fan of this sort of restricted operator challenge myself - I'd be tempted to downvote some answers as being not quite legitimate enough if it wasn't for the fact that I have no idea where the line of legitimacy even is
6 hours ago, by Sp3000
I'm sure you guys have already been through this in chat, but can we get a blanket ban of one Kenny alphabet challenge a month?
@Sp3000 Just stop complaining about every type of challenge already
The UK Companies House web filing is full of bugs.
> Please correct the errors below before continuing
Shows me no errors to correct.
@TùxCräftîñg ?
@mınxomaτ Sounds like an error to me.
@Sp3000 Is this in response to a specific challenge? I read through the sandbox post but couldn't see an operator restriction
@trichoplax it's about Multiplify a number
I think my company's tax return this year will consist of a single sheet of paper with "Fix your Website!" written on it with crayons.
@zyabin101 ¿
@TùxCräftîñg That doesn't resolve my question. What is σɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ? :|
@Sp3000 Looks like 34 people agree with you about "Do X without Y" challenges. If there isn't an objective way of determining whether a solution meets the restriction criterion, I guess close voting the question makes sense
@zyabin101 silence in small caps with a sigma
Ah k :)
i am creating a golfing language in Neoscript
@LeakyNun Although I'd prefer to see criticisms of challenge types, rather than naming a specific person, I do think criticisms of challenge types are important (even the criticisms I disagree with, because they start a discussion to get a consensus).
Q: Is it truthy or falsy?

helloworld922There are so many different ways to express whether something is true or not! The goal of this challenge is to produce a standardized output of true or false for various truthy and falsy values. For the purposes of this challenge, the following inputs are considered truthy: A string representi...

@VTCAKAVSMoACE any other error details?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Probably relevant
> For security reasons, browsers restrict cross-origin HTTP requests initiated from within scripts.
find the error: expression(tokens [])
hmm, wait
A: Multiplify a number

Leaky NunBrachylog, 9 bytes jL,?h:.cL Try it online! Explanation The j operator concatenates the first thing in an array to itself as many times as the second thing in the array. In other words, [10:2] would produce 101010. This operator uses integer in the implementation so is completely usable. ...

lmao, 2 salt votes
@downvoters y u downvote brachylog ;_;
@ASCII-only wot
@LeakyNun people downvoting your pyth answer lmao
That totally nullifies the need for it.
@Maltysen "omg it's too short i can't see it lol let's downvote"
A: Multiplify a number

FroznJava 8 lambda, 268 characters Arbitrary precision ruins everything, here are the BigIntegers: import static java.math.BigInteger.*;import java.math.BigInteger;(a,b)->{BigInteger r=ZERO;int d=(int)(Math.log(2)/Math.log(10)*a.bitLength()+1);if(TEN.pow(d-1).compareTo(a)>0)d--;while((b=b.subtract(O...

even java is salt-voted
@VTCAKAVSMoACE wait, you're sending the correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, right?
Why have nobody used Jelly
@ASCII-only Yes.
it's like only 3 bytes
@LeakyNun It has equal numbers of up and downvotes, which seems to reflect it being right on the border of being a valid answer... I haven't voted either way myself as I really can't decide how you'd tell if using maths "behind the scenes" counts for this challenge. I'd call that a problem with the challenge, not your solution though
@trichoplax Ah, I linked to the bloody implementation
@trichoplax Fair point - "Do X without Y" was what I had in mind. I think it's clear what OP roughly had in mind when writing this question, but unfortunately it doesn't translate well to an objective criterion
Martin makes a good point: all answers are valid, because computers ARE MADE OF MATH!
@VTCAKAVSMoACE what about Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
A: Multiplify a number

Leaky NunJelly, 3 bytes DẋḌ Try it online! DẋḌ Main chain, argument: x,y D Convert x to list of digits ẋ repeat y times Ḍ Convert back to number

@LeakyNun I get that - I'm not doubting that the implementation uses maths, just whether it counts as a valid solution if the mathematical aspect is in the implementation of the language, rather than in the source code. The challenge is too vague for me to guess...
@ASCII-only True for both.
@trichoplax What is the difference?
Lmao, instant salt-vote
Pour l'amour de dieu (for the love of God)
Which mean: more golflangs!
@LeakyNun The challenge could be phrased either way ("maths in the source code" or "maths somewhere in the underlying implementation") and either would be fine, but it isn't specified so we're left wondering what is acceptable
@VTCAKAVSMoACE oh wait sorry, didn't read the configuration (i.e. didn't see that you included the headers)
@trichoplax Actually, only string operations is forbidden
@ASCII-only wow
and I didn't use string operations
It's really that simple
And there in lies one of the problems - the way OP phrases it sounds like "you can't use string operations, you have to use maths", which almost sounds like two complementary subsets... but where do list operations lie? (for example)
It's kinda unclear to me
People can just look at the first comment
It's literally what I asked
@LeakyNun Perhaps it's worth editing in something to say that this operator only works with numbers, not strings, to avoid any further downvotes due to misunderstanding. You've convinced me that this isn't a string operation, but the downvoters are probably not going to pop into chat to have it explained.
And I got explicit permission from the author
@trichoplax For what it's worth, this operator also works with strings.
@trichoplax Are you telling me to explain to salt-voters?
That's the definition of feeding the troll
@trichoplax please hammer as unclear
@LeakyNun Not telling you anything. Just suggesting that if you wanted to, you could add a sentence that would avoid genuine voters accidentally thinking this is an invalid solution
@trichoplax haterz gonna hate
A: Multiplify a number

Leaky NunJelly, 3 bytes DẋḌ Try it online! DẋḌ Main chain, argument: x,y D Convert x to list of digits ẋ repeat y times Ḍ Convert back to number

lmao 2 salt votes
shrug If they don't like it, they downvote it. That's just how the system works. Nothing you can do to convince otherwise.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE maybe try using curl -H "Origin: https://servera.com" --verbose https://user:[email protected]/file to debug?
@LeakyNun You can't do anything about people who hate for the sake of it - I was only thinking of the people who would be confused (as I was) and think this is invalid when it's not
@trichoplax Nope.
@ASCII-only Passes fine, with no extra information.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Whether I like something is heavily influenced by the explanation...
IMO you shouldn't be downvoting anything, just because you don't like it. That is opinion related and has nothing to do with the health of the site.
@trichoplax Something tells me that if you don't like an answer due to its competitiveness, you're likely not to be dissuaded by an explanation.
@Adnan Not everyone agrees, unfortunately.
@LeakyNun I have no mod powers on PPCG.
@trichoplax What does the blue colour even mean?
It's so confusing
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Yup, and there's nothing we can do about it
@LeakyNun mod on some site, grants full mod powers in chat
I see

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