The VIC cipher is one of the most complicated pencil and paper ciphers ever devised. Used in the 1950s by Soviet spy Reino Häyhänen, codenamed "VICTOR", its main principle is security through obfuscation; a lot of obfuscation.
Your task is to write a program or function that will take a message ...
You've received a coded message from your ally that you know is encoded with the VIC cipher. As you know that the VIC cipher is notoriously convoluted, you want to write a program that will decode the VIC cipher but is small enough to hide from the enemy if you are captured, and thus uses as few ...
@Adnan Python 3.4 and 3.5 are different languages for your challenge. Does that mean the same sequence can be used for both? What about Jelly and M? M is essentially an early version of Jelly with symbolic math instead of floating point.
What are you trying to prevent? Leaky Nun found a 10 byte crack to my 11 byte submission, but I can go lower. What harm would come from posting a shorter Jelly answer so the robbers could try again to outgolf me?
@Adnan Even then, M would still be allowed because it's a different language.
@DestructibleWatermelon There is a risk, because robbers get more time to work on their cracks. Also, it's not like I had a 10 byte answer myswlf (not counting adding no-ops to my shorter solution).
Yesterday, I think. I hope to be able to crowdfund a better VPS, since the current one has only 512 MiB of RAM and is starting to crumble under the load.
I need this..
Using an array of size 10, populated with random integers, e.g. 0 – 100 to test your program. Don’t forget to print initial array and final (sorted) array
idk how the regex parser internally work, but i think when the parser encounter a quantifier, it check for a ?. if there is a ?, the quantifier is lazy, otherwise greedy
While reviewing suggested edits, I came across this one for the color tag's tag wiki. After looking further into the tag, I found that it did not have a tag wiki beforehand, and there are only three questions that are using it currently. Looking at those questions this tag seems pretty unnecessar...
Warning: I will accept an answer in less than 2 days!
input: a positive integer, called n in this article
output: First n respective positive integers that are not prime
"Normal" code golf rules apply.
Your code must do this task in less than (or equal) to one minute for every n<...
Composite Number Sequences
Inspired by this question
Given a positive integer n, your code must output the first n composite numbers.
Input / Output
You may write a program or a function. Input is through STDIN or function argument and output is to STDOUT, or function return value.
Output ca...
in my example code: so, the pointer starts at . the pointer looks around the surrounding 8 squares, sees F, transfers control to other F, Pointer looks around F, sees 4 and 3, pushes them, sees S, goes to it, sees +, adds 3 and 4, sees 4, pushes 4, sees multiply, multiplies 7 (on stack) and 4
Brainfuck, 47 bytes
Try it online!
++++++++++[->++++>+>+<<<] set the tape to 40 10 10
>++> set the tape to 42 10 10
[-<..........>>.<] come on
$ ./ hello.neo hello.js
Elie@elie-asus /d/Neoscript
$ node hello.js
Hello from Neoscript!
Neoscript is a high-level scripting language compiling to Javascript
M, 10 6 bytes, Dennis
Given n, it computes the nth-level factorial of n. This was a fun exercise!
The code is capable of running as Jelly so you can Try it online.
@Sherlock9 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think one well designed language is more impressive than a "language" that tries to piggy back off of several other well designed languages.
@Quill Imagine if the apple you were eating for breakfast had 291 ingredients, or if the car you drove to work had 291 parts I think they're underestimating how complicated cars are.
I'm using web-service to get products details.
I'm trying to compare values and if they equals to print "FOUND", but for some reason I get nothing.
The problem is with the last IF:
if ($product['ProductId'] == $paxServices['ProductId'])
This is the output:
paxProID:332 ?? pro:-1
You can ignore that. My theory is that TuxCrafting has some sort of script running that inserts "ಠ_ಠ" at random intervals into his text field, because it is in general entirely unrelated to the ongoing conversation.
@DerpfacePython I haven't actually read the spec to see whether it's sufficiently detailed to write an interpreter for.