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FYI, I just made a meta post for this ^^^
What is the best book for learning/improving logical reasoning?
my program is mostly working except sometimes it just doesn't
> There is no application set to open the URL discord:///invite-proxy/133419285409169408.
do I need to install something?
You need Discord for that
@Downgoat Huh what. Just click continue to Discord. That'll open the web version.
ok it worked now
D: Safari is not supported discord browser ;_;
@Downgoat download it
@Downgoat I tried 2&(**), not (**)&2. I'm not sure I understand why the latter replaces the left argument.
@Dennis because i can't figure out how to get former to work :|
And how would you curry the right argument?
Cheddar checks LHS for what implementation of & to use. to curry right argument you'd use fn.curry (part of conor's un-merged functional library)
@LeakyNun nah. i like safari
question: do you think i can sneak stuff like exponentiation, binary operators, etc. under "arithmetic"?
@Downgoat there's a thing called binary arithmetic
and ofc exponentiation is arithmetic
ok, i guess it'll work
wikipedia says arithematic is just + - * and /
So I use GitBooks for writing Cheddar docs. Turn out pasting is borked in Gitbooks...
I'm about to post my VIC cipher questions.
Here goes nothing
I can watch the Olympics with a 7 day free trial on Sling TV \o/
Q: Write a VIC cipher encoder

Sherlock9The VIC cipher is one of the most complicated pencil and paper ciphers ever devised. Used in the 1950s by Soviet spy Reino Häyhänen, codenamed "VICTOR", its main principle is security through obfuscation; a lot of obfuscation. Your task is to write a program or function that will take a message ...

Q: Write a VIC cipher decoder

Sherlock9You've received a coded message from your ally that you know is encoded with the VIC cipher. As you know that the VIC cipher is notoriously convoluted, you want to write a program that will decode the VIC cipher but is small enough to hide from the enemy if you are captured, and thus uses as few ...

@Dennis What was your answer?
no don't give it away yet
@Adnan Python 3.4 and 3.5 are different languages for your challenge. Does that mean the same sequence can be used for both? What about Jelly and M? M is essentially an early version of Jelly with symbolic math instead of floating point.
@Dennis Should I delete my answer until I can find a 6-byte answer?
No, a crack is a crack.
@Dennis Technically yes
@Dennis Good news then
@Adnan That makes the rule forbidding multiple answers kinda pointless, don't you think? Python 2.7 has 10 subversions, Python 3 has 6, etc.
Oh, do you think I should also disallow answers in both Python 2.x and Python 3.x?
Depends. What are you trying to prevent with that rule?
@Adnan I'm not sure how you're drawing the line there. It's clear enough for Python, but what versions are different for Julia, Java or C?
Yeah, that was what I was afraid of.
Maybe I should disallow all versions then
What are you trying to prevent? Leaky Nun found a 10 byte crack to my 11 byte submission, but I can go lower. What harm would come from posting a shorter Jelly answer so the robbers could try again to outgolf me?
@Adnan Even then, M would still be allowed because it's a different language.
well, perhaps the idea is that if you post the larger source code, you get more points for more risk? (no risk if you could repost lower)
That would be allowed, just not Python 3 and Python 2
Since they are the same language
@DestructibleWatermelon There is a risk, because robbers get more time to work on their cracks. Also, it's not like I had a 10 byte answer myswlf (not counting adding no-ops to my shorter solution).
@Dennis well, that could be circumvented by posting all at same time, no?
OK, yes. Allowing different posts in the same language at the same time should't be allowed.
@LeakyNun One more try, then I'm out of forks.
wtf is this sugested edit
modify the font to arial ಠ_ಠ
For once, I agree with your ಠ_ಠ.
@Dennis When'd you add the fancy Donate button? :o
Yesterday, I think. I hope to be able to crowdfund a better VPS, since the current one has only 512 MiB of RAM and is starting to crumble under the load.
yesterday, by Dennis
OK, TIO just got a donate button that appears to the right of the usual buttons and leads to a donation page. Right now, only Bitcoins are supported.
How many tries did it take you to generate that address? :P
And PayPal.
Didn't count them. Vanitygen found it in ~1 hour.
I had another idea for a programming language I'm probably going to not implement
@DestructibleWatermelon Put up.
well, I thought of it just now, so I'm still considering stuff
so, my language is based on logic gates
three input logic gates are used because three
neoscript syntax is unreadeable
that's nice @tux
why did you call it newscript anyway?
neo is so neocyberpunkhaxx0r c00l?
anyway ʇɐoƃuʍop created a language named cheddar, so i dont see why i cant call my language neoscript ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but cheddar is unique, and you called yours newscript
Q: c programming question sorted array

user58274I need this.. Using an array of size 10, populated with random integers, e.g. 0 – 100 to test your program. Don’t forget to print initial array and final (sorted) array

@NewMainPosts ಠ_________________ಠ
@TùxCräftîñg Where is this?
i love how some persons disguise a in a 'programming puzzle'
@Sherlock9 ?
The suggested edit
on the print a 10x10 grid of asterisks
I have exactly 665 rep
66/5= 13.2 13/2=6.5 6*0.5=3 the x-files theme plays
i need a regex to transform ((thing)) in (thing)
but also (((thing))) should be replaced
not sure whether or not to immediately abandon the language idea I had for a new one
@NewMainPosts nooooo, i missed it ._.
@TùxCräftîñg exempt
i am trying with backrefs but i just have created a unreadeable regex
(and it dont work D:)
i am stupid
@tux, that's not necessarily true
my regex is (\({2,})(.*?)\1
I don't know regex much
I know a bit though
this match ((((, not (())
doesn't * mean 0 or more?
why do you also have a question mark then?
so the pattern is lazy, it will stop at the first occurence
otherwise the pattern is greedy, it will stop at the last occurence
shouldn't it be (.?)* then (still no expert though)?
? is a quantifier modifier
won't .*? just have no .* or a greedy .*
.* is greedy, so if you have .*?, it just means 0 or 1 greedy things
how does it work then?
idk how the regex parser internally work, but i think when the parser encounter a quantifier, it check for a ?. if there is a ?, the quantifier is lazy, otherwise greedy
if you don't know, have you tried it?
i have tried it
".*" will match "a" "b" in "a" "b", but ".*?" will match "a" and "b"
what will (.?)* match?
where is the part that matches ) in that regex anyway
is the \({2,} greedy?
i tried to use backrefs but i just messed up my regex
@DestructibleWatermelon yes, but since i only want to match (, there is no need to make it lazy
the only need for a lazy regex is with .
oh right
I get it now
cool site to regex
\1 match the first capturing group
so if the first capturing group match hi, \1 will match hi
instead of how you want it ( ((string matches)) )
it does ((string matches((
I don't see how there is an issue to fix without just trying again
Q: Do we need the [color] tag?

GamrCorpsWhile reviewing suggested edits, I came across this one for the color tag's tag wiki. After looking further into the tag, I found that it did not have a tag wiki beforehand, and there are only three questions that are using it currently. Looking at those questions this tag seems pretty unnecessar...

after thinking of it this regex is more likely to bork the generated code
because f((1),(2)) => f(1),(2), which is invalid javascript
@ven +1
Q: Given n , output first n respective non-prime numbers

GLASSICWarning: I will accept an answer in less than 2 days! Goal input: a positive integer, called n in this article output: First n respective positive integers that are not prime Rules "Normal" code golf rules apply. Your code must do this task in less than (or equal) to one minute for every n<...

@ven MATL using Octave, CJam, Actually, 05AB1E
Actually and 05AB1E are going to be too costly because of codepage mismatches :(
I want to try mixing GolfScript, CJam, and Pyth in a way.
I actually had an idea for a programming language again,
@DestructibleWatermelon Gimme,
@zyabin101 well it's pretty much my thing
so, I was thinking about how some languages traverse the code differently
like befunge doing it's 2d thing
@zyabin101 And Seriously
fish with its mirrors
jellyfish with that jellyfish thing
@ASCII-only And Seriously, yes.
and I thought of another way of doing a 2d thing
not sure how to describe it though
One question: I need to make a code page to allow all of GolfScript, CJam, Pyth and Seriously.
@DestructibleWatermelon explain
@ven wait what do you do about codepages
Can I hammer the new question as duplicate of this?
Q: Composite Number Sequences

DowngoatComposite Number Sequences Inspired by this question Given a positive integer n, your code must output the first n composite numbers. Input / Output You may write a program or a function. Input is through STDIN or function argument and output is to STDOUT, or function return value. Output ca...

@ASCII-only I don't. Yet.
GolfScript uses ASCII, CJam uses ASCII, Pyth uses ASCII, Seriously uses code page 437.
Easy enough.
I think the best way might be just giving an example
Do GS, CJam and Pyth only use ASCII? No extensions?
.F    S+
  3S  *4
@Sherlock9 Yes
@ven Probably best to just write a translator to ASCII
yeah :P.
Ah, alright. So you just need CP437 for Seriously and that's it. Neat :D
in my example code: so, the pointer starts at . the pointer looks around the surrounding 8 squares, sees F, transfers control to other F, Pointer looks around F, sees 4 and 3, pushes them, sees S, goes to it, sees +, adds 3 and 4, sees 4, pushes 4, sees multiply, multiplies 7 (on stack) and 4
@zyabin101 did an explain
A: Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks

Leaky NunBrainfuck, 47 bytes ++++++++++[->++++>+>+<<<]>++>[-<..........>>.<] Try it online! ++++++++++[->++++>+>+<<<] set the tape to 40 10 10 >++> set the tape to 42 10 10 [-<..........>>.<] come on

30 upvotes in 2 days :o
lucky I made you post it, huh?
@DestructibleWatermelon yep
also, about that snippet I showed before about the basic idea for the language:
that would be another way of writing it
@LeakyNun do you have any idea on how to crack the 6 byte version? I have a 9 byte version but I think it'd be unfun to post that
@miles nope. Not an idea.
Hmm, how should I mix GS, CJam, Pyth and Seriously? :3
@zyabin101 Under a fume hood probably.
@MartinEnder Why did you use the high rep hammer for , not the mod hammer?
it's not like I can choose.
@mınxomaτ XD
factorial function in neoscript: {n|(1:[]:n):reduce({x y|x*y}1)}
@TùxCräftîñg Does it work with 0!?
it should return 0
because the range return [1 0]
There is one way to sort 0 things: []
$ ./compiletonodejs.sh hello.neo hello.js

Elie@elie-asus  /d/Neoscript
$ cat hello.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
with (require('./bin/stdlib/stdlib.js')) {
Neoscript REPL
neoscript> ^C
[ undefined ]
neoscript> }
Hey, how does the PPCG community still feel about s?
$ ./compiletonodejs.sh hello.neo hello.js

Elie@elie-asus  /d/Neoscript
$ node hello.js
Hello from Neoscript!
Neoscript is a high-level scripting language compiling to Javascript
\o/\o/\o/ :D:D:D
@βετѧΛєҫαγ One word: don't.
be brave and push the boundaries
@LeakyNun I got it
A: Can you outgolf me? (Robbers section)

milesM, 10 6 bytes, Dennis R×\³¡Ṫ Given n, it computes the nth-level factorial of n. This was a fun exercise! The code is capable of running as Jelly so you can Try it online.

A: "Hello, World!"

TùxCräftîñgNeoscript, 28 bytes console:log("Hello, World!")

@miles thanks, now my competition is down to 2 again ;)
@LeakyNun Huh. Oh well
What the...My Emojicode Hello World had 0 upvotes half a hour ago, and now it has 2.
@MartinEnder sure no problem, I'm not familiar with Retina, or the other 2 remaining, so I had more reason to focus on one
A: Find the Factorial

TùxCräftîñgNeoscript, 31 bytes {n|(0:(]:n):reduce({x y|x*y}1)}

@TùxCräftîñg this looks different. Is 0!=1?
$ ./run.sh /d/fac.neo
0: 1
1: 1
2: 2
3: 6
4: 24
5: 120
6: 720
7: 5040
8: 40320
9: 362880
10: 3628800
this time it create a (] range
yup I don't know regexes it's going to be a challenge
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei ;)
since $ is reserved in Neoscript i cant use jQuery
@TùxCräftîñg Then alias the object $ to the object jQuery. :P
ah tru
but anyway i dont use jQuery
brb in a long long int time
@TùxCräftîñg rhubarb
^ I have mixed GS, CJam, Pyth and Seriously in an evil way! >:)
Good morning!
@DJMcMayhem Good afternoon!
13:31 here.
Next, to validify Evil Four, I just need to implement it.
TIL I post 500 chat messages a week on average.
The lang is as valid as the stage langs are.
Any Seriously program can be ported to Evil Four with two lines.
Prepended at the beginning.
Seriously is valid, so Evil Four should be, too.
Who's into implementing Evil Four? :3
So, what is "Evil four"?
@DJMcMayhem This lang.
Not to sound rude or anything but that actually sounds pretty dumb.
o_o It's not.
I don't think it will actually end up being any shorter than any of those languages individually.
@zyabin101 isn't this the same as ven's new language except less usable?
Wow. It's a good thing you aren't trying to sound rude :D
It's not. O_O
@Sherlock9 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think one well designed language is more impressive than a "language" that tries to piggy back off of several other well designed languages.
@DJMcMayhem I'm not commenting on your statement. Just the way you phrased it :D
Thanks for wanting this lang to die. q_q
The new lang I designed.
@Quill Imagine if the apple you were eating for breakfast had 291 ingredients, or if the car you drove to work had 291 parts I think they're underestimating how complicated cars are.
Q: find string by compare to values

RoiI'm using web-service to get products details. I'm trying to compare values and if they equals to print "FOUND", but for some reason I get nothing. The problem is with the last IF: if ($product['ProductId'] == $paxServices['ProductId']) This is the output: paxProID:332 ?? pro:-1 paxProID:3...

^ go vtc
One step ahead of you.
Do you not have VTC powers yet?
yes i have
@NewMainPosts ninja'd
@NewMainPosts Please make that go away.
@NewMainPosts ಠ______ಠ
I've VTC'd 120 times. I'm rather proud of that.
There should be a badge for close voting a bunch of times.
I think they want to avoid gaming close votes
Eh, fair enough
I'm really close to getting the "reviewer" badge, which only 3 people currently have I believe.
Nope, 4.
Mego will probably beat me to it though.
Still three votes of five.
20 mins old! D:
It's closed now
brb in a long long int time
(if yu say rhubarb i will do a bad thing)
Thinking of a chess languagey thing
But suffering from a case of cbb
@TùxCräftîñg rhubarb
@TùxCräftîñg cabbage
@DJMcMayhem does bad thing with @DJMcMayhem
@DerpfacePython there's esolangs.org/wiki/Chess if it helps
@zyabin101 I think you mean "to"
@DJMcMayhem Yup.
But the edit window has ended.
"With" means something very different. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@MartinEnder Cool, didn't know there was such a thing.
Would an interpreter for Chess be a good idea?
You can ignore that. My theory is that TuxCrafting has some sort of script running that inserts "ಠ_ಠ" at random intervals into his text field, because it is in general entirely unrelated to the ongoing conversation.
@DerpfacePython I haven't actually read the spec to see whether it's sufficiently detailed to write an interpreter for.
TuxCrafting is some sort of being sent down by the watchmen designed to survey human interaction
@MartinEnder I've slightly glossed over it, and it's good enough, TBH.
There's enough things to write a sufficient program in, although it's going to be extremely hard to do anything in, really.
it's false
LOL, true.
But don't hate on the ಠ_ಠ (it has feelings too)
Wait, whaaaatt? There's a highlighting format for SPL in PPCG?
That's crazy.
@DerpfacePython SPL?
Shakespeare Programming Language
A: Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks

TùxCräftîñgNeoscript, 39 bytes each _=0:[]:9console:log("**********");

1 hour later…
quack quack
ಠ_ಠ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chat is dead
I didn't notice.
1305 rep \o/

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