Write a program that will generate a "true" output iff the input matches the source code of the program, and which generates a "false" output iff the input does not match the source code of the program.
This problem can be described as being related to quines, as the program must be able to some...
@Doorknob (or any other mod/user with the right privileges) could you please let me know if there was a rejected edit to this answer as per this discussion
In Portal and Portal 2, only some surfaces are portal-able (generally depicted as white). In addition,
seems to conduct portals very well. But is that the only thing?
It seemed that they had portals before the above discovery, but I can't find any hard evidence.
What defines a portal-able...
Mini-challenge: Go 24 hours without seeing a screen that can display more than two colors. So no computer, no tv, no smartphone. LCD displays on microwaves and calculators and such are ok.
@DestructibleWatermelon ok, well there's this thing called 'git' and it's a version control system (meaning you make a commit and it stores your code at that point, if you make a mistake you can go back to that commit). GitHub is just a place where you can upload (push) your project tracked with git. So what you're supposed to do is to track your project with git locally and then upload it or alternatively, clone it with git clone then make changes then push
You can even use Github desktop if you don't want to learn the git command line interface
so I wondered if vim was turing complete, then I realized that with recursive macros, <C-a>/<C-x>, and tabs, it is almost possible to translate any brainf*** program into a vim keystroke sequence (assuming that it has 26 or less loops)
I would be able to almost trivially convert it, but I don't know how to end a recursive macro when the current line contains 0. If anyone could help me figure it out, that'd be nice
@Zwei That sounds super interesting! I love pushing the boundaries of what vim can do. I've actually had that same thought a whole bunch of times. I've never been able to actually do it.
I remember I wrote a primality tester in pure vim keystrokes (without eval or the commandline at all) but I don't remember exactly how I did it.
variable names will match the regex \[a-z, A-Z]+\. a variable command consists of the variable name, and all commands pertaining to the active variable mean this one, until the active variable changes
vim, 62 59 54
Wow. This is possibly the hackiest thing I've written for PPCG, and that's saying something.
Input is taken as N on the first line followed by the elements of the array, each on its own line.
qr first...
Sesos, 40 bytes
0000000: 16f0be afcf9c 37fcfe 8c19d7 c671d7 668ee3 f57b33 ......7......q.f...{3
0000015: 877bc6 662edb b94113 ae1da3 e0ebb8 76eec7 1e .{.f...A.......v...
Try it online! Check Debug to see the generated binary code.
How it works (WIP)
The binary file above has been gener...
A kitten is much like a cat. Some of the main differences are cuteness, lack of intelligence, and size. Similarly, the cat command is different from the kitten command. Fortunately, there is only one difference in this case. In the kitten command, all uppercase letters are replaced with lowercase...