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I'll google the eror
It looks like I need to install babel-node
Update npm
npm install -g npm
Can a PPCG mod clear some comments for me?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Oh, also maybe require x>1? Making just x=1 seems like it would outscore any more interesting answers...
$ sudo npm install -g npm
/usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
- [email protected] node_modules/npm/node_modules/lodash.isarray
- [email protected] node_modules/npm/node_modules/lodash.keys
- [email protected] node_modules/npm/node_modules/npmlog/node_modules/gauge/node_modules/lodash.tostring
- [email protected] node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/node_modules/is-absolute/node_modules/is-relative
- [email protected] node_modules/npm/node_modules/async-some
Also, so long as we're asking for feedback, any more advice on this?
Did you accidentally link to the same challenge we were already talking about?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Lowest score wins?
let's pretend that never happened
Well, what's the winning criteria?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ hahaha
> The winner of this challenge is the one with the last answer.
@Mego Where does it say that?
Chat needs semaphores, I think there is a problem here where LegionMammal is still looking at the other challenge.
@LegionMammal978 Paragraph right before "First Post"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 10/10
@Mego Talking about the Don't Repeat Yourself challenge
@LegionMammal978 Oh, I assumed you were talking about the challenge that Conor actually linked in the message you replied to
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I like it.
Oh, must have scrolled up :P
Nah, it was probably the edit :P
Oh, on mobile the edit icon is hardly noticeable
@Upgoat I installed babel-cli and now it gives me a different error
This is somehow relaxing and mesmerizing.
@Upgoat I fixed the makefile, now it actually runs tests
Q: Prove that a Number is Algebraic

mbomb007Inspired by this answer (emphasis mine): We will play a game. Suppose you have some number x. You start with x and then you can add, subtract, multiply, or divide by any integer, except zero. You can also multiply by x. You can do these things as many times as you want. If the total becomes z...

@mbomb007 I get 372 for your fourth example ...
5*(3^.25) = 6.5803700647....
When you *x'd, did you forgot the 5*?
Geez ... I think we ganged up on the new guy a little.
Q: Tell Me about yourself

Rohan JhunjhunwalaYour task is to write a self referential program similar to a quine. The objective is to write a program that will generally print to stdout twice whatever the input is. But when it receives the input of "Tell me about your source" it should output its source (like a quine). Also if it receives t...

@FryAmTheEggman thanks for your help with the challenge.
I'll post it in a day or 2 if it gets no further feedback.
@mbomb007 What I was wondering was whether solutions would need to deal with indices like m/n at all (whether as ^(m/n) or as ^(1/n)^m). I notice that a^(1/n)^m is equivalent to (a^m)^(1/n), and a^m is an integer for integer a and m, so this is still just x^(1/n). So if solutions are only required to deal with one level of exponentiation, and only by 1/n for integer n, then all possible algebraic numbers are still representable.
So it just depends on whether you want dealing with more complex inputs to be part of the challenge
is anyone interested in using enki? I was approved and have invite codes.
@BaldBantha sounds cool
want an invite code?
i don't have to do any java, right?
@trichoplax Yeah, the inputs don't need to be complex, but you can surely handle them in that format if you want to.
@Maltysen um i dont think so
k i'm in (I was just wondering cuz I saw java as one of the example areas)
ok this only has 3 more uses so get ready to register:
3...2... 1...
on the app
u have to download it
@BaldBantha That seems neat. On the other hand, I frequently have days where I code for hours...
@TimmyD My first operation was /5, so there's no longer a five there...
@BaldBantha runs upstairs for phone
@mbomb007 What I was wondering is: What is the minimum that needs to be handled?
If just (1/n) is sufficient, then I guess most people are going to just handle that
@BaldBantha i'm in \o/
@trichoplax Fine with me as long as it's trivial to convert the algebraic number to your input format.
Make a note of what your program handles.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ >You have 2 invites left
can't right now... :(
Since x^(m/n) = x^(1/n)^m, that's trivial enough for me.
sorry for all the editing, y u no work chat markdown
but will soon as I can (in < 10 min)
@BaldBantha where i bug report?
its a small bug
enki.com i guess... I'm not affiliatied with them
@TimmyD You're right...
@BaldBantha oic
@BaldBantha If you make this a reply rather than an @ping then the quote will work.
> Like this
@TimmyD My 4th example is wrong.
I've removed it temporarily
@TimmyD I fixed the example.
The minimal polynomial is x^4-1875, so the solution was easy to find using that.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ And you said you didn't want it...
i wanted to be nice. :/
@mbomb007 I apologize.
:P No hard feelings
I bet the first solution is in Mathematica
Q: Ways to get to the number

nicaelGiven the input of the first number and the second number (both integers), determine in how many ways could you make the second out of the first, using following actions: +1,+2 and *3. Examples: Input: 1 2. Output: 1. I.e, you could only get 2 by doing +1, so one way. Input: 1 3. Output: 3. I...

Did you know you can type expressions into Google and use it as a calculator like this:
@trichoplax its the best
it does units too
Never would I have guessed that the ith root of minus one would be so large...
Did you know that downloading YouTube videos violates its ToS?
Section 4, part C: "You agree not to access Content through any technology or means other than the video playback pages of the Service itself, the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly authorized means YouTube may designate."
And section 4, part A: "You agree not to distribute in any medium any part of the Service or the Content without YouTube's prior written authorization, unless YouTube makes available the means for such distribution through functionality offered by the Service (such as the Embeddable Player)."
@trichoplax other fun facts: e^(pi*i) == -1
@LegionMammal978 Of course it does, otherwise it'd have a download button (like Vimeo). It's also violating the YouTube license (if CC is not selected by the creator).
@Poke I knew that one, but I assumed 23.14... was a mistake on Google. Turns out it really is the answer though...
silly math
@Maltysen I didn't know about either of these - wow!
@trichoplax Fun fact: That's e^pi.
@Doorknob Woah
@Doorknob e^i pi = -1, then take the ith root of both sides?
-1=i^2 1/i=-i
@Maltysen Ohhhh....
Does anybody know if the Leibniz triangle has an analogue like pascal's triangle has the sierpenski triangle?
@Maltysen that's epic
I knew of the other one, but not that.
@mbomb007 lol
I upvoted one of his answer and had to screenshot that.
Note: The upvote wasn't for the number.
Is it possible (in Mathematica) to take 2 images, one of which is scaled and cropped, and find the scaling factor?
Also, anyone want to take a look at meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9332/45459 and give me some feedbax
Q: Derivative at the Edge

Tony RuthMy preferred way to take a derivative is the central difference, its more accurate than forward difference or backward difference, and I'm too lazy to go higher-order. But the central difference requires a data point on either side of point you are evaluating. Normally this means you end up not h...

Somebody mod-hammer that, no winning criterion.
@LegionMammal978 yes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ How?
I don't know. >_>
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ today I close voted a question that I just answered.
But I know it's possible. I've seen it done at a conference.
@Maltysen :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That exact task?
@LegionMammal978 Take 2 images, calculate the scale between them (same size though)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Where did you find it?
A conference?
The specific seminar was about mathematica. The conference was about rockets. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think it was orbital physics? But he did that as a cool demonstration.
You catch any of what was done?
Yes, but it was about 4 months ago, so I don't remember.
Too bad :(
You see, I have a few frames of a video of a zooming image, and I'm trying to find the speed
I have written a puzzle. I had a question that I originally posted on information security stackexchange, but I got some really stupid comments and deleted it. Anyone here have any interest in fielding a crypto question?
okay, I'll explain it as briefly as I can
I have a puzzle that requires you to guess words. You're given the length of the word to be guessed, so let's say it's 6 letters
You're guessing maybe... 20 or 30 of these at once. This is all in Javascript, so you can see the source
So what I did was SHA-256 hash all of the acceptable answers (if the answer is "Mount Vesuvius", I would take "Vesuvius" or "mount vesuvius"
I also use AES to encrypt "<guess I will take>|<the correct answer, which I will display>" with the key <guess I will take>
so when you guess, i check the hash of your guess against all of the hashes, and then if it matches one, i use it to decrypt the string for which it is the key
got it
what was the question part though?
that way if you guess "Vesuvius", I can correctly display "Mount Vesuvius", and the source code only has hashes and encrypted strings
is there a better way to put answers in the source code?
@EricTressler read from file
It seems a bit convoluted, but I don't want to talk to a database. I really want to be able to send someone the HTML+JS in a zip file and let them run the thing, but not be able to cheat
@EricTressler there really isn't anyway to prevent cheating without talking to a database
just read from file
like .txt file
@EricTressler they can always change the code (nice scheme you've got, though)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Assuming the odd numbers are black? Then it's just Sierpinski magnified by 2, I think
@Maltysen I'm pretty sure what I just described does do that. I'm doing it right now, it works
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ ?
Sure, they can set the game to "Win state", but they will never find the answers unless they break the AES -- which requires finding the answer, because the answer is the key
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Define analogue
@EricTressler well yes
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ specifically I was wondering if it had a named structure corresponding to it.
okay, so I think I've explained what/why I want to do this. Is there a cleaner way? Assuming that I definitely want to store everything in the JS code
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Well, when the odd numbers in Pascal's Triangle are colored black, Sierpinski's triangle results
I'm reading it.
@EricTressler have you considered NaCl?
just putting it out there
TL;DR: not much better
@Maltysen I left that out, I am using a salt for the hashes
it's just a fixed string, but it means you'd have to create your own rainbow table
@EricTressler XD, no I meant developer.chrome.com/native-client
lets you obsfucate your binary if you want to
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 mins ago, by QPaysTaxes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Turns out code golf isn't for me
Goodbye, QPaysTaxes, fare thee well.
@HelkaHomba any news on the ads?
oh.. i don't actually want to obfuscate. i plan to release it under MIT or something
@EricTressler well you can release the source, but you can obsfucate the compiled binaries with the strings
this has the added benefit of programatically being able to check against slight differences (Vesuvius vs vesuvius)
ah. yeah, I convert everything to uppercase, and manually enter things I'll allow
and I auto-remove "The " and auto-test "GUESS", "GUESS"+"S", "GUESS"+"ES"
so it lets you be slightly sloppy
I do have to bootstrap, though; I put the puzzle in in the clear, run an encryption function that spits out JS code for the encrypted version, and put the encrypted stuff in the final source code
so it IS a pain to modify
@Maltysen nope
@HelkaHomba i needs moar minecraft vid
have you checked youtube
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Episode 8 is very explosive
i think you could literally watch minecraft videos from this moment until the day you die, nonstop
@HelkaHomba not uploaded yet?
@EricTressler He means from my channel - youtube.com/HelkaHomba
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No. Still need to edit and stuff
helka: can i join your server?
I haven't had anywhere good to play minecraft in like... 2 years
@EricTressler Yes, ping me in here with your username chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/24544/ppcg-minecraft-server
A mention elsewhere on SE for Retina:
Retina is an example of a Regex-based programming language that uses string operations for computation. — Andrew Piliser yesterday
Though the PPCGMC server has been pretty unpopulated lately afaik :/
@BaldBantha I need my mc stuff btw....
You haven't given it back, and I've asked a couple times.
I haven't played Minecraft in a while... it used to be a good way to end a night
Being busy is fun too, I suppose
@HelkaHomba lol at ep. 6.5
was that 4/6 spawn chunks?
4/6? I leveled 4 there, out of 144
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I can talk to him if it's important
O_O nvm
@HelkaHomba not really, but I really want my sword/bow back
that's mostly it
@HelkaHomba I might ping you next time if he doesn't respond.
@HelkaHomba when I watched your last episode, your pc specs flashed onscreen for a few seconds, and then I got super jealous.
Because I obsess over desktop pc hardware.
Mine are very similar, but slightly lower.
this reminds me of the business card scene from American Psycho
To brighten your day imgur.com/gallery/0V3ei
anyone here know to change the username for windows 8? E.g. change c:/users/conor o'brien/ to c:/users/conor/
Format/reinstall works.
Updating to windows 10 might give you the option (and a better os)
8 is garbage.
it doesn't give you the option
does upgrading to windows 10 keep all my files?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ depends whether it's the same computer
yes, it is same
then yeah
unless you click the erase button.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ unless you do a clean install
It'd be smart to make a backup anyway though
@DJMcMayhem Then you'll like Linus. (Though you probably already know him.)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ why would you want that name?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ it's temporary
Q: How to rename user folder in Windows 8?

DzinXWhen I log in on a Windows 8 machine for the first time with my Microsoft Account (by providing an e-mail address), a new user folder is created: C:\Users\dzinx_000 In previous versions of Windows, I could choose the name of this folder (it was equal to my username). As I use the commandline o...

brb restarting
@HelkaHomba I blame life :(
@HelkaHomba that's so cool.
@LegionMammal978 sorry for late reply. I lost mobile connection >_> I've looked over your code and I've commented on the GH, let me know if that works

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