Inspired by this answer (emphasis mine):
We will play a game. Suppose you have some number x. You start with x and then you can add, subtract, multiply, or divide by any integer, except zero. You can also multiply by x. You can do these things as many times as you want. If the total becomes z...
Your task is to write a self referential program similar to a quine. The objective is to write a program that will generally print to stdout twice whatever the input is. But when it receives the input of "Tell me about your source" it should output its source (like a quine). Also if it receives t...
@mbomb007 What I was wondering was whether solutions would need to deal with indices like m/n at all (whether as ^(m/n) or as ^(1/n)^m). I notice that a^(1/n)^m is equivalent to (a^m)^(1/n), and a^m is an integer for integer a and m, so this is still just x^(1/n). So if solutions are only required to deal with one level of exponentiation, and only by 1/n for integer n, then all possible algebraic numbers are still representable.
So it just depends on whether you want dealing with more complex inputs to be part of the challenge
Given the input of the first number and the second number (both integers), determine in how many ways could you make the second out of the first, using following actions: +1,+2 and *3.
Input: 1 2. Output: 1. I.e, you could only get 2 by doing +1, so one way.
Input: 1 3. Output: 3. I...
Did you know that downloading YouTube videos violates its ToS?
Section 4, part C: "You agree not to access Content through any technology or means other than the video playback pages of the Service itself, the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly authorized means YouTube may designate."
And section 4, part A: "You agree not to distribute in any medium any part of the Service or the Content without YouTube's prior written authorization, unless YouTube makes available the means for such distribution through functionality offered by the Service (such as the Embeddable Player)."
@LegionMammal978 Of course it does, otherwise it'd have a download button (like Vimeo). It's also violating the YouTube license (if CC is not selected by the creator).
My preferred way to take a derivative is the central difference, its more accurate than forward difference or backward difference, and I'm too lazy to go higher-order. But the central difference requires a data point on either side of point you are evaluating. Normally this means you end up not h...
I have written a puzzle. I had a question that I originally posted on information security stackexchange, but I got some really stupid comments and deleted it. Anyone here have any interest in fielding a crypto question?
so when you guess, i check the hash of your guess against all of the hashes, and then if it matches one, i use it to decrypt the string for which it is the key
It seems a bit convoluted, but I don't want to talk to a database. I really want to be able to send someone the HTML+JS in a zip file and let them run the thing, but not be able to cheat
Sure, they can set the game to "Win state", but they will never find the answers unless they break the AES -- which requires finding the answer, because the answer is the key
ah. yeah, I convert everything to uppercase, and manually enter things I'll allow
and I auto-remove "The " and auto-test "GUESS", "GUESS"+"S", "GUESS"+"ES"
so it lets you be slightly sloppy
I do have to bootstrap, though; I put the puzzle in in the clear, run an encryption function that spits out JS code for the encrypted version, and put the encrypted stuff in the final source code
When I log in on a Windows 8 machine for the first time with my Microsoft Account (by providing an e-mail address), a new user folder is created:
In previous versions of Windows, I could choose the name of this folder (it was equal to my username). As I use the commandline o...