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@Doorknob Three, sir!
/me plays angelic music
@VTCAKAVSMoACE But there's only eleven numbers there, how could it get to seven already?
My grandma had Alzeimer's and I guess as part of the diagnosis the doctor had her count backwards from 100 by 7s. My mom went to the appointment with her and couldn't do it herself. :P
@AlexA. that's just mean
@AlexA. ouch
It's like sobriety tests where they tell you to do the alphabet backwards. I know plenty of sober people that couldn't do that.
I can never do that
@AlexA. Pyth, 10 bytes: m-100*7d15
Mini-challenge: Given a positive int N, output the pie-bisected truthy/falsy value of the input list 1, 2, 3, ..., N.
piesected, gosh darn tootin'
@Geobits Pyth, 2 bytes: _G
@Doorknob Well that's not fair. I assume you're not drunk.
@Doorknob :100Z7
6 bytes :P
I'm not sure any cop in the world would accept it, either :P
"Are you drunk?"
"Uhh, yeah... come with me."
@Doorknob That doesn't mean you're drunk now.
@Geobits "Well officer, I can't recite the alphabet backwards but I can write a totally sober computer program that does it."
@Maltysen oh... yeah :P
FWIW, I agree. Everyone should do it at least once. Not that I'm advocating it or anything. Shit.
You mean drive drunk?
@Geobits underage drinking, or just in general?
I'm pretty sure no one should do that ever
@AlexA. No, underage drinking.
Oh, yeah
17 ftw
Hm, 16?
No, I think 17
Not that I'm advocating it or anything
hey everyone @Geobits totally just advocated underage drinking
8 mins ago, by Maltysen
@AlexA. well, I'm sold
@Maltysen 0/10 leaves bad taste
and hangover
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ experience?
check previous message (like long time ago)
I'm probably the wrong person to talk to about this. I was in a "leadership" class once and it came around to debate time. Ended up the only fucking person in the room on the side of "everyone should be allowed to try any illegal drug once".
New feature on my chatbot!! Ask me (the bot is on my account) what I think about a subject and the bot will asnwer. In beep boop maggot room.
speaking of drugs, @Geobits you would be proud of me, my chill as shit family came over from india, and (without my parents knowing of course) I actually did some hookah
@BaldBantha room link?
@Maltysen Oh cool. Did you enjoy it?

  Beep Boop Bingus Bin

@Geobits I'd probably argue against for the case of really addictive illegal drugs. If you try it once and like it, you shouldn't seek it out again...
e.g. meth
@Maltysen Hookah is always legal though; it's just tobacco.
@Geobits idk, kinda makes you dizzy after a while, but overall wasn't bad
@AlexA. the flavoring may or may not have had tobacco in it >_>
public transcript shit
@AlexA. Right. I can understand that viewpoint. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I understand it. Most of the people there were just being hypocrits and jumping on the side they thought the instructor wanted to hear. It was actually good fun debating the entire class on my own.
in Beep Boop Maggot, 22 secs ago, by Bald Bantha
[BOT] I think alex a. somewhere I would want to go
This was in the military, so there was a big "drugs are bad, mmkay" mentality by leadership. Not necessarily amongst the general populace.
@Geobits My friend's girlfriend's mom said to her before she started high school, "You're going to be exposed to this anyway, so if you can finish either of these, you have my permission." She then handed her an entire Manhatten and a cigarette. So she doesn't drink or smoke and she's in her 30s now. :P
I guess a bad experience when you're 14 will keep you off of it for life
@AlexA. I wish more people would do that. Parents really should be the ones teaching this shit.
Side note: People will star anything with 'fuck' in it, won't they?
resists temptation to star
@HelkaHomba I think it's possible iff n*(n+1)/2 is even
@aditsu Yeah, something like that. It becomes much easier.
in Beep Boop Maggot, 1 min ago, by Bald Bantha
[BOT] I think bantha has a big ego. And butt.
bot backfires
Oh shit, shots fired
in Beep Boop Maggot, 30 secs ago, by Bald Bantha
[BOT] I think genocide would make a great headline!
@Geobits In general I agree with you with the exception of the ones that can seriously wreck your shit (again, e.g. meth).
@AlexA. Yeah, I don't have any experience with seriously hard drugs. However, I do believe in personal freedoms, and it's hard to argue against it within that framework. Not impossible, but considerably more difficult than "it's bad for you, so you can't do it".
Then again, I smoked for 15+ years knowing full well it wasn't good for me, so what do I know? :P
Are you still smoke-free??
Yes. And it's still driving me a bit crazy >_>
Especially times like these, when I'm doing nothing between drinking sessions o_o
Seriously, someone fax me a cigarette.
Just let alcohol fill the void clear your mind? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lol, well staying busy helps more than anything. "Clearing the mind" is the opposite approach.
@Geobits It can also be bad for anyone you're associated with - friends, family, dependents especially. I don't have strong opinions one way or the other here, just that is another aspect.
@HelkaHomba so.. q~4%3%!
@HelkaHomba True. I didn't really want to get into that aspect of it, though, since it can be used for severe restrictions on liberty. It's hard not to slippery slope that one imo.
@aditsu looks good
ParametricPlot3D is fricken awesome
brb looking Martin's post on mathematica
Ok, 90 minutes til I need to be there. Need to eat, shower, change. Gotta go!
or q~(4%2/
in Beep Boop Maggot, 5 mins ago, by Bald Bantha
btw, I think everybody must drink every day, at every age
I recommend water :)
but I also like coke zero a lot
in Sandbox, 22 secs ago, by StackExchange
posted on June 05, 2016

We will be upgrading SQL Server from 2014 SP1 to 2016 RTM for all production websites on Saturday June 5th at 01:00 UTC (9:00 PM EDT on June 4th). The upgrade should be transparent on the replicas, but there will be a user-facing outage for approximately 30 seconds to 5 minutes (hopefully on the short side) while we cutover to the upgraded replica in New York for the last phase of the upgrade.

so yeah, I'm totally for underage drinking
drinks water
@BaldBantha 30 seconds without SE? How will we ever survive
@BaldBantha uh.. that's not really an upgrade
they should upgrade to postgres
@aditsu a pity they didn't consult you :/
Anyone here heard of Ale 8 One? I assume Elendia has, anyone else?
It's the holy drink in my Boy Scout Troop
@HelkaHomba yeah, millions of people are making the same mistake every day.. sadly they never learn
@aditsu They should totally just switch to a flat-file database controlled by PHP. What could go wrong.
It's a ginger-ale /sprite mix soda. It's really good. It sends this rasp down your throut, I like it
About the only beer I drink is a) Köstritzer Schwarz and b) Becks Ice.
@BaldBantha PhiNotPHP
@mınxomaτ please do not speak of such stomach-churning horrors
@aditsu only ale 8 one
@aditsu I've seen that happen way to many times. "Knock knock. Race condition. Who's there?"...
more like.. knock knock - php falls over and vomits all over your page
One of my favorite parts about PHP:
break n breaks out of n levels of loops
@quartata IMO that's actually useful.
Yeah, it's really awesome.
I don't know any other language that has that. The closest is doing labels + break label which sucks
@quartata AutoIt :-)
@quartata python has loop-elses
which let you emulate that without flags
@mınxomaτ Nice
@quartata brb implementing in Cheddar
@Maltysen eh not quite as convenient
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @quartata i'm back
Should just be bbbbbreak, where the number of b's indicates how many levels of nesting to break from
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Conor left after I dominated him as Soldier and I have to eat dinner
@AlexA. This is genius
make it babababreak
Clearly break should be renamed c-c-c-c-combobreaker.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Link?
read around there
I have none
Trump is truly amazing - he makes all sorts of evil pretentious assholes look reasonable
Sometimes I wonder whether Trump is actually a Democrat and is undercover trying to sabotage the Republican party.
in Sandbox, 21 secs ago, by Bald Bantha
[BOT] I think @baldbantha avocad is great!
@AlexA. there was some speculation about that.. but his cover couldn't possibly last that long
@AlexA. And possible take blows to his ego??? nooo...
@aditsu I can't find it now, but that reminds me of a meme I saw where it was pointed out that Hitler fought in the army (in WWI) and was a competent politician, neither of which Trump did or is, and concluded that comparing Trump to Hitler is an insult to Hitler.
... O_O
That was a ride from the beginning to the end
@El'endiaStarman well, Trump is actually a very competent politician (not in the sense that he has good policies, but in the sense that he knows how to gain supporters and manage issues that come up); as for fighting in the army, I don't necessarily see that as a quality
just found this:
now I'm LMAO
^ actual URL
@BaldBantha Best thing ever. The JS plugin to end all JS plugins.
@aditsu Well, Trump dodged the Vietnam draft.
@AlexA. It is curious. Part of me wants to believe that a lot of it is simply intended to rile up the public and the media. He may really believe what he says but he can't possibly be dense enough to intentionally alienate all his political allies.
@El'endiaStarman good for him
@mınxomaτ How did you get that one?
@aditsu Trump definitely knows how to rally supporters, that's for sure. He is, however, first and foremost a businessman. Hitler, on the other hand, had a seat in Germany's Parliament or whatever it was called before he made a successful power grab.
@BaldBantha I'm magic.
@mınxomaτ ಠ_ಠ
@El'endiaStarman he's pretty a pretty bad businessman
@BaldBantha They look really sad.
Like they saw how I sacrificed that goat to get the URL.
@aditsu Have you seen John Oliver's segment on Trump? It's amazing
@mınxomaτ "My life is pain"
@AlexA. I think I watched it online, I only remember the drumpf part
@aditsu Yeah, and people want to trust him with America's money. ಠ_ಠ
@HelkaHomba I've come to think that he may actually be that dense. If there's one thing that's apparent about his character, it's that he's arrogant enough to think he can do anything on his own, with or without others' support.
I have found the solution
A: How to use git.io for non github.com domain URL?

VinayakOne more thing to note here, besides changing .io to .com is that if you create a short URL for a GitHub URL without providing a custom code argument, you won't be able to use Git.io to shorten the same GitHub URL again with your custom code. For instance I shortened https://1oh1.github.com usin...

@BaldBantha Or you know, just read the GitHub help >.>
@AlexA. he has 2 core principles: 1) always claim to be rich, successful and smart 2) never back down
This is accurate
Self-answering a question feels weird. :/
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ^
@mınxomaτ I haven't heard from upgoat for a while...
Who here would rather have 2 enter keys over 2 shift keys?
brb making a strawpoll
I have two enter keys >_>
Numpad enter? :P
Two shifts is not something I would want to give up anyway.
@Geobits weren't you going somewhere?
@Maltysen Yes. Just ate, shower time. It was a brief interlude.
@BaldBantha the default is two shift keys?
@BaldBantha aren't those the same thing?
@Maltysen again :P
BRB fixing poll
@Doorknob lel
^**the correct poll**
99% of these straw polls are utter crap, yet somehow I can't stop clicking the links :/
I said no because I don't want to have to teach my fingers new things
I personally don't even use the right shift only the left because it is closer so...
but i'm right handed
Is there a name for an algorithm that solves this problem?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ noice
not mine
from reddit
I'm basically look for the most efficient solution for this: Given n, find p and q, where p * q >= n AND |p-q| is as small as possible.
@mınxomaτ p=q=n, problem solved
You know that's not what I meant.
if not, then p=q=ceil(sqrt(n))
Are p and q integers?
that's a different problem ^
Essentially convert 1 dimension into 2 dimensions, so that the latter is as square as possible.
Maybe that's clearer.
that problem would be p * q == n
@aditsu Not really, if all are integers.
yes really, read it
so for a prime number, the unique solution would be 1 and n
OK, let's try this again: Is there are more efficient solutions than those given in the SO answers.
for that question or for your question? :p
Damn it, you know what I mean.
I know you know I know what you mean, but I don't actually know what you mean
Since we all like strawpolls so much: strawpoll.me/10400582
I have at least 3 different possibilities for what you might mean
@aditsu With the addition of being as square as possible. Simply p * q == n does not give any indication that the difference between p and q should be as small as possible, which is what both I and the question clearly state.
I have an issue understanding javascript callbacks. Can anyone help?
@mınxomaτ yes, the SO question includes being as square as possible (I thought that was clear); I was only emphasizing the part where that question is completely different from what you said
6 mins ago, by mınxomaτ
Essentially convert 1 dimension into 2 dimensions, so that the latter is as square as possible.
I don't think so.
9 mins ago, by mınxomaτ
I'm basically look for the most efficient solution for this: Given n, find p and q, where p * q >= n AND |p-q| is as small as possible.
After which I rephrased.
the rephrased version is extremely vague
@aditsu It's exactly the same as the SO question, but condensed. In any case "p * q == n" is neither a solution for my rephrased question nor the SO question.
Looking at OEIS - if it helps I think these are called "central divisors"
@Sp3000 Got a link?
@mınxomaτ no, the SO question is clear, and "p * q == n" was not meant to be a solution; are you actually trying to get an answer or do you just enjoy arguing? :p
I was trying to get an answer since my first post containing the SO link.
Q: How should you arrange your chairs?

Dr Green Eggs and Ham DJYou teach a class of students with interesting preferences for how their chairs are arranged. There are 3 very specific requirements they have for how the chairs are arranged: They most be arranged in a rectangle, even if it means some chairs go empty. There must be as few empty chairs as possi...

your first post asked for an algorithm name
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ That's pretty helpful
that's yet another different problem :)
Although it's still not clear why you don't just do p=q=n is there a second criteria beyond p*q>=n?
Smallest p*q? That's essentially my challenge, minimized |p-q| and p*q-n
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ apparently that's not exactly what he wanted, but he won't clarify
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Exactly.
@aditsu If you think that, you misunderstood the SO question.
Anyway, that solved it.
@mınxomaτ nope, absolutely NOT; the only thing I'm not clear about is what you want to solve
@mınxomaτ what's more important to minimize, the difference in absolute value, or "missing chairs" if you will?
SO question: clear, PPCG challenge: clear and DIFFERENT, mınxomaτ's question: ¯\(o_º)/¯ no idea what you want
Hmm I'm not quite sue there's an efficient algorithm for that question tbh
@Sp3000 do you mean my challenge, but for efficiency, not code length?
Hmm, now I wonder what the efficient way is. I did it in O(n), but you can probably do a lot better.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I'm pretty sure you only need to try 1 or 2 values going down from sqrt(n)
oh wait, there could be more
but still, limited by the differences you find
O(sqrt(n)) in the worst case
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I mean the general problem of finding the factor closest to sqrt(n)
Since factorisation in general is unknown whether it's easy/hard
@aditsu How can you objectively and efficiently determine when you've hit the best solution, descending from sqrt(n)
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ when the factor difference becomes greater than the best score you found so far
Is it strictly increasing though? I don't think it is.
yes it is, if one factor goes down, the other one can't go down too
No, because factor difference isn't the only thing. There's also p*q-n to consider.
yes, but the difference alone can become greater than the score, then you stop
Oh, I get what you mean.
like for n=24 p and q should be 3 and 8?
4 and 6 are better
No, 6 and 4.
and 5 and 5 are best
> In case of a tie, the optimal solution is the one with less empty chairs.
It works with that rule to
5 5 or 4 6?
5 5 has a score of 1, 4 6 has a score of 2.
I mean in the original question, not the chairs question
Oh, the original question isn't super clear.
if you mean the SO question, the answer is 4 6
as 5 * 5 != 24
Oh alright
Haha, I love this site. This is the only place where I can over analyze the difference between factors in a number and people would actually care.
I'm pretty sure next to none of my irl friends would care.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ well, now I'm really curious.. how low can it go? :)
How low can what go?
the small factor
no, I mean the small factor in the solution, relative to sqrt(n)
in @DrGreenEggsandHamDJ's challenge
Oh, haha. I found a couple outliers. 91: (7, 13), 50: (5, 10)
those are still within 2
I'll see if I have the script I used to generate the test IO, and run it much higher.
I'm doing that right now
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ bug? you have 3: (2, 2)
oh wait, that's correct
@aditsu No, I think that's right.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ By what metric? Code review-wise?
@Sp3000 Uh, if you want to. I didn't spend too much time on it. It's my "Test IO script"
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Variable named l...
That's cause it was psuedo-golfed.
looks just like 1 ;_;
two newlines when one is plenty...
Nah, I was just wondering because it didn't look like it was meant to be code reviewed so I was wondering what you meant
Don't mind me, I'm sure it's fine :P
Oh, I meant if you're trying to this:
5 mins ago, by aditsu
no, I mean the small factor in the solution, relative to sqrt(n)
def fast_isqrt(number):
	a = number
	b = (a + 1) // 2
	while b < a:
		a = b
		b = (a + number // a) // 2
	return int(a)

def pqn(n):
	s = fast_isqrt(n)
	return [s,n/s]
Credits to the isqrt algorithm by Dennis:
1000 -> 25 40
@LeakyNun credits to babylonians
Ooh, interesting. Here's another one: 851 --> (27, 37)
Are we counting p or sqrt(n)-p?
We're counting this:
Q: How should you arrange your chairs?

Dr Green Eggs and Ham DJYou teach a class of students with interesting preferences for how their chairs are arranged. There are 3 very specific requirements they have for how the chairs are arranged: They most be arranged in a rectangle, even if it means some chairs go empty. There must be as few empty chairs as possi...

Yes, but we are finding whether there are any small p
relative to n?
relative to sqrt(n) mainly
so I should be tracking sqrt(n)-p
Uh... I think we're trying to find the biggest q-p
Although, that grows as n does, so maybe that's a better idea.
@LeakyNun either that or p, both of them relative to sqrt(n)
it looks like sqrt(n)-p is not limited by a constant
@aditsu What does relative to sqrt(n) mean?
I mean express it as O(something related to sqrt(n))
Another interesting one: 8283 --> (76, 109)
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ What are you tracking?
if f is the optimal chair arrangement for a given N, I was looking for max(diff(f(n)) for n in range(x))
where diff is just q-p
and x was 10000
whoops, max, not min.
question: I posted my first golf question, and I got 9 replies. Is there a convention about selecting an answer? i.e. do I have to choose the shortest, which typically would mean V or pyth, or what other criteria?
@MichaelCodes shortest, and if there is a tie, then by time of posting
Typically, yeah, the shortest that get's each test case.
does mean that the shortest answer wins.
@MichaelCodes You don't really have to accept an answer.
@LeakyNun Shh, this might be the only code-golf I ever win!
if the shortest wins, then people wouldn't bother with perl, sql, etc... which could be interesting but more bytes.
@MichaelCodes That hasn't been true in practice.
@MichaelCodes this is an ongoing problem in debate, so I don't think you should bother
Haha, you even have a 'C' answer.
seems to me that it's fun for people regardless of whether they "win".
@MichaelCodes the usual answer to that is that "winning" in terms of the green checkmark doesn't really matter
a) it usually never happens for a long time
and b) its only 15 rep
ok, so it's not bad decorum to leave it open and unanswered?
Depends who you ask.
I've accepted one in all of my challenges so far.
ok, thanks both maitysen and leakynun for the confirmation
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I think we're looking at somewhat different things
@aditsu What should I be looking for?
whatever you want :)
And thanks DrGreenEggs for your crazy short 13-byte totally cryptic answer
@MichaelCodes I'd say this is the most relevant answer: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/8706/…
ok, thanks.
@MichaelCodes Haha, anytime. I've been working on V for a while, and it's cool when I get a challenge it can actually do well in.
I'm in favour of phasing out the green tick mark since we aren't quite a Q&A site, but until that happens I tend to accept for all my challenges. For non-golfs it makes more sense but I accept for golfs too
sqrt(n)-p seems to be sublinear in sqrt(n)
initial conjecture: p > 0.63*sqrt(n)
@aditsu Now that's something I can search for
it's quite weak but it's a start

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