What. I deleted my soundcloud over two years ago. Today I re-registered using the same credentials and all my music is still there. Way to handle user data, soundcloud...
A MiniMax tree is an arborescence structure generated by an AI bi-player game to simulate the opponent turns giving notes/scores to each of, and so each turn taken by the player itself, in order that a maximal value is chosen as the actual perfect step against the minimum value which represents ...
@Upgoat I was debugging an assembler ported from visual basic (where array(0) has 1 element...). So. many. off-by-one-errors.
And of course the original code was horrible. The actual lower bound wasn't consistent. At times the first (i.e. the nullth) element would contain data, sometimes not. The only way out was to manually diff the hexdumps on paper.
It was efficient. I've written assemblers, but comprehending that code would have taken me months. So I just debugged the object files produced by the assembler :)
@Upgoat Hmm. It seems that way, since I was out. There was also an extra { in the text field waiting for an 'enter' press. He's learned to shift, I guess.
@Geobits It easier to just leave "AI" out of the challenge. "Implement A/BP". That's algorithmic. You hardly have to know anything about "AI" (the topic) for this.
True. The challenge could probably be pruned into a more understandable state by cutting some of the other stuff, too. I'm not the one you want editing it, though ;)