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@TimmyD (a,b,c)=>a.match((r=RegExp)(b,"g")).length*a.match(r(c,"g")).length;
68 bytes
Shows how much I know of either language ;-)
I know javascript, PHP and java, but the last 2 aren't the best for golfing
Pretty straightforward BTW
(a,b,c)=> //Anonymus function wich takes in 3 arguments
((r=RegExp)(b,"g") //Create a new regex, and set the variable r to it at the same time
a.match(...) // Match the regex with the string
.length //get the length of the array
a.match(r(c,"g")).length; // Do the same with c
* multiply them
59 bytes each
takes letters as a list
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think you can save 1 byte by doing b=>a=>...
Naïve implementation in PowerShell is 68 bytes -- param($a,$b,$c)($a-replace"[^$b]").length*($a-replace"[^$c]").Length
Oh neat, spellcheck automatically substituted the double-dot over the i
the wonders of spell check
Ahh, I attempt it in java
You're going to laugh at this
@HelkaHomba Is your project ongoing? >_>
public int a(String a,String b...){return a.replaceAll("[^"+b[0]]+"]","").length()*a.replaceAll("[^"+b[1]]+"]","").length()}
124 bytes....
Really, really inefficient BTW
Dang ... tried going another sneaky way and it's a byte longer
I know you can't use a language that was created after a challenge was posted, but that doesn't apply to versions of a language, right?
@RenderSettings It does
dammit, ninja'd
Aha, here we go ... PowerShell, 54 bytes
@Bálint Hm, that's kinda a pain. So I would have to track down a version of the language from it was posted? :/
@RenderSettings Yeah
> Hello, world![edit]
The program which prints out the words Hello World! consists of (approximately?) 4.5287549098E+168 stars.

It has been noted that there are more stars in the Hello World program than there are particles in the observable universe - but this is just a minor setback.
> minor setback
Anyone wants to port lost kingdom?
@PhiNotPi Just realised that your tetris challenge doesn't have a winning criterion other than "first to post". Once the first solution is posted, it may lower the barrier to entry and result in more solutions. Maybe it would be worth adding a winning criterion before the first solution comes in. Like starting position that fits in the smallest rectangular area, or fastest run speed in terms of arena ticks
That would allow for a basic first solution using existing components for pixels and logic gates, but still leave the competition open for more innovative customised solutions later
probably will wait until tomorrow to give people a chance to review
Any input on meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… before i post it? (which will be in about 2 days)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that question is open again.
@trichoplax Personally, I think the challenge is difficult enough that I don't really see the need to declare a "winner" at all.
@ev3commander I dislike how it's just a "tediously organize these slightly-related terms" thing. At least put the solids.txt in a consistent format.
@Poke One of the test cases should have mixed-case input, since you say not to assume it will always be lowercase
@RenderSettings good thinkin'. I was crunched for time when I wrote those test cases which is why they're pretty small and lame
@PhiNotPi And even if you did, you'd have to credit multiple people for the work they put into the solution. :P
@ev3commander I wouldn't answer or vote.
Might downvote though, but not upvote.
Q: Generate Wordenticons

Helka HombaIdenticons are visual depictions of hash values, often made from symmetrical arrangements of geometric shapes. Your default Stack Exchange avatar is an identicon. This challenge is about creating "wordenticons", simple text-based versions of identicons that apply to strings of lowercase letters, ...

Q: Generate Wordenticons

Helka HombaIdenticons are visual depictions of hash values, often made from symmetrical arrangements of geometric shapes. Your default Stack Exchange avatar is an identicon. This challenge is about creating "wordenticons", simple text-based versions of identicons that apply to strings of lowercase letters, ...

@IrksomeBits link me?
Q: Proving you are the best StackExchange-User

SeimsWrite two programs/functions: The shortest possible that returns a truthy value if given your Stack Exchange username. An obfuscated one (as explained below) that does the same thing. Rules for number 2: May be no more than ten times the byte-count of number 1. Must be written in the same l...

slightly changed though
I changed upvote to a downvote
I have to either golf my program, or trash it
or perform some sort of antigolf on the shortest possible answer
:( that changed it a lot.
Nice program though.
You want to play PPCG server? PvP?
aha! I can say that my answer is encoded in plain ascii!
then my name becomes
n=>n=="C\u1d0f\u0274\u1d0f\u0280 O'B\u0280\u026a\u1d07\u0274"
so I only have to golf 300 bytes off of it
try string compression
I have a lot of antigolf in my obfuscation
@IrksomeBits maybe later
If anyone here is a Trump supporter, please help me understand how you can also be a rational, intelligent human being. ;_;
I truly don't get how this guy got so popular.
wasn't there a blog post a few weeks ago about this
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ okay
@Quill hai
@HelkaHomba wat.
@HelkaHomba You're assuming above that people that vote are rational intelligent human beings
@Adnan To be expected when you have 1 Republican and 2 Democrats on that poll.
big mistake
@Adnan Yeah. At least Bernie + Hillary > Trump
^ from what I understand, there is a non-negligeable number of people that support Bernie that wouldn't vote for Hillary if he doesn't win primary
I get the feeling 4chan spike every poll in favour of Donald Trump to piss people off... and the gag went too far
@Adnan part of the problem is that this got posted on /r9k/ and /pol/
direct quote from one of the many /pol/ shitposts
@quartata ninja'd
@Quill Yeah :P
I get the feeling that explains many things
4chan is an explanation for every phenomenon on the Internet
until Trump actually gets elected
I highly doubt he will
you have too much faith in americans
they elected Bush twice in a row
that'll be their final gift to the world.... /b/ and /pol/ will come together in glorious union to all vote for their leader, Donald Duck Trump
Partially excusable given that we were in the middle of a war. Usually a bad idea to change leadership in such times.
don't change the leadership when that war was a complete disaster
makes sense
also completely unjustified
I think he was reelected before that was apparent.
that was apparent before the war even started
> Bush's margin of victory in the popular vote was the smallest ever for a reelected incumbent president
something else to consider
When is the debate between Trump and Sanders?
@Fatalize I do believe that. I know you're kinda joking but that kind of talk is all too common and unhelpful. I've known plenty of left and right leaning people, none of which I'd call incapable of intelligence or rationality.
@Fatalize twitter.com
@HelkaHomba You're biased, you don't meet a lot of incapable people because you're not one yourself
only 100 more bites to go!
@Fatalize Doesn't change the wrongness of your statement.
On the subject of Bush....
@Fatalize I know a lot of what you're thinking here is based on what you see in our media/press, but you have to keep in mind that the American media wants us to be scared of Trump so that we'll watch the pundits and get exposed to more ads
Take what they say with a grain of salt
@Fatalize I'm in high school and meat plenty of incapable people. And we're all biased :p
I love meating people
@quartata didn't you say you used to spend a lot of time on 4chan?
No, that was a joke
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Cannibalism is NOT okay
I finally golfed it to 588 bytes
and now I'm done with that sighs
A: Generate Wordenticons

BálintJavascript 239 bytes _="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split``;_.i=_.indexOf;n=>{a=n.split``;h=s=a.map(b=>a.map(c=>_.i(c)-_.i(b))).map(d=>d.map(e=>e<0?"|":e>0?"-":" ")).map(f=>(f.concat(f.slice().reverse())).join``);alert((h.concat(h.slice().reverse())).join` `)} Map-ception! Test suite: _=...

Any ideas to shorten it?
@Bálint Take advantage of direct char comparison. e.g. 'a' < 'b' -> true
Don't tell me that actually works..
It does in most languages
That's genius, thanks
And it's not limited to one-char strings
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that's kinda where it started
chicken feet
wait I think I'm imagining things again
@trichoplax Since PPCG ensnared me, my activity on other SE sites has dropped close to zero.
@Quill :P
@Dennis we like it that way, stay with us forever :3
or, until forever ends >_>
@Dennis There are other SE sites?? :O
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Don't scare him away...
He's a good guy
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm curious what that link was that Timwi commented with
@Quill the esolangs home page >_>
@Bálint If I've scared anyone away, it's that random dude who's just watching us talk
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ heh.
Shoot, I missed my rep being the digits of pi
Chat mini challenge: implement "relative sign"; given a,b, return if a < b, -1; if a == b, 0; if a > b, 1
@HelkaHomba offer a 500 point bounty on something
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ iirc, Ruby: a<=>b (plus function def but I forget how :I)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ._-F
I can't tell if you're making a face, or submitting a program
both ;P
Wow, codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/78591/… was pretty popular considering it only got 2 answers
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Python, 11 bytes: (a>b)-(a<b)
J, 3 bytes: >-<
lots of faces
Anyone want to answer this before I accept Martin's lonely answer:
Q: Symme-Try This Triangle Trial

Helka HombaA string whose length is a positive triangular number (1, 3, 6, 10, 15...) can be arranged into an "equilateral text triangle" by adding some spaces and newlines (and keeping it in the same reading order). For example, the length 10 string ABCDEFGHIJ becomes: A B C D E F G H I J Write a...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm good
@Bálint Sure. The formatting of the first code block appears messed up though
also lest -> least
@Downgoat I've been using ES6 at work for like 6 months without realising it o_O (cause it's TypeScript + ES6 compiled down to ES5)
@HelkaHomba corrected
@Quill how did you manage that?
I just assumed most of these features were TS features
I just did an analysis using CCleaner
my cookies is currently using .26GB of HD space
they better be chocolate chip, at least
ah, found the biggest offender
any guesses to the site with the largest amount of storage?
@NathanMerrill NSFW guess ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
nah, this storage is actually useful
@NathanMerrill StackExchange userscripts
@Quill did you use babel to compile? :D
oh wait, you said useful. answer invalidated :(
lol no, though stackedit.io did have like 5MB
google docs
storing 128 MB
@Downgoat this is TypeScript, grunt compiles it down, maybe internally they use babel though
@HelkaHomba @ZachGates is a Trump supporter iirc
@Quill :D
@NathanMerrill is that for offline editing stuff?
its not related to the google docs offline app
I'd like a trybreakingmysoftware.SE
that might be on-topic for Code Review ;)
youtube.com/watch?v=zBYC4f79iXc got postponed until tomorrow :(
\o/ I think I have recursion down in J!
Hey @Quill, have you ever used any PHP OpenID libraries? Can you recommend a good one?
I can't say I have, sorry
That's fine. Guess I'll just have to google and try each one :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You also have a cooler wordenticon than Quill
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@HelkaHomba wat
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^ quill
martin's is cool too
Here's mine:
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Reverse decoding these into a list of possible words might be a neat challenge
What's my wordenticon?
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What about capitalized (or does it matter)?
It does
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PhiNotPi (using normal ascii order to compare alphabetically)
I'm almost at the same byte count as downgoat, I need 1 more
@HelkaHomba next challenge: generate a word from an identicon (doesn't have to be english)
5 mins ago, by Helka Homba
Reverse decoding these into a list of possible words might be a neat challenge
@NathanMerrill But go for it :P
oh, actually, there's also the side challenge of "detect if identicon is valid"
Q: Just break stuff and crash everything, be destructive

7H3_H4CK3RFirst question here, just so you know. Anyways. Aim is to write a program in any language that, when run, will crash the system or similar. That includes: -crash the interpreter -crash the overlying system (browser, jvm, whatnot) -crash the machine (bluescreen, total failure) -make the system un...

Like properly symmetrical or actually a valid English word?
both symmetry, and possible using letters
oh yeah
@NewMainPosts that name
 ______)       ______)
  /   \        /   \
 |  O  |      |  O  |
  \___ / _____ \____/
for example:
- |
(as one of the 4 parts)
@Bálint 0/10 not bold enough
it indicates that a<b, b<c, and c<a
> crash the interpreter
crash the overlying system (browser, jvm, whatnot)
crash the machine (bluescreen, total failure)
make the system unusable (by deleting stuff or killing things)
or even fry the hardware, be creative
The answer does none of those things....
it's probably four chars less to delete system32
@Quill It runs out of memory eventually
although, it does look cool
- || -
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very eventually
@NathanMerrill Feel free to use any wordenticon challenge ideas for yourself. I doubt I will
don't we have a challenge where you are given a bunch of inequalities and you have to identify if they are valid?
@HelkaHomba reasons like? (reference to answer on one of my comments)
Q: Solving less-than inequalities with positive integers

Helka HombaWrite a program or function that takes in a nonempty list of mathematical inequalities that use the less than operator (<). Each line in the list will have the form [variable] < [variable] whera a [variable] may be any nonempty string of lowercase a-z characters. As in normal math and programm...

@NathanMerrill Yes, just about to look for that^ one
also kinda
Q: Alex is sometimes right

Helka HombaThis challenge is to lift the spirits of our mod Alex A., who is usually wrong. Suppose you have a friend named Alex who needs help with basic logic and math, specifically mathematical equivalence. He gives you a list of equations of the form [variable] = [variable] where a [variable] is alwa...

so, "detect if the identicon is valid" is combo of that problem and symmetry detection
so, not really that interesting :/
we don't have a symmetry challenge
how is that even possible?
@NathanMerrill If you post one, I go at it
@Bálint I just meant that it's perfectly fine to post a question in order to show off your own answer to it. That question had many other issues though of course.
I'm sandboxing right now :)
@NathanMerrill What do you mean?
@HelkaHomba He posts a challenge in the sandbox
@HelkaHomba you are given some ascii art, and you return a truthy value if the art is symmetrical
@NathanMerrill Do we not have that? Surely...
alternatively, you return a series of booleans for the different types of symmetries
@NathanMerrill Nvm, you answered it
@NathanMerrill We do have codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/78727/… for triangles. But squares/rects would probly be more popular
This appears to be a nice first answer by a new user but I don't know Java and can't test it at the moment. If someone could test it out, that would be superb.
@AlexA. Give me a minute
He's actually doing it efficiently, that's cute
'―' looks like the weird brother of ._.
erm, there's a bug
"food" prints out
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wait what
is my terminal really not fixed-space
@NathanMerrill looks ok
@AlexA. it's flawless
I know, it just looked bad in my console
because the font isn't a fixed-width font
@Bálint Great. Thanks for testing it, I appreciate your help.
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@Bálint StringBuilder, lel
@AlexA. Glad to be helpful
@Maltysen Yeah, that's the efficient part
@Maltysen I take that back, he creates 2-3 stringbuilders
Meanwhile someone seems to have beaten Jelly @Dennis
A: Generate Wordenticons

SueverMATL, 20 15 bytes '-| 'jtPht!-ZS) Try it Online!

Surely Dennis can't stand for that
@AlexA. And matl isn't even for strings :P
@AlexA. Jelly can't stand for that either. No structure.
I noticed, after 30 mins of golfing, my answer is almost identical to downgoat's
Anybody want to do PVP on the PPCG Minecraft server?
Does tryitonline have a keyboard shortcut for run?
@HelkaHomba Alt + R or Ctrl + Enter.
:29931274 ninja'd with the feature
doesn't work for me
@Dennis :D
the groud
@IrksomeBits Which browser?
@PhiNotPi I see it as being a free way to introduce competition, that doesn't put any additional burden on the first solution (which will automatically be the winner at that point). Without any winning criterion I fear it will end up being closed
@IrksomeBits your name keeps changing
brb unchaning
@Dennis chrome, found the problem though
I had a unicode keylayout, so option did weird stuff
@AlexA. You don't know java? (just fell for me)
Option? Oh right, the weird Mac thing.
@Dennis Finally someone
@Dennis ಠ_ಠ
@Bálint Q_Q y u hate on mac
mac is almost as improtant aas vavaooacadaaaaddddooooo
sorry, having a seizure here.
@Bálint "Just fell for me"? I don't know what you mean. But no, I don't know Java. I'm not fluent in any of the big, general-purpose languages.
if I flip something horizontally, then verticaly, can it be rotated back to its original form?
Yeah, Ctrl+Z
@AlexA. "It just fell for me"
I still don't understand
only if it has a rotational symmetry of order 2 to start with?
@NathanMerrill Yes
@AlexA. Doesn't it mean something like "I just realised it"?
Then that's why
Oh, okay
@Bálint "It just fell into place for me" perhaps?
Yeah, as far as I know that isn't a common American colloquialism
@HelkaHomba Something like that
Could anyone help me test my answer?
@LeakyNun is that a website link?
yes, please use it to test my J answer
After some clarification and editing, I think this sandbox post has the potential to be an interesting challenge. I think I finally understand it, but I don't have the knowledge to judge whether it will have a variety of interesting solutions.
A: Generate Wordenticons

Leaky NunJ, 24 bytes ' |-'&{~@*@-/~@:,|.@3&u: I have not tested it, because the interpreter on mobile cannot read &. Uses the same algorithm as Dennis' answer. Usage: f=:' |-'&{~@*@-/~@:,|.@3&u: f 'food'

Why did this get reopened? :(
@LeakyNun You know, it's hard to tell, what's a website link and what's a real answer
@AlexA. Probably because of the amount of answers on it
That's not a good reason to reopen a closed post...
@HelkaHomba yes, thank you
who on earth downvoted my answer...
@LeakyNun domain error
@LeakyNun I'm getting domain error when I paste in the code and I'm not sure why
@NathanMerrill I think any even number of reflections (in any lines through a common point) can be undone by a single rotation about that common point. I think if they are not in lines through a common point you can still use only rotation, but you need more than one about different points (or one plus a translation).
@LeakyNun You just admitted that you haven't tested it. Maybe it doesn't even work
ok, I deleted it. I'll deal with it at home.
@AlexA. Then cast a close vote, I happily do the same
If I vote to close it closes automatically because I'm a moderator
It's not really a "vote" as such
@AlexA. That's why you're a moderator, if you see something not right, then you can easily deal wit it
@LeakyNun In the future please refrain from posting solutions until they've been tested and at a minimum pass all provided test cases.
And yes, it is too broad, but it's so easy to solve it, that everyone did so
@LeakyNun It's ok, we still 🍰 you
@trichoplax yeah. I'm trying to lock down of my definition of symmetrical
I'm defining it as "An image is symmetrical if it can be re-obtained by applying up to 3 rotations (in the same direction) and an optional vertical reflection"
@NathanMerrill If you only have to consider one possible centre of rotation it's a lot simpler. Not sure if that applies to what you're doing
@NathanMerrill Use the term "invariant"
I'm intentionally ignoring center of rotation
and translational symmetry
just to make my spec cleaner
@NathanMerrill Is this an image rotated about its centre or could there be two rotations about arbitrary centres?
Is @poke still here?
@Bálint what is invariant
Death and taxes
@trichoplax no, a single point of rotation. Where it is located is irrelevant
@NathanMerrill Invariant means it doesn't change
right, but what in my sentence is invariant
Anyway, for the people who didnt like my gist in the What can i build sandbox challenge, updated! gist.github.com/ev3commander/e3acb95665c44e825ee33671601a49d3
"A shape is invariant, if there exsts a line, to wich the image mirrored is invariant"
Or something like that
ah, I prefer the word symmetrical in this case, because the entire challenge is identifying if something is symmetrical

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