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5:02 PM
@Downgoat which browser did you add compatibility for last night? (Just curious). I need to update the readme to reflect the compatible browsers. I've currently tested on FF and Chrome only, I don't have anything else installed (except micro-sh*t edge that hardly works half the time)
\o/ B-small
@Sherlock9 brute forcing works for small
Well, I'm not done yet
5:15 PM
You know what?
It's after midnight, I'm tired, and it looks like C would take a while if I tried it
I'm going to bed. 33 points are enough this round. Goodnight all
working on B. I thought my attempt worked
but I failed the small attempt, and I know why :(
C has no useful test cases :/
Which is most correct?
Bob, Bill, and Peter's boat OR Bob's, Bill's, and Peter's boat OR Bob, Bill and Peter's boat OR Bob's, Bill's and Peter's boat
@Sherlock9 Please wait...
I like the first one
5:29 PM
@HelkaHomba I think the first is right.
I'm seeing 2 sets of identical test cases
oh, the oxford comma
testcases are my awfullest nightmares
well, I actually believe the second is right
@NathanMerrill but all those 's's are a pain
because otherwise, you're making a group of bob and bill and the boat
5:30 PM
1 h for the code, 1 day for running it thru all availablr entries
this is why language needs parenthesis
and brute force is a term to be obsolete and outdated next 10 years
 Place  Rank                 Name  Points  Penalty
   1st  1055               aditsu      33    59:10
   2nd  1069       DennisMitchell      33    59:56
   3rd  1157             Maltysen      33  1:06:39
   4th  1318            Sherlock9      33  1:18:28
   5th  1581                 mbue      23    09:21
   6th  1596             kennylau      23    13:31
   7th  1914                 xsot      23    21:22
   8th  2032         TheNumberOne      23    22:57
   9th  2640           BrainSteel      23    29:46
(Bob, Bill, Peter)'s boat
Went to solve B-Large and I found 32 bits isn't quite enough.
5:31 PM
user image
@TheNumberOne lel
@mınxomaτ @AlexA.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Also strangely relevant: imgur.com/kRwFzhW
FRUITW'd /o\
FGITW'd \o/
@HelkaHomba This reminds me, have you listened to Welcome to Night Vale?
@AshwinGupta pretty much all browsers. Previously only Chrome and Firefix was supported
> Firefix
5:37 PM
It features a paranormal floating cat.
Chrime, Firefix, Sifiri, Ipera.
@mınxomaτ Intirnit Explirer.
Did you just announce my arrival or notice my arrival?
Andriid stick briwser.
5:42 PM
@trichoplax any way you want it
@HelkaHomba I'll go with the non-spooky way then :)
@trichoplax if that's the way you need it
@HelkaHomba .i fu'inai vlalepo
I don't speak logjam
@mınxomaτ this looks as a hand fan from behind and spaceship in the front
5:44 PM
You only speak Journey...
@Agawa001 I... wat
@trichoplax We should make a song titles chatroom
@zyabin101 So no one has more than 33 points, huh? Dang
@HelkaHomba Aidez-moi je ne peux que parler à les langues que vous tous ne comprenez pas
@HelkaHomba I'll do it.
5:47 PM
what about an esolang constructed by symphony notes ?
But you have to mention a song title in every message here.
@HelkaHomba Lol I definitely don't have the knowledge for that
@trichoplax Wouldn't it be nice?
I'm only happy when it rains
I'm probably done working on this round.
5:48 PM
@PhiNotPi I haven't heard that one
It's in a secret unreleased Prince album.
@PhiNotPi round and round?
@HelkaHomba but to answer your question it's [attitudinal not-easy] [spelling]
i.e spelling is very difficult
@quartata Tell me why
It was supposed to be a joke
5:51 PM
Why does it always rain on me?
@trichoplax Skyfall
In other news, I kinda want to get into video game programming (as a side project)
IDK what I want to do yet, though.
@PhiNotPi Tic Tac Toe?
Solo or focused on what aspect in a team?
@PhiNotPi Start with easier command line games.
5:53 PM
It's almost easy
@HelkaHomba Ikr.
I question the ethics of selling solved games to the unsuspecting public
@flawr take on me

@flawr Take on me.
I guess in 5 mins?
5:55 PM
@zyabin101 I'll give you a game of 1D Tic Tac Toe
@flawr don't let me be misunderstood
@trichoplax O at (0, 1).
I don't wanna p[l]ay
@HelkaHomba =(
5:56 PM
@trichoplax =(
@zyabin101 Not you - Helka :)
@trichoplax Okay. Your turn =)
@zyabin101 X|O|_|_|X|_|_|_|_
Regarding tic tac toe. I was thinking about doing a kolmogorow complexity challenge on this: imgs.xkcd.com/comics/tic_tac_toe_large.png
@trichoplax I should have known better
5:58 PM
@trichoplax O at (0, 3).
@HelkaHomba You must pay the piper
@zyabin101 X|O|X|O|X|_|_|_|_
(this is a very affectionate game)
@trichoplax (0,5)
@zyabin101 X|O|X|O|X|O|_|X|_
I think it's a draw...
6:00 PM
ae u playin who lose first ?
@Agawa001 No, just playing 1D
@trichoplax X|O|X|O|X|O|O|X|_
Draw <_>
Good game.
lets play coin flipping
@trichoplax You're gonna go far kid
6:02 PM
@Agawa001 Heads. flip
@HelkaHomba The world is not enough
chat golf challenge: play an optimal game of 1D tic-tac-toe
@PhiNotPi In code?
@trichoplax it's the end of the world as we know it
6:03 PM
as in, write an AI for it, takes in a board and makes a move
@HelkaHomba 4'33"
@trichoplax The sound of silence
What's the best way to iterate over every element except for the first one in ruby?
Can I do that with each?
@zyabin101 HHHHH first who flips 3 consecutive wins, no flipping single coin two successive turns
6:05 PM
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ dream on
to Tail
@HelkaHomba Dream until your dreams come true!
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ array[1..-1].each
by the way
do you want to know a secret?
6:06 PM
@HelkaHomba I don't. :3
@HelkaHomba Too many sandwiches
@HelkaHomba Who are you asking?
@HelkaHomba Do you want to build a snowman?
@quartata tyvm
I wonder... even though we opted out of having new xkcd posted, we still get them anyhow...
6:08 PM
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I haven't counted, but we seem to get more than we'd get from a feed that posts each new one
@trichoplax all I want is you
@trichoplax That's true XD
@HelkaHomba You can't always get what you want
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ anyone else but you
6:09 PM
Poor Sam.i.am
@trichoplax So what'cha want?
Who wants to live forever?
Eleanor Rigby
@HelkaHomba If I can't have you?
6:12 PM
I don't understand what's going on anymore
@trichoplax you've got to hide your love away
@quartata Every day is a winding road
Oh Beatles song allusions I see
Beatles are the best
ntvirgwe e'b ' n'e'rgib
* my brother ran a martathon
6:13 PM
@HelkaHomba Come together
(keys shifted down one on the keyboard)
@quartata You oughta know
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ we're going to be friends
@HelkaHomba while my guitar gently weeps
@HelkaHomba The times they are a changin
@trichoplax everything you know is wrong
6:17 PM
It's a sin
you're the devil in disguise
Is it wrong?
We interrupt this chat room for a musical interlude
@trichoplax nothing better
Next time I'm gonna flag it as spam.
6:20 PM
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Things can only get better
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I hate everything about you
making an esolang based on musical notes doesnt it sound charmin idea ?
@HelkaHomba A day in the life
@Agawa001 like Fugue?
6:21 PM
gosh , does it already exist ?
what doesn't :D
so i think i fell in hivemind with some1
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ these day are numbered
that doesn't mean you can't come up with a different/nicer music based esolang though
@HelkaHomba yesterday
6:22 PM
Ok, I'll stop (in the name...)
Can't stop
@HelkaHomba don't let me down
In the interest of sanity, let's only have golf related songs from now on
work it out
@trichoplax wait what
6:24 PM
who here is a llama
@trichoplax fixing a hole?
It was at this point trichoplax realized his life had been one big pun.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ This point was long ago
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Prolix chat :)
6:26 PM
@trichoplax are you sure that this suggestion is really the best course of action that is to be taken?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ No it's an apt anagram of my name
I thought it was a suggestion :P
Ha ha
woo-hoo! My rank went from 1016-ish to 949 when time was up!
@TheNumberOne congrats
6:31 PM
@TheNumberOne @TheNumberNineHundredFourtyNine Congrats!
@aditsu so close...
I do not know what kind of ranking youre talkking about put a lower rank is better, right?
@aditsu You took where I was at previously
there's still a (small) chance they will disqualify some contestants
Leaderboard will be released soon. No one cancelled it.
6:33 PM
@flawr yes, it is for the Google Code Jam, top 1000 of this round advance to round 2
looks like it will be really hard to get a t-shirt this year
And what exactly is Google Code Jam?
@flawr the first word is the name of a web search engine, you can use it to find out the answer
I did not care for this round.
6:35 PM
How does this look?
@TheNumberOne k, spill it, how do you do B with out brute-forcing :P
I beat all of you to problem A... I was happy to leave it at that. :D
@Maltysen at each position you can try up to 3 digits for each number
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ "Have you read the man page?" "No it's in fake Latin"
@Maltysen B was a mess of code
6:36 PM
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It's readable and comfortable to look at - no problems here
@aditsu I thought of that, but wouldnt it be 3^18
if the digits are equal, solve recursively, else fill with 9's/0's
@trichoplax thanks! :D
@aditsu Dang it
Should have thought of that
6:38 PM
I should have thought of that sooner
I spent some time on C small before getting back to B large
Took me way too long just to get A haha
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ not enough contrast
I thought C-small was just that is your first word and second word are not unique in both lists, it passed the examples, failed small
Dang doubles
@Sherlock9 same, I spent longer on that than B-small
6:41 PM
Welp, it's done
I coded a more complex greedy solution, it was wrong
@aditsu for C?
Here's to better results on the 8th
yeah, I'll have to see where it fails
6:41 PM
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I prefer dark text on light bg personally
I prefer the opposite
Got that backwards the first time
@aditsu now that its over, can we have the actual answers?
sure, you can download anybody's solutions
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Consider using GitBooks. It has variable text sizes and a night mode for people who like it.
6:44 PM
@aditsu I tried that, the code was all gibberish when I unzipped it, pretty werid
there will also be stats at go-hero.net/jam/16 sometime soon
Contest finished
Leaderboard soon.
@zyabin101 you're late
Thanks zyabin
@Maltysen which contestant/submission?
6:45 PM
@aditsu the #1
I want to assure you that you're quality, Q. :D
1 contestant from this round will advance to Round 2. Emails with official results will go out early next week.
@Maltysen looks fine here
@aditsu mind posting it here?
@Maltysen well, which submission do you want?
6:46 PM
@Maltysen small or large?
@QPaysTaxes A frowny face for a compliment? D:
Does anyone know how to solve C?
@aditsu small
nevermind content analysis already published
6:47 PM
@QPaysTaxes Like what?
@aditsu ty
Can someone tell me why let f = (...a) => { return a; }; appears to be an ES6 syntax error?
damn, it was the matching algorithm??
I have code for that
6:48 PM
I thought that's how ES6 rest args work.
@mınxomaτ what's tha?
@QPaysTaxes le gasp
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ gitbook.com
@cat No. Nonononono. None of us goes to the evil CR.
@QPaysTaxes no beans
6:49 PM
@mınxomaτ I'm writing a new interpreter
sufferin' succotash! drats and double-drats!
@QPaysTaxes I didn't say no, but you could try there :P Is it in a repo? Can haz?
 Place  Rank                 Name  Points  Penalty
   1st   949         TheNumberOne      56  1:39:02
   2nd  1016               aditsu      56  2:00:50
   3rd  1938       DennisMitchell      33    59:56
   4th  1980             Maltysen      33  1:06:39
   5th  2062            Sherlock9      33  1:18:28
   6th  2814                 mbue      23    09:21
   7th  2822             kennylau      23    13:31
   8th  2998                 xsot      23    21:22
   9th  3473           BrainSteel      23    29:46
@QPaysTaxes nope :c
@QPaysTaxes git ur shit 2gether
@zyabin101 Did anyone qualify in 1A?
6:51 PM
@Sherlock9 jakube
@aditsu what do you mean by the matching algorithm?
@Sherlock9 and sp3000
@QPaysTaxes :P
they dooo
@Maltysen google bipartite matching, also see the contest analysis
can't ping + onebox :C
@QPaysTaxes es6 is cooool
@QPaysTaxes pls
Oooh, Pyfon! My fave c:
Factor's like, my second fave, but I know Python really well cause I've known it since middle school
This language is very interesting
I'd rather use C over Java any day imo
Yeah, C is really terrible for like, anything, but I still prefer it over Java :P
6:58 PM
Java isn't that bad.
@QPaysTaxes If I was susceptible to Stockholm Syndrome I'd still be using QBasic...
I'm not gonna talk about PHP, TI-Basic and Matlab XD

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