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@quartata It's for baking not drinking :q
Apparenty it's "loaded with health benefits." I guess vomiting is a health benefit?
I don't eat mayo
It's just weird that the exact same product has different names. Like Dryer's and Edy's
@HelkaHomba Those are the same?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no
There's also Safeway and Vons.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ problem solved
@AlexA. both ice cream, i think
That freaks me out every time I go to California
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I know
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ik. just noting.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ kk
@AlexA. I think he means both same ice cream, not same companies.
Uh, what?
yo quiero waffle
Also is that a California only chain?
I only have three responses D:
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ They are the same company en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyer%27s
stop editing my messages to things involving waffles
Campbell's -> Batchelors at least seems appropriate
@QPaysTaxes nah, I was planning on calling the Math library Swiss because it'll has so many holes in it
also who actually uses subject pronouns in spanish
@quartata Ud./Uds. to distinguish from 3rd person when talking about them in the same sentence? (disclaimer: probably inaccurate)
Well yeah, but in a sentence like that...
Oh oops I didn't read things
I actually don't know what the word for waffle is.
translate es: waffle
(from English) galleta
... huh
@HelkaHomba FYI for anyone who doesn't know: the US version is "Mr. Clean".
I'm a Yearling now!
Meister Proper
I mean congrats
can someone come here and test my scremaing chatbot:

 Three Word Chat

Only Three Words
Too late, the page took more than 3 seconds to load.
@HelkaHomba found it in 1 (2 counting page load time)
@HelkaHomba Err, found it immediately.
@Doorknob Bulky html is another irksome issue
I actually don't see any share buttons.
@El'endiaStarman All the twitter/reddit/etc logos right under the image?
@HelkaHomba Adblocked.
Mini-challenge: Find the most popular media website that has the worst possible design. (In terms of usability, aesthetics, bulk, anything.)
Wikipedia, if only for their markdown
Come on, there's worse. If only because they don't have ads
@HelkaHomba friendster.com 0/10 for usability
@QPaysTaxes Rrrgh Forbes. I can't read anything on their site because I have an adblocker, so I'm just not gonna bother from here on out.
@QPaysTaxes I think there was a virus that did something similar. It was one of the more widespread ones too.
inb4 you write it badly and hackers leverage off your software to invade other comps
I recommend rolling your own crypto. Then getting a security expert to bash the hell out of it with edge cases and situations you'd never consider.
just a stock photo
@orlp Good god
@Downgoat or @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is it possible for me to store information in like a .txt file for JS to read in from? I have some "level configurations" (w/ info in a specific format like how many aliens to spawn and their health and things). I currently am just calling my spawn() function which takes them as parmeters, however in the intrest of cleanliness and space I'd rather put them elsewhere in an organized format.
@QPaysTaxes Just read through two lists of top ten computer viruses, and it wasn't on there that I could tell, so I may have been wrong. I thought there was a virus that would actually patch security holes and then leave, infecting more machines in the process.
@El'endiaStarman isn't that sorta of not really a virus? Viruses are bad no?
@AshwinGupta yeah
hows that, on a SO question, it said JS has no txt file io for security reasons.
take a look at localStorage
@AshwinGupta Generally, yes. That kind of virus would have been created by a white hat hacker, though. Some people will hack/crack other peoples' systems to make them more secure and to oppose black hat hackers.
Yeah, but closer to the white end.
@El'endiaStarman well thats interesting. I never knew that. I honestly know nothing about virus creation so you know...
@Downgoat ty btw
Also is JSON something I want to look into?
@AshwinGupta Well, I hardly know anything either... :P
@QPaysTaxes yeah that makes sense
@AshwinGupta do you know about JavaScript objects?
@Downgoat I know about objects. I'm no expert on JS though
@AshwinGupta okay. JSON is a JavaScript object
Are code golfers fit? - strawpoll.me/10070074
@Downgoat yeah but I read that you can store them in json files externally or something?
@AshwinGupta yeah
@QPaysTaxes Computer Security is BS :P
@Downgoat is that a decent option? Or is localStorage better?
@AshwinGupta did Downgoat help you already?
@QPaysTaxes (I didn't mean it I just wanted to make BS joke)
@HelkaHomba I answered 0 but I'm actually pretty skinny. I started drinking 2% milk instead of skim milk in part to get more fat... :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yup, ty though for response!
@AshwinGupta you can only store things in local storage
@AshwinGupta np :)
JSON is the "format" or representation in which it is stored in
@QPaysTaxes and you're one of them, and I am the other
@Downgoat goats are BS.
@El'endiaStarman 0 has no votes
@HelkaHomba Blame StrawPoll.
I play a sport?
Does that count?
@AshwinGupta Most goats do have a bachelor of science
@Downgoat thats just weird =/
@Downgoat I haven't voted because I don't like any of those
@Downgoat Idea for Cheddar: have there be a "lambda" thingy that takes an operator as an argument and returns a function
@AshwinGupta no? being a telephone booth is what is weird
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ example?
@Downgoat I'm not gonna explain this again, this isn't just any telephone booth...
@QPaysTaxes shoveling snow?
@AshwinGupta oh, sorry. It's a magical, fairytale telephone booth :P
@Downgoat Call it "Cheesecloth"
@Downgoat Say this lambda operator is ;. Then, ;+ would return a function f that could be called f(a,b) <=> a + b and f(a) <=> +a
@HelkaHomba Cheesecloth?
@Downgoat its not magic, its science [fiction].
Timelord science.
Timey wimey
@AshwinGupta why is fiction in an array?
> thin, loosely woven cloth of cotton, used originally for making and wrapping cheese
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ exactly...
i.e. Cheese packager and helper
@HelkaHomba I like affineur better
@HelkaHomba oh, that's good too...
@Downgoat cuz I said so.
@Downgoat Can't pronounce, -1
@HelkaHomba you should french
@HelkaHomba you sound like you are barfing at the "eur"
-1 can't say it.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not here Conor
@HelkaHomba ಠ_ಠ learn french
@QPaysTaxes pfft....
same difference =/, po-tae-toe po-tau-toe
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm taking spanish next year, I feel like in CA its far more useful.
@AshwinGupta It's more useful in general in the US, but is amongst the most popular business languages. There's also a large population of programmers who speak french and code golf [citation-needed]
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that is true. Fair enough point. I already know a bit of spanish though so it will be easier for me. Also, I speak some (very little) Hindi so the Spanish comes more natrually because its a little closer to Hindi.
@QPaysTaxes LOL. Doesn't work for me, people would probably thing im a Mexican if it weren't for my name.
@AshwinGupta Cool!
@QPaysTaxes Pfft you. :P
Only I get to say Pfft!
@Downgoat did you see my suggestion/explanation?
bc I g2g now
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yeah
@Downgoat I found another way, I can IO w/ another language like java. Then I can do this: docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/scripting/…
and acess the arary where the data is stored from the file.
so you're using js and java?
ok lol
@French people "Il a dit" or "Il dit" for "he said"?
okay. I put that on my paper, and my french teacher didn't say anything about it :P I'll go with the former to be safe then
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ night!
@AlexA. You really need more Python under your belt :P
Honestly I was going by your description
I didn't think as hard about it as I should have
> I didn't think
:P (joking of course)
The description could be improved to avoid that misunderstanding :P
I'm sure anyone who gave it any amount of thought would understand.
Is that better?
You don't give my posts attention :( you don't love me anymore :(
I'm just a brainwreck
Drink more or less whiskey
I haven't had any today. Maybe that's the problem. :P
Clearly your current dosage is incorrect, but I'm not sure which direction it needs to go
I might be able to beat my current approach in Sage with the eigenvalues method
Is it just me or did the Prettify colors change back to what they were?
Don't ask me, i wouldn't notice if they changed
The other day, strings were teal, numbers were bright red, and keywords were purple. Prior to that, keywords were blue and both numbers and strings were dark red.
Now they're back to the prior state.
You're asking the wrong (colorblind) penguin :P
@AlexA. it's not just you
@Mego Oh, you're colorblind?
Sorry, should have used a reply
Hello @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ!
@AlexA. Quite
@QPaysTaxes bad
@QPaysTaxes lisp case
(or sometimes kebab case)
I like kebab case
So, the consensus is that it's ok to post multiple answers in the same language so long as the solutions are sufficiently different, correct?
I have a second Sage solution that is longer than the first, but uses some neat tricks that I think others might benefit from using
@QPaysTaxes what is module in ruby?
but what does it do
ok, and is calling a function like foo "Bar" the same as foo("Bar")?
and in respond_to? is the question mark part of the variable name?
oh, cool.
@QPaysTaxes what does |something| do?
@QPaysTaxes I am
the tutorial is helpful but it isn't telling me what exactly it means
@QPaysTaxes :/
@QPaysTaxes okay, I'll use google...
@Downgoat "chewery"
My masterpiece (with a poor attempt at explaining linear algebra magic):
A: Find the Matrix Power

MegoSage, 156 bytes def f(A,n):m=lambda A,B:[[sum(x*y for x,y in zip(a,b))for b in zip(*B)]for a in A];D,P=A.eigenmatrix_right();print m(m(P,[[x**n for x in b]for b in D]),1/P) Try it online Though this is longer than my other Sage solution, it uses a unique approach to solving the problem that...

@Mego Manual decomposition's cool, but it's so no golfy :P It does raise the question whether builtin decomposition functions are allowed though, which given the spec they appear to be (which could be a problem)
Actually, I'm not sure your answer works at all
@Sp3000 Exponentiation by decomposition could be golfier in matrix-oriented languages like Matlab/Octave
@Sp3000 What makes you say that?
[[2 1][0 2]] gives me a division by zero error, and if memory serves me correctly not all real matrices are diagonalisable
@Sp3000 INST! (If not sure, try)
I'll investigate once I fix some other Sage answers - I just discovered that my calculus professor lied to me. x is a predefined variable in Sage, so I can get rid of x=var('x') in a few answers.
Oh, yeah, it only works if the eigenvalues are distinct
Yeah :P unless you want to play with Jordan normal, which I doubt is any easier than straight multiplying
Q: Swap Pairs or Remove

user81655Specification For this challenge you will: Take an array of positive integers. For each overlapping pair in the array, calculate the difference of it's integers. If the difference is a common denominator of the integers (they are both divisible by their difference), swap their positions in the...

Q: Generate n digits of Gijswijt's sequence

DerpfacePythonIntroduction Gijswijt's sequence (A090822) is famously really, REALLY slow. To illustrate: The first 3 appears in the 9th term (alright). The first 4 appears in the 220th term (a long way away, but feasible). The first 5 appears at (approximately) the 10^(10^23)th term (just no). No one really...

Man, I was proud of that solution, too :(
Sage has a builtin for Jordan normal form, but calculating J^n is not something I care to mess with
Q: How to politely tell someone to stop explaining?

BenubirdIt happens occasionally, that I come across something I don't know how to do, and I need someone to show me. So I ask Bob for help, because Bob knows this stuff, and he comes over and starts explaining to me. He talks for a couple of minutes, gives me an example or two, and I say "Ah, I see - ok,...

This post sums up the entirety of my experiences with my coworkers at my previous job >_>
@AshwinGupta 1. Use localForage 2. Use node
# Demo, simple calculator.
grammar = compile_grammar(r"""
expr = factor ([+-] factor)*
factor = primary ([*/] primary)*
number = &("."? [0-9]) [0-9]* ("." [0-9]*)? # The first part is to make sure this doesn't match ".".
primary = "(" expr ")" / number / "-" primary

def eval_expr(expr):
    r = eval_factor(expr[0])
    for f in expr[1]:
        if str(f[0]) == "+": r += eval_factor(f[1])
        else:                r -= eval_factor(f[1])
    return r

def eval_factor(factor):
    r = eval_primary(factor[0])
I'm pretty happy with my parser generator now
How would you write "OK" in ASCII?
@JesterTran ?
@orlp I mean in hexadecimal ASCII
like A = 65
A = 41 in hex
65 is decimal
@orlp how do you represent the a string?
say "AB"
@JesterTran in what context?
@orlp puzzles
whats the hex for that?
ASCII language
just look it up yourself dude
Python has a module for that
>>> map(ord, "OK")
[79, 75]
@Cyoce That's decimal, not hex
@Mego ah.
>>> map(hex,map(ord,"OK"))
['0x4f', '0x4b']
@orlp What does your username stand for? "One really large pencil"? .. x)
@Bas close... the "cil" part is wrong though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Cyoce ಠ_ಠ
>>> map(lambda x:x.encode('hex'),"OK")
['4f', '4b']
It makes me happy to know I am wasting precious NSF-grant-funded computing resources on a code golf challenge
@Mego but that's not short at all. Don't ever use the map(lambda: ...) idiom in python, [... for x in] is always shorter.
@Cyoce I was going for correctness over shortness :)
@Mego Error: Unexpected "over shortness"
The golfiest is ['%02x'%ord(c)for c in s] or [c.encode('hex')for c in s]
Shortness is paramount.
Both of those are the same length, so both are best
Agggh python is so verbose.
@Mego (V_v)p It doesn't.
But cool post.
I just added a much-needed builtin for it in Seriously: (0xC4)
It goes along nicely with the builtin for binary representation: (0xC3)
@Mego More builtins like that and Seriously will become Funciton
for user in chatroom:
    say(user, "Hi!")
@KennyLau Why not switch the parameters of say, that way you can leave the second parameter undefined and it will broadcast to everyone in the chatroom :D
Error: chatroom undefined
@KennyLau ^
@KennyLau Licking for the eyes, eh?
Won't. You. Take. Me. To ... Funciton
@Agawa001 boo
i have a challenge to sandbox i m afraid to think vainly about it, plz promise to not stream-downvote
@Bas Good idea for a 2d lang. :)
can someone combine two challenge-types in one question ?
@Agawa001 If it's really good, maybe.
Damn slow 'net connection!
@Agawa001 programming-contest is code-challenge.
Another good idea: challenges about hand crafting the smallest binary file of a certain format that complies to certain directions.
oh yes thx it gives fruits
no i have a challenge about alpha-beta pruning, dont believe some1 posted anything alike before miright ?
 │ This is a comment │
 │ This is a comment │
 │ This is a comment │
 ▒ This is a comment │
 │ This is a comment │
16 cycles later...
 │ This is a comment │
 │ This is a comment │
So, this language is based on current.
Current is produced by these symbols @^<>v, which are located somewhere on the infinite 2D plane.
@ produces current in all directions (beware!), and ^<>v in directions they are pointing to.
I still have to do the full spectrum.
The ANSI box drawing characters │┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌ are located on the plane and current goes by these.
All other chars are walls, and current doesn't go by them.
These can be used to make comments.
When current has nowhere to go, it dies out.
When two units of current collide, the circuit is short and the program is abruptly terminated.
The thing is, all these ANSI box drawing characters are wires that do something. But what they do is undefined.
hi all
hi part of all
Hi @Sp3000
does some include 1?
Great Timing! +1000
@Lembik I said "hi part of all" ten seconds after you said "hi all". :P
do we have any quine challenges where the code should actually do something useful as well?
@zyabin101 ah ok :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ the time is ticking. Check out the nested programs Loop in the End countdown.
best clock ever: timeanddate.com/wordclock
Also, @guys interesting date-time found: 09:29:49 tomorrow is special in that it repeats 4 x 2 if read in order: DD-M H:MI:SS.
29-4 9:29:49
There are 17 other date-time patterns for tomorrow, as shows timeanddate.com

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