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@AlexA. Caution lawyer answer: It depends. Show me the original and the finished port, both with context, and I can tell you what my legal appraisal would be. To be on the safe side, just GPL it.
I'm going to use 4 spaces. Seems simple
f n k i r
    | i < n     = f n k (i+1) (mod (r+k) (i+1))
    | otherwise = r+1
jr n k q = f n k q (mod (k-1) q)
^ That works, but reuses too many of the variables for my liking
Have a good evening/morning/whatever fits your timezone o/
good midnight to you too
I'm really stuck as to whether I should go with JVM or LLVM.
if I choose LLVM, programs will be faster. If I choose JVM, I don't need to implement a stack, or an object model, but native datatypes are fixed.
Jelly Venison and Mustard sandwiches are better than Lentil, Lime, and Veal Meatloaf.
actually, Lentil Lime Veal Meatloaf sandwich doesn't sound too bad
much better than trying to mix Jelly and Mustard
One of my friends likes PB & Mustard, and another likes PB & Miracle Whip. I prefer PB & Cheddar.
PB & Muenster
By "prefer", I mean that I won't try the others because they sound disgusting.
PB & Pepper Jack or Colby (Jack) is pretty good, too.
who wants a sandwich with nothing but liquid substances?
Seriously, PB & Muenster (cheese) sandwiches are very tasty. Even better grilled with a little bit of bacon.
@NathanMerrill They're not liquids.
And cheese is solid.
PB is a paste, I'd argue.
I'm talking about PB & Mustard
I wasn't sure of a category that included both of them
nah, PB isn't a condiment
"Paste" would certainly apply better than "liquid"
Sure it is. PB goes on cheddar cheeseburgers. Nom.
PB is too a condiment.
if its a condiment, then do a google image search for condiment, and find a single picture of PB
There a plenty of condiments that wouldn't show up.
All you're going to get is ketchup and mustard due to popularity.
I didn't even see horseradish or plenty of others, like Sorghum.
I would argue that spread is a subcategory of condiment.
Jam, jelly, marmite ...
Vegemite (ew)
As much as I find that disgusting, yes.
jr3 n k q = f (n-q) (mod (k-1) q) where
    f 0 r = r+1
    f i r = f (i-1) (mod (r+k) (n-i+1))
are we descriptivists or prescriptivists?
Alright, now to try golfing this
if we prescribe what a condiment, then yes, PB is a condiment
but if we simply describe how the word condiment is used, then PB is not a condiment
@NathanMerrill I prefer being a descriptivist, but I'm not going to prescribe that role to you
I'm in the descriptivist camp as well :)
Idk. I tend to describe how things are used, which is why a tomato is a vegetable.
But, I (and many others) do describe PB as a condiment, so that argument falls flat.
@TimmyD only on the basis of categorization
you'd never see a table of condiments, and find PB there
That's only because it's controversial.
yeah, there'd be riots for sure
Your argument so far is "check google images" for condiments. Not a good argument.
@mbomb007 you could check a condiment vendor, and see if they sell PB packets
my argument is that if you look for lists of condiments, you're not going to find PB listed there.
Sure, if you search for "is PB a condiment", you're going to get pages of arguments
sure, I was just using packets as an example :)
I'm trying to understand it
well, I'm not sure what your classes are for
is the goal to do something like:
@NathanMerrill Many condiment vendors do sell PB packets. Very popular in places like pancake restaurants and the like.
right, but how would you call it?
@TimmyD hmmm, I've never seen them, but if you're right, then I'd absolutely consider PB to be a condiment then
ok, lets say you are parsing a piece of code, and you come across a line:
int a = 5;
I don't know your syntax, but you get the gist :)
what do you expect the variable creation to look like?
aka, the code that creates the Type class, and the Value class?
ok, so you have a hashmap of <String, Type> that contains all of the classes?
fair enough
I've been proven wrong :)
@NathanMerrill Well, I dunno about that. The word "condiment" is so loosely defined anyway.
nearly every word is loosely defined
what really matters is how it's used in society
here's your problem
basically the value contains a series of bytes
a bunch of 0s and 1s
c++ does not have the ability to do dynamic casting
(like to store a type in a class, and cast it in that type)
@NathanMerrill Hah, that's a fair point. I think all I've done is shown that some people define PB as a condiment.
@TimmyD smuckers is a pretty big company, which likely means that other companies do.
so, unless we're going to go survey america, its basically the best proof we can get
Yeah. But I think it's also something very USA-ian. Peanut butter doesn't seem (from my limited knowledge) to be anywhere near as popular outside of the US.
true, but wikipedia lists many condiments we don't use here
a condiment doesn't need to be globally used to be a condiment
@QPaysTaxes I think what you need to do is make Value abstract, and not actually store anything.
then everything can extend Value, and using generics, you can return the correct type
@NathanMerrill That's fair, though I wish more places here in the US had mayonnaise available as a condiment. Plain fries or burgers are somewhat boring, but I can't stand ketchup or mustard, so, y'know.
they don't want riots of Miracle Whip fanatics
What's all this condimonium?? Peanut butter can be used as a condiment if you wish, but it can also be eaten as a food in its own right.
@trichoplax and I know people who love Ketchup on its own :)
We have a variety of sauces called sambal that is usually made with chili peppers (I say variety, because there are about as many variations on sambal as there are languages in Indonesia). It can mild to very spicy and I love sambal on its own
Someone may want to add peanut butter to this extensive list then...
all hand drawn
in gimp
might just make my own pixel-old-english font
Page found on the list of condiments: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambal
Now I'm hungry
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peanut_sauce This says that you can use peanut butter as a substitute, but I have no idea what gado-gado with PB would taste like
> In Western countries, the readily and widely available peanut butter is often used as a substitute ingredient to make peanut sauce, however the texture of peanut butter is too smooth and soft. To achieve authenticity, some recipes might insist on making roasted ground peanuts from scratch, using traditional stone mortar and pestle for grinding to achieve desired texture, graininess and earthy flavour of peanut sauce.
So peanut sauce is a condiment, but not (on this list) PB itself
my picture won't get bigger...
I increased the size...
@epicTCK What does that say, by the way? Can't seem to find the vowels
nope. Never increases the size
@Sherlock9 EpicTCK
Ah! That's why I could find the vowels XD
P looks like D and K looks like R, so I kept reading "EPICTER"
Modified pixel-art edition of this: 1001fonts.com/canterbury-font.html Full disclosure: made by me in gimp in 1/2 hour, just my name not a complete font
I did it in all caps
OK, new avatar that doesn't look like someone took a hammer to my old one.
@Sherlock9 should I make the topo arm on K longer and raise the p or is it fine
You should probably do both
Sleepy pichu?
@Geobits spiky-eared pichu
The C and E look a little similar, but they're distinguishable
I think the problem is the T and the C
They look a little too similar.
And they're right next to each other which doesn't help :P
I think if you raise the P and maybe make the tail of the T a little less curvy it'll be much better
I wonder how OCR deals with all this font messiness? The characters around that picture don't look a lot like the characters in that picture
You mean between the two different sized ones?
P raised, k arm extended
gtg thanks for the input
If I end up making a pixel-old-english font, I will tell you all
Hmm. If you raise the P a touch more it will flow better from the E/T/C curve at the bottom.
But the circled parts will mash together
I think I will just modify the curve rather than raising it
That would work too :)
Anyone here know anything about tropical geometry?
> tropical geometry
... wait is that actually a thing?
Tropical geometry is a relatively new area in mathematics, which might loosely be described as a piece-wise linear or skeletonized version of algebraic geometry. Its leading ideas had appeared in different forms in the earlier works of George M. Bergman and of Robert Bieri and John Groves, but only since the late 1990s has an effort been made to consolidate the basic definitions of the theory. This has been motivated by the applications to enumerative algebraic geometry found by Grigory Mikhalkin. == Basic definitions == We will use the min convention, that tropical addition is classical minimum...
It's... interesting, to say the least.
@epicTCK This is better
Anyways, I've been messing around with it and am currently trying to add "imaginary numbers" to it.
Such as, numbers X and Y so that X+Y=3 and min(X,Y)=2
Mathematica is fun
A motor in the bicycle?
I'm not sure what this is about but I know it's not a plane crash
what a disappointment
Well there's some bicycle crashes at least
but what if optimizer is alex?
@flawr i'm not sure if i'm not sure if you're going to be a plane crash
@Adnan By the way for .E Python has a temporary file creator that would be better
@quartata Really?
That would better haha
@El'endiaStarman theparkersquare.com
@TimmyD HA! :P
> The Parker Square is a mascot for people who give it a go but ultimately fall short.
The T-shirt is real too!
@Adnan import tempfile
check it out there's a couple nice functions
@MartinBüttner very bold :P
I should have split an infinitive somewhere
(I'm kinda nervous about how this will play out actually :D)
> allowing people to also submit
wait I did?
What's this about?
either check main or wait for NMP :P
I like how that immediately caused a downvote on the meta post
Wasn't me ;)
I'm waiting for NMP
phew at least the main post didn't start off to a negative score, I can stop looking at the tab for a bit now :D
@quartata Spoiler Alert:
Q: How can I score challenges with variable problem sizes?

Martin Büttner There is fairly strong support on meta for challenge-writing questions to be on topic on main, provided these questions are specific and answerable. However, we don't have any such questions yet, so I figured I'd test the waters. This question is probably entering good subjective, bad subjecti...

user image
The codegolf element.
@mınxomaτ What's the 10.6?
@mbomb007 Questions per day.
All the numbers are stats.
IMHO, there should be 11.1 somewhere for November 1st, our graduation date.
...months ago
1 month ago
1 months ago
month(s) ago
Oh yeah one month. Time is difficult
@quartata Ohh! That looks promising
We graduated on the November 1st of March.
@QPaysTaxes The design, yes, but the "Beta" was removed.
A month isn't even a consistent measurement of time. We graduated 8 weeks ago
@trichoplax Neither is a week. You forgot about leap seconds. And daylight savings.
@quartata Your avatar has changed two times. What's going on? Are you okay? ;)
@Adnan NamedTemporaryFile() is probably the one you're looking for
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm sticking with this one
@mınxomaτ What's 2032?
@quartata Ees cute :3
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 2,032 users with 200+ rep
aka "avid users"
Avid user on this site means 1k+ rep :P
@trichoplax which does fall in the 6 to 8 week span :P
@quartata Oh thanks
@QPaysTaxes Graduated 80,447 minutes ago.
@quartata Pika Pi!
Pika Phi not Pika Pi
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ "Pika Pi" is how Pikachu refers to Ash.
@mbomb007 TIL. I thought it was just something the thing said.
I've been watching Pokemon season 1 for a few weeks.
I've watched every season of Pokemon except for anything past D&P because those ones suck
He always says the same thing when calling for Ash.
Season 1 was objectively the best one though
@quartata Cool. I think I'll have finished it in a day or two.
Late to the party.
@quartata The movies in that range weren't too bad tho
maybe maybe play tf2 in 30 min
I get home in about an hour
or more
@NewMainPosts Why did @El'endiaStarman edit this?
@mbomb007 I figured I'd get in on the fun.
trichoplax has edited one of those in the past.
@El'endiaStarman I'd rather see the link to the actual question, please.
18 mins ago, by Geobits
Q: How can I score challenges with variable problem sizes?

Martin Büttner There is fairly strong support on meta for challenge-writing questions to be on topic on main, provided these questions are specific and answerable. However, we don't have any such questions yet, so I figured I'd test the waters. This question is probably entering good subjective, bad subjecti...

They only edit it afaik if it was already posted (like I did in this case).
Yeah, though the time span was unusually large in this case.
Then M.B. comes in.
I won't do that again if you have to scroll up a ways to see the post.
@QPaysTaxes Because one person starred it, and it's still recent.
Why is anything starred in this place?
It was starred right after you posted it. Someone thought your ignorance was funny.
@QPaysTaxes From what I've seen, that's never a productive question. :P
Warp star!
Actually, it's probably just @EasterlyIrk and I
@QPaysTaxes What do you mean, "you people?"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ :(
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what?
Are you?
I assumed it was you :P
@QPaysTaxes \o/ you'll do fine here
@EasterlyIrk did you even read the first sentence of the post...?
@MartinBüttner oops
@EasterlyIrk No, this type of question has always been encouraged (see the beginning of the post) — Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ 19 secs ago
@QPaysTaxes Sorry, was going for a Tropic Thunder joke.
who ninja'd who
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ although I'm not sure where that "always" in your comment comes from either, the meta post is 2 weeks old :P
@MartinBüttner "always" for some value of always. Or 6 to 8 weeks :P
should I just clean up both comments? ;)
define "helpful"
> With you helping, we'll get done in twice the time.
right, but how is the flag helpful if I have to wait for it to be cast to act on it...
that's how the most disturbing horror movies start
@QPaysTaxes Better split up if you want to make it on time!
my votes are gone

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