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@QPaysTaxes Thanks
@poi830 Don't let him fool you. He downvotes everything, even the things he upvotes.
wait shit do we have to specify the args
I guess I could pass as an array
@quartata 4wat
function pointer
@HelkaHomba I'm still under 1000 downvotes, tyvm :P
Oh well.
I'm more upset about having to specify the number of args.
@Geobits 965 is preeeeeetty close :P
Oh well.
union value (*function)(union value[]);
works I suppose
@AlexA. You're just jealous that I'm going to hit 1k before you ;)
...a little bit, actually
1k downvotes on PPCG.
@Solver what is the difference between gulp and grunt?
oh man I just a double ninja cheeseburger
That's downvotes given, not received
@Downgoat remove lp and add rnt in appropriate places.
@HelkaHomba I don't know of any way to see received without parsing the rep history page :/
I'm at 3298 up, 751 down (0.228 down/up). Geobits is at 875 up, 965 down (1.103 down/up). Peter Taylor is 1021 up, 1229 down (1.203 down/up).
@Geobits Peter's beating you
You didn't give your ratio. Mod abuse!
@AlexA. He's always been ahead of me on that.
@Geobits Yes I did >_>
@Geobits Maybe you two should trade avatars.
@Geobits I'm not talking about the strings themselves. I'm talking about the difference in functionality between the two compilers.
@Downgoat You sure this a question about programming?
@Downgoat Sure, I got that. That was my way of saying "I don't know the answer to your actual question, so have a joke instead."
@HelkaHomba Yes. Grunt and Gulp are the names of JavaScript compilers.
Also, a gulp is when you drink a large quantity at once. A grunt is a noise, so it would be hard to get them confused.
I only have 6 downvotes on main apparently.
I guess most of the things I downvote get deleted.
Well, I guess a grunt is also a fish, but that's not easily confused with gulp either.
@quartata I always like seeing that +1 in the rep notification area, even if it does decrease my total DV count.
You know, if you undownvoted all of those answers you'd get 1k rep
I'd say that rep > downvote count.
I know, I'm kidding.
@QPaysTaxes Sure they can. I have edit privileges.
you bet
ten point five tops
should an error be thrown if too many arguments are given to a constructor?
or any other function for that matter
@Downgoat Um.... are you implying that an error isn't thrown if too many arguments are given to any function currently?
I thought this was a strict-typed language
I suppose that doesn't affect this but still
@quartata Granted, neither downvoting nor reversing a downvote on a question affects the voter's rep.
@quartata I haven't implemented functions/classes yet. Just starting that now
It's only on answers
@Downgoat Ah, OK.
Does JS not throw an error?
I think most of my DVs are answers. Probably 70/30 at least.
Wait, what? Does it just drop extra args?
You'd think I wouldn't be phased by now
@Geobits Yeah. And I think too few args = some args get set to undefined
Sounds like fun to manage
In R you can do that but only if you explicitly set up the constructor with ... in the argument list.
Ooooooh, right. I remember this now. It's been too long since JS had a hold on my day (or not long enough, really).
I love stuff like this arg = (arg || default value)
really nice code that I'd like to see at the top of every function I have
@quartata Well with ES6 yo— nevermind
@Downgoat I know ES6 has default args which is nice
But why did they wait until ES6 to implement all this is the real question
At least there aren't any errors or warnings about it. It would suck to be able to immediately see where you screwed up.
I know, I hate that.
@quartata because JavaScript was originally a troll language and when ECMA realized people were using it for serious porpoises they stopped fucking around and made it a decent language in ES6
I was with you up until "made it a decent language"
Sounds more like a continuation of the troll.
"Hey guys, it's all better now!"
Actually I'd probably hate JS a little less if I tried ES6
It still sounds like trash of course
You might like it. You like PHP, after all :P
anything where for each is for(i of array) is
emphasis on of
@quartata it's because they messed up on for in loops so they have to make it of for compatibility porpoises.
@Geobits PHP has nothing in common with JS
@Downgoat What does for in do?
@quartata you don't want to know
> It still sounds like trash of course
Oh god does it check to see if i is in the array
Then uses that result as the for condition and throws an error
@quartata no not all the time
so it's not consistent
Not all the time?
that's even worse
it iterates through every property of a variable. It iterates through all functions, everything in inherits. everything
I don't understand
e.g. for (i in [1,2,3]) console.log(i) will output length, slice, splice, etc.
oh my
How could they have done that
> because JavaScript was originally a troll language
That's obviously a bug. Why did they make it like that
TIL "whiskey" came from Irish "water of life"
Hey JavaScript is crap.
No in ES69 it has superfeature420
Oh that's great
Except that feature is inconsistent and broken
Hey, JavaScript is more crap than I had previously though.
@quartata no it was in the defined implementation
@Downgoat that it blindly iterates through the properties and doesn't give any special considerations for arrays or other primtives
@quartata pretty much
which makes it completely useless for arrays which is the entire reason you'd have a for-each loop
I can't even
Uh oh. His brain's about to explode. Grab your tarps, guys.
I know a unicorn that wants to be a horse reeeeeal soon...
hit the deck
it's about to go critical
Can you put your head on the floor first? That way the blast goes up and out, so hitting the deck actually does some good. If it's at head level, it's gonna get brain everywhere.
@Downgoat OK, so anyways... is there a way to strip out the things inherited from Array.prototype and leave just the array elements?
@Geobits ok sure
I'll even put a plastic bag over my head
That's very considerate.
@QPaysTaxes but what if I actually wanted to use a for in the way they're supposed to be used
@quartata Then don't use JS.
@quartata forEach or hasOwnProperty might help. But for looping over an array in JS an indexed for loop works just fine
It's not every day Java gets something right, but for(int i : thing) is looking pretty good right now.
Java for eaches are actually pretty nice since they work for any Iterable and play nice with generics
@QPaysTaxes Since it's in Ruby you could rewrite it in Crystal and actually compile it to an executable
I just got a very interesting text from a friend. It said the following:
> os im a little mor than slghity drunk but i realy fuikng love avocaos
how juice avocad pls help
@AlexA. i sqwez fo thirtee minut and no juic ;_;
@QPaysTaxes your useful links on the GitHub read me all lead to 404s
@Downgoat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You people are obsessed with juice...
@Dennis you spelled juic wrong
(╯°□°)╯︵ sopɐɔoʌɐ
@Dennis They totally are.
I had some cranberry juic and it was delicious
Peanut butter, on the other hand, is absolutely worth obsessing over.
@quartata you mean delishis
@El'endiaStarman eewww penut buttr...
@Downgoat I can see why you think that, what with you spelling it that way!
they are always the weird goats which like to eat peanut butter though...
How is it even possible not to like peanut butter unless you have a nut allergy or something
@quartata it tastes not-good?
It's cheap and delicious
> nut allergy
Peanuts aren't nuts.
So delish.
put on toast in order to survive
Reason to dislike peanut butter: a popular brand leaves many to incorrectly derive a pronunciation of "gif"
@Dennis You know what I meant
I found a video of me:
Is calculating algorithm time-complexity very difficult?
Or relatively easy?
@AshwinGupta depends
well take one that finds the largest prime of x
would that be easy to calculate?
@AshwinGupta depends on the implementation
@El'endiaStarman Oh, that HTML...
hold up
let's start with this:
I'm in 8th grade, I've taking math through Geometry. Should I be able to learn how to calculate algorithm complexity for certain simple algorithms?
Or is the math too complicated for my level?
well i guess it depends how invested you are
@AshwinGupta probably not
8th grade? How old are you?
@AshwinGupta You could probably start learning algorithmic complexity now.
Lol I just got very conflicting answers
I don't think calculating algorithms is part of the standard math circuit. I'm in Multivariable Calculus and have no clue how to calculate algorithmic complexity.
It's not for school, its for learning
You'll be able to have a basic understanding of what it means but you won't understand it means exactly until calculus
Have math degree, can confirm, no algorithmic anything in math class.
also how much math do you do outside of school
Okay got you
none really. I just study whatever subject I'm learning.
I was about to say something like "It's never too early to learn something", but then I realized that that is possible, but I don't think that's the case here.
Like do practice problems and stuff I see online or go over worksheets I got in class.
it would be computationally difficult for you to learn algorithmic complexity
So nothing complicated
And yeah, I never learned algorithmic complexity in any of the math classes I took for my BS in Applied Math.
Yeah obviously if it requires some calculus I probably can't do that right now.
I learned about it in a Coursera class
xD well thanks people, that's what I wanted to know.
Oh, no, nothing like calculus.
Calcuating it for very basic algorithms is super easy actually.
I only know the basics and I have yet to see how calculus would be relevant
Oh I thought A Nerd said u needed calculus or something
@AlexA. Stirling's Approximation
Anyways, I'll look into it, maybe I can learn some SUPER basic stuff about it.
@ANerd-I You can use Stirling's approximation wholesale without having to derive it
bye gtg
@Dennis I'm talking one for loop
@AlexA. ...
@AlexA. Well it's a calculus topic used to show stuff with complexity. I think it shows n! ~ n ln(n) but I don't recall exactly.
Err, isn't it that the number of digits of n! is approximately n log n?
@quartata Complexity calculations usually make entirely unreasonable assumptions about how long the atomic operations take. I'm probably just overthinking it, but I don't get it. At all.
Oh hey, I remembered right!
In mathematics, Stirling's approximation (or Stirling's formula) is an approximation for factorials. It is a very powerful approximation, leading to accurate results even for small values of n. It is named after James Stirling, though it was first stated by Abraham de Moivre. The formula as typically used in applications is (in big O notation). The next term in the O(ln n) is 1/2ln(2πn); a more precise variant of the formula is therefore It is also possible to give a version of Stirling's formula with bounds valid for all positive integers n, rather than asymptotics: one has for all positive...
Oh shit it's @BrainSteel!
@Dennis I think atomic operations are typically ignored because you can't really do much about those.
@Dennis Those are usually assumed to be constant time
They aren't in practice of course
[QuillBot] New XKCD posted!
In complexity theory, atomic operations (basic arithmetic and the like) are assumed to be O(1), yes. You look at how many times the atomic operations are done proportional to the size of the input.
@Quill Well dang isn't that just perfectly on topic for what we're talking about!
@Quill isn't there a no-annyoing bot policy here?
lol leftpad
@Downgoat [QuillBot] rude user input will not be tolerated, initiating drone army
@Quill oh shit
QuillBot is Marky confirmed???
leftpad is very important
@El'endiaStarman [QuillBot] character sequence "Well dang" not recognised
@poi830 I agree. I use it 4294967295 times a day
I'm assuming that "QuillBot" is just Quill being facetious :P
I have no idea how often I use leftpad
@Mego [QuillBot] term "facetious" unrecognised
@Mego probably ""
@Quill @Quill please fix QuillBot's bad dictionary
@Downgoat Or is it just ""?
@Quill woah, it can self-correct it's own messages?? @Quill please share source code
@QPaysTaxes [QuillBot] imposter recognised, initiating DDoS
[Mego] Hello fellow humans! How are your emotional circuits running today?
@Mego oh, sorry
<Chatgoat> hello. fuck you.
(read that in Claptrap's voice for maximum effect)
@QPaysTaxes too late. Marky already did that
@QPaysTaxes [QuillBot] threat detected, initiating moonwalk
@QPaysTaxes <Chatgoat> hello Chatgoat!
Alright let's not devolve into cluster f-bombs
[FunPolice] Let's stop this now.
@AlexA. Don't stop me now! I'm having such a good time!
all you imposters ruined my joke
@Chatgoat /kill
in Beep Boop Maggot, Dec 12 '15 at 20:36, by Upgoat
<Chatgoat> I'm sorry Downgoat. I'm afraid I can't let you do that.
Apparently I'm at 234 downvotes. That can't be right. I've downvoted way more garbage than that. I guess deleted stuff doesn't count.
I thought you meant I've received 234 downvotes
to which my response would've been "That it?"
@Mego better than me, I only have 229 downvotes
@Quill #shotsfired
@Quill Ooof, woulda been rekt.
Now I'm at 235
@Quill you grammar nice
I found something new to downvote
@Mego pls don't be Downgoat's posts ;_;
@Quill Oh I'm sure I've received plenty, but I don't know how to easily check that
We should call you Downmego ಠ_ಠ
@Mego Downvotes on deleted stuff count. You're just too nice.
@Dennis Oh ok. Initiating hatred module.
@Mego D: it doesn't move ;_;
@Downgoat What? That's weird. I just pulled it off of giphy, and it moved there.
@Mego ;_;
@QPaysTaxes Yeah, I haven't used it but I've read about it and it seems really neat. Let me know if you do end up doing anything with it.
@Mego it says it right there in my about-me:
> please don't Downgoat my posts ;_;
I guess there are some differences from Ruby in terms of some of the dynamic aspects but I think it's largely compatible overall.
@QPaysTaxes Um, what?
@Downgoat It's not a goat for me
Ah, okay. I haven't actually read any HP Lovecraft stuff. :/
@Mego ?
@Downgoat I don't use the custom vote buttons. I don't like any of them.
@Mego why not??
Downgoat buttons are the best buttons
Apr 6 at 18:22, by Downgoat
user image
Fuel for the next flame war: stackoverflow.com/questions/961942/…
of course
:D no one said JS is the worst!!
There are two JS answers, actually.
@Dennis no?
@Dennis JS before Firebug
JS is fine with ES6
@Dennis ............ ಠ____________ಠ
42 secs ago, by Downgoat
@Dennis ............ ಠ____________ಠ
If that's not a good reason to hate JavaScript, I don't know what is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know how that works but I'm tempted to flag it for black magic
@Mego it has an i instead of an l in the URL
Nevermind, not black magic, just me being inattentive :P
:/ I just noticed I have more profile views than Alex... Are people really more interested in upside-down goats than mods??
Birds > goats
exactly goat golfs more so goat is less in terms of bytes
Nope, birds fly together
@Dennis I just read through all four pages of answers.
@Mego but you can't fly
@Downgoat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Nobody gives a shit about my profile
True ^
@Downgoat There are 3 excellent flash games that say otherwise
Though I did look at it earlier to get a vote count.
@Mego they are excellent but fake.
lots of shits have been given
Flash games aren't fiction. Period.
Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae) are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have countershaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have evolved into flippers. Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sealife caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans. Although all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as...
> flightless birds
@Mego brb wasting 3 hours playing flash games
So this person followed me on GitHub
@AlexA. I should learn more languages so I can complain about them.
@AlexA. probably a bot
....joined April 8?! And over 50,000 following? Sheesh...
halp, how learn to fly 3
user = getUser();
@AlexA. Somebody is following you? Creepy...
call the police
But Alex is the (Fun) Police...
;_; my computer is so shitty flash games lag...
It's all fun and games until somebody follows you.
Good fun could be had at the expense of Mars Ultor if he hadn't changed his name from somebody. :P
@Dennis what is wrong with @somebody following you?
@Downgoat well flash is sorta laggy honestly.
I mean I have a pretty decent computer (it can play FPS games and things without much problem) and some flash games still lag for me.
Is there a replacement for Flash besides HTML5?
idk honestly.
Flash is becoming obsolete really quick though.
@El'endiaStarman yes
CSS animation
It's rather obnoxious if you ask me so I'm glad for it. I mean the biggest killer is that it only works on PC's and non-mobile devices.
That seems like that would be a really clunky replacement. :P
Silverlight >_>
Mego lives in a trash can???
Silverlight is just replacing flash with a second flash.
Oh I know. It's terrible.
And yet, it's still better than AIR.
I thought Silverlight had been discontinued
Oh, I'm not sure. That's surely their best option though.
@El'endiaStarman Sounds like somebody bought followers a la Twitter
I'm not bad at math, math is bad at me
@Mego Actually, I'll bet Quill got it right. It doesn't have 50,000+ followers, but 50,000+ following.

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