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Does Ctrl+Shift+U also work on Mac?
Mᴇ, CᴏᴏʟᴇsᴛVᴇᴛᴏ, Dᴏᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟᴇx ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴍᴀᴄ ᴜsᴇʀs. Q_Q
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ There's a reason for that.
@Geobits C-c-c-combobreaker.
He's not wrong.
If I had a choice, I'd pick Ubuntu.
Speaking of, I need to allocate half of my disk with Ubuntu.
Why don't you install Ubuntu though?
@MarsUltor School requires me to run Mac.
@CoolestVeto s/with/for/
@CoolestVeto why?
That's okay. Wait til you get a job that requires windows...
what kind of school is this
@MarsUltor Most apps we use are dedicated for Mac and they don't wanna buy new licenses.
If it's a school computer, it makes sense that they wouldn't allow students to change the OS.
@Geobits Not a school computer.
I own it. But I need this OS.
Oh. Then yea, dual boot that shit :P
^ Tis the plan.
has windows just because it was free
If that's your reason, move to Linux now.
also has 64GB for Remix OS. Once it actually starts working.
@CoolestVeto I haven't used Windows since the start of the year.
@CoolestVeto He has Ubuntu.
@CoolestVeto Linux doesn't have Microsoft Minesweeper.
I have windows. In a VM. That doesn't get used often. By which I mean I don't clearly remember the last time.
@ChrisJester-Young Linux minesweeper >> MS minsweeper
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I'm currently writing on my MBP. :-P
@MarsUltor Is that so?
@Geobits what do you use?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Mainly Ubuntu, but I throw other distros on a partition from time to time to check things out.
@ChrisJester-Young IDK. But it's preinstalled on Ubuntu, and has some options and a very minimal UI
brb rebooting
Why does everyone use Ubuntu
I like Ubuntu over others mainly because my son also uses the computer, and it seems the most kid-friendly one, while still allowing you to go deeper.
needs to finish AvocadOS sometime and hope everyone switches to that
@MarsUltor Yeah. Debian's much better than Ubuntu!
@Geobits how is @Minibits doing?
I mailed him my laundry by magpie service.
This second? He's in school, so probably bored out of his mind. He'll get to the laundry later.
@MarsUltor Make sure it has decent Minesweeper. :-P
Does he hate school as much as a normal 9 yr old?
@ChrisJester-Young will do.
 (v)    do di do!
/ | \ O
  |  \|/
 / \ / \
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ^
When somebody in your family fries your old arch partition with full disk encryption.
>.< and Q_Q and (-o
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ (-o ==> Upside down duuuuude in a boooooat >.<
Expresses severe sadness/existential crisis/other crisis/
@zyabin101 upsidedown.
o-) expresses much joy.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I assume so. He doesn't hate it so much as he just doesn't ever feel like doing his work in class. So yea, seems pretty normal. Give him a couple more years for the real hatred to set in.
Is he one of the kids that is bored with the repeat information, or just information at all?
@ChrisJester-Young Shouldn't be that hard, just steal a decent JS minesweeper off the internet
@ChrisJester-Young if you feel any of your codetutoring kids need OS dev experience, we will take them and introduce then to the glory of jQuery.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It's almost all repeat for him, and that's the issue. He's a couple years ahead of his grade level in both math and reading, so he doesn't learn anything new in those. He loves learning in general, though.
Did I just hear an implication that you're building an OS from jQuery?
@Geobits No, Firefox/SpiderMonkey
patched with jQuery
@Geobits ?
What's your target? Chromebooks?
@Geobits Nope.
x86_64 computers ;_;
wai no ix86
Wow, it's busy in here.
Seriously, somebody should join the discord other than me and sherlock.
x86_64 computers in general
I'm trying to come up with a good explanation for why I'd seemingly gimp a decent computer by putting a browser-based OS on it, but I can't.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Yup.
@MarsUltor I actually wrote one. Initial version was in JS (codepen.io/cky/full/f5923696f12019ed15622f7f24913929), but then I decided I couldn't stand JS and wrote a ClojureScript version (gitlab.com/cky/emojisweeper).
And look, I changed my avatar. c:
It's Unipants, an unicorn looking like pants.
@Geobits But. What's so bad about a browser based OS?
I like Discord because of voice chat, but since I didn't visit PPCG regularly during the months of January and February, it was hard to get people together to talk
@MarsUltor Isn't it somewhat limiting? I mean, on a regular OS, you have browser+everythingelse.
@MarsUltor Chrome is bad enough as it is. But dedicating an entire OS to it...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ jQueryOS? What is this world coming to? ;-)
@Geobits But it will have normal OS support when it's finished. And many things can be ported via Emscripten.
@MarsUltor Or PNaCl.
@MarsUltor Ok, so you're saying that the disadvantages aren't major (I'll reserve judgement on that). So what are the advantages of a browserOS?
I'm much more excited about PNaCl than Emscripten, but that's because I'm a low-level coding nerd. :-P
user image
I found a picture of downgoat as a kid
You found it as a kid, or it's him as a kid? :P
@Geobits Not much, I guess. (It isn't supposed to be a widely-used OS). The only thing I can really think of is a flexible and easily extensible desktop, and easy-to-create widgets.
It's him as a kid.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I thought my instagram was private :|
@Downgoat It would be if your password wasn't the super obvious goat it down.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Wow, a literal kid. Like "kid gloves" kind of kid.
I am a l33t h@xx0rz that totes pwned ur private account.
He does look like he'd make a nice pair of gloves.
@Downgoat it isn't.
just checked, but that image isn't on there. YOU HAVE A PRIVATE PRIVATE ACCOUNT WITH GOAT PHOTOS
Hai @RenderSettings
hai @RenderSettings
> o/
Tis' but a scratch
lost it in nam
Uhh, no Urbit news for today.
Q: Insert semi-sorted into unsorted array

LexWelcome to your first day at PCG Inc. As our newest junior assistant document sorter, you are responsible for making sure all documents we sent down to you are archived in alphabetical order. It's so easy a monkey can do it. Well, metaphorically speaking, as we did hire a monkey to do it. Guess w...

Except the two month old commit to the docs/reorg branch.
@Geobits ¬__¬ are you NSA
You didn't know that????
is everyone here NSA???
How else does he know @AlexA.'s webcam address?
@Downgoat hell naw
I'm puts on sunglasses ASN.
I'm ͜¨ diæresis.
American Society for Nutrition?
The Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (English: Nuclear Safety Authority, ASN) is an independent French administrative authority set up by law 2006-686 of 13 June 2006 concerning nuclear transparency and safety. It has replaced the General Direction for Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection. Its task, on behalf of the State, is to regulate nuclear safety and radiation protection in order to protect workers, patients, the public and the environment from the risks involved in nuclear activities. It also contributes to informing the citizens. From 2006 to 2012, the president of the ASN was André-Claude Lacoste...
ohai @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
Was thinking about a FOG/Jolf polyglot.
What is the exit char in Jolf?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Uhh?
@zyabin101 They split Urbit into several different repos. check urbit/arvo for most of the Hoon-level code now, urbit/urbit is just the C-side
for what challenge?
not really for a challenge.
But i am currently searching for a challenge to get a task
@RenderSettings Uhh, arvo is for most of the Arvo-level code.
Dec 6 '15 at 23:30, by phase
( terminates the program and kills your computer
Hopefully a non-computer-terminating one?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Ah, cool.
They've been committing API endpoints lately
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Of course ;)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ this challenge i think
Q: I'm not the language you're looking for!

muddyfishIsn't it annoying when you find a piece of code and you don't know what language it was written in? This challenge attempts to somewhat solve this. Challenge You will have to write a program that when run in two different languages, will output the string: This program wasn't written in <lang...

Also yeah, Arvo-level code but it's also all Hoon programs, not just vanes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Oh, cool! :D
That might be hard because your control structure character is my end program :P
to the Jolf Chatroom!
wait there is one?
@RenderSettings Totally random: I love your avatar.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I didn't know.
@zyabin101 I don't think there is :P
Only quartata has ever asked me for help
@Downgoat No comment
ooo cool
Speak of the devil.
@Geobits and you said you also live on the east coast just like NSA ¬_¬
@Geobits ._. is this what you do in the NSA?
no comment
Hee hee. I found this old gif from the Wolf koth
Hmmm.. can't link to a gif from google drive?
Just curious, but how long do you guys generally wait before accepting an answer?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ six to eight weeks
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I wait until the commotion has died down. Or a month
I wait at least a week. Some challenge writers never accept answers on this site
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ It usually happens when I visit my profile and realize I haven't yet. At least a week or so in general.
@Rainbolt Nice :)
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ 7 days after the last answer has been posted.
Same as @Geobits
@dennis That would be cool if that was an automatic script.
For a notification.
Oh well. I guess I didn't wanna onebox it anyway. I cannot figure out how to open the gif in a window by itself in chrome. "Open image in new tab" opens a new tab but the url still doesn't have the .gif extension
@Rainbolt that's because it's a blob url
I've gained more rep this quarter than Helka. 0_0
I'm not even on the first page for this quarter ;-;
@Downgoat how big is your page size?
normal size
It's not the size that matters.
Finally have a working solution, time to golf it down!
A: De-Snakify a String

KatenkyoLua, 562 Bytes By far my most massive golf at the moment, I think I can still cut off 100 bytes, which I'll work toward, but posting it as an answer as it already took some time :). function f(m)t=2u=1i=1j=1r=r repeat r=m[i][j]~=" "and(i<#m and m[i+1][j]~=" ")==not(j<#m[i] and m[i][j+1]~=" ")...

@Katenkyo it's not loading for me :/
Only 5 more votes until I get my sportsmanship badge...
@muddyfish you should upvote a certain goat's posts to get that badge
@Downgoat the massiveness of this post makes it unloadable in safari xD
it's a 562 byte lua answer for the de-snakify a string challenge
I never said that
did I?
I'm not sure now
Also, why is chat showing my rep as much bigger than it actually is?
@muddyfish it adds the rep from all your SE sites
Thats mostly association bonus then
Or doesnt it include that?
I think it does
but I'm not sure
There's the number
Someone sign up on an exchange
and see if their rep goes up
I'm sure it does. I counted mine up at some point.
@muddyfish it only counts on sites > 200 rep
that makes some sense then
Ive signed up on like 30 sites (dont ask why) and my overall rep is only like 4k
1 min ago, by Downgoat
@muddyfish it only counts on sites > 200 rep
Yes it does
Ive just counted
Hmm, that must be right. Mine from 200+ sites is 42,423, and it shows 42.4k.
No I said that to back up his point
I've only got 3 exchanges like that :(
I've got 13 with 200+, and posts on another six with under 200.
And then a whoooole bunch of 101s
Heh, go figure.

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