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why not arbitrary bases between 0 and 36?
but IMO
but what characters would I use?
to save programmers from errors
only binary, decimal and hex IMO
octal can be ok
@Downgoat b1 to bz?
but not anything else
@MarsUltor nah
I have a literal for each base. So binary is 0b<binary number> 0t<trinary number>
@Downgoat for the love of god btw
Ternary isn't very useful usually
0777 don't make that octal
octal is 0o777 or not at all
octal is 0o777
but it's usually 0777
@MarsUltor which is total garbage
and should not be copied into newly designed languages
how is 1001111b2 bad/hard to read?
binary should be the first thing
@Downgoat Yeah, but I agree it is total garbage
@Downgoat By the way, s/trinary/ternary
So I'll just add binary, ternary, octal, and hexadecimal then
I think the only literals you need are binary octal decimal and hex
0[1-9a-z][0-9a-z]+ looks better in my opinion, 0532 + 0513 = 05100 (check my math pls)
@Downgoat 0b, 0o, and 0x
I cannot think of a usecase for ternary
ok then, I won't add ternary
Is this for a golfing language?
@quartata What about balanced ternary?
0c would look better for octal
speak := => What is the => doing?
@phase Returns probably
@phase := is assignment => is function
@Downgoat => = lambda?
-> is a lambda too
:= = Backus-Naur style assignment
@MarsUltor balanced ternary would be cool maybe
Why not have implicit lambda assignment?
@phase -> is lambda with arguments => is lambda without arguments
@phase ?
p6 has a nice thing where you can use a symbol to denote a placeholder var, and they become the arguments of a lambda in lexical order
{ $^c + $^a * $^b } takes arguments $a, $b, $c
@phase speak => DoSomething() and speak foo bar -> DoSomething(foo, bar)?
@MarsUltor that is brilliant
When you have an identifier with a => or -> after it, why not automatically assign it? The assignment operator is just a waist of characters.
Or speak Int:foo, String:bar -> DoSomething(foo, bar)?
I don't know how hard that will be to parse
@Downgoat IDK, I can help if you want
name is first word, args are words before ->
@Downgoat Just group identifiers up, and check ident (ident)* (=-)> ...
so basically something like function.split('->').split(' ') or something, arr[0][0] is name, arr[0].slice(1) is args, arr[1] is body
hm :/ I will have to see how to handle that with unary ops and all
I'll try
What's with all this manual splitting? I thought you're using a lexer+parser-generator. :-P
@Downgoat Wait, you'll be able to declare unary ops?
@MarsUltor yes
Is the language interpreted or compiled? And if the latter, to what?
@Downgoat won't that be a modifier keyword? unary foo bar => DoSomething(bar)
@phase Interpreted in JS
@MarsUltor what do you mean?
Yeah what kind of crazy person parses with splits
@LockOpeners It was just an example :(
You're crazy Mars
Crazy I say
@Downgoat Like public static in C#/Java, unary should be a modifier (so parser sees it and knows it's not the function name)
then parser ensures it takes in one argument and adds it as a unary function
so you'd be doing unary sqrt 4?
I'd rather just do a check when interpreting
no, to define them
@Downgoat no, unary is just in function declaration
I think I can just avoid it all together, by just reserving some keywords.
same as infix + left right => add(left, right) (or binary instead of infix)
Yeah, unary and infix are meant to be keywords
oh, so when defining an operator?
not unary
prefix and postfix
@quartata when did you explain why you dropped out? was it for the reasons xnor was complaining about?
so you can declare i++ and ++i
graph generation works
warning: large
^ understatement
@Doorknob Warning: secretly a busy beaver.
@orlp large understatement. can you replace so it doesn't make all out browsers lag?
@orlp Just having it visible is making my browser lag
@AlexA. Get Firefox
I have it. I just don't use it.
that's a big image
Hooray, I can scroll again!
@AlexA. There, I just elevened the image out-of-line.
@ChrisJester-Young +11
translate en: じゅういち
(from Japanese) Eleven
oh thanks
I was gonna ask for a translation
translate: 십일
(from Korean) 10 days
translate: 十一
(from zh-CHS) Eleven
@AlexA. ... what
@AlexA. Fail.
is there a magical translation thing you're all using
I'll try the other form
translate en: 열하나
(from Korean) Column one
@LockOpeners Mod superpowers
@Doorknob ...
@LockOpeners It is indeed magical
The fact that it exists is magical
It's bing, Google Translate >> Bing Translate
But it's using Bing under the hood, so the translations are garbage
I wonder why SE doesn't use Google Translate
I think google makes you pay
That would be because using Bing Translate is free, and Google Translate is not. That would be my personal reasoning, anyway.
Bing probably integrates well with the rest of the Microsoft stuff they use
I solved the large problem
> Bang Translate
@orlp Now is it a small problem?
happy now?
@Downgoat Thanks!
@orlp oh god
> goid
@orlp :O ...... what a terrible visualization. :P
@ChrisJester-Young じゅういちをありがとうございました。
I was expecting something....y'know..... treelike. :P
@El'endiaStarman Is this not what trees look like? Maybe I should go outside.
@AlexA. Done.
@ChrisJester-Young ?
@AlexA. ....where do you live that you don't live in trees?!
@AlexA. I thought you asked for the other image to be elevened too. I clearly misinterpreted.
@El'endiaStarman Haha I live in the woods, actually.
@El'endiaStarman He got stuck in one the other day, remember? I think he's in denial that they exist now.
@Doorknob but that tree wasn't in the woods
@ChrisJester-Young Oh, haha, no. Requesting would have ください in it
@AlexA. Okay, I'll twelve it then.
translate: じゅういちをありがとうございました。
(from Japanese) Thank you for the rest.
Um nope
@orlp Oh. Oh my.
じゅういちをありがとうございました。== Thank you for the eleven
mi ckire do lo nu me li papa co'e
@aditsu I'm sure Alex did have shita instead of su.
yes, I was correcting myself
@aditsu ಠ_ಠ get an IME
@aditsu Nice Cantonese. :-D
多謝 :)
@aditsu I did have shita. した <-- right there
(I know you do/did live in Hong Kong. I was born in Hong Kong, and speak Cantonese. :-P)
(Are you fluent?)
@ChrisJester-Young I'm still a noob but trying to learn
@aditsu 唔使客氣
> yes, I was correcting myself
translate: 唔使客氣
(from zh-CHT) And do not hesitate
@AlexA. Fluent enough to talk to my parents. But I wouldn't call it professional level.
what about a reasonably sized pretty graph?
I know nothing in any of these languages. :P
Except English.
@aditsu o i c o k
@orlp Ooooh, that's perfectly sized.
has chat too small to read the 汉字
get a big chat
@AlexA. Then I won't be able to see the entire starboard
1 min ago, by Alex A.
@aditsu o i c o k
@El'endiaStarman the code to generate that is dead simple btw
@AlexA. haha fail
it pretty much means "you're welcome" or "no worries"
@AlexA. 唔使客氣 is the standard response to 多謝, 唔該, etc.
@aditsu Right, though it literally means "no need to be polite". :-)
google translate doesn't know Cantonese either
@aditsu Yeah, Cantonese is kind of a complicated language. :-)
Is Cantonese a tonal language?
@aditsu It knows Chinese
@AlexA. Yes, it has 6 tones instead of 4 for Mandarin.
I don't know that I've heard it spoken
Same writing
@orlp Wow, nice.
@MarsUltor There are many Cantonese-specific characters.
All Chinese dialects are tonal
@ChrisJester-Young Brutal. There are 5 for Thai. Six is nuts.
that you'll never find in Mandarin text.
@AlexA. have you seen any Jackie Chan movies? :p
@ChrisJester-Young Well, it's similar enough for Google to not prioritize it
@aditsu All dubbed in English :P
ah, dubbing sucks
@MarsUltor Tell Google to translate 唔該. :-)
That's a strictly Cantonese-only phrase.
has only seen the Jackie Chan movies in which he speaks English
@ChrisJester-Young I know. In Simplified Mandarin it's 不用客气 IIRC
the same English phrase often translates differently in Cantonese and Mandarin; standard written Chinese is based on Mandarin but you can write Cantonese too (and it's different)
@MarsUltor Right, that's pretty close. Whereas you'd be hard-pressed to find a near-translation for 冚唪唥 in Mandarin. :-)
@QPaysTaxes Yes
@ChrisJester-Young Yeah, I saw the dictionary page
> written Chinese: 全部, 一共, 總共, 通通, 統統
@QPaysTaxes There are Cantonese pronunciation for standard Chinese characters, but there are also Cantonese-specific characters.
@QPaysTaxes yes and no, Cantonese speakers usually write in standard Chinese, but it's not a direct correspondence between speech and writing
@QPaysTaxes Same as Japanese, just Japanese is more different than Cantonese
@QPaysTaxes Kind of.
@aditsu zh-yue.wikipedia.org has Cantonese-specific articles, that use Cantonese instead of standard Chinese. :-P
@QPaysTaxes So far.
@QPaysTaxes cool :)
@QPaysTaxes we suck rocks?
@Downgoat Do you plan on haivng a c9 workspace for Cheddar?
@MarsUltor I haven't looked into C9, what is it?
@Downgoat Cloud IDE.

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