i have installed Bluestacks in my pc. works fine. Then i installed Clash of Clans. But it is not loading .. Why ?? i think my office connection is blocking it refusing in some way. Help me plzz. Thank You in advance.
@BrainLot That's because you have to own the network to need tech support of this type. If he was doing something "legit", he would ask to his IT dept. If the IT dept struggle, it could ask on SU/NE for help because network is blocking access of type X
I'd like to change my name back now, but I have to wait another 18 days :(
This is like the time that everyone at school got faux hawks, and when I got my faux hawk is wasn't cool anymore, and I kept it for far longer than I needed to.
Same message on Board and Card Games and Programming Puzzles and Code Golf: "Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Mar 31 at 19:46"
I still have my original name "zyabin101" on PPCG, but I have changed my chat name to "...the Hated" via Meta, to reflect how much people hate me, especially who helped me get frozen earlier this month.
Suspension – user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content Mar 4 at 15:48 suspension lasts for 30 minutes until Mar 4 '16 at 16:18
Suspension – user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content Feb 2 at 16:44 suspension lasts for 30 minutes until Feb 2 '16 at 17:14
There are doc changes, but they aren't shipped to urbit.org yet iirc
Check github.com/urbit/docs refactor branch
There was recently a massive overhaul of the project, splitting components into different repos and reorganizing
Oh, the refactor changes are already in master actually.
Really, the best way to get information is probably just to ask in :talk about it. All the people working on it idle in /urbit-meta and would love to answer questions.
@Lembik If I was going to make a code golf to draw a country, it wouldn't be the US. We have more than enough US challenges already, pretty much none about other countries.
@crayzeedude Don't forget to add Travis CI, a system that allows you to "test and deploy with confidence". It integrates with your workflow. More here.
@Dennis, could you take a look at my Volts, Amps, Watts and Ohms answer here codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/75193/47581 ? Or point me in the direction of someone who can help me golf it?
My computer went in for repairs, the people repairing it tried to rip us off, we quoted a few UK laws at them, we got my computer back with only what it needed done done on it. \o/
Staggering news in the world of Conway’s Game of Life – a new c/10 spaceship discovered http://www.conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2057 https://t.co/e8i3OtopUq
Golf nethack moves
Given an ascii art dungeon, the coordinates of where you are, and where you are traveling to, output the shortest sequence of moves to get you there.
The dungeon can be of any size, and will always be padded with spaces to form a rectang...
Through the power of math and science, I have successfully transferred all of my old computer's files into my new one... all 60 gb of it... in 10 minutes.
@Dennis I was thinking of changing pl's code page to MAC-CYRILLIC because a lot of the CP437 characters don't fit very well, but now I might actually make my own...
The settings are:
for player: for watcher:
Attacker network network
Defender human network
The words you need to fill in the blanks in the url are `ondras` and `ppcgur`, from left to right.
It's custom Tetris, btw.
To join the game, goto the link above, enter the settings and click Connect. When a green checkmark appears next to Connect, click Play.
Every time someone says "This is a popularity contest, so creativity is key." I want to comment "What do you think people use to squeeze out that one last byte in code golf?"...
Count the Esolang Puns
code-golf | parsing | counting
This challenge was inspired by this conversation in chat.
Yesterday in chat,
there was a conversation where several people extensively used esolang puns. @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ kept a tally throughout to see who used the most puns. You...
(That said, I think a semi-functional golfing language based on symbolic maths and Mathematica's type system + pattern matching would be interesting... that's what I would focus on if making a Mathematica-inspired golfing lang... just shortening the built-ins seems pretty lame though)