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I think we should be basing this off of "voting theory"
@TimmyD right, but what if people want a custom set of points? and in both of those cases, how does that work when groups aren't necessarily the same size
although it's normally used to describe a physical election, in our case the matches are the "voters"
oooh, I like that system
I'm definitely going to implement that
and each "vote" is an incomplete ordering of candidates based on the results of the match
@NathanMerrill But you don't need a custom set of points, because the points are internal mechanisms to keep track of "how many move to the next stage"
The "how many move to the next stage" is the tweakable value.
and there's a really good table of properties here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
(the different criteria are listed above the table)
@TimmyD but I'm not the one making the KoTH, so the person making the KoTH should be able to tweak how much "2nd" place counts
Why would that matter? If 3 players move on, and the scores are [150,10,2,1,0] or the scores are [5,4,3,2,1], still the top three players are moving on.
The "point system" (aka Borda count) violates some important properties.
it matters with multiple iterations
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ oration file extension?
I am thinking .or if you don't have one.?
@Dennis Can you pull 05AB1E?
Thanks :)
@PhiNotPi ^ If you've got to do eliminations (probably time constraints), I like something like this.
@PhiNotPi I'm not following what would be wrong with that system for playing games.
@Geobits nice rainbow paper. :P
Nice terrible white balance, more likely :P
Time to upgrade your potato.
@PhiNotPi Sounds fascinating - I'm going to need to spend some time reading :)
Nah, it's mainly bad lighting. I bumped the contrast before posting to make it more legible. Side effects ftw.
The potato itself is great and does all things.
Yes. Aqua Tart is pretty great.
Q: Calculate π(n) [fastest-code]

LiamCalculate π(n) π(n) is the number of primes less than or equal to n. Input: a natural number, n. Output: π(n). Scoring: This is a fastest-code challenge. Score will be the sum of times for the score cases. I will time each entry on my computer. Rules and Details Your code should work f...

Borda count sounds a lot like Mario Kart points >_>
Ugh. The previous Exchange admin here was an idiot. I'm trying to unravel this excessively-nested LDAP filter that leads off with 25 { before a bunch of conditionals.
Completely unrolled, so each {, }, and condition are all on their own lines, it's almost 200 lines long
@RikerW I thought of .ora, but that works, too! :D
Why do phone companies force you to call them for certain services? Not exactly helpful if your phone is having issues or you don't have a phone...
@Geobits And Jeez, do you live in a prism?
Yes. Quite pricey, but totally worth it.
That chromatic aberration =D
@TimmyD Well, to be more specific, you have to first define what properties you want it to have.
Does anyone know of a good SourceTree alternative? Their latest updates kind of messed things up, and I'm looking for a way out =P
Using GitKraken atm, looks nice enough but I'm looking for more data ^^
A: "Hello, World!"

RikerWOration, 38 bytes listen capture Hello, World! that's it Fun to write.

If you want the property "If there's contestants (A,B,C) and A finishes above B > 50% of the time, and A finished above C > 50% of the time, then A should be crowned champion" then that's not always satisfied.
Really? That seems ... not right.
Is it not possible that C could finish above A > 50% of the time?
Using the point system (3,1,0), B has 10, A has 9, C has 9.
Even though the record is A 4 - 3 B and A 4 - 3 C
class Mind{ get{return = blown}}
@PhiNotPi This is why I would want customizable points if I were to do a point system
The problem is that there's no "right" point system that avoids all the issues.
well, it depends on your goals
Although, you can favor specific things over others.
I remember learning about that problem back in high school, I think. Arrow's Theorem or something?
Yeah, that's it.
because fairness is not definable, perhaps the person thinks that a point system is the most fair
In social choice theory, Arrow's impossibility theorem, the General Possibility Theorem or Arrow's paradox is an Impossibility theorem stating that when voters have three or more distinct alternatives (options), no ranked order voting system can convert the ranked preferences of individuals into a community-wide (complete and transitive) ranking while also meeting a pre-specified set of criteria. These pre-specified criteria are called unrestricted domain, non-dictatorship, Pareto efficiency, and independence of irrelevant alternatives. The theorem is often cited in discussions of voting theory...
@RikerW oh I forgot to do oration in hw :P
> In short, the theorem states that no rank-order voting system can be designed that always satisfies these three "fairness" criteria:
- If every voter prefers alternative X over alternative Y, then the group prefers X over Y.
- If every voter's preference between X and Y remains unchanged, then the group's preference between X and Y will also remain unchanged (even if voters' preferences between other pairs like X and Z, Y and Z, or Z and W change).
- There is no "dictator": no single voter possesses the power to always determine the group's preference.
Considering changing name to Cyಠce
@El'endiaStarman I read In short... and see (see full text) and I'm like Nope.
This is fascinating stuff, but I'll readily admit my ignorance. First I've encountered something like this (curse my "pure math" background ;-) hehe)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The (see full text) is completely useless.
There's literally no more text.
@El'endiaStarman o_O
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ "TL/DR - You can't win. Haha."
@El'endiaStarman Generally speaking, point #2 is the one that can be "reasonably violated"
It's really rather interesting how in almost every area of life (specifically, STEM fields), there's some form of the "you can't win" theorem. Math - Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems, Computing - the Halting Problem, Physics - Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the laws of thermodynamics, voting systems - Arrow's impossibility theorem, etc...
@El'endiaStarman TIL -- God's a dick. ;-)
I could almost feel the gloves come off.
7/10 with rice
slap, slap
This is a list of notable and commonly used emoticons or textual portrayals of a writer's moods or facial expressions in the form of icons. The Western use of emoticons is quite different from Eastern usage, and Internet forums, such as 2channel, typically show expressions in their own ways. In recent times, graphic representations, both static and animated, have taken the place of traditional emoticons in the form of icons. These are commonly known as emoji although the term kaomoji is more correct. Emoticons can generally be divided into three groups: Western or horizontal (mainly from America...
Like, if you have two candidates "Rock" and "Paper", then obviously Paper is better. But, as soon as you introduce candidate Scissors, then Rock and Paper are now equal to each other.
and scissors sucks?
Well, scissors is equal as well.
"Paper covers rock!" THWACK "Rock punches through your paper, and OHHH THAT'S A SKULL FRACTURE FOR SURE!"
But the point is that adding in more contestants can change the order of the rest of them. It's never as simple as inserting it into an existing list.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I didn't mean to offend. Sorry if I did.
@TimmyD You're forgiven ^_^
grabs pasta strainer
... hmm, I was anticipating a glaring face for that
another design question: lets say your games support 10 players, but there are 17 players total
should I always run games in multiples of 170?
even if the user said 100?
@PhiNotPi It was vague.
Why 170? Were you thinking every possible 10-player group from 17?
^ 170 doesn't do anything special, does it?
Clearly you must run them in batches of 19448.
you'd need 17 choose 10
Otherwise it's totally unfair.
There's probably a way to do better than random samples, though.
Fix the system.
Assuming that 19448 games is too many.
That's an interesting math question. What's the best sample of those 19448?
You could have preliminary matches like the World Cup or something.
Advancing to a final round of 10.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ a non-integer number of matches?
Maybe we can look at... if players A and B haven't been in many rounds together, then we should intentionally add them to a round together.
@Maltysen Of course not. The result is casted to a float! ;)
What's the fewest groupings needed to ensure that we get every X > Y pair at least once and the same amount of times?
17? A rolling grouping.
@Maltysen IEEE 754 is good enough for anything
@Geobits Nice handwriting
We could shuffle + rolling groups, and repeat for more samples.
@El'endiaStarman 170 because its the lcm of the two numbers
@NathanMerrill But why use the LCM?
17 choose 10, with a twist that players can't be chosen more than X times? Wouldn't necessarily get every combination, but with a suitable randomness might be pretty decent.
I'm doing random sampling in such a way that ensures every player gets the same amount of games
170 is the least that gives the same number of games for each player, right?
Ah, okay, that makes sense. Random is probably not the best way to go about it though.
But the question was, can you have the same number of games with both A and B for all A,B
@El'endiaStarman why not?
10 players in a match: 45 pairs. 17 players total = 136 pairs
How is that duck thing so popular? (No offence Alex)
Wait, isn't that basically the same as a vertex/edge(?) cover of K17?
lcm(45, 136)?
gives 6120
@NathanMerrill Isn't guaranteed to be "uniform", in a sense.
We want something that gives the same overall result as taking random samples, but with less work.
return 4;
Or to put it another way, we want to get approximately the same result as a billion random samples, but with a deterministic set.
@El'endiaStarman ah, I think I didn't communicate my method well enough. I take an array of players, shuffle it, and use the first N players in game 1, the next N players in game 2
@NathanMerrill right, but you're not guaranteed the same uniformity that you are with a billion
uniformity of what?
number of games played?
players in each game
Oh, probably need a couple questions answered: 1) are these matches a free-for-all? and 2) are ties possible?
1, 2) doesn't matter
Can multiple instances of a player be in teh same game?
@feersum up to the game to decide
Maybe here's a better description. We have 17 players and a game that take only 10. There's 17 choose 10 = 19448 games to be played for the "real" result. We can get an approximation by taking a random sample of 100 or so games, but is there a better way to choose those 100 or so games than random samples?
@PhiNotPi the only optimization I can see is to ensure that each of the players plays the same amount of games
That's where I was aiming with the suggestion "players can only play X times before they're removed from the potential player pool"
@NathanMerrill there's also considering that each pair gets used the same number of times
I think 17 games might suffice. [i:(i+10)%17] for i in [0..17)
you can generalize this to triplets, etc. all the way to groups of 10, which is what choose(17,10) is
Actually, no, that won't get all pairings.
Yeah. The more I think through this, the more I think lcm may be the easiest.
It's not the best, but it may be easiest.
hmmm, each pair is a good point
17 is actually enough to get all players in the same number of games.
lcm(17, 10) / 10
oh yeah
bad calculation on my part
since the lcm of 45 and 136 is 6120 (relatively prime), then we need 45 games to get an equal number of all the pairs (specifically, this means that the number of pairs played is a multiple of the number of different pairs, not that an assignment exists which actually makes every pair occur equally). Since the number of games needs to be a multiple of 17 for all players to be in an equal number of games, we end up with lcm(45,17) = 765 games
I have a feeling the assignment probably does exist.
if we only have 45 games, the it's impossible for all players to have been in the same number of games, so the assignment can't exist
I don't think I care about each pair occuring the same amount of times
it makes my code harder to write
I mean for 765.
Where'd the 136 come from?
For 765, I think it would too.
17 choose 2
The 136 is the number of pairs between 17 players
Ah, gotcha ... (10 choose 2) and (17 choose 2) to determine pairings.
@PhiNotPi Wait, why 45 games? 45 is the number of pairs in a single game.
Wait a minute. The minimum number of games is 136, I think!
You can list all 136 pairs of 17 players and use a rolling window of 45 pairs of 10 players!
oh, yeah, I should have used 136 games
Although, do you have a visualization of what that list would look like?
Wait, no, there's a problem: some pairing groups of the 136 are mutually exclusive. Doggonnit.
Although I do think 136 might be right number
yes, lcm(10, 17, 45, 136) / 45
Any suggestions on Output all strings before I post it, in particular with regards to methods for giving infinite output?
in Mathematics, 2 mins ago, by Akiva Weinberger
Wait, @El'endiaStarman, what pairings doesn't "cycling through" get?
17 < 2*10, so actually, every pairing is covered, right?
I wonder if there's anything to be said for choosing groups randomly at first, then biasing to pick players who are least convincingly ordered for later groups
So "loses to everyone so far" and "beats everyone so far" are less likely to be chosen than the players inbetween who are in more need of further games to establish an order
That's an interesting idea. Not deterministic but might be fastest for really large groups.
@trichoplax I think ELO would do something like that
@El'endiaStarman Yes I imagine you could construct a set of players for which this would give an incorrect ordering, but I wonder if it would be good enough most of the time, and quicker
Place all players randomly on a dartboard. Randomly throw a dart. That player wins. ;-)
There's no 'correct' ordering in general, for any reasonable sense.
I really wish other languages had a "yield" keyword
other than python
@NathanMerrill I can't think what ELO stands for.
Electric Light Orchestra of course.
@trichoplax I can't either, but it's used in chess.
just looked it up, its actually named after a guy
It's not an acronym, in chess.
@feersum That's precisely what is stopping me from constructing other possibilities :)
Yeah it's named after Arpad Elo
...darn those chess people for all-capsing it.
What does Arpad stand for?
anyways, I was thinking if each player had an ELO rating, then you would select a player at random, find all players near his ELO rating (plus or minus Y), and select X of them at random
Oh, there's the weekly ping for something I never participate in. ಠ_ಠ
The snippet bot team meeting?
@NathanMerrill Ah yes - this is a much more specific and implementable version of my vague idea - that sounds workable
@El'endiaStarman I don't get this anymore...
I didn't enter the room this time. Maybe I won't get the ping next week.
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother -- I mean "another" — Lenne yesterday
@El'endiaStarman Oh wait that's something different
@TimmyD hahahaha
has no idea what this snippet bot is
Q: Output all strings

xnorGiven a set of letters, output all strings made of those letters. (This is Kleene star of the set.) For example, for {'a','b'}, the strings are: '', 'a', 'b', 'aa', 'ab', 'ba', 'bb', 'aaa', 'aab', ... Input: A non-empty collection of distinct letters a..z. These may be characters or single-cha...

Nor me
@NathanMerrill Just don't go to the room to find out, or you'll be pinged forever more
It's not like we advertised it literally everywhere or anything sigh
@TimmyD An Oedopan slip is when you say one thing but do your mother
My memory is awful. I might just not recall it based on name
I heard of Data, but have no idea what a "snippert bot" might be.
@NewMainPosts oops never fixed pl
Ah right - the absence of the word "chat" was what made me think I hadn't heard of it.
And of course @Doorknob already did the Ruby solution I typed up a week ago...
@Mego That reminds me of my absolute worst Cards Against Humanity play I've ever made -- "An Oedipus Complex: Kid Tested, Mother Approved"
You tell the bot to run code. It runs the code. It tells you the result.
I understand; "snippet bot" just seems an inapt name to me.
@TimmyD please don't abbreviate it any further...!
They should make a random link on the Rickrolling wikipedia page rickroll you.
@AquaTart I saw the question in my "newest questions" tabs and decided to write a quick Ruby answer :P
@Doorknob :/
I'm pretty sure an infinite loop version would be shorter.
@trichoplax "snpbt"
It's about the history of programming
@TimmyD Oh good - you avoided what I was fearing :)
@AquaTart indeed, I was just making that edit actually
@Doorknob nononono
@Doorknob F(Doorknob)ITW
You think Ruby's builtin has a long name? combinations_with_replacement. Ow.
That function and the import alone is 52 bytes.
itertools, right? :P
@MorganThrapp Explicit is better than implicit.
@Mego Clearly Tim Peters was not a golfer.
You guys complaining about builtin length, and I'm here poring through the .NET documentation going "This doesn't seem likely ..."
@TimmyD System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(T).KleeneStarWith(HashSet(T))
@Mego Getting my hopes up and everything.
I should really learn to stop trusting people here on chat ... too much snark. :D
Just call me Tony Snark.
"Oh hey, this question looks pretty straightforward!"
300 awkward bytes later...
Haha, yeah. Isn't that the best?
It's the best, I love it ah ha HA ha ha~...
If anything, it just makes me completely certain that there's something like 50 chars shorter
> "A challenge where PowerShell ought to be reasonably competitive!" -- TessellatingHeckler
I wonder if I can typecast multiple vars at the same time...
Like, my code starts with FALSE in four different types. I bet it can, I'll have to mess with it
Well, I tried to do "all strings" in Perl, but Perl hates me.
> Perl hates me everyone.
Except Ton Hospel.
I successfully ported Seriously to Python 3!
@AquaTart @9cHeruinr96a how many more of you anagrammed your names?
@HelkaHomba I did
I'm resisting changing to chat prolix
I tried, but Dim Tym just ... no.
I'd do Chat Xi Lorp
worth a gazillion points in scrabble
@Mego This brings to mind: can one run Seriously on Windows? I ran into a problem with compiling pyshoco, I think it wants to have GCC or something.
@Pietu1998 You'll need Cygwin or MinGW for it
@TimmyD Be a mighty doctor - Mity MD
pyshoco is a thin wrapper over shoco, which requires compilation
How do I force it to GCC? I tried from Git Bash
You need GCC in your path, either by installing MinGW and adding it to your path, or installing Cygwin
It works 100% out of the box in Cygwin
cygwin is overkill for seriously
(Disclaimer: I can't stand cygwin)
Y'mIT MD ... Klingon doctor
@NathanMerrill That's how I run Seriously 99% of the time
@Mego but you already had it installed?
Of course
Best option: install Linux
Now that's overkill
It's called a long term solution
If only I had the disk space for dual boot
@El'endiaStarman how about now?
@aditsu Much better. :)
@Pietu1998 I'll probably look into binary distributions of Seriously at some point
I don't have the time to make one real quick, though
You could just distribute disk images with runnable Linux and Seriously on it
You're getting more overkil, not less
Yeah that's way overkill. Just distribute executables with Cygwin, Python and Seriously bundled.
What about Raspberry Pis with it preinstalled?
@Mego Whats the etymology of "Seriously" again?
@Geobits Ooo. Then you can get a copy of Mathematica, too, right?
A: Seriously, GolfScript, CJam, or Pyth?

MegoPython 2, 404 374 359 * 0.6 * 0.8 = 193.92 179.52 172.32 import sys from subprocess import* from tempfile import* c,p,g,f,n,a=["CJam","java","-jar","cjam.jar"],["Pyth","./pyth.py"],["Golfscript","./golfscript.rb"],NamedTemporaryFile(delete=0),open('/dev/null','w+'),[] f.write(sys.stdin.read()) f...

@TimmyD Yea, I think they're still doing that.
@feersum I could do that :P
273 -25, yis
@Pietu1998 If you have Python 2.7 for Windows installed and the bin dir is on your path, you can go to microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=44266, download that, and just do pip install pyshoco from cmd
@Mego Shoulda chosen or
@Mego That's what I did. For some reason cl.exe -std=c99doesn't work ;)
@HelkaHomba That's gonna be my next language :P
Hmm... Maybe MS compilers don't like standards
@Mego Based on logic gates? :P
@Geobits No that would make too much sense
Okay...how about Oregonian Rattlesnakes?
-std=c99 is a GCC option... of course you can't use it in MSVC.
MSVC apparently doesn't support C99 from what I'm reading
Oh wait these things are nearly a decade old
@feersum That's sort of what I was going for... :D
Visual C++ doesn't support C99???
Only in 2013 did they start
Trying this one now
Most of the time, you won't be able to compile a project of any size on compiler X unless the maintainers have targeted compiler X.
Causes of Death - pretty data!
In particular, I had no idea that a major cause of death for children is cancer.
Peak for "external causes" is late teens. Go figure.
I wonder if different cancers show up more often in children as opposed to adults. I'll bet the main reason cancer shows up in children is that they're growing rapidly, so all it takes is one or more cells to not be held in check and then they go out of control. In older people, it's more that cells' built-in checks get weak and/or break, and cancerous cells again go out of control.
It's like a more bullets vs. fewer shields kind of thing.
I think it's a bit of a "weeding out" process, too. If you're going to get cancer young, you'll get it very young.
Yeah, probably.
Of course, it could only look that way because teens are so stupid (or risk-taking, whatever) that external causes drown out the rest during that time. I bet if you took it out, the slope would be much smoother among the rest.
Hmm, yeah, probably. You can see that the cancer band around 19 yo is thicker than the other bands taken individually.
That mostly just means that teens are much more likely to survive anything in comparison with cancer.
I wish there was an unfiltered chart >_<
Oh sweet, it was made with D3.js.
....I wonder if I can change the chart type via the console...
Interesting, the chart is basically another webpage inside this one. Is that what iframes are?
By far one of the most click-baity articles I've ever seen, from the same data website: flowingdata.com/2014/07/07/19-maps-that-will-blow-your-mind
I have to maintain hope that that link is satire. Otherwise we are all doomed.
With a paragraph of Lorem Ipsum? ...yeah.
It's tagged with "kidding"
@El'endiaStarman That is what iframes are
It's still a better read than some political articles I see.
> Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Filler text. Grocery list: eggs, milk, sugar, flour, potato chips, cat food, quinoa, broccoli, lettuce, taco shells, and seasoned salt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque varius eu ligula sit amet laoreet. Quisque rhoncus, neque eu aliquam mattis, quam lorem feugiat tortor, a gravida lectus diam quis massa. Nulla id porttitor eros. Donec vol
For posterity.
I got 4.3F above normal. Do I win?
I was gonna comment on this challenge mentioning a problem I had with it
Then I thought a bit longer, and realized there are approximately a billion problems with , and I just shouldn't bother
It's such a not-objectively-measurable, arbitrary, annoying class of problems @_@
"Write a code that does a thing fast but don't make it too fast pls because that would be not fun."
What does haz que mean?
*drumroll* 816 bytes
Hexagony quine?!
@Geobits Thanks? I think?
I'm not sure if this is an accomplishment=)
Can't you get a badge for that?
Gold badge for the highest-rep user with no gold badges?
Sounds like a wonderful idea!

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