Before you choose a site...
First, make sure you're asking a good question. Some questions are off-topic everywhere, and there's no guarantee that any site exists that will take your question.
Good questions:
Are clear and understandable.
Have a specific problem statement, tailored to the si...
Orthogonal Quine
Task: Given an input consisting of exactly one of the characters <>^v, output your program's source code oriented with the arrow.
Let's assume our program source is ABC. This is what it should do to qualify as a orthogonal quine:
Input >: print ABC.
Input <: print CBA.
Input ...
Hi. I'm from Programming Puzzles and Code Golf. I believe you do our site a misjustice. You should at least provide a proper link to something useful. Otherwise, you're giving people the wrong idea about our site. We don't accept anything vaguely related to a programming challenge, rather, a clear, objectively-defined problem. — Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ18 secs ago
Write a program or function that transforms an input string into Zalgo text.
For example, for an input string Zalgo, a possible output might look like:
Zalgoification specs
Each letter (upper or lower case) must be zalgoified, ...