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@Eridan Define "best".
Closest approximation using as few integers as possible to get accuracy to about 20 decimal places
In general, is there a faster way to use only integers to approximate pi than continued fractions?
I predict us hitting 11 q/day this week
If you want good approximations with few integers, I believe continued fractions are the way to go. I may be wrong though.
I am watching Dennis slowly lower his byte count for his Jelly solution on my binary question.
Ok, that's what I thought @Zgarb. Thanks
If you want really few integers, but don't mind them being large, use 7853981633974483/2500000000000000
I think I'll use 20 terms to get 14885392687/4738167652. Approximating phi and e will be more difficult to implement because those require a lot more terms.
Phi's easy to implement though - Fibonacci
May be worth point out that the 9-th root of 29809 gets you 3.14159, but no more similar digits after that.
Challenge idea: using only digits (0-9) and basic arithmetic operators (+-*/()), given an n, output an expression that evaluates to pi, accurate to n decimal digits (so not counting the 3.)
Score is the sum of the lengths of the expressions for [1, 25] (inclusive)
It would probably just be hardcoded, though :/
You'd basically just print the convergents, right? Since +-* doesn't really get you anywhere
@Mego Doubt it. We're back down to 10.4
@Sp3000 But using continued fractions, phi takes the most out of any constant
@quartata Yeah but the weekend is to blame there
@Eridan In that case, I'm not sure what you mean by "implement"
I don't think it matters if we get to 11 though.
10 is enough.
(not like QPD ever mattered)
(except when it does)
I'd rather us not care about getting to 11, because frankly I'd rather quality over quantity
(still not getting the fuss over QPD)
I'm not saying we should shoot for 11, but I'm expecting us to hit it
@NewMainPosts Is this supposed to be misspelled?
In 8 hours, it will have been exactly 2 weeks since we heard anything from Grace about our graduation
@Sp3000 I'm trying to figure out how to represent floats with only integers for my "Karel J. Robot"-based language
@Sp3000 the fuss is because its the only visible thing between us and graduation.
We need to start being more annoying, I think
@NathanMerrill Not really, we were told that we could have graduated quite a while ago :P
@Mego Please don't.
@quartata we've been told a lot of things (such as that numbers don't matter), but when you look at the stats, its the only visible thing
It's been 5 years, I think PPCG can wait a couple more months.
@Eridan For irrationals, you're better off treating it as pi/phi/e symbolically, as is, rather than trying to approximate it
2 weeks is an unacceptable amount of time to go without any communication. Even if it's just "we're working on it", that would be miles ahead of radio silence.
(I'm assuming you want arbitrary precision arithmetic or something)
I need to be able to represent it on a coordinate plane as lattice points in the first quadrant though
@Mego 2 weeks is unacceptable?? You do realize that we're one of about 150 SE sites, and there's only 14 CMs.
We can't expect to get a reply that quickly, especially considering there's a lot of things going on in Meta land.
Code Golf's graduation, much like many of the programs written when golfing code, is taking a long time to happen
Furthermore, they still haven't figured out why the bug even happened. That's probably first on their Code Golf check list.
@quartata It's been 2 weeks since Grace commented on a question, which was posted because we got a non-answer from Jon 3 weeks prior on our meta post that has been largely-ignored by the CMs. It doesn't take that much time to write a quick comment that says "we're working on it, here's an estimate". It's not just us - CM communication with beta sites is terrible in general. If there aren't enough, there's a simple solution.
@Eridan We'll graduate once all of the programs we've written finally finish :P
I bet the issue is the Simulate the Universe challenge. If that ever finishes, so do we. :P
We'll graduate when we find a program in Seed that prints "Hello, World!"
@Eridan There's a very real chance that it doesn't exist, which honestly might be a realistic outlook on our graduation.
Let's see what happens last - I graduate high school (May), I finish my golfing language, or PPCG graduates.
I have high hopes for you finishing your language before the heat death of the universe
@quartata We have no reason to believe that the CMs are aware that post exists, which is another problem :/
@Mego They are.
20 hours ago, by Alex A.
@quartata They are.
I myself asked the same question :P
Anyways, all I'm saying is don't nag them now.
Wait a month.
I'm in favor of nagging them once that much time has passed.
Don't you mean 4-6 weeks?
It's actually 6 to 8.
No 6-8 weeks
It's been 2 weeks though
So 4-6 left
6 to 8 weeks don't work that way. After 2 weeks, it's still 6 to 8 weeks.
And therein lies the problem :P
A: The Many Memes of Meta

Robert CartainoMeme: 6 to 8 Weeks Originator: Jeff Atwood First Heard: May 13th, 2008 Cultural Height: In about 6 to 8 weeks Definition: The time estimate given "off the top of my head" when the Stack Overflow team has only a vague idea of how long a task will take because they have little-to-no formal sche...

@Dennis Does that clear it up for you? I may not have explained it well.
Yes, I understand now. I was wondering why your week had 10 days... :P
Hehehe, thankfully my work schedule isn't that insane.
I think I cleared up the date display instructions. Is that clearer?
I think. Would printing 165 instead of 165.0 be acceptable?
If you could be a moderator on any site, which would you choose?
Does Google have moderators? If not, do I get to be the first? (you did say "any site"... ^.^)
Being a moderator would mean I have to do stuff.
1 answer away from bronze string badge, but I can't decide what to answer.
@JeffreyBosboom Wow. A Turing test against zombie! — Dallaylaen 16 hours ago
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ETHproductionsUntangle the footnote labyrinths code-golf string Challenge Your challenge is to create a program or function that untangles footnote labyrinths. Input The input will be made up of two parts: A "main" string A list of footnotes in the format (1. Footnote text) Output The output should...

All right, got bronze string tag badge.
13 score away from silver code golf...
Hm, and 26 away from bronze math.
Q: Unslice a string

DoorknobGiven an input of a list of slices of a string, output the original string. Each slice will be given as a list of length 2, containing the start position of the slice (an integer ≥0) and the slice itself. If your language does not support arrays of arbitrary types, you may also take this as a st...

lets say I click on link A, and then quickly press on link B (that is on the same IP address as A)
how does chrome know which response is the correct one?
That is a very broad description.
@NathanMerrill From a simplistic perspective, if it were me doing the programming, I'd generate a unique ID for every user-initiated request and tie that to the outgoing HTTP requests. Perhaps via a socket handle. Then any responses coming back in on that socket handle are tied with that request.
what more details do you need?
I send two requests to the same server. How do clients know which response matches which request?
No, I mean there's dozens of different ways to handle that problem. I provided one possible example. I don't think there's necessarily a "right" way to do it.
well, there's one what that people are currently doing it
You could download the source for Firefox and see how they do it, for example.
it can't be browser specific, because servers need to implement it as well
therefore, there needs to be some sort of standard on the matter
Q: That's a prime... almost

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴIf you've ever learned about primes in math class, you've probably have had to, at one point, determine if a number is prime. You've probably messed up while you were still learning them, for example, mistaking 39 for a prime. Well, not to worry, as 39 is a semiprime, i.e., that it is the product...

@Dennis Could you please pull 05AB1E to TIO?
But servers don't necessarily need to implement it in the same fashion as clients.
Session cookies, port numbers, socket handles, IP hashes ... there's a lot of information that can go into this, and I'm sure that different implementations handle it differently.
so, the clients are basically guessing (from the meta data) where it came from
because the servers do it differently
You're thinking one layer too abstract
If my browser sends two requests outbound via different socket, port, session cookie, whatever ... from the server's perspective (if it's sane), it will treat those as distinct requests. It receives request A from client A and processes the result, then sends back to client A. From the server perspective, it doesn't really know (or care) that request A from client A and request B from client B are, in reality, the same user at the same computer.
so, the browser differentiates it because they are on different sockets
makes sense
@Adnan Done.
Thanks :)
Yeah. And, practically speaking, most implementations are either Berkeley or Winsock (which was based on Berkeley) ... or STREAMS, but that's not in widespread use.
@Dennis Could you please freeze my account and chat ban me for 3 days (or whatever time period is shortest past that)? I'm going to be really busy in school the next few days and CG is just going to get in the way.
@VoteToClose Edit your host file
@VoteToClose OK. PPCG is your parent site, so if I suspend you, you're automatically banned from chat.
@TimmyD Won't help, I'll change it back. I need it to be totally not up to me.
@Dennis Thanks.
RIP (edit: read in peace?)
LIP (learn in peace)
I think Dennis is just joking
It would be against one of the millions of slips of paper that mods have to sign
@VoteToClose Provide me with root access to your system. I'll change the password and modify the file, and then in three days I'll give you control back. >.>
@TimmyD hahahahaha
@TimmyD Orrrr not.
@quartata I know there are precedents on Meta SE, but I'll ask the other mods just to be sure. I can't think of any reason why we would not suspend somebody at his request.
But his request reasoning is invalid. Who needs school when PPCG teaches you everything you need to know?
Not only that, but without a stress-relieving outlet, schoolwork will suffer immensely :P
Just delete his account already.
Oops! That's not the suspend button! :o
@Geobits That's actually a somewhat reasonable statement. Learning too much at once / learning for long periods of time without any distractions has more negative effects.
Agreed, but the fallacy is that we're the only outlet. I mean obviously it's the best one, but...
I thought Maddox had the best site in the universe
@VoteToClose Your main account is suspended. I'll refresh your chat profile now, which should mute you here as well.
Can we make requests to suspend other people, too?
Q: ASCII dank star

shooqieInput description A string. Output description A character star following the pattern: 0 0 0 1 1 1 222 0123210 222 1 1 1 0 0 0 where 0, 1 ... are subsequent characters of the string. The output does not necessarily have to be one string - printing the star char by char into ...

@Dennis So ... you're saying that now is an appropriate time to badmouth Vitsy? ;-)
@Geobits possible duplicate of How do flags work?
Ah, flags. Right. Thanks!
@TimmyD There never has been and never will be a better time.
It's a two-syllable name, whereas languages like C or K or Pyth have one-syllable names and are therefore golfier! Haha!
Vitsy sounds like something you'd name a dog that lives in a purse.
Tell that to Jelly. :P
I should really pay more attention to Civ games... I just gave up 2 of my cities in a peace deal on accident.
VTC's suspension had unintended side effects. :P
@Mego Now you know how I feel whenever I try to play CS while I have the Nineteenth Byte open
@quartata I don't even have the excuse that I was looking at chat. I'm just an idiot.
@Mego oh haha
The worst part is, that was the second time that game it happened
So I got angry and went Gandhi mode on people
YOU get a nuke! And YOU get a nuke!
Isn't that Oprah mode?
Nah, Gandhi. He did it first.
Feels more like Trump mode
Hey @Mego
Question - let's assume that you folks were to be set to "graduated" status right this week. Would that be alright, or would you folks prefer that one or more of these textual-quick-fix-maybe-sorta deals were addressed before we started flipping switches? Keep in mind that privilege levels won't immediately change, so there shouldn't be too large a change to warrant concern, but thought I'd check in first if these were more of "Things to look into as part of the graduation process" or "Things to look into prior to graduation". — Grace Note ♦ 4 mins ago
Look the CMs are paying attention
She brings up a good question though.
Personally I don't care if the things that we want from that post happen before or soon after graduation
@Dennis @AlexA. @Doorknob @MartinBüttner
It would probably be best if it was part of the graduation process
I think around the same time as the design would be nice.
@GraceNote I personally assumed these would be things that happened after graduation (maybe around the time we get our design) and not before. — quartata 35 secs ago
I don't have a strong opinion on this one way or the other, to be honest. Yes, they'd be nice to have, but I don't think any of them are show-stoppers, as evidenced by the five years they've been like this already.
And as for me personally, I just want a set, clear timeframe for graduation.
I just want a donut.
@GraceNote All the suggestions that we've made and upvoted aren't really dealbreakers - at most, they're minor annoyances that we've learned to deal with, but we would like the improvement at some point. Personally, I think the order should be removed beta status, increased privilege requirements, then the design and these improvements at the same time or close to it. If we have to wait 6-8 weeks for what largely amounts to some changed text, we can handle that. — Mego 14 secs ago
heh heh 6-8 weeks... >_>
Let's hope it doesn't become 5 years.
I also really want a clear timeframe for graduation so I can get onto page 2 of all-time rep and get grad swag
@Geobits Neither is removing the beta label though.
I'm only like 100-ish rep away right now
~1,100 rep for me. =_=
Just do the Dennis and rep cap daily
@MartinBüttner Oh no, I agree completely with that. I honestly don't care that much about removing it.
@El'endiaStarman !
Uh-oh have we entered power drive
They've gone to plaid.
@Mego Grad swag? Wus dis
Wait like t-shirts and hats
Oh no
@quartata Top two user pages of graduated sites have been getting swag :D
I must get the rep
Can we tell Grace Note to wait for that reason? :P
> Your grad swag is shipped and will be delivered to you in 6 to 8 weeks
As of right now the cutoff for page 2 is about 6400 rep.
@Optimizer True story: I never received one of two swag kits I won on meta.se :(
@Geobits it will be delivered to you in 6 to 8 weeks
@GraceNote I personally don't quite agree with Mego's order there. Of course, we don't want all of these things to be done before the beta label goes (I'm not confident that we'll ever get some of them, since they'd require substantial work on your part, and we're still a rather minor site in the network, I suppose). However, I think some things like the tour page and help centre are actually more important to the impression this site makes than getting fancy colours. Seeing how out of place some of these texts are they make the site seem more unfinished than the beta design. [tbc...] — Martin Büttner ♦ 2 mins ago
So, maybe all of this doesn't have to happen before you flip the first switches, but it would be great if some of these things could be taken into consideration as part of the graduation process. I don't see the graduation myself as that incredibly important that everything else on this list can wait. So if we could get some of those things while we're graduating that would be great, even if it did push back the graduation by a few weeks. I feel like once we have our colours people might also stop caring about these changes to a certain degree. — Martin Büttner ♦ 40 secs ago
@Optimizer So far it's been 2+ years :(
@Geobits Do I have to pay for shipping? :P
1 min ago, by Optimizer
@Geobits it will be delivered to you in 6 to 8 weeks
Yes... yes... I know the 6-8 weeks joke. Thanks.
Dammit no matter how many times I try I cannot get Bubblegum to do what I want
6-8 weeks = -2 weeks, which means I should have had it a while ago ...
@Dennis How exactly do you use LZMA with Bubblegum?
@quartata mix them together and chew heavily?
Hmm I'd give a TIO link but it's too long
dammit xxd
@quartata goo.gl
@El'endiaStarman la.zy
@quartata I agree with Martin. Getting rid of the beta label is the least important change that could be made to the site.
Alright, any more input on this challenge before I post it to Main?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

El'endia StarmanIs it a lipogram? code-golf A lipogram is a block of words that omits a particular symbol. Right now, I am avoiding our fifth symbol of 26 that commonly show up. You should know by now what I am omitting. If not, look up "lipogram" and you will know. Your Task With a char, a blank, and a follo...

@quartata Just compress it, with no headers. lzma.compress(i, format=lzma.FORMAT_RAW, filters=[{'id': lzma.FILTER_LZMA2, 'preset': 9 | lzma.PRESET_EXTREME}]) should work.
Oh I bet the problem is headers
Q: Put on your sunglasses

ZgarbIntroduction You are probably familiar with the "puts on sunglasses" emoticon-meme: (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) In this challenge, your task is to take the first line as input, and output the last one, effectively putting sunglasses on that little button-eyed person. To make the task a bit more ...

I didn't realize it didn't like the headers derp :P
Hmm, I wonder if DEFLATE would be shorter.
Hmm, zopfli gives 110 bytes.
@NewMainPosts When I posted this challenge, the site complained that "it will most likely be closed as subjective". O_o
@Zgarb It's because of the "your."
That's something we should add to the we're not a Q&A site list
Okay, that makes sense.
After all, my sunglasses go on different than yours.
A: Unslice a string

MegoSeriously, 48 bytes ,`i@;l(;)+(x@#@k`M;`i@X@M`MMu' *╗`iZi`M`i╜T╗`MX╜ Seriously is seriously bad at string manipulation. Try it online! Explanation: ,`i@;l(;)+(x@#@k`M;`i@X@M`MMu' *╗`iZi`M`i╜T╗`MX╜ , get input ` `M; ...

Woohoo gimme rep :P
48 bytes?
@Geobits Do your thing ^^
Everytime I see that language it just looks like ConvertToUnicode(RandomNumber) * CodeLength
@MartinBüttner Seriously?
@Mego stop trying to get rep pls
instead consider donating your rep to a poor glider you know
i live in fourth-world country pls gimme rep
Does the downboat design idea look like a block smiley to anyone else?
What's your monitor aspect ratio?
@TimmyD Yes
translate de: The wine. The beer.
(from English) Der Wein. Das Bier.
16:9? Huh.
Wine is masculine and beer is neuter in German.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Digital TraumaExpand a bash brace expansion code-golf string For mostly historical reasons, bash is quite a hodge-podge of syntax and programming paradigms - this can make it awkward and sometimes frustrating to golf in. However it does have a few tricks up its sleeve that can often make it competitive with...

Still getting the hang of which "the" corresponds to which. :P
@El'endiaStarman Both are feminine in French.
I was able to fix my mistake because I remembered "Die Frau".
I don't think the gender of nouns is supposed to make sense
@quartata Fascinating. I wonder what they are in Spanish.
translate es: The wine. The beer.
(from English) El vino. La cerveza.
Masculine and feminine.
I think Spanish doesn't have a neuter gender.
Yeah it doesn't.
Yes no it really doesn't.
I'm going to post this challenge soon. Anyone have any last minute comments?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Morgan ThrappTaxi some numbers to me. code-golf Taxicab Numbers or OEIS A011541 are numbers that are able to be represented as n different sums of two positive cubed integers. You'll need to print out the nth taxicab number. This should work for any n in theory. However, as only 6 taxicab numbers have bee...

Looks good to me.
Alright. There's the graduation process (enables elections and community ads, removes beta label, allows migration paths pending approval) and then a separate design process (actual visual design, plus increase of privilege levels). If I understand it right, the former would be fine to proceed with, but we'd want to work on reviewing the stuff in here before starting the gears on the latter, yes? — Grace Note ♦ 1 min ago
You should probably invite her to chat
Not here though
Twentieth Byte probably
Except for probably missing out on swag, I'm fine with proceeding with graduation if that's all there is.
@El'endiaStarman Yeah rip swag :(
I guess it's to be expected. We've only been here 4 months...
I'm not sure. The swag has to wait for the design (or at least logo), right?
Oh good point
.... true.....maybe....hopefully!
USERSCRIPT add the beta back on to CR
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I just realized that you're going to get swag
This makes me really depressed
Why was I so lazy
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ They'd kill us for that.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Graduation swag
T-shirts hats what not
What is that?
I'm confused
33 secs ago, by quartata
T-shirts hats what not
@quartata You're only like 1200 away from page two, you know ;)
@Geobits I can't gain 1200 rep in a week
And we're not getting swag in a week.
@quartata Maybe not, but I highly doubt they're sending swag out in a week.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ All people on page 1 and 2 of the all-time rep leaderboard get swag
@quartata Oh!
Is it real or virtual?
@Geobits I know, but I presume that it will be based on rep you had at graduation
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ real
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Real
damn I can't have any of that
@quartata I don't think so... I think the other sites were as of swag/design time.
@Geobits Oh well then that's easy I pledged myself to get 10k rep by the time we got our design
You're just one insane popcon away >_>
More like one Pytek parser away
@quartata You are on the second page...
@quartata Fine, do it the hard way... :P
@quartata I swear I'll get "Hello world!" done today.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm on 3rd.
I'm on 2nd of this quarter though.
Oh that page.
My parents don't know I do this :P
@VoteToClose A ban doesn't help if you still visit >:U
@VoteToClose I guess suspension doesn't help
Wow, ninja'd.
I just...
Well, they're right.
@mınxomaτ Skittles ads are just weird
They tasted the wrong rainbow.
@El'endiaStarman I was about to say I'm only 70 rep away from catching up to you until I noticed you just gained 30
I suspect @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ has a hand in this
> This site is optimized for Mozilla or Internet Explorer 4 or higher. Please download an updated version now.
I think he's just upvoting all of our answers to set us against each other
@TimmyD lmao
He should downvote instead, to add to the motivation >_>
Better yet, serially upvote all of them. Raise the hopes, then see them dashed when the script runs and yanks all that sweet rep away.
@Mego Shorter with LZMA
I tried both zlib and LZMA and LZMA is shorter in this case
if username in page2 then downvote else upvote
Haha. They're going to cancel our swag if they look over the chat transcripts.
Oh wait lzma is in py3!
@Mego Yeah. :P
But lzma is costlier to call by a bunch
Oh wait nvm I'm not reading the docs right
I'm at the bottom of page 4. I'll need to answer every challenge in Labyrinth from here on out to have a chance.
LZMA is 97 bytes, zlib is like 150
@Mego There has to be a brotli library for python
Also you should use zoptfli for zlib stuff
zopfli is outdated.
zoptfli is 110 here
@mınxomaτ Er... is it? Works fine for me.
@TimmyD Asking questions always seemed faster for rep in my experience. Just sayin
It's always shorter than just using zlib directly in Python
@quartata Yes. Brotli is the new one.
@mınxomaτ oh.
@quartata GLZA is even better than Brotli (much better actually), but there is no stable aglorithm description yet.
I'll check out Brotil although I doubt it's shorter than LZMA here
Just got two 8-byte Pyth answers that are of the same structure (I think). Within a minute or two.
@quartata I have no idea, I mean in general ...
It's for this:
A: Put on your sunglasses

quartataBubblegum, 97 bytes 0000000: e001 e500 595d 0010 6818 841b 8ec4 c1cd ....Y]..h....... 0000010: edc4 82fe b74a b6dd affc 98aa dccc 0d35 .....J.........5 0000020: 6869 7333 10ec f862 efbc 1475 9496 cacf his3...b...u.... 0000030: 5379 f091 507e 3df4 4a1d 51fc 98f7 4fb8 Sy..P~=.J.Q...O. 0000040:...

They are now both 7 bytes with the same golfing trick. :P
@El'endiaStarman I can't even see your question on the main page yet
@quartata What's the raw data that has to be compressed?
@quartata The bot will post it in a moment. :P
....eh, it's funnier when it gets ninja'd and Doorknob edits it.
Q: Is it a lipogram?

El'endia StarmanA lipogram is a block of words that omits a particular symbol. Right now, I am avoiding our fifth symbol of 26 that commonly show up. You should know by now what I am omitting. If not, look up "lipogram" and you will know. Your Task With a char, a blank, and a following string (blanks may show ...

Q: Taxi me some numbers

Morgan ThrappTaxicab Numbers or OEIS A011541 are numbers that are able to be represented as n different sums of two positive cubed integers. You'll need to print out the nth taxicab number. This should work for any n in theory. However, as only 6 taxicab numbers have been discovered so far, there won't be a...

Mmm, good timing. :P
@NewMainPosts It already has 8 answers and I just finished reading the spec
It is a simple problem.
Also half the answers are invalid
@NewMainPosts Huh, wasn't Doorknob that time. :P
You should clarify that the input format MUST be "<char> <string>"
@trichoplax ...
@quartata Yes...?
I know what you did.
@quartata Are you talking about @El'endiaStarman's double bluff?
@quartata you don't have to take input on the same line
Huh, what, double bluff?
@muddyfish Oh, huh.
@trichoplax lmao
Lots of people's answers turning into other people's answers. :|
I should probably eat something today :/
Yeah, it's almost cataloguey.
Python beat ES6... I'll get you next time :P
To be fair, the other ES6 answer beat me. ;)
True. It's sort of like a half-win.
@ETHproductions Oh, I got the minimal charset for NTFJ down to 6!
So...many...answers... o_o

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