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Ah, I haven't; I've only read logs. Fascinating stuff! Something I think I'd be bad at :(
what is nomic? o-o
Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting. Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move. In that respect it differs from almost every other game. The primary activity of Nomic is proposing changes in the rules, debating the wisdom of changing them in that way, voting on the changes, deciding what can and cannot be done afterwards, and doing it. Even this core of the game, of course, can be changed. The initial ruleset was designed...
We should make a nomic where a program runs the game, the players modify the program, and the first modification to produce a crash wins.
A: Go generate some Java

JMCF125Haskell, 132 bytes It would make no sense to ask people to write code like that and then to complain about style (i.e. spacing, indentation). So I ignored useless spaces. Both in Java and Haskell (in fact, the Haskell code itself has 0 spaces). Also with modern text editors, the leading whitespa...

do i flag as not an answer or downvote
i'm still not totally sure how flags work
@Lynn I'm not really good at it, really - never won on a public game, for one. I just follow along and vote on stuff/carry out other duties. Or passively follow the game, depending.
@Roujo It's a game with an interesting metagame. ._.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Pretty much. It's whatever the players want it to be - my friends and I ended up with a Minecraft-based game at some point. =)
:O I want to play this now
It seems very PPCG.
I wonder how we could make a challenge based off of it
@Lynn I've seen some amount of overlap between Nomic and esolang development, yeah. =P
There's at least one really long-running nomic game on the internet.
uh is the meta down for anyone else?
@undergroundmonorail I'm not really sure what this answer is. If it works and solves the problem then it's fine to leave as-is, but if it doesn't work then you should leave a comment, downvote, and flag. I'll try to find the meta policy for you...
@Roujo Right. (I recognized the Spivak usage from #esoteric members who use them too, picking them up from Agora ^^)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Shoco is probably best but you should try them all just to see which one you like
@AlexA. the first line says "this program outputs something other than the required output because you wouldn't need it irl"
A: Definitive policy about answers not meeting the challenge specification

DennisScope As I see it, there are five types of invalid answers: Answers that produce incorrect results. This is the most common type, and usually an accident. Answers that produce correct results, but break a rule of the challenge, ignore parts of the spec or violate a loophole. For example, ans...

@undergroundmonorail ^
@quartata I kinda want to use something else, because Japt already uses it.
@Lynn Exactly what I was referring to. =P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Try them all and see which you like
@quartata Alright! I'll finish smaz just to confirm I want to reject it, then I'll take a look at b256.
@undergroundmonorail :/ I left a comment.
I wonder how we could adapt nomic into a competition.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ BB96 will be the hardest to implement since it involves math
Nobody likes math
We would need a formal language to describe rules... and then what?
@quartata :O MATH
How much?
Math, not even once.
@quartata False
@PhiNotPi There can't be a winning criteria, right?
@AlexA. ¬
Bijective numeration is any numeral system in which every non-negative integer can be represented in exactly one way using a finite string of digits. The name derives from this bijection (one-to-one correspondence) between the set of non-negative integers and the set of finite strings using a finite set of symbols (the "digits"). Most ordinary numeral systems, such as the common decimal system, are not bijective because more than one string of digits can represent the same positive integer. In particular, adding leading zeroes does not change the value represented, so "1", "01" and "001" al...
There is a "winner" in the "original rules."
It's base conversion essentially and I don't know if JS can do it
So you'll have to math it yourself most likely
@PhiNotPi Just setting up a bunch of rules defining the competition and a winning condition usually works - that's how most games are played, anyway
@MartinBüttner I thought about something like that, but decided there were most likely plenty of other ways to solve it. I won't argue if someone wants to tag it up with something appropriate, but I just wasn't sure what would be best.
@quartata Option+L FTW
@quartata 5 .toString(2) => "101"; parseInt("101",2) => 5.
@Geobits Well it's definitely a challenge about permutations and symmetries, and seems to be our go-to group theory tag.
The initial rules state that the winner is the first to 100 points, from accumulated dice rolls, but the whole point of the game is to change those rules.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Right but can it take an array of digits to use for the conversion
In Nomic, can't I just say "No more rules can be changed? :/"
@quartata No, but I already have implemented it before.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Sure, and if a majority of players agree, then it'll be enforced =P
I wish we had a thing like Project Euler that tested whether your answer was correct before allowing it to be accepted into the system.
@MartinBüttner Works for me. I only know the very basics of group theory in general, so...
@AlexA. Something I'm about to begin work on is an !eval_answer <post id> for our bot
@Geobits same here, tbh
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Good luck getting that to pass, though. It has happened before, by being (relatively) sneaky about it
@Roujo Obsfucation for with in
@quartata Runs on TIO, right? I think Dennis would have to install a whole lot of languages for that to be practical.
@AlexA. We also have local languages working
What does that mean?
And we're thinking about ideone/repl.it/something similar support
Do ideone, repl.it, and the like have APIs that you can just send code to?
What does memcmp do in C?
Memory compare
Memory compare.
> The C library function int memcmp(const void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n)) compares the first n bytes of memory area str1 and memory area str2.
He said "memcmp" though.
cmp != cpy
Man sometimes I hate git
@AlexA. We have Pyth and Marbelous interpreted on the VM (locally)
@AlexA. No but we'll figure something out
@Mego Shhhh no
@Mego agreed
svn is better
@Mego What's up? Did it git push --force'd on you?
@quartata I don't know... I really like git's painless branching. =P
Among other things
@Roujo Shhh no
Trying to merge a minor change turned into a nightmare
It can be tricky at times, yeah.
I've been leading a switch from TFS to Git for the past three months or so - it wasn't painless, but I'd say it's worth it.
Woo! Flash flood warning!
Even if merges sometimes fuck up a bit. =P
YMMV, of course, but it works for us ^^
@PhiNotPi ._. please be safe
Jan 6 at 23:58, by Alex A.
@quartata ._. please be safe
sounds familiar
@PhiNotPi Best of luck =/
@PhiNotPi Where are you at? I'm curious
@quartata ._. I want you all to be safe
I care about all the users ;_;
All of them? C'mon, be honest now ;)
protect all the things
@Geobits >_>
@AlexA. ...
I want all PPCG users to enjoy the site and get the most out of their experiences here. I also want all of them to remain safe from natural disasters.
Off-topic but why is esolangs' logo three lime slices
Two lime slices would be too few and four would be too many.
It's named for three lime pie.
@Geobits I love key lime pie
Much like limes, esolangs will remove the enamel from your teeth.
@AlexA. haha
... Seriously?
(did I do it right?)
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
Just saw this on Wikipedia:
> In 1965, Florida State Representative Bernie Papy, Jr., introduced legislation calling for a $100 fine to be levied against anyone advertising Key lime pie not made with Key limes. The bill did not pass.
Florida takes its pie seriously
@quartata Well, it didn't pass, so I guess they don't?
Not seriously enough, it seems.
Technically it's false advertising, assuming that the definition of key lime pie asserts that key limes must be used.
@AlexA. Depends on your definition of definition
@quartata Rather, Bernie Papy Jr takes pie seriously
Maybe it's just a pie that can be used to open doors, and the limes are coincidental
Maybe they're trying to make lookups on their kitchen table faster, so they added an index on the pie, with limes being the primary key
1. Stick key in lime.
2. Bake key lime into pie.
3. Laugh at Floridans as you eat your bootleg key lime pie.
Hello. Have any pie?
@Mego I will push for legislation stating that a $100 fine be levied against anyone advertising bootleg key lime pie that isn't made with boot legs.
I wonder if Long Island has import restrictions on non-domestic iced tea
@AlexA. Silly bird, boots don't have legs.
> On 1 July 2006, both the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate passed legislation {HB 453} and {SB 676} selecting "Key lime pie" as the official pie of the state of Florida.
I don't know seems pretty serious
It's about time. It took until 2006?
States have official pies?
@AlexA. Florida does
Brb making motion to make Texas toast the official toast of the state of Texas
@Geobits Unfortunately not
@Roujo o_o
@AlexA. I'm sure Washington has some sort of "state hemp variety" or something.
$101 fine if you make a toast in the state of Texas without holding up a piece of Texas toast
@Geobits I was going to say apple pie, but yours is probably closer to the truth...
@AlexA. Bonus points if you pirate the book.
@Mego "holding up" as in drawing a gun on it to rob it?
@Mego brb trying to reinstate freedom fries and freedom toast
@Geobits That, or just holding the toast in your hand and raising your hand
Using the gun would be more Texas-like so that should be the rule
There, I done golfed today. Gimme rep. :P
@AlexA. It's too bad Belgium didn't jump in with France on that one. Freedom waffles :)
Is this the rep you wanted?
That moment when you add a suggestion on a question 4.5 years after it was posted:
I know this is a long time since posting, but you can use "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", since the return value is output to the results pane. — VoteToClose 57 secs ago
@AlexA. This is acceptable
@AlexA. I can't believe you've done this
It ain't no lie, baby bye bye bye.
121 rep today because apparently people decided to upvote my unloved 0-score answers
> Tips for Golfing in Jelly
@Dennis Seriously has a new version that needs pulling
people who don't know what Code Golf is are going to be really disappointed
@Alex My bad, Washington went with veggies. The Walla Walla Sweet Onion to be exact >_>
that's going to look really out of context
@Geobits While one may aptly describe Walla Walla sweet onions as "boss as fuck," I will admit that is an odd choice.
Don't worry guys, I survived.
@Mego Huh, no warning about ethnic hackers this time?
Pulled btw.
We have a 3x3x3 integer grid. How many lines are there that pass through 3 points on the grid?
> An annoying implementation detail of Pythons closures is that only objects are properly closed over. Non-reference types (strings and numbers) only exist for the duration of the scope they were declared in.
@Dennis Nah, it was just me finally getting around to pulling and merging a bugfix that quintopia did. And in my defense, the ethnic hacker warnings were from quartata.
What does this mean and why is it annoying? ^^
@SuperJedi224 6
1. It's a 3-dimensional grid
@SuperJedi224 1. I cannot read
2. The lines are not bound to the grid
(Though I should probably have specified that in the question)
@SuperJedi224 What do you mean?
@AlexA. It means if you wanna use a string or a numeric in a closure, you gotta wrap it in a reference type (usually a list).
Lemme whip up a quick example
@DoNG is gone. \o/
@VoteToClose So you got an operation?
:2732123 The lines are not required to run parallel to the axes
@SuperJedi224 Oh. Infinity, then? =P
I did specify that I'm only looking for those lines which have three points in common with the grid
@SuperJedi224 Oh. I thought of the grid as a cube, you're talking about points. Turns out I can't read either -_-
I'd say 12 + 12 + 4 = 28 that I can't count, then
9+9+9=27 orthagonal ones, plus I'm-not-sure-how-many non-orthagonal ones
I think 27
That's just the orthagonal ones
Should be 4^3 - 1
No 3 points are colinear unless they are also coplanar
@Mego This is really helpful, thank you! UnboundLocalError. Huh.
wait no
Is that what nonlocal fixes in Python 3?
@AlexA. Not quite. nonlocal just means "hey idiot interpreter, I want the object with this name from the enclosing scope, not a new object"
Could you use it in the case you linked to get the desired behavior though?
Value types not being closed over is still a problem in 3 iirc
Like if you put nonlocal a in bar?
I think the remaining lines are the cube's four space diagonals and the two diagonals of each face, for an extra 16 bringing the total to 43.
@SuperJedi224 88.50 US dollars, apparently
Oh wait apparently nonlocal does fix that
@Roujo Fix ya markup, SE!
@Mego Yeah, I tried this locally and it worked too. Nice work, Python 3.
@Roujo no worky
I think the answer is 43
@SuperJedi224 You could use "faces" in the middle of the cube if I'm understanding correctly, right?
Each "faces" has 8 lines so you would get 9*8 + 4.
Darn, your right.
@SuperJedi224 I think that's off by 1, considering the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything is 42.
6 * 9 + 4 is what I'm getting
Either way, I still have several more to cover in my code
I've only covered 31 of them so far
6 lines, 3 faces, 3 directions, plus 4 lines through the diagonals
There are 8 lines in a 2D 3x3 grid, and 9 possible 2D 3x3 grids.
Oh wait I missed 2, duh
Yeah 9*8+4
Some of them overlap though.
So 76
So that's not right actually.
@feersum I was just about to say that
9*3 1D lines, 9*2 2D lines, and 4 3D lines
> Assuming "cube" is a polyhedron | Use as a geometric object or a mathematical solid or referring to physical system or a graph or an automobile model or a financial entity or a word or a movie instead
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ I'm not celebrating your disappearance, just the disappearance of the @DoNG comment in the starboard. c:
Now adding multiple lines to PlatyPar! Each line is a void function which performs operations on the global stack. a line's function can be called via f, g, or h for the first three lines, or @(n-3) for a line after that. On clicking "run", the top line's function is called.
@VoteToClose Which you replaced with another @DoNG comment on the starboard.
@Dennis I don't choose what the starboard stars.
@Adnan Hello
@SuperJedi224 Hi :)
@Quill hey I'm on that list
@Quill I should totally be a mod.
Too bad literally everyone else is also on that list
I'm... tied for 6th. Not bad, I guess. :P
I feel like just measuring badges isn't that indicative of anything though
Helpful flags/edits should be the primary measure
I'm actually listed as FlagAsSpam on there. :D
Number of lines covered: 37
Maybe total time wasted?
@VoteToClose SEDE updates every week
@SuperJedi224 78?
What determines the number of available mod seats in an official election?
@quartata I'm dead.
@quartata Fair dice roll
@Dennis ?
@quartata I vote for number of stars on the starboard.
@trichoplax My program only covers 37 of them so far
> Helpful flags
@Mego Well if it's 4 then we'll get all of our pro tems back probably :P
@SuperJedi224 Almost half way there :)
can we count number of flags handled? >.<
@Doorknob sure
Flag as helpful?
@Doorknob Not all of us can handle all the flags :P
I thought flags were only for bad things.
@feersum Flags that a mod marked as helpful
@Roujo Alex wins.
@VoteToClose Is there a way to search through the starboard? I'd like to see =P
guaranteed mod
@trichoplax Well many of them I can cover in batches using for loops
@quartata I wonder how many are flags that he marked helpful :P
@Doorknob er... actually not that many
Meta participation and review tasks should count, too :P
Maybe 2?
You always seem to be the mod on when I flag things
I think I would vote for Alex based on:
46 mins ago, by Alex A.
I care about all the users ;_;
@Mego that reminds me I haven't been doing any review tasks
@SuperJedi224 9 axis aligned planes, each of which has 8 lines. Then 6 diagonal planes, each of which only needs to count the 4 diagonal lines since the others are in the axis aligned planes already. Actually no wait - the diagonal ones end up duplicating so there are only 4 of them in total. So 9*8+4=76, as someone mentioned earlier...
I have 1 helpful flag.
I mean if we're talking from a sheer janitorial perspective Martin and Doorknob are the "best" mods
@VoteToClose Alex fights for the users
But I don't think that should be everything
@VoteToClose <3
@quartata I guess this is why ^ :P
@Doorknob ok that's just freaky
And I'm in a different time zone. o-o
hahaha you're all my socks
dance puppets dance
/me dances involuntarily. o.o
Also, like my chat description? :D
Idea for a challenge: given a list of relative activity during each hour of the UTC day (averaged over a long period), predict the timezone the person lives in
The Dancing Plague (or Dance Epidemic) of 1518 was a case of dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg, Alsace (then part of the Holy Roman Empire) in July 1518. Around 400 people took to dancing for days without rest, and, over the period of about one month, some of those affected died of heart attack, stroke, or exhaustion. == EventsEdit == The outbreak began in July 1518, when a woman, Mrs Troffea, began to dance fervently in a street in Strasbourg. This lasted somewhere between four to six days. Within a week, 34 others had joined, and within a month, there were around 400 dancers, pr...
@VoteToClose We could flag them, I guess =P
@PhiNotPi Dafuz?
@PhiNotPi ... what??? O_o O_o O_o
@PhiNotPi ._.
@Roujo That would be bad because then literally everyone on SE would join the room
I'm at 49... the 27 orthagonals, 4 space diagonals, and the diagonals of 9 different planes... what am I missing?
chat flags suck
@SuperJedi224 What is this?
Trying to measure number of ways to get three in a row on a 3x3x3 cube?
@PhiNotPi Yes
A: Generate 100 Java Tuple classes

DJ McGoathemvim 59 keystrokes iclass Tuple1 {public Object _0;}<esc>qyyyp<c-a>f;ybwi,<esc>p<c-a>q99@y

I would look at it in terms of possible center points of the lines.
@SuperJedi224 I made another mistake counting 6 axis aligned lines per face - that counts the outer ones twice so it should be 4 per face, plus 2 diagonals means 6 per face. With 9 axis aligned planes that's 9*4=36 plus the 4 main diagonals. 40 in all?
But if you have 49 what have I missed this time?
The very center of the cube can have 13 lines, each of the 6 center points of the faces can be in 4 lines, and each of the 12 edges can be a line.
^ I got 49.
So I have them all covered and I can replace the throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); at the end with return false.
I give up... :)
Is there a "known correct" answer?
Not that I've been able to find
Your description sounds exhaustive. It's a lot easier to visualise than approaches that require removing duplicates.
Well I'm definitely feeling 49.
You could brute force it if you wanted to be even more certain
Since each line can only have 1 center, then for each point, we just count the number of lines that it could be the center of.
There are 31 centers (5 on each face plus 1 in the middle of the cube). On each face, the middle point can be the center of 4 lines, and the others can be the center of 1. So, 8 lines per face, for 48. The middle of the cube can be the center for 4 lines on each of the 3 planes. However, some of these overlap.
@Mego This counts the edge midpoints twice each
(each is on two faces)
2 unique diagonals per direction, plus one unique vector.
So 48 + 2*3 + 3 = 57?
@AlexA. I know you don't want Data in here (for good reason), but do you think it would be OK in Code Golfer's Corner? It would be useful there and also drive some more traffic to it
I like PhiNotPi's summary: 1 centre, 6 face centres, 12 edge centres
The PPCG Code Snippet Chat Bot room was really just meant for the development of it.
@Sp3000 So 49?
Yes I'm convinced 49 is correct now
I wonder, if we can solve this problem for a 3^n hypercube.
GoDaddy has become the bane of my existence
@PhiNotPi That's interesting
It shouldn't really be that hard, actually.
@VoteToClose They're confusing me with all these versions, haha
Based on the hypercube elements challenge.
Hypercube elements for 3D: [1,6,12,8]
@VoteToClose That never seems like a satisfactory winning criterion as there's a lot of overlap - very likely to be a tie
@PhiNotPi centre, faces, edges, vertices?
Multiplication factor: [(3^3-1)/2, (3^2-1)/2, (3^1-1)/2, (3^0-1)/2]
My latest drawception drawing:
@SuperJedi224 Where be lead?
Lead fell off the hardness scale long ago.
@VoteToClose On approximately the same level as tin
@VoteToClose ... why are you pinging me?
@Geobits Lead was led away
cause vim
I just didn't wind up adding it to the list in the drawing
(three x=0 planes with 8 each = 3*8 = 24) + (three y=0 planes with 5 each (those not congruent to an x=0 plane) = 3*5 = 15) + (three z=0 planes with 2 each (those not congruent to either x=0 plan or y=0 plane) = 3*2 = 6) + (four non-congruent with any previous plane = 4) = 49 total
Once you calculate the hypercube elements, finding the number of lines is really easy
So not really suitable for a challenge then?
Visualizing / graphing them would be, though.
Q: Rearranging the sequence

AdnanIntroduction Let's observe the following sequence (non-negative integers): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ... For example, let's take the first three numbers. These are 0, 1, 2. The numbers used in this sequence can be ordered in six different ways: 012 120 021 201 102...

@SuperJedi224 Tin is softer than gold? Interesting.
Challenge idea: rank metals by their hardness.

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