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it doesn't work..
Well, IDK
@TanMath How are you using it?
like this:
3 5,,-
Should be 5,3,-
@Zgarb that works...thanks!
Do you see why it works?
@Zgarb yes...
what if I were to do this?:
3 5,@,-
YOu have only 2 elements in the stack, and @ needs 3.
oh... I use \
Output: 34
@TanMath 5,3>
What is your goal?
Detour has become golfy. That was not my intention
@Dennis Outgolfed by the master.
@Cyoce Welp, help me with mine.
@Dennis thanks!
@RikerW What do you need?
@Dennis are you going to write a CJam answer soon?
cause i hope not...
@Cyoce More commands I think.
A: Zeroes in interval

Thomas KwaJelly, 1 byte ¬ This uses base k+2, in which case there's a single 0 iff i is 0. It takes two arguments, but applies the logical NOT to only the first one. If we don't want to cheat: rD¬SS Uses decimal. dyadic link: r inclusive range D Convert all to dec...

1 byte!
Is there a way to start a chatbot in a specific room without a browser active?
try ProgramFox's chatbot python thingy
@Cyoce Pastebin: paste.ee/p/r8ZD7
@Dennis I am working on the zeros in interval challenge in CJam:
why doesn't this work?
I wish people wouldn't downvote trivial answers to trivial questions.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What TanMath linked.
@ThomasKwa Oh, that.
@RikerW what is this code supposed to do?
it's probably because making ¬ one byte seems a little cheap
Think a cube rolling around and picking up stickers. Recognized commands preform stack based operations. Each face is its own stack.
so every fourth command operates on the same stack?
Yeah, but only if the 4 movements are the same direction.
The question itself is a little cheap, with the "Use whatever base you like" motif.
I think that is unnecessary
Yeah. I think most of the answers don't assume anything other than base 10.
(Except for Jelly)
@TimmyD I'll fix when the question is edited.
@RikerW so you have commands to roll the cube over? Fascinating
A: The Complement Cat

SeadrusBrainfuck Uses: -. Does not use: !"%&')+,0123456789<=>ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPRSTWXYZ]`acefghjlnoprstux{| from CJam. Thanks to SuperJedi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Yes, @AlexA. but too late to change that now, 10 answers in. — Filip Haglund 25 mins ago
the language requires backwards semicolons.
It won't be edited
Then I win!
I mean, technically, I could do !$args[0] in PowerShell and follow the same k+2 base method ... but since PowerShell doesn't really handle arbitrary bases, I'll stick with the spirit of the language.
@TanMath Because l pushes a string, not a number.
@Dennis oh!
@ThomasKwa Oh, don't fix it. I think it's deviously clever, and it wasn't something that anyone else came up with.
@Cyoce Input is two parts, the movements and the board to roll around on.
@Dennis but why does regular range work then?
@RikerW what's this?
like using ,
My dice challenge was sorta me being lazy and trying to outsource work.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ read up a bit.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ See c9 chat.
@RikerW I did. Why did you post a link to my challenge?
@RikerW and I thought it was hard to visualize what was going on in hexagony
Oh, no, I was thinking of a semicolon based langauge for it.
It already exists.
@Cyoce It is actually really simple.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The problem is it requires a unicode char.
It needs the backwards semicolon.
Convertible bases in PowerShell using built-ins -- 2, 8, 10, 16. And Base64-string with a little trickery. You want something else? Write it yourself, n00b.
@TanMath All CJam operators are overloaded. , is range/length for numbers/iterables, ) is increment/pop.
> Your answer (and output) may only contain printable ASCII characters, newlines (carriage returns included), and tabs.
@Dennis ok
@RikerW so you're telling me that it's simple to program in a language that operates by flopping around an imaginary cube?
Yes actually.
@RikerW I'm confused.
I need a char that is disallowed. I was commenting that I was sad.
@ThomasKwa It's beyond trivial; it's exploiting a loophole in an uninteresting way. It may be valid, but that doesn't mean people aren't going to downvote it.
@Mego It isn't exploiting a loophole though; the method is explicitly allowed in the challenge.
IDK anymore.
I didn't upvote because I don't find it all that interesting, but I didn't downvote because it's valid.
@AlexA. It's not explicitly allowed. It's implicitly allowed by allowing users to choose their base. It's valid, but it's cheap; hence the downvotes. The question would be massively better if the base was required to be input (i.e. if the bonus was a requirement), and this is one of the few cases where I'd support that edit, despite invalidating answers.
Is it more correct to say "a point is on the origin" or "a point is the origin"?
The first one.
@Calvin'sHobbies First
The origin is a coordinate, not a point
You sure?
You wouldn't say (0,0) is on the origin (would you?)
No, but I would say a point at (0,0) is on the origin
(0,0) is a coordinate
I don't understand the Jelly answer
or am I just being an idiot
^ and ^^
That's enough carrots >_>
sawry mego
Quit spamming carets.
Thank you.
Last one.
Why is a logical NOT operator enough for the challenge? Am I missing something?
Suppose my inputs are 3 and 14 (written here in base 10). In base k+2 (16) they are written as 3 and E. So, the only time that there would be any zeros is iff the first digit i is a zero.
3456789ABCDE is the range.
Thank you :3
Essentially, you make it so every "number" in the range fits into the "ones place" of the base. So you'd never have 10 written out.
@TimmyD I see it only took you 5 hours to knock me off the top spot on the IPv4 question
So basically a loophole
It was a chore to figure out the integer values and then the base-two-powers of all the exclusions.
@Adnan Well, not really. The challenge explicitly allows any base, so you just choose the base that makes the answer trivial.
So, the challenge basically is writing the shortest NOT operator.
Q: Print the N-bonacci sequence

DJ McGoathemThis isn't very widely known, but what we call the Fibonacci sequence, AKA 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... is actually called the Duonacci sequence. This is because to get the next number, you sum the previous 2 numbers. There is also the Tribonacci sequence, 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31, 57, 105...

Can a nethack addict player help? What is this place?
Ooh, nvm.
Hi oracle.
@Dennis & co. Get your FGITW engines ready
@Doorknob or @quartata is sokoban normally on lvl 5?
@Calvin'sHobbies Hi, I am a human being too?
Waiting for it.
@Calvin'sHobbies Are you about to post something?
A bit late. :P
@AlexA. What's the point?
(I mean @AlexA.)
Nice question.
@Calvin'sHobbies lol
Oh, hasn't shown up in the question list yet.
Q: What's the point?

Calvin's HobbiesWrite a program or function that takes in two integers that represent the X and Y coordinates of a point on a Cartesian plane. The input may come in any reasonable format as long as the X value comes before the Y. For example, 1 -2, (1,-2), [1, -2], or 1\n-2 would all be fine for X = 1, Y = -2. ...

@AlexA. It usually takes a minute. But new questions show up in active questions nearly instantly
Right, that's how I found it after you mentioned it
@TanMath Thanks!
@LuisMendo Thanks!
So I'm going to post that challenge!
What challenge?
Now I'm impatiently waiting to learn what I forgot to consider=P
Q: Patch the Image

flawrPatch the Image graphical-outputpopularity-contestimage-processing In a popular image editing software there is a feature, that patches a selected area of an image, based on the information outside of that patch. And it does a quite good job, considering it is just a program. As a human, you ca...

@flawr Do you mean inpainting? I'm not familiar with the term "patching" in image processing.
Joining the Jelly from phone club. — Dennis ♦ 15 secs ago
what... how... O_o
GitHub and a lot of copy-pasta.
@RikerW sokoban is always one level below delphi
Is delphi on 5 normal?
And I found a big room with 9 trolls and died.
The fun part is that I couldn't actually see the characters. Only white boxes.
@Doorknob Okay.
@Dennis lol
@Doorknob (rtfm, with "manual" replaced with "wiki." :P)
@mınxomaτ Yeah, that is what I mean. But I used "patch" as a colloquial term.
@flawr Inpaint is probably a better term. It will be found when searching for that and it is the name of this process.
I just read the wp article, it seems right.
I'm gonna add that.
Two more questions @flawr:
a) Can be take additional arguments provided we supply default values for them?
What do you mean by additional parameters?
Values for tweaking the algorithm?
b) "or any other preferred format" seems a bit loose. I can't think of a loophole of the top of my head, but I guess there are some.
@flawr Usually an inpainter takes two value: The size of the clone stamp which is used to fill in the area "block size"; The radius of the scan area around the "patch".
Well the program should basically work on it's own. I think you can easily deduce the needed "block size" and the size of the clone stap by looking at the size of the masked area.
@ETHproductions gotta say, Ruby is surprisingly close to Japt here considering Japt is a golfing language ;)
Dam Son
@Doorknob nethack opinion: Go for the gnomish mines or not?
Wikis don't help with opinions. :P
@AlexA. You really like that expression. :P
Haha, so cool!
Radius was a bit big :D
@mınxomaτ That looks... shopped? =P
@Roujo Nope, it is the original!
Q: Patch the Image

flawrPatch the Image graphical-outputpopularity-contestimage-processing In a popular image editing software there is a feature, that patches (The term used in image processing is inpainting as @mınxomaτ pointed out.) a selected area of an image, based on the information outside of that patch. And it...

@mınxomaτ Wow, I'm pretty impressed now ^^
@mınxomaτ no mo' lisa
I just found this on @mınxomaτ's website:
Oh yeah, I had too much time on my hands when I made that.
@El'endiaStarman Link to your game of life?
@mınxomaτ Definitely.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J AtkinThe confused twister code-golf quine The basic idea is to write a program that twists itself, and the twisted version untwists itself. Sandbox notes This is just here to get a feel on how this would be received.

@mınxomaτ You definitely did=)
2 mins ago, by RikerW
@mınxomaτ Definitely.
I cannot believe that Pi = 4.0
That would imply that Phi != 4.0
@flawr I always suspected
Next time someone calls something so random I'm gonna ask them to verify by calculating the entropy.
@flawr Same.
Any suggestiosn for other interesting test cases?
Your avatar?
Or maybe Dennis's. That would be a better one.
How about mine!
Just kidding!
@flawr Well that checkerboard is already pretty hard. It flat out crashed my algorithm >.>
crashed an image processing algorithm?
Is there a word that combines how and why?
What are we doing
@flawr Yeah, it enters an infinite loop looking for more color, which is kind of futile on a b/w checkerboard and keeps allocating memory until it dies.
I assume that the pi=4 is caused mainly by the printable ASCII being contained in a limited binary range.
@PhiNotPi Then the entropy calculation might be wrong too.
@flawr Skewed, certainly not wrong.
@AlexA. ...waste time alike.
@mınxomaτ Of course=)
Yaaay, the first downvote and closevote!!
I would have been disappointed if I didn't get any of those=)
Says you have 2 downvotes
in PPCG Code Snippet Chat Bot, 52 secs ago, by Data
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I am Data!
We got it working!
So enthusiastic. :P
Is it too early to post an answer to my own challenge?
Do it whenever you want
@flawr Here are some points that might make the judging process less broad: pastebin.com/VW5fMRdq
Ooh hey, I am a gray unicorn in nethack?
@FlagAsSpam Um, shouldn't that be "We are Data"?
Can he be a borg instead?
Then he can talk cool hive-mindy stuff.
@trichoplax I thought Data used "I"? (Not sure, it's been awhile since I've seen TNG.)
@AlexA. It was a pedantic joke on the pluralisation of datum :)
Not original - Randall did it first
Randall did everything first
@Dennis Would you please pull from MATL's repo (whenever you can)? I corrected a bug in two functions
@mınxomaτ Can I copy paste those?=)
@LuisMendo I pull it as soon as I get home.
@Dennis Sure! no hurries. And thanks!
> A cursed wand of nothing 0:12
@trichoplax How can you you singularize "data"?
Oh, is "datum" really used in english?
@flawr Not as much anymore but it's still technically correct.
@flawr It's hardly ever (never?) used in a practical setting but since it technically is the singular form of data it's useful for when you want to be pedantic (but never useful for anything else...)
It's like correcting someone for saying "one dice"
@trichoplax no dice
Zero is plural, right? At least in English?
Is it? o_O
I'm pretty sure it isn't...
I have no ducks
Why else would "zeros" and "zeroes" exist?
@AlexA. You're right - I phrased that completely wrong
I mean having zero of something requires using the plural of that thing
Oh, yes, that's true.
It's weird though
No ways to understand it
It appears I am too much of a skrubl0rd to have understood you at first pass, while Mego knew exactly what you mean.
You're not expected to magically interpret my incorrect sentence as secretly meaning something completely different (even if Mego can...).
Penguins have magical interpreting powers
Like being able to run code from chat
@Doorknob Mainly because JS doesn't have that epic spaceship operator :P
@AlexA. ...blaze it?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Doorknob Actually, Japt's (number)g is exactly equivalent to Ruby's (number)<=>0. That's why Ruby is almost as short as Japt here.
@Doorknob Is Ruby's spaceship operator basically just the sgn function?
Oh, okay. Thanks.
well, when applied to 0
What does it do otherwise?
A: What is the Ruby <=> (spaceship) operator?

TonyArraPerl was likely the first language to use it. Groovy is another language that supports it. Basically instead of returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the arguments are equal or unequal, the spaceship operator will return 1, 0, or −1 depending on the value of the left argument relat...

Ooooh, fancy
@Calvin'sHobbies This is pretty damn cool. Java needs this.

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