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Wow ... I'm actually surprised how competitive Madagascar is. I made it as more of a joking-but-still-legitimate answer, but it's doing surprisingly well.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Then at the very least, send it in the Sandbox! We will see if staff and people will make the sequel have good reception.
@TimmyD If it is a joking-but-still-legitimate answer, it's a joking answer. Delete it.
@zyabin101 If you want, you can do the challenge.
@zyabin101 Joking answers are still okay.
I have guidelines that decide when I should participate in a challenge. One is that I skip those that have a full page of "parsing rules".
@Geobits Are those free or proprietary?
My guidelines? Proprietary.
Get your own :P
@Geobits Too bad.
Holy crap. After five days, it's finally moved from "Processing Order" to "Preparing for Shipment". Never again.
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ I like your new avatar, but where is Leftgoat? And how to get this leadboard to work?
@Geobits What?
A thing from the thing place. Slowest order processing I've seen in at least a decade.
@Geobits What exactly?
The thing.
@zyabin101 It's a better answer than the onslaught of "End-of-the-world" bots, which could be argued as EmoWolf and should be trashed accordingly.
@Geobits What exactly?
I'm not sure why you think bold or italics will get you a better answer.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ This GIF makes me uncomfortable.
@TimmyD It's name is the "unsatisfying GIF"
You can thank buzzfeed.
ok.. new challenge idea... multiply polynomials with very large coefficients
as in 1000 coefficients each of which has 1000 bits
@Lembik UHH... Another math challenge. UHHHH!!!
@zyabin101 yes! We don't have enough :)
@Lembik We never have enough. :]
@zyabin101 well.. actually there is basically no math in this challege... multiplying polynomials is like multiplying integers but easier
but golf or fastest-code.. that's the question!
@Lembik Golf.
It's the most popular challenge type.
Here, at least.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't really know what that means.
@Dennis "Is Jelly turing complete"
@zyabin101 that's a reason not to do it :)
@zyabin101 There are a few things I don't like about golf challenges if anyone wants to hear them :)
@Lembik Then fastest code or binary golf?
Yes, I don't really know what Turing complete means.
oh what is binary golf?
@Dennis Oh.
@Dennis it means can compute anything that is computable by anything :)
BF interpreter in Jelly, gogogo
UHH... *wiki*[turing completeness]
If your language is capable of looping, there's a good chance of it being TC. If your language can simulate another turing complete language, it is turing complete.
In computability theory, a system of data-manipulation rules (such as a computer's instruction set, a programming language, or a cellular automaton) is said to be Turing complete or computationally universal if it can be used to simulate any single-taped Turing machine. The concept is named after English mathematician Alan Turing. A classic example is lambda calculus. A closely related concept is that of Turing equivalence – two computers P and Q are called equivalent if P can simulate Q and Q can simulate P. The Church–Turing thesis conjectures that any function whose values can be computed by...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ if your language can simulate a nand gate it is likely to be turing complete :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Sell carrots. You should see the wiki post directly above you.
@zyabin101 Wikipedia is too long.
@Lembik That is also true :P
@Lembik Not necessarily, e.g. Befunge-93 :P
@Sp3000 Darn, I was Ninja'd by a few minutes!
@Sp3000 see "likely" :)
TC and the theorems and related work surrounding it (like the halting problem) are really fascinating. The Church-Turning thesis itself is mind-boggling.
@TimmyD yep :)
but it's not a theorem
I can see how my wording was confusing. I apologize.
no problem!
I kinda want to take this time to vent about my Into to Linux professor.
you have an intro to Linux professor!
that's already amazing :)
It's some 1-credit-hour prerequisite class for all of the later interesting classes.
Ooo, go ahead and dish!
He gives really vague assignments, and then expects us to write bash commands with perfect accuracy.
@PhiNotPi would you prefer to write them inaccurately? :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴLegendre Symbol Repetition Finder The Legendre Symbol is a number theoretic function that returns -1, 0, or 1. Here, we are particularly interested in the pattern it forms. Observe: n\k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 26 27 2...

or is it that you can't understand what they are supposed to do?
but I love that you have to write bash scripts at all. That's very old skool
Any suggestions for other test images for my challenge? meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/8186/24877
So we have a giant "dictionary" of words (one on each line), and 1 question is to grep every word with "exactly six consonants in a row." (consonant being anything except aeiouAEIOU)
ok so that's clear isn't it?
@PhiNotPi what is unclear about that?
But, apparently Db16000 (which counts as 7) fullfills the requirement.
@flawr your examples look great"!
Anything that counts digits as consonants is just wrong anyway o_O
:s/exactly/at least/g
yes that is surprising :)
@Lembik Thanks, but to be fair, I did not paint all of them myself.
@flawr :)
@flawr just the bottom one?
And the thing is, he grades our stuff programmatically, so we have to get it right.
@Lembik Well basically the ones on the right side=)
@flawr :)
@Lembik I think I'm going to release that one today.
@flawr great!
any thoughts about my polys with large coefficients?
A challenge?
yes.. multiply two polynomials with very large coefficients. For example, 1000 coefficients each other 1000 bits
And he tends to throw trick questions at us, like "1) get all csv files. 2) Get all csv files from the month of August. 3) Get all files from the first 9 days of August." And then most of the class gets the 3rd one wrong because he left out the word "csv"
@Lembik Link?=)
So you want people to use DFT?
@flawr Use ImageMagick, convert -size $SIZE_HERE -seed $RNG_SEED_HERE plasma:fractal a.png, and here you are - infinite masterpieces for your pleasure (and use in your challenges)! And no need to credit!
For more types of images that can be generated, check out imagemagick.org/Usage/canvas.
@flawr a fastest code one would probably be DFT with a twist because the coefficients are so large
@PhiNotPi If it's causing academic hardship, you could approach the dean or the head of the college.
Or the department chair.
@TimmyD It's really not worth my time.
@PhiNotPi I haven't really worked out what the serious problem is
It's not really that bad.
the question did apparently define a consonant as
"not vowel"
"Make a word using only not vowels i.e. consonants!" H3ll0!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Gwynnlynndyg!
(assuming y is a consonant)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that is all consonants!
TBH, it's not really that big of a deal, it's just that I was feeling frustrated with the whole "six consonants in a row" thing because we'd already asked him whether or not more consonants mattered, and he just replied "exactly six consonants in a row."
In a row, not all rows...
@PhiNotPi I think it matters what the full instructions are "Includes exactly six consonants in a row" is different from "Equals exactly six consonants in a row" for example
Let me see...
> Output all the words in the dictionary $HOME/words that have exactly six consonants (non-vowels) in a row.
@PhiNotPi The words are located in /usr/share/dict/words.
@zyabin101 What is ImageMagick?
@PhiNotPi I think that is clear. If I ask you to list all the words that have two consonants in a row you wouldn't just output two letter words
@flawr ARGH! Here it is.
@Lembik I know, it's clear that other has two in a row, it's just that I wouldn't typically think further has "exactly 2 in a row."
hmm.. so 1234567 is meant to match?
ok that is a bit odd: )
but I still the prof is correct in an annoying way :)
he/she is trying to teach you to be pedantic
It's the easiest class in the world, but the most difficult thing is figuring out what he's asking for.
just be really really pedantic is my suggestion
@Lembik s/he\/she/xe/
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Can you explain again what this means?
@Lembik He's basically said that outright, about how "in the real world" we need to provide "exactly" what the contract is asking for or we won't get paid.
And so I feel like I'm being forced to "rules-lawyer" the entire time.
@flawr cc @Lembik Xe is the alternative gender-neutral pronoun.
Experimental, but it'll catch on.
@PhiNotPi well that makes some sense. Also if you are writing code to fit a protocol
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ it's no good :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ i think gender-neutral they is more likely to catch
@primo Yeah, but i use xe around my purist english teachers :P
math people sometimes just alternate which is funny
you have to remember that he never means he
is xe pronounced she?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Use Meta Stack Exchange for this.
@zyabin101 I was joking...
@Lembik i would pronounce 'xe' the same way as 'he', actually
@primo sexist pig dog! ;)
same is in TeX
that would be key!
@Lembik I'd pronounce it 'zee' or 'ksee'
what would donald trump do? That's the main question :)
win so much he'd get bored of winning
he'd hire the world's best team of pronunciators to figure it out
we need a trump-trolling tag
@ETHproductions pronounced zee
Oh hey @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@ETHproductions hi!
I need to go back over your guys' suggestions from last night
why not use an actual z then? :(
ze, or zhe or something
"Where is ze?"
@Lembik In my opinion, it should be pronounced /ɧi/
In Swedish phonology, the sj-sound (Swedish: sj-ljudet) is a voiceless fricative phoneme found in most dialects. It has a variety of realisations, whose precise phonetic characterisation is a matter of debate, but which usually feature distinct labialization. The sound is represented in Swedish orthography by a number of spellings, including the digraph ⟨sj⟩ from which the common Swedish name is derived as well as ⟨stj⟩, ⟨skj⟩, and ⟨sk⟩ before front vowels. The sound should not be confused with the Swedish tj sound [ɕ], often spelled tj or k in Swedish. The sound is transcribed ⟨ɧ⟩ in the I...
this is exactly how americans say 'he'
how are e instead :)
hear ye
wait a minute... isn't ye actually gender neutral?
wth people
What would be the gender-neutral for of "him" then?
@primo I think ye means you
derp, yeah you're right
@ETHproductions Xer
"What's up with xer?"
Ah, that makes more sense
But it seems a little too far from either side to me
And it sounds too French
I thought we decided on "singular they" ...
How about "xem"?
@TimmyD Oh, yeah, uh, that works too
say, "Where is he?"
now say, "Where is xe?"
@TimmyD That's what I prefer too.
hard to distinguish when spoken quickly
@TimmyD But it's more fun to add even more words to the 100 tangled webs that make up English
@primo Maybe a liaison? Where isje?
This site requires Sun Java (32-bit) or higher. You have Macromedia Java¾ (48-bit). Click here [link to java.com main page] to download an installer which will run fine but not really change anything.
Stupid non permalink
^^ needs to be what we run our KotHs and our new golfing language on
I know! Let's add a different pronoun for ever conceivable relationship you could possibly have to this person.
@primo Ex's great grandfather => "Ceux"
@ETHproductions Is that when someone is simultaneously your brother and cousin? I thought that didn't happen outside of remote rural areas of the American South.
Noun: nibling ‎(plural niblings)
  1. (uncommon) The child of one's sibling (in other words, one's niece or nephew), especially in the plural or as a gender-neutral term.
  2. 1989 November, Gacs, Women Anthropologists: Selected Biographies, University of Illinois Press
  3. She was close to her family, particularly her younger “siblings and niblings.”
  4. 1998 May, D.J. Kruger, Relative worth across disparate types of assistance [1]
  5. Kin selection was strongest for choices between sibling and friend, decreasing across sibling vs. nibling, nibling vs. friend, and nibling vs. cousin.
(9 more not shown…)
@TimmyD Stupid wiki icon!
not complicated enough
it needs to be different for older siblings and younger siblings, and whether it's your sister or brother
or we could all just start speaking thai and be done with it
@primo All different in-laws should have their own names. Husband/wife of brother/sister, brother/sister of husband/wife, and gender-neutral forms.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It's Nibbler!
Is there any IRC for chat.SE?
this doesn't seem to work anymore:
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ netflix.com/title/70153380
@Tshepang: Yup, I'm not using it anymore. Feel free to fork and improve it! — Greg Hewgill Mar 18 '12 at 23:09
or should I just make my own?
not that this chat engine isn't great and all, it's just not
Another cool xkcd (interactive, click to activate (or go to original interactive page)).
We (as in PPCG.SE) have ##ppcg on freenode
But nobody ever uses it anymore
It's not actually linked to chat.SE - it's just a separate IRC channel run by Doorknob
weekend project :)
i'd certainly use the chat a lot more if there were an IRC interface
i'm sure other users feel the same
I'd use the chat a lot more if it had a decent mobile interface
And if I wasn't so easily-distracted
I'd use the chat more if there were more human users on the chat.
Yeah, instead we get llamas and birds and turtles and penguins and whatever Phi is... ;-)
Don't forget dragons and mustachioed dogs
he's not pi
I can only apologise
you should apologize too
I can't bring myself to apologize
Oh and platypi and Rubik's cubes
@Mego ProgramFOX always takes all the Rubik's cubes.
I have two strings S and T both of the same length n. I would like to output the Hamming distance between every prefix of S and every suffix of T of the same length. That is HD(S[1,i], T[n-i+1, n]) for all i.
how quickly can that be done?
TL;DR - our ops team is a bunch of ninjas. https://twitter.com/github/status/693102575223205888
@Lembik Seems like it should be pretty fast, assuming the strings aren't huge
I drew it up in haskell real quick and it seems to be instant on reasonably-sized inputs
@KevinW. try it with n = 10^6
Q: How did this user format this comment in this way?

catthis is really a very inconsequential question, I'm just curious. This is a comment on KOTH: A world wide pandemic: At least to my browser's rendering engine, there's a fairly clear difference between the struckthrough text and the other text: both font style and font size. As we can see, ...

@Lembik It looks like a million would need either a better hamming distance algorithm than I have or a more powerful computer to terminate in a reasonable amount of time, although it would terminate if you let it run long enough regardless
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ How do you pronounce taht?
@KevinW. right.. I was wondering about a better algorithm
="sie" in german (she, or they)
@Lembik Can you use the previously calculated distance (i-1) to calculate the distance for i with a single extra calculation?
@trichoplax that would be great! but I am not sure how
@Lembik Just realised that all the locations are shifted by one so this doesn't work (would only work if both were prefices or both suffices)
@trichoplax right
Maybe find someone who has a skill for parallel algorithms and feed them all at once to a GPU?
actually I think I solved it#
the solution is to pad T with n zeros and then perform convolutions using FFTs :)
What are you trying to do?
@flawr now sure how to link to my message above
40 mins ago, by Lembik
I have two strings S and T both of the same length n. I would like to output the Hamming distance between every prefix of S and every suffix of T of the same length. That is HD(S[1,i], T[n-i+1, n]) for all i.
@flawr I don't think their are any reptilian numbers.
At least, for bases under 16 and being nontrivial
@primo It's been requested on Meta.SE (a long time ago IIRC) but nothing came of it. I get the feeling that very little developer time is put toward chat at this point.
Well this was fun. I probably should have been doing other things.
@Mego Yep, pretty much
I need the room's help
@Rainbolt hi whatcha need
Not sure I want to help ... this was the previous problem ...
Jan 20 at 15:56, by Rainbolt
Wow. My office suddenly got really serious. Someone (or perhaps multiple people) are having trouble hitting the inside of the toilet when they pee. Last year, we were all politely asked to be careful and to clean up after ourselves. Just now we were asked to immediately report any fluid on the floor, so that they can check the cameras to see who preceded us, because the problem has not gone away.
The Room is a 2003 American romantic drama film written, directed, produced by, and starring Tommy Wiseau. The film is primarily centered on the melodramatic love triangle among amiable banker Johnny (Wiseau), his fiancée Lisa (Juliette Danielle), and his conflicted best friend Mark (Greg Sestero). A significant portion of the film is dedicated to a series of unrelated and unresolved subplots involving the friends and family of the main characters. Ross Morin, an assistant professor of film studies at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, described The Room to Entertainment Weekly as "the Citizen...
About that... I flushed the toilet the other day and noticed water flying out of the bowl when it flushed
@Lembik what is stopping you from outputting it?
I reported it in a not so nice email. I asked "What kind of plumber did you call four times that couldn't tell you the water was flying out of the bowl?"
@AlexA. Isn't that one of the worst movies ever made?
The plumber actually drove up here FOUR times
@Mego I believe so, yes
@AlexA. I can top it
Rubber is a 2010 French independent dark comedy film about a tire that comes to life and kills people with its psychic powers. It was directed and written by Quentin Dupieux. The film was shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 2010. The film received positive reviews from critics, but it was a box office failure, grossing only US $100,370 on its US $500,000 budget. == PlotEdit == A group of people in a California desert are gathered to watch a "film". A sheriff, Chad (Stephen Spinella), points out that many moments in cinema happen for "no reason", that life is full of this "no reason", and that...
Haha I wanted to see that
Anyway, the user has uploaded five files. Some of them turn out to be duplicates. I must ask the user a trinary question, and present three options:
- Proceed and overwrite the duplicates
- Proceed and do not overwrite the duplicates
- Abort the entire operation
I'm having trouble coming up with a concise, clear question and three options that fit on a button like "Continue" and "Abort"
I have no desire to see The Room though
All three of those would make for rather large buttons
I'm joking
@Rainbolt "Overwrite" "Do Not Overwrite" "Cancel"
That's pretty solid
@AlexA. If you choose "Do not overwrite" then it is not exactly obvious that the remainder of the files will be uploaded
That gives me some nice ideas
"overwrite" "skip" "cancel"
I really don't want to build a per file prompt if I dont have to
Wait a sec... there's no cancel operation lol
There used to be in Win 7
Now it's the x on the window
But I just realized that I can use full width buttons like that and the options can be absolutely clear
I'll just write it out
For all the things Windows does wrong, it has some pretty nice UI/UX design choices in Explorer
Yay, we're helpers
Thanks guys. By the way, our code base already has like 20 SO links thanks to me.
No PPCG links?
Golf all the production code.
Can we golf it without the performance issues?
If you're not fired immediately, it's job security because no one else can understand the code well enough to maintain it.
I actually can't check any code in without someone else's initials, so I need a partner in crime
I need a job...
One of you apply to my work place
We can golf together and get paid for it
I don't want to move to Texas.
As much fun as that sounds (minus the Texas part)
I live too far away from Tyler
Or else I'd probably have already bugged you :P
@Rainbolt you're in texas? darn
Texas isn't so bad
Oct 11 '15 at 20:42, by Doorknob
I would tell everyone to move to Texas except it's bad advice
Why is nobody in antartica? >_<
Why is everyone hating on Texas?
Oh, I love texas, but its too far away
I've never been, all I know is that I'd be quite out of place in terms of my social and political views (except maybe in Austin).
@AlexA. There are actually a decent amount of liberals here. We're just quiet because we're enjoying the show put on by the crazy uber-conservative gun-nut rednecks.
No talking during the movie and such
@Sp3000 But... but...
(slightly NSFW cos language)
Pfft, what does John Oliver know about Antarctica. Clearly Jon Stewart would know more.
@AlexA. John Oliver is a penguin in disguise. We sent him to infiltrate the media to spread our propaganda.
Oh, I had no idea. Carry on, Dr. Oliver.
Muahaha, I've now passed Keith Randall in rep! >:D
Active in the earlier days, not so much anymore.
Next on my list toward total reputation domination is Jakube, but I have a ways to go yet before I get there.
Downvoters, please see update.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlagAsSpamThere's an App SE Site for that code-golfkolmogorov-complexityinternetstack-exchange-apifile-system Oftentimes, when searching through StackExchange, I find myself seeking to post a question about something or another, but not knowing where to post it. That's where you come in. The Challenge ...

@AlexA. Next on my list to oust is Pietu1998
Guys, I put PPCG in my resume.
@FlagAsSpam RIP
@FlagAsSpam Stack Exchange is two words
I suppose I should say "relatively high".
@FlagAsSpam times new roman? ಠ_ಠ
@AlexA. That was a typo.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That was required.
Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow, etc.: All two words.
Papyrus FTW
@FlagAsSpam Oh.
And don't quote xkcd at me.
What are you applying for?
A job I presume?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Work Experience with Scripps Networking.
If it were me, I would mention your programming language and beta testing site userscripts but I wouldn't mention PPCG specifically.
@RikerW To have a job in England requires partial citizenship and >18 years of age. I am neither.
@FlagAsSpam Okay. College?
Or illegal job?
@AlexA. It shows that I enjoy programming, not just as a job use.
@RikerW See: Work Experience.
I'm not getting paid.
@RikerW I don't know what you're saying. — FlagAsSpam 10 secs ago
@FlagAsSpam Idk, I stand by what I said. I think it's easy to make it obvious that you enjoy recreational programming through more professional means, like mentioning GitHub or other things like that.
But that's just my opinion.
@AlexA. My college counselors told me to put it in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey, we're professional! (o ᴖ o)
Do they know what PPCG is, or were they overly impressed by "I created a programming language"?
The latter is deceptively simple
@Zgarb The latter.

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