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my pleasure ^_^
You could have something like var layerContainer = []; and have the command be Z : save the current layer to the layer stack (layerContainer.push(canvas))
layer looks really weird now
I'll think about that
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That happens when you type the same word a lot. :P
@El'endiaStarman Not all words. All all all all all oh god
:( my challenge got a downvote
@Seadrus which one?
@Seadrus Two, actually
Q: Construct the Identity Matrix

SeadrusThe challenge is very simple. Given an integer input n, output the n x n identity matrix. The identity matrix is one that has 1s spanning from the top left down to the bottom right. You will write a program or a function that will return or output the identity matrix you constructed. Your output ...

Q: Construct the Identity Matrix

SeadrusThe challenge is very simple. Given an integer input n, output the n x n identity matrix. The identity matrix is one that has 1s spanning from the top left down to the bottom right. You will write a program or a function that will return or output the identity matrix you constructed. Your output ...

@Seadrus probably for being to easy
Awesome Quote: "If you have to do something more than two times, write a program for it. If you have to do something more than two thousand times, use multi-threading. If you do something more than two million times, contact Google or NASA for their supercomputers."
@GamrCorps what about breathing
while (alive) { breathe(); };
while (alive) { breathe(); sleep(3000); };
what exactly would be "Customer service" for nasa...
while (alive) { breathe(); };
ReferenceError: alive is not defined
I have no life :(
"Hello. I'm calling because I need a NASA engineer to write a program so I can breathe."
@ETHproductions literal lol moment
D: I got another downvote
can some tell me what the fuck is wrong with my challenge!?
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ do it.
which one?
3 mins ago, by Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ
@Seadrus probably for being to easy
Nothing. It's just simple, and haters gonna hate.
@mınxomaτ ...
oh shit I had @Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ ignored
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ Why not?
i dunno why D:
@mınxomaτ eh, what could go wrong?
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ xactly
@ETHproductions ooo I like
Support for arbitrary angles?
Maybe, I'll think about it
gtg for now
I should do it from a different account just in case I ever need to contact nasa customer support
@Seadrus I think its fine, but as others have said, it is quite trivial for math-based languages. Other than that I see no problem.
@GamrCorps oh oky
@ETHproductions bye!
Sweet got downgoat.tk registered
@mınxomaτ What should the subject be?
ah, "Need NASA Engineer for Critical Situation, URGENT!"
downward facing goat: the next generation of yoga
@ZachGates ಠ_ಠ
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ No, too alarmy. There are grounds for arrest there.
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how so
If you're in America, you can be arrested for causing terror.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ D: "Requesting NASA Engineer Assistance?"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't think "URGENT" in all caps as an email subject counts as causing terror
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ That sounds better. Maybe, "Requiring the expertise of a NASA Engineer"?
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ It depends on who you're emailing.
why are we contacting NASA
@ZachGates because we need the expertise of a NASA Engineer
yeah: "on golfing code"
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ well yeah I inferred that
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ ...
Maybe I should send one too
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ "calling" ಠ_ಠ
^ lol
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ does JS map flatten the resulting array?
@quartata It shouldn't why?
@quartata It shouldn't when?
Because Perl map does
That's weird
Do you want that to happen?
in this case no
@quartata I'd say it depends on how you use it.
Hold up, now that I think about it, could you give me an example of the code you're trying to test?
I just mean if you map a function that returns an array would the result be a 2D or a 1D array
I don't have any specific code yet
\o/ dominated a team of bots
congrations you done it
hey quick question guys
How do I find the smallest g so that ng+A | T?
Do you care about time complexity?
I just need the answer for the general form
Math question
You would use the extended gcd algorithm.
Oh I thought you wanted an algo :P
It doesn't have some nice closed form.
What if T is constant?
ah nevermind
What does the expression ng+A | T even mean?
n times g plus A divides T
T divisible by ng+a
function extended_gcd(a, b)
    s := 0;    old_s := 1
    t := 1;    old_t := 0
    r := b;    old_r := a
    while r ≠ 0
        quotient := old_r div r
        (old_r, r) := (r, old_r - quotient * r)
        (old_s, s) := (s, old_s - quotient * s)
        (old_t, t) := (t, old_t - quotient * t)
    output "Bézout coefficients:", (old_s, old_t)
    output "greatest common divisor:", old_r
    output "quotients by the gcd:", (t, s)
I thought it was code in some weird esolang
Wikipedia pseudo code ^^
What is this in the context of?
Oh, I was about to praise you for finally learning to indent with spaces
hahaha I know how to but its just slower
I use spaces when I code in notepad
How is it slower?
4 keys versus one
@AlexA. I thought you could math
Any decent editor/IDE inserts spaces when you press the tab key
Extended GCD? Pssh, ESMin already has that.
@AlexA. Then what's the point?
@quartata I can, I just didn't recognize that as math.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You have spaces in your source rather than tab literals.
first person to find a language in which ng+A|T does something interesting gets a cookie proportional to the interestingness of their find
@AlexA. There's nothing inherently better.
Yes there is
Besides, you can set the tabulators to whatever width you please.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ -1 interestingness is subjective
@Doorknob You're needed
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ +1 cuz y knot
We must explain why spaces are objectively superior to having tabs in your code.
What are you trying to implement with this?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I must cut knot
@quartata A way to generate constants
whoa i gotta lot of pings
the gs2 answer should be 17 bytes but it is missing the read-num byte i'll fix it later
I'll post that thing on meta later @AlexA.
and yay golden angle
That shoud cover all the pings
@quartata Why is that starred? Is this some sort of humorous reference that I don't get?
Just curious how did you get a reply from SE so fast?
And have you talked with a CM about the question upvotes?
@quartata Kind of. They said be patient.
@quartata I have a special way to talk to SE.
@quartata More like golden rectangle, amirite?
I finally figured out a decent way to mimic a comprehension in R. sapply(<list>, function(<item>) <do something with item>)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I wonder, which real language is that most similar to?
@AlexA. I've also made progress on my whole "use university lab computers to form a cluster"
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ if you're going for char count anyway, why don't you use all the unicode characters and have all 1 byte builtins for math and stuff?
Any progress on your social network?
By progress, I mean I totally figured out how to do it.
@AlexA. The only social network I truly need is in the physical world.
(that means no)
Haha that was a very elegant way to phrase it
@ThomasKwa Too lazy :P
Besides, I use 1-char aliases for visually intuitive symbols.
But here's the problem: there's only so many viewable Unicode chars that are visual at the same time.
I still haven't come up with a real use of high-performance computing yet.
Example: How are you supposed to represent a function for Catalan numbers using one Unicode symbol?
That's 4 bytes tho
Even for me, that's overkill
Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure that's actually 2 chars
🆑 for "catalan"
I still like the cat :P
@mınxomaτ All emojis are 2 chars
and 4 bytes
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ bytes, not chars
No, chars
🐱 is a single character
2 chars, 4 bytes
27 secs ago, by Doorknob
🐱 is a single character
Maybe @ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ is confused because they are 2 16-bit chunks in UTF-16.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ No, 1 char.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ Also, most emojis are 1 char: fileformat.info/info/emoji/browsertest.htm
Oh wait nvm
My char counter is off
Time to fix!
The "dancer" ( 💃 ) just looks very startled.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ Does ESMin also have canvas? I just noticed it on the interpreter :P
damn this is like a 4 way war between the JSGLs to implement the most exotic features
@quartata Yeah
Inspired by Jolf
Is it a turtle or different?
@quartata It's turtlewax right now.
@quartata I can argue that ESMin is the least like Javascript
I agree
I'm still looking for a more golf-friendly canvas lib, but to no avail.
@quartata There are only two categories that any given thing can fall into: "turtle" and "different."
How do you compress a string in Pyth?
@AlexA. "What's that?" "Not a turtle."
@Doorknob "What's that?" "Different."
paperjs.org looks amazing, but not golfable enough
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ Why not just golf it yourself?
Because the syntax is too expensive...
Too many objects to alias down.
You could create your own functions like: function Z(x,y,w,h){new Rectangle(new Point(x,y), new Size(w,h)}
That is already a thing: fillRect
I agree though that turtlewax isn't perfect
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ maybe write your own? It's not that difficult afaik
Something SVG would be cool
I was making one for TeaScript...
Then it became this
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ Oh yeah, I could...
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ This is the JSGL war thing I'm talking about :P
@quartata I wouldn't call it a war - it's more of a revolution.
Or friendly competition.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ Or competition
nuclear war
It's pretty friendly.
Hey I'm not saying it's a bad thing
But you guys are starting to reach Mathematica levels of stuff
@quartata Oh that's just a side effect of math.js (on my part)
Someone needs to make a golfing-Mathematica
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ That would end in disaster.
Glorious disaster, but disaster nonetheless.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ yeah, it would have 1-char builtins for everything :\
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ It would be worse than even ESMin, I'm guessing.
(Hope not, but probably).
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ Custom encoding?
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ I didn't mean math specifically. Mathematica has all kinds of crazy junk
@quartata s/crazy/ludicrous/g
5,000+ builtins
@quartata Oh yeah then that's basically a side effect of every library I've been using for ESMin.
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ That actually might help.
I would make one, but I don't know Mathematica very well
I guess ESMin is what Mathematica would be if it was a golfing language...
You should really make a custom encoding
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ I think you just enter what you want to do in camel case and it works
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ Oic
Can ESMin do MortalityData[
If not it's not Mathematica yet :P
@quartata Nope
It could with some URL references and stuff
A goat needs to be superimposed onto my avatar. It will never be complete without it...
I'm considering making another JSGL.
It's going to be ESMin without all the mistakes I made at the beginning.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ I think the community has had their fair share of JSGLs
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ I think I should add some features that make ESMin no longer a JSGL.
So far, I've got copy-paste, compression/obfuscation, direct eval-replace, etc. which make ESMin self-modifying, but that's about it.
There must be more self-modification.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ copy-paste?
You use ⟮ ⟯ to copy certain pieces of code, then reference them using Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ or ᶈ
It's a great alternative to variable declaration
^ downgoat with a down goat
And its upside down oic
I could also mask the -1 inside a goat
should I make the -1 upside down?
No what you have now seems good
Although you could make the goat become the red and have the -1 inside the goat
make the goat taller or the one smaller
The top is cut off
the hell is happening in here
down goats
and -1s
and JSGLs
@quartata It's a race between the JSGs to distance themselves from JS as much as possible
@Mego Because why not?
there ya go
It is incredibly difficult putting downvotes in downgoats
"Down, goat!"
that one looks better
@Downgoat One more opportunity to test my tracer. Here, have a high quality downgoat
@mınxomaτ ooohhh
That's awesome
@mınxomaτ dat quality tho
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ And that golfed SVG code.
@mınxomaτ 8.22kB? Nice, nice...
Such a round number.
Ha! I just realized that detour's shortest solution to the fibonacci sequence is shorter than the word "fibonacci"
@Cyoce So is ESMin's shortest solution.
A: Fibonacci function or sequence

ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟, 3 chars / 6 bytes (noncompetitive) Мȫï Try it here (Firefox only). More builtins! math.js + numbers.js = hella functions

composing a language of multi-byte characters is an...interesting choice
Same with TeaScript.
A: Fibonacci function or sequence

Kριτικσι ΛίθοςTeaScript, 4 bytes F(x) F(x) //Find the Fibonacci number at the input Compile online here (DOES NOT WORK IN CHROME). Enter input in the first input field.

@Cyoce It's a stupid one in the context of byte-scoring.
There was a question that allowed scoring in chars, that was nice.
But that almost never happens :(
Scoring by characters used to be the default.
I think Sclipting took care of that.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ was there a reason for ESMin being unicode-y?
@Dennis Hehe
@Downgoat That was back when I thought 1 char = 1 byte
And I looked at a Unicode table and picked out visually intuitive symbols.
And then I posted an answer and learned the hard truth.
It was a brutal one.
Yeah, I thought it looked cool (it does)
but byte count? um...
Y'know, ESMin could really win a lot of challenges scored in chars.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ how many individual unicode characters does ESMin use?
maybe more
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ oh, then a custom encoding won't cut it
No, I just have to define 2-byte commands.
Along with 1-byte commands.
But that would be a pain to implement afaik
I'm not a unicode expert though
That's why I've been putting it off
No, it isn't.
But ESMin changes way too fast.
I retract my previous statement
A: Catalan Numbers

ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟, 3 chars / 6 bytes Мƅï Try it here (Firefox only). Builtins ftw! So glad I implemented math.js early on. Bonus solution, 12 chars / 19 bytes Мơ 2*ï,ï)/⧺ï Try it here (Firefox only). Ay! 19th byte! Evaluates to pseudo-ES6 as: nchoosek(2*input,input)/(input+1)

I'm winning in char count
I'm savoring that moment before the leaderboard regex is fixed.
@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ what's the difference between interpreter.js and interpreter2.js in the ESmin github?
interpreter.js is ESMin 1, but interpreter2.js is ESMin 2
there is an extra 2 in the name
ESMin 2 is more stable
Better features too
more stable.. like it has less chances of causing a black hole than ESMin 1?
got it
It'll only cause a neutron star
gonna use ESMin 1 then
neutrality amirite
@Optimizer You could cause a black and white hole if you use v1 and v2 at the same time
Or even a neutral black hole
(Is that even possible?)
I am not taking that big fo a risk
anyway I'll be going now. Bai
Mix them together and see if you can make 50 shades of grey holes
How did this room go from char counters to 50 shades of grey holes ಠ_ಠ
1 hour later…
@quintopia your Seriously's official Herokuapp isn't working!
I just Enthusiasted on main. >_<
QBASIC on Rails.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerHow many swaps do I need to sort a list? code-golfarray-manipulationsorting A swap is defined as an operation on a list that exchanges the position of exactly two elements: [9, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0, 3, 7, 9, 1, 4, 4, 8, 7, 3, 9, 4, 7, 0, 1] | <----------------> | [9, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0, 3, 7, 9, 3,...

> This site requires Sun Java (32 bit) and higher. What?
2 hours later…
hello all
I was thinking about making a really simple "make a random multiplication test sheet" code golf question
but then I remembered I hated ascii :)
would people hate it if you had to actually produce an image with decent fonts on it?
This and xkcd:1288 make a great challenge.
Also: Within a few minutes, our roads will be full of uncontrollably-swerving cars and our skies full of Amazon delivery dogs. Cool. :D
2 hours later…
Q: Mutually fill in the blanks

DoorknobGiven an input of two strings with sequences of underscores representing corresponding words, output the sentences with the "blanks" filled in. The best way to describe this challenge is by example. Here is an example input: programming _____________ and code golf programming puzzles ______ cod...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TarodRole-Playing Game: Character Generator Introduction When players are creating their characters, sometimes you have a lazy guy who prefers you to roll dice while he's drinking beer at a bar. In this case, it would be nice to have a tool to roll dice without human intervention :) We also want to...

1 hour later…
@zyabin101 I already did that challenge XD
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Where it is?
Q: Reading the news is boring. Help me out!

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴEveryone knows that the news is boring. Really boring. Unless if it's about Politicians and their scandals. That is fun! But alas, Politicians can commit only so many scandals. So, I am employing you to make the news more interesting. Objective Given an HTML snippet, perform all the substitutio...

Except with a different wordset.
Hi @Dennis quick question: is Jelly turing complete? I don't know much about it, other than it's infix and is super-scary short.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Then make a sequel of this challenge!
It would be closed as dupe.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The sequel won't be similar to the original if you add more words to substitute.
@zyabin101 But's its the same concept. I'd have to do something different.

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