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That's a lot of Counter-Strike.
I'm at 1500 now
Dam Son
Half of those were on a 4 year old macbook air with 2GB of ram
Im at 2000
@Cyoce RIP in peace.
If I have CS:GO (I can't recall whether that's the version of Counter-Strike I have; it might be Condition Zero), I've only played like 2 hours of it.
Or it might just be Counter-Strike: Source.
I played like a whole 0 hours of any CS version. And I have a staggering number of 0 Steam accounts.
Whoa, 0 whole accounts?
Shit, dude.
(Lies. I have one steam acc to play Portal (and only portal) on my hackintosh).
Have you played Portal 2?
It's great
I probably have way more than 5k hours on TMUF. But that account is also almost 5 years old.
I remember buying the first TM (before it was renamed later to TM Original) in a physical store. On a DVD. No internet multiplayer mumbo-jumbo.
@AlexA. condition zero is the crappy single-player port that nobody plays. If that's the version you have, I recommend buying another
Oh, I don't think I have that
It's probably Source
I added a few of you on Steam yesterday
I was surprised at @Cyoce's CSGO hours
@Quill why?
because it's rare to see that many hours, I suppose
Yeah, there are only a few games I play
It started when all I had was a crappy macbook
I could only play FPS (the genre I like) that are available on mac and could run on a potato
Hence 1500h CS:GO, 700h TF2, 500h insurgency
that's where I'm at basically
Arma 3 is Mac compatible now
I'm yet to see if it will actually run
@Quill I've seen many people with 2k+ hours in CS:GO and b4nny has about 11k hours in TF2
1k is not that unusual it just means you like the game
@Cyoce I was under the impression that Insurgency was actually fairly hardware-intensive
@quartata that is partially true. But insurgency runs on the source engine, so turning the graphics settings all the way down actually improves performance
For most games, it just makes everything look worse with no benefit
That's because Source and GoldSource were actually designed to run on potatoes
Read the paper thing on lag compensation on VDW, and it'll show you how much effort they had to put into the engine to handle people's 1998 dial-up connections
Also I appear to have the highest Steam level here
@AlexA. I kinda like Source better than GO too bad it's dead
who has the biggest library?
@Quill Mine's pretty small only 68
Mine's even smaller, like 10.
@AlexA. lol pleb
I have 26, 30 including software
sacrifice some money to gaben next summer sale
oh btw the current humble bundle is good
@GamrCorps If we're counting tools I have more since I have every single version of Source SDK Base installed
@quartata I'm holding out for HL3, dawg.
Please somebody have more games and a higher level than me
I don't want to feel like a no-life
I have more games, just a lower level
ok that's better
How many?
@AlexA. And portal 3....
@Quill woah dude
@Quill nice
I have 2 games. Therefore I have the most life ever.
CIV is on sale in the humble bundle atm btw: humblebundle.com
@RikerW You think that's a lot: steamcommunity.com/id/palmdesert
4k games
My girlfriend has 204 games in her Steam library.
@AlexA. Steam level?
get rekt, @Quill.
@quartata What's that?
@AlexA. Steam level.
that's taking otaku to a whole other level
It's a measure of how much money you've sacrificed to gaben, essentially.
@Quill He pretty much owns every game on Steam.
So he's like a Valve employee except he actually installs the games too
@quartata 11
I'm level 4
@AlexA. not enough money sacrificed to gaben
@quartata that's not how sacrificing money to gaben works, silly
@Cyoce It's one of many aspects though.
Trading cards are the most useless thing so I think they count the most
I have an idea for a challenge but I'm not sure how interesting it'll be.
Gonna go check mine now, plus Martin's
tears shed is how I measure gaben love
@Sp3000 ?
... my dog just spent a minute walking in circles in his beanbag, gave up, and walked away
Anyways, the idea is a very literal "string distance." You take the charcode of each letter in two strings, put them into ordered pairs, take their distance and take the average of the resulting distances
@Doorknob #thuglife
So for instance:
They'd have to have the same lengths, yeah?
"HH" vs "ee" -> (72,72) (101,101)
@AlexA. Yea.
But they wouldn't have to be even length. If they're odd length the last one would just be (charcode,0)
@qua Steam guard's making checking my account from phone hard
@Sp3000 I hate Steam Guard.
The Steam Mobile Authenticator basically made it so I can't trade anymore
Those stranges and that unusual will ferment in my inventory forever
@quartata wth does that mean
@AlexA. TF2 item qualities
TF2, yeah
I never got into TF2. My girlfriend likes it a lot though.
Got it: I have 274, Martin has 179 games
@Sp3000 Martin has a steam account?
Martin's lev 27 o_O
I liked it some years back, but moved on for some reason
I thought he was smart enough not to fall for the scam that is Steam.
steam is amazing
I'm L30, should I be scared? =P
Once you start sacrificing money to gaben you can't stop
@Roujo no
that means it's working
okay, my inv is now 188
@qua Hint: Sokobond, TIS-100, Infinifactory, Human Resource Machine
@Sp3000 Huh.
@Sp3000 TIS-100 is awesome
He's level 27 dammit
I'll have to play catch-up
I actually uninstalled csgo recently
good decision
@Quill lololol
grumble grumble lost ranks
Now if only I could uninstall the Nineteenth Byte.
The Nineteenth Byte is basically a computer virus.
It is.
You can't get rid of it because it hijacks web browsers, which one cannot possibly afford to go without.
10/10 trojan
@feersum delete system32, destroy router, and blow up the ISP. That should do the trick
I'll go report it to AVG right now
@GamrCorps sounds like an excellent Tom Cruise film
where's that gaben wallet gif when we need it
rm -rf /system32
rm: cannot remove ‘/system32’: No such file or directory
Linux instructions: uninstall Linux, install Windows, then do the steps above
I heard Steam for Linux deletes all the files in your home directory if you anger it.
@feersum I did have a panic moment years ago when I did --clean with Steam and Control-Cd it.
Good thing I don't steam then.
It looked like it had wiped my entire Steam directory
No I mean rm -rf ~.
As it turns out it had just moved it to a temp directory
That's pretty much how it was 15 years ago.
That is some bad coding.
@Mego Does Seriously have splice?
@quartata Depends; what do you mean?
@Mego Splice in perl takes two lists and replaces the elements of the list with the other at certain offsets
So splice([a1, a2, a3, a4], 2, 1 [b1, b2]) would give [a1, b1, a3, b2]
@quartata So like splice([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[1,2]) -> [1,5,6]?

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