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Clearly more than 1 day. As seen from flood-the-site-with-questions-day. :P
If the average they're using is the arithmetic mean, all we need is a ridiculous outlier and we'll skew it. Let's plan a 100 question day.
Now that it isn't Christmas I'm going to have to change the backstory on that grocery store question again
If we need to maintain it for N days, and we have an average of 8.7 per day, we'd only need to stop asking questions for (1.3/8.7)N days and then we'd have enough questions stored up to ask 8.7 + 1.3 per day for N days.
I think that's right...
@NewMainPosts Dare to dream, buddy. Dare to dream.
@AlexA. Stop helping the bot with his quest
I can't. You see, we have a special bond, @NewMainPosts and I...
0.1494N isn't much. Some examples:
N = 1 week: just over 1 day without questions
N = 1 month: 4.5 days without questions
N = 6 months: 27 days without questions
A bond of cabbage and butter? I guess...
Graph of questions per week for the last year
Definitely an upward trend.
Would be interesting to see it over 2 years in case there's just a spike in early winter
@Doorknob冰 fix your y axis
there is no excuse for the y axis not to start at 0 when the range is [25, 75]
@orlp This is a SE-generated graph, not mine :P
Also your x axis needs to start at 1AD
@trichoplax ^^^^^ That's 3 years.
@Doorknob冰 That looks much more promising (and decisive)
@Doorknob冰 was the january spike ?
Of course
it's pretty funny that lingered effects for a year
but then the year was over we were pretty much back to natural growth
For good measure, this is since private beta.
(i.e. the entire history of the site)
30 october were dark days indeed
What do you think the caption preceding this was?
probably equally artistically brilliant
"Captain Spark needed to fire his publicist"
"I'm not allowed at Sea World anymore"
"The Steganographist gets lazy"
@Doorknob冰 That looks like steady growth leading to graduation within 3 to 6 months...
We have to stay above 70 on that graph, right?
@wizzwizz4 ... they killed the "seed" jobs on sdf and nsdf... without comment... I think I need to rethink my relation to SDF
@trichoplax Yep.
Actual preceding caption: "Jaws VS. Superspiderman in a hula skirt!"
And I'm going to start trying to post questions on a regular schedule starting Jan 1.
If 2 of us post 1 question per day we've made our quota
I can probably do 1 question every 2 days
We should coordinate this on meta or something :P
@Doorknob冰 A New Year's resolution of sorts? :P
My activity here has been dropping way too much anyway
Get people to commit to it, then if N people commit they just need to post 1.3/N questions per day. Simple...
I don't have enough good challenge ideas to do much more than what I already do
Which is 3 questions ever
In nearly 2 years on the site
I have a backlog of questions in the sandbox, but a lot of them are KotHs which will take me a lot of time to post
@AlexA. Except World Big Dosa counts as like 20
@Doorknob冰 Hahaha why, because it was ridiculously hard?
If only the target to graduate was total question rep per day...
@AlexA. No, because it was a meme-spawner :P
New graduation requirement: N memes generated per day.
@Doorknob冰 Ruby question for you: When you have a lambda like ->x,*y{...}, what does *y mean?
Splat operator
Calling that with 4 arguments will make x the first argument and y an array of the remaining 3
And if you call it with one?
So (->a, *b { puts b.join(?,) })[1,2,3,4] would output 2,3,4
@AlexA. Then y is an empty array
err, nil
Actually I'm not sure
Oh I see, I was thinking a single array input as the only argument
/me tests it
But that means x is the first element and y is the remaining elements?
Yeah, y is an empty array if the whole thing is called with one argument.
Yep, basically.
Why is the first element not splatted with y?
Because of the x
That makes sense
->*x { ... } makes x an array of all the arguments
->x, y, *z { ... } makes x the first arg, y the second, and z an array of the remaining
:O I understand something. Thank you!!
No problem!
Splat operator is really cool
I wish I knew more Ruby.
> I wish I knew more Perl. -Alex A.
They're both shiny. Same thing, right? :P
> I wish Perl would disappear forever. — Alex A.
Would a C answer to Make a Unicorn interpreter constitute a C compiler along with the silly unicorn conversions?
Because that would be an amazing answer.
> deleted by quartata, Doorknob 冰♦
I bet Doorknob is getting real sick of seeing this
It's not my fault I'm so good at finding super old bad answers
@Mauris I still don't understand why everyone is talking about unicode unicorns
added definition and worked example... I hope the downvotes will be reversed!
@dorothy ?
@quartata codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/68176/21585 which is currently breaking my heart
On her entropy challenge, I presume.
@Doorknob冰 did you see what i made with your help
I did not
@Doorknob冰 So in -> x, *y { ... }, called on an array [1,2,3,4], x would be 1?
@Mauris yep
@quartata No, not at all; keep the flags coming! Getting bad content off the site is always a good thing :)
the next message i send is going to begin with @Doorknob冰@
@AlexA. yes
@Doorknob冰 hello
@undergroundmonorail Wow a prophet
@undergroundmonorail Oh that's nifty
@dorothy Neat! I changed by downvote to an upvote, which is sort of like a super-duper-double vote.
@Mauris thanks!
s/\t/ /g
@undergroundmonorail my eyes
@Doorknob冰 gross
get those tabs out of here
@Doorknob冰 No two spaces
@orlp What's the story with ?
I totally missed that bit of PPCG history.
@Mauris Once upon a time there was a really shitty tag called . Doorknob nuked it off the face of the earth. The end.
For the record, it moves the last keydown event to the front of the "list" of events. That way your function is called before SE's default functions.
Otherwise, the message would be sent before the replacement would be made.
That's great
@Doorknob冰 neat, ty
But like, it was hugely popular somehow??
among non-ppcg people
it attracted a lot of people to the site
Tragedy of the HNQ
but it was very bad
Did people submit a trillion questions because lololol le epic trolls
Pretty much
And they all got a million upvotes
:( the internet
From association-bonus-wielding users from other sites
And Grace Note contacted us and was like "Congrats your site is doing awesome you're on track to graduate!"
I wish the association bonus didn't kick in until you actually did something on the site
@AlexA. haha yeah
@AlexA. I saw that post.
And then we never heard from them again
Made me cry
@Doorknob冰 Unsurprising, given the activity graph you posted earlier.
"You're on track to graduate!" Activity tanks.
Haha, but this was waaaay before 10q/day was ever a thing.
If only we'd delayed killing the troll until after graduation...
"You're on track to graduate!" "no, not like this..."
I'm so bad at reading. I have the sandbox open in another tab and I thought the tab text said "Sandbox for Proposed Children."
Ah, this one
Q: What does Code Golf's progress look like right now?

Grace NoteI'm Grace Note, a Community Manager at Stack Exchange. We have a process for how sites go about graduating or sticking around in Beta, but as noted in the comments there, Code Golf is one of two sites that we do not have periodic "Site Evaluations" where we compare questions against the rest of ...

Interestingly, despite the huge popularity of code trolling, since being banned there hasn't been a Code Trolling Beta
@AlexA. !
@trichoplax Do you mean an Area 51 proposed site dedicated to code trolling?
@AlexA. Yes
That would be terrible
Sure would
@AlexA. I'm not certain there hasn't been one of those, but I know there hasn't been one that's got to Beta... :)
i cri evry tim
dat githab activite tho
Yay! More charts with no labels :P
It's GitHub's activity heatmap
It's a lot hotter than mine...
Each square is a day
who is GitHub?
It was my old username
the only reason today is so dark is that i didn't feel like remembering how git worked at 5am today so i just copypasted everything into new files via the site
that's 3 that should have been 1
@Doorknob冰 Basically with the Ruby questions I'm trying to understand Histocrat's answer. It does ->a,*o{a.each_cons(2){...}}, which doesn't make sense to me. If a is a single integer, a.each_cons(2) should be nil, shouldn't it?
A: Cracking the Enigma?

apsillersJavaScript, 40 (c,p)=>c.search(p.replace(/./g,"[^$&]")) Using replace, this maps the plaintext input into a regular expression of form /[^H][^E][^L][^L][^O]/ (e.g., for plaintext input HELLO) and then uses search to test for the first index of the ciphertext substring that matches that regex. ...

Why does this have 12 upvotes
@quartata Answer
When the next solution
Oh, wow, that's a really clever solution! — Doorknob 冰 ♦ 2 hours ago
A: Cracking the Enigma?

geokavelCJam, 17 bytes ll:A,ew{A.=:+}%0# Try it here. Explanation: ll:A,ew e% Finds every slice in the coded message with the length of the word {A.=:+}% e% Compare the characters in each slice to the characters in the word, and add up the result. If the sum is zero, then the slice and the word...

Only has 3?
Sure it's clever but that doesn't mean the other solutions don't deserve upvotes
People vote how they want to vote
I don't think I've ever seen so much of a gap between votes
Try to attach a pattern to it and you'll go bald
Patterns will give me pattern hair loss
Help I'm stuck in irb! Neither exit() nor Ctrl+C kills it D:
Oh, thank you.
That worked.
Why did it work?
Damn Mac scrubs
@AlexA. EOF
@AlexA. EOF chararacter
I know that
Closes STDIN
So it was expecting me to enter something?
an alternate solution would have been "unplug computer"
It's a laptop ;-;
@undergroundmonorail The Windows solution
@AlexA. Yes
@AlexA. it'll still work but it'll take longer
@quartata I ain't no Windows scrub. #maclife
I suppose irb(main):001:0> isn't that obvious of a prompt
Not at all
Oh, lol. I had mismatched parens.
Wow, irb has super not helpful messages
irb is very scrub tier I'll admit
Scrub tier makes non-scrubs tear.
this is my favourite thing on the Free Software Foundation's website
Best Perl REPL: perl -nwe eval
@undergroundmonorail ??
@undergroundmonorail I'm not familiar with the WTFPL license.
Oh I get it
> Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
@undergroundmonorail My favourite part of that is "patent treachery"
@undergroundmonorail oh look, a bug
Empty replies don't work
Best Perl REPL
i thought for sure i had seen empty replies before. must have been pings i guess
@undergroundmonorail It used to be possible to post apparently empty replies, but they fixed that
You mean stealth pings?
Following discussion on Meta, it is no longer acceptable to post answers in languages which are an anagram of REPL
@trichoplax on this day, i finally understand perl's name
It's a Print-Eval-Read loop
It was intended to be "Pearl," but Larry Wall sucks at spelling.
Nov 4 at 23:55, by mınxomaτ
REPL is Perl reversed and shifted left once.
@mınxomaτ Way ahead of me...
Such language will not be tolerated here
@Doorknob冰 Based on some experimentation, doing f=->a,*o{p a} with f.([1,2,3]) prints [1,2,3], whereas f=->a,*o{p o} f.([1,2,3]) prints [].
This room should just be renamed to "Perl Hatred Discussion"
> General discussion for perlhaters.stackexchange.com | abadon all perl, ye who enter here --Alex A.
proposes PerlHaters.SE on Area 51
@AlexA. You joke now, but I want to see your face when PerlHaters.SE graduates before PPCG.
@mınxomaτ AHHHH
strawpoll.me/6404703 serious poll
I think I know why people have shown absolutely no interest in pl
Oh, if only I had made rb instead
@quartata rubbish
I like to hate on Perl but in all seriousness it's not terrible. After having used it for several projects at two different jobs, I find that I prefer other languages.
Like Julia I take it
> I take it like Julia
@quartata I gave it a blind Yay. Might as well
@Optimizer What is wrong with you people
you said the exact same thing yoda style
@quartata Basically every language I know fairly well I prefer to Perl. That sounds harsh but I don't mean it that way.
@Sherlock9 Well, you're the tiebreaker.
I actually want to get everyone to vote on this
It just seems like everyone here hates Perl and I want to see if that is actually true
So far it doesn't seem to be the case strangely
You people are very confusing
Bashing things is more fun than not bashing things
@quartata Because people always answer random internet polls with their true opinion.
I did say "serious poll" before it
@AlexA. That's right. An array is a single argument.
@quartata That makes all the difference :P
I haven't used Perl and have no opinion on it, but there wasn't a box for that
@Doorknob冰 But I thought you said that in ->a,*o{...} called on an array, a would be the first element and o would be the rest of them?
@AlexA. no
I misunderstood
An array is one argument
o is a list of arguments
a is the first argument, o is the remainder
Which are all empty if called with one argument
> Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among men: 1. Penis, 2. Gay ...
@AlexA. yes
@trichoplax Same, really
@Doorknob冰 Okay great. Thanks again!
hey guys! take this poll: strawpoll.me/6404805
@AlexA. histocrat's answer works because when it's called with one argument, a is that argument and o is []. It's basically shorthand for ->a{o=[];...}.
@quintopia That seems pretty conclusive...
So.. Java question - what is the best alternative to Thread Locals?
@trichoplax haha
Hey someone voted for not-that
Why in the world can Ruby access non-existant indices of a list??? And assign to the nth element of an empty list???
i know what psychonauts is but i don't care and double fine has been kind of trash recently
@AlexA. Accessing a too-high element is nil
negative indeces wrap around once, but then they become nil too
But in any other language it's an error
in JS it's undefined
Oh. In languages I like it's an error. :P
in Perl it's undef
> languages I like
in C it's... whatever happens to be there in memory :P
@Doorknob冰 Or a "Fatal Memory Error" when DEP kicks in.
in pl, 31 secs ago, by quartata
I've become re-addicted to Counter Strike which makes coding difficult
or a segfault if you hit the right place
damn you valve
I see Doorknob already ninja'd me on that.
@quartata Which one?
I wish Python would just output None on bad indices
Well, maybe I don't. On second thought, that may not be a good idea vs. the error I get now
Seems useful for golfing but not in practice.
@AlexA. csgo
I hate when I accidentally upvote instead of showing the vote ratio. And I can't undo until edit...
Picked it up in the summer sale.
@mınxomaτ Read first, decide how you feel, vote appropriately, see how others voted. Don't let the opinions of the masses sway your own.
@quartata I don't think I've played that one.
@AlexA. I didn't intend to vote at all. I was curious.
Oh, okay
I played CS (the original) liek years ago
I don't think Steam was even a thing
I've since forgotten everything I knew about the game
So now I'm just a silver scrub getting rekt in the face by smurfs
Fun times
@quartata What in the world does that even mean
@Doorknob冰 I don't know what that means so I voted for waffles.
@AlexA. smurfs = people in global elite who buy alternate accounts so they can play at far lower ranks because apparently playing with scrubs is fun
@AlexA. I love waffles
come on why is everybody voting for waffles why did I put that there
@Doorknob冰 "Scheduled events" does not answer "what is a New Year's party in TNB"
@Doorknob冰 You've only yourself to blame
@AlexA. Waffles, however, does accurately answer the question.
@Doorknob冰 so far it's unanimous
@AlexA. I've never used the event schedule kajigger in chat but it looks fancy so I want to do a thing with it
Q: I spy with my little eye a number beginning with n++

Digital TraumaIf you have ever travelled with kids more than about 20 minutes, you will have no doubt heard cries of "Are we there yet?" and "How much further?" So we play games like "I Spy" to help pass the time as the miles go by. There is a variation on "I Spy" whereby instead of spotting arbitrary named ...

Just like when I get Rick Astley stuck in my head. It's always my fault because I was rickrolling someone.
49 secs ago, by Alex A.
@Doorknob冰 You've only yourself to blame
basically, waffles are delicious
Waffles or pancakes
Let the flame war begin
anyway, do what you want, but i'll be too busy getting slowly pissed with friends and board games
@AlexA. Both
And french toast too
@Doorknob冰 Honestly, I'm surprised you even provided yes and no as options. It's fairly obvious that waffles is the correct answer.
I suppose they're trick answers
also, I think the acronym for this room should be 0x13 instead of TNB. it's less ambiguous.
So, waffles at midnight it is
hi againn
> waffles at midnight
Q: Return prime factorization of a number

towcYes, this is old and probably very simple, but I really want to be mindblown by things that I thought were obvious, so here's the challenge: You're given a positive integer as the input and you need to output the exponents of all of the prime factors up to the highest factor in base 36 ( 0, 1, 2...

@xnor hi
@Doorknob冰 Surprisingly relevant :)
But already taken...
haha seriously?
wow I am impressed
i have a tumblr post with 17k notes and i hate it
i have made so many funnier posts
@undergroundmonorail Some of the chat messages I'm least proud of have the most stars
Dammit base conversion doesn't work the way I thought it did in Jelly
@trichoplax like that one?
@DJMcMayhem Hmmm...
hi @Sherlock9
i'm ripping the welcome to night vale novel to mp3
The novel or the audiobook?
the audiobook version of the novel
(being read aloud makes it no less a novel, you know)
Haha, I guess you're right.
this must be the longest I have ever waited for an answer on codegolf.... people are tired after christmas! :)
there's not enough time! there's no time at all!
@quintopia what do you mean?
@dorothy the question is very confusing. could you include a fully worked example?
@quintopia what is this, stack exchange?
@DJMcMayhem ...Yes
@dorothy In particular, your example skips a vital step: Now look at all 2^2 different possible vectors x. For each one we compute Mx and put all the results in an array. What are the different vectors? What are all the results?
so WTNV takes 10 discs...i have to go to work without finishing the rip :/

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