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@El'endiaStarman that's cool
Okay, back to work on Spacewar!...
@Doorknob冰 The only problem with scrolling in vim using j and k is that if I forget that I'm in insert mode, I just get a line of jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Do question-askers get a notification when an answer is edited? I don't think they do...
@El'endiaStarman No they don't
I'd have like 1000000 more notifications
^ probably for that reason
I might be an idiot, but can subclasses call a parent's private methods in Java? I'm almost sure they can, but eclipse says I should change it to public.
Does Java have protected?
Private methods are not inherited by subclasses
yeah, you have to use protected
It does, but I'm asking for future knowledge reasons.
@Maltysen Coolio. Thanks.
A: Difference between public, default, protected, and private?

David SegondsThe official tutorial may be of some use to you. | Class | Package | Subclass | World ————————————+———————+—————————+——————————+——————— public | y | y | y | y ————————————+———————+—————————+——————————+——————— protected | y | y | y | n ———...

for ages and ages i thought the line in uptown funk was "coolio, get the stretch!"
@Maltysen This is excellent
For ages and ages I thought the line in uptown funk was "Stop, wait a minute; here's my cup, hock a loogie in it."
jeezy creezy
@AlexA. have you noticed the "no modifier", you get access inside the package, but not in the subclass or anywhere outside its package.
I don't know enough Java to know what that means
@AlexA. the package is like a library of classes (just a folder of java files for the classes), you can inherit a class from it outside that library
Oh, okay. That makes sense.
hi all
@AlexA. class MyThread extends java.lang.Thread { /** cannot access private or no-modifier methods of Thread in here **/ }
@dorothy Hello!
how things in ppcg world?
@dorothy We're not in Kansas anymore, are we? (I'm so sorry)
@FlagAsSpam it's funny because I am the only person called dorothy left on Earth
otherwise it wouldn't be funny
Side note: I can't follow the link to your profile.
Things in the world of PPCG are pretty good now that we've melted the Wicked Witch of the West.
@AlexA. I don't know what it means but well done
Have you not seen The Wizard of Oz?
not recently
I have mathematical code-golf idea however
Water + Wicked Green Witch Lady = melted Wicked Witch of the West
which might take you 2 minutes..or not
Ooh, fancy. :D
Do tell.
@dorothy That's great!
Consider a matrix M with 2 rows and n columns over integers given as the inpput. Now consider a fully random vector x whose values are either -1 or 1. The task is to compute the base 2 Shannon entropy of Mx
I will set my clock now :)
@AlexA. is this room family-friendly, should I avoid specific words or topics ? my first time here
@dorothy :O
@KhaledAKhunaifer yes
@KhaledAKhunaifer This room is very not family-friendly - kid tested, mother disapproved.
@KhaledAKhunaifer We're a generally tolerant bunch in here. That said, best to keep things at least a bit in check. ;)
@dorothy Gotta look up Shannon entropy. :D
@FlagAsSpam right but I find if a chat room descends into obscenity then quickly all interesting topics of conversation disappear
@FlagAsSpam so it's just not a good idea
ask one, get triple shot
@dorothy We're friendly - just not family friendly.
@FlagAsSpam :)
The Nineteenth Byte is actually one of the friendlist chat rooms in the network that I've seen.
Despite the amount of profanity that ends up in here :P
@AlexA. true
oh, I see how Shannon Entropy works
@AlexA. but that's because they are horrible elsewhere :)
The profanity just isn't aimed at anyone, which is the important distinction.
if you are referring to the name, this goes in a different way
@AlexA. I slightly disagree. That is important for friendliness. But I have also observed that there is a slippery slope where everything just becomes puerile then no one likes to discuss interesting problems any more
@dorothy does base2 refer to the log being base 2, or the output being in base 2?
The nineteenth byte .. you know the nineteenth circle of hell
@Maltysen log being base 2
the output is not base 2
do you have a test case?
Log is an ability that can let you walk on exponents like a ladder
@Maltysen yes :) take the 2 by 2 identity matrix
@Maltysen the output should be 2
I'm assuming x is two tall?
@Maltysen yes
@dorothy Heh, "puerile" is a pretty good word to describe how things go in here sometimes, with or without profanity. It's often been observed that this room rarely stays on the topic of code golf (or even vaguely related matters), though most are usually willing to engage in a good relevant discussion. :)
so I have to calculate all four permutations for Mx, and use that to find the shannon entropy?
@Maltysen well that is one way to do it, yes
@AlexA. so it's okay to discuss anything, while keeping the discussion scientific?
@Maltysen when n = 2
but n can be anything, right?
@Maltysen yes.. but let's say < 30 to make life easy
@KhaledAKhunaifer that would be my vote
but there will always only be 4 permuations right?
is x a row or column vector?
@Maltysen of Mx? No. The two elements of Mx will be in the range -n to n
@KhaledAKhunaifer The discussion doesn't have to stay scientific. As I said, this room rarely stays on the topic of the site it's dedicated to.
@Maltysen column
one great thing about this room as that people are willing to talk to new people
@dorothy you realize how big is "anything", if the universe is infinite, so is "anything" domain.
unlike many other chat room
@KhaledAKhunaifer I said < 30 :)
@dorothy what does 30 refer to ?
@Maltysen Congrats! \o/
@KhaledAKhunaifer Likely 30 base 10
@KhaledAKhunaifer Dorothy was referring to a bound on n in the problem she discussed, whereas I think you were talking about the topic of the room being anything.
and it was worth it! Kubuntu is awesome
when someone says "NB" followed by a comment, what does NB mean in that context
@FlagAsSpam I wanted to ask, what is on the left side when you said, < 30
@Maltysen So what differentiates Kubuntu from Ubuntu? Or any other flavor of Linux?
@undergroundmonorail I think it just means "the following is a comment"
weird how none of those words begin with N or B though
I think (think) it's Latin
can we make it into advertising for chat
Ninteenth Byte
i almost had a joke but i couldn't land it
Nota bene (/ˈnoʊtə ˈbɛneɪ/, /ˈnoʊtə ˈbɛni/ or /ˈnoʊtə ˈbiːni/; plural form notate bene) is a Latin phrase meaning "note well". The phrase first appeared in English writing circa 1711. Often abbreviated as "N.B.", "N.b." or "n.b.", nota bene comes from the Latin roots notāre ("to note") and bene ("well"). It is in the singular imperative mood, instructing one individual to note well the matter at hand. In present-day English, it is used, particularly in legal papers, to draw the attention of the reader to a certain (side) aspect or detail of the subject on hand, translating it as "pay attention...
cool, ty
My pleasure
@AlexA. Kubuntu = ubuntu + KDE
@Maltysen So KDE in place of the Unity interface?
I rather like Unity, but I don't spend enough time in the world of Linux to have too much of a preference.
this is funny .. Ubuntu can switch to KDE without having to install Kubuntu distro
@KhaledAKhunaifer the max size of n
@Maltysen to be clear.. x has n elements
it's been minutes and no one has produced an answer yet! :)
@dorothy Why do I get a Page Not Found error when I try to go to your page on Math.SE?
@dorothy Did you know that you can reply directly to a message? When you hover over a message, a downward arrow will appear on the left side of it. Clicking that brings up a menu from which you can select "reply to this message." Similarly, the little arrow button on the right side of the message replies.
@FlagAsSpam no idea .. I am not a .se dev :)
@AlexA. ah yes.. thanks
@AlexA. it's just slightly more annoying as I have to use the mouse each time
there's a userscript for that!!
i'll find it real quick
doorknob made it
Note that they're Vim style shortcuts though. Consider yourself warned. :P
although if @@username just replied to the last comment of person username that would be better
that would be sick actually
where sick == good?
It does, but it doesn't show it as a linked reply.
For example:
@undergroundmonorail Hi
@AlexA. hello
When you hover over my message it highlights monorail's last message
@AlexA. that's what I meant.. if double @@ made it a linked reply
@@ is reserved for moderator "super pings."
@AlexA. well ok.. some other simple sequence of symbols :)
is @ a legal character in usernames
if not: @alexa@
i never realized that if you don't capitalize the second a it just looks like "alexa"
@undergroundmonorail the problem with using "sick" like that is that it locates you at a certain date and location :)
these slang terms for good don't last long
Early 2000s US, perhaps?
i also say "rad"
i don't even think i was alive when rad was cool
When was "rad" cool? The 80s?
sounds right to me
i was born in 1996 for the record
I spend my entire life feeling young until I enter The Nineteenth Byte and am surrounded by people several years my junior.
my chrome dev tools are frozen but the page itself is running fine
oh, there we go, it fixed itself
@Maltysen Yay!
what do i do if i want to use code from an MIT licensed project
@undergroundmonorail Cite.
Waitno. I actually have no clue. xD
'Twas mostly a joke.
It should work though. c:
@undergroundmonorail You have to include the MIT license from that project with your project IIRC
okay that's easy enough
The MIT license requires attribution in the form of a fully reproduced license
i'll look up specifics though
Good idea
How does the sandbox have 5 rep?
No one knows
Except probably Doorknob
Read: I don't know, ask Doorknob
@Doorknob冰 ^
chat goes silent as we await the mighty doorknob
hey doorknob i'm stealing code from you but it's okay because i'll include the MIT licence with it
this is not my javascript console
Q: Boxed character regions

rink.attendant.6Given an input string, determine the number of regions that a page will be split into. Consider the letter P. It has one enclosed region within the letter. Assume that each letter splits the page by one or more regions (i.e. a box is drawn around the character). Input A string of 0 or more cha...

// i don't know what this means but doorknob's code has it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my comments are helpful
that didn't work
curse you, unmatched parens
test post please ignore
^ that one worked!
i wrote a userscript that changes anything you send to SE chat into "test post please ignore"
So, uh, I wrote some additional code that runs the Spacewar! KotH as fast as possible. 20 games now take a whopping 8 seconds, instead of 30 minutes. :D :D
The Nineteenth Byte
test test
@test@ test
that does not work. okay.
The 64-bit name of God
oh shit i'm not very smart
i wrote old.split(" ");
i meant old.split(" ")[0];
@test@ test
that still does not work
The many are one, the one are many
@test@ test
So...what is it doing?
I mean, what did you see on success?
that is the success condition
(And what is it supposed to do when you finish?)
oh, lolz
i was just checking to see if it would notice what i was doing.
ahh, gotcha
eventually i'll be able to say "@El'endiaStarman@ hello" and it will become ":26496581 hello"
or whatever your most recent message's id was
That actually did not ping me. Interesting. ...or rather, it did, but it's not highlighted.
Test "@undergroundmonorail@ hi".
jquery is hard
What's hard is having a conversation with a 12-year-old who's trying to lecture you on why IQ makes you inherently smarter than everyone else whilst trying to point out that there's no way in hell that it guarantees anything and it's an outdated test that proves nothing. ಠ_ಠ
function messageAuthor(message) {
    return message.parent().parent().children('.signature').children('.username').text().replace(/ /g, '');
am i good at code yet
Yes, of course. c:
@FlagAsSpam Tell that 12-year-old that the original point, and basically the only thing it's good for, is to test for mental disabilities, and as a test for measuring intelligence, it's about as good as a meter stick for measuring parsecs.
Despite my opinion on this, I did become a member of Mensa anyway, so take that with a grain of salt
@Sherlock9 Said it already.
I told him to go to bed.
@Sherlock9 GG. :D
I could be wrong on the point of IQ test. Doing some research to correct myself, if needed.
what was the view about my challenge?
too mathsey?
@FlagAsSpam Yeah, a friend invited me and I was interested in the community at the time, but I haven't had any time to attend any gatherings in the two months since I signed up.
@dorothy Test cases, please
@Sherlock9 I gave one :) I can give more though
how do you typeset a matrix in ppcg? I don't think latex works
Must have missed that when I was reading through chat. Let me look again
@dorothy Pictures.
@undergroundmonorail test
i can't believe that actually worked
@FlagAsSpam Pictures??
@dorothy I am going to guess 1 or 0
We don't have MathJax/Latex writing in PPCG.
@FlagAsSpam but we do on meta
which is weird
Because the end result is a 2xn x nx1= 2x1 matrix and the Shannon entropy of two symbols is 1 or 0, depending on whether the two integers in the 2x1 matrix are different or the same.
@El'endiaStarman you have a space in your username so i'm using you as a test subject. sorry.
i cannot believe that this is working
@Sherlock9 please let me know if anything is unclear
Are all the members of M from {-1,1} as well?
@Sherlock9 hmm... I don't mind. What do you think?
does it make it easier?
i found a bug
@Sherlock9 changed it to +-1
if the user you're trying to reply to doesn't have a message on the page, it loops forever and gets stuck
could people please take a look at meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7851/21585 and tell if you see any problems
@undergroundmonorail are you implementing the idea we discussed before?
@dorothy yeah!
i don't recommend using it yet
1 min ago, by undergroundmonorail
if the user you're trying to reply to doesn't have a message on the page, it loops forever and gets stuck
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

dorothyTitle Computing the entropy Input A matrix M represented as two space separated lines of integers. Each line will have the same number of integers and each integer will be either -1 or 1. The number of integers per line will be at most 20. Output The binary Shannon entropy of Mx where the el...

@dorothy No, I was just wondering since your test cases only use that
I'm still a little confused, but I think I'm getting somewhere towards an answer
i think i found the bug
Turns out that waifu is now real.
@@newsandboxedposts@@ hello
@Sherlock9 great!
@@NewSandboxedPosts@@ hello
@undergroundmonorail that's awesome!
@@dorothy@@ i might have broken it
@undergroundmonorail I don't know what you're doing here.
...no wait
hang on
everything still works i just forgot the syntax
i defined
like a minute ago
@dorothy this should work
and it does
@NewSandboxedPosts hello
So... you're doing regex fixes?
there's only one regex in the whole thing
.replace(/ /g, '')
Alrighty then.
@dorothy Never mind. Brain shut down. I don't get how to calculate Shannon entropy for a matrix
It is 4 AM now.
I'm sleeping.
Night all.
@undergroundmonorail nor do I!
Night @FlagAsSpam
it's almost five in the morning
Q: Computing the entropy

dorothyInput A matrix M represented as two space separated lines of integers. Each line will have the same number of integers and each integer will be either -1 or 1. The number of integers per line will be at most 20. Output The binary Shannon entropy of Mx where the elements of x are uniformly and...

i just realized that all the ==s in my code should probably be ===
oh well who gives a hoot
@undergroundmonorail That would use more characters.
Does anyone here have a powerful computer I could 'borrow' for a day?
I've written some C code for generating a Seed for Hello, World!, but it will take ~24 days on my budget laptop.
And I can't leave my laptop on too long or system processes steal my clock cycles.
Q: What are best practices for compile-time variables?

wizzwizz4I have written a program in C to generate Seed programs from a Befunge program. It is a very long, brute force calculation. So that it can be heavily optimised, the input variables are hardcoded using Macros. However, I was wondering if there was a better way to do this. Here's the Mersenne Twis...

you can tell it is holiday season... 1 upvote, no downvotes and no answers and > 20 minutes has passed :)
Does anyone have a spare computer that could run some code for a day?
It doesn't have to be really powerful...
@wizzwizz4 amazon?
Does amazon run executables?
Guys. This code will find a Hello, World program in Seed in a reasonable amount of time. I've just got a really rubbish laptop. If anyone has a gaming Desktop, it should only take a few hours.
@wizzwizz4 in which language?
@yeti C
i could try to run it at SDF
2,4GHz octa-core netbsd7
Memory: 11M Act, 1095M Inact, 4K Wired, 13M Exec, 1087M File, 13G Free
Swap: 8197M Total, 61M Used, 8135M Free
My program hardly uses any memory.
The source code is in the question I asked on codereview. It's currently set up for the Hello, World program.
@home the fastest box is an old 32bit-dual-xeon with 2.8GHz
but i'd need to dedust ist and update debian
I've only got 2.16GHz / 2159MHz on a Windows 10.
And Windows / Norton hog most of the CPU if I leave it on for more than 15mins.
Here's a gist containing all the source:
I'll ive it a try on SDF (netbsd)
Thank you!
dedusting the xeon probably will take longer than the speed gain is worth
Well... I did a rough calculation and on my machine it was to take at most 24 days.
However, I used the wrong figures.
I recommend running it for 1 min then pressing ^C.
Then you know it's approx. speed.
not a single warning when compiling
That's what I hoped.
There isn't meant to be room for the null at the end of the program string.
That usually throws a warning...
~/wizwiz$ date ; time ./seed ; date
Wed Dec 30 11:04:29 UTC 2015
Have you got its speed? Or are you just going to run it.
Because there is a small possibility that it might run forever if it doesn't find the right seed after going through all the possible values of the unsigned long.
But that failure probably won't happen; people have said that it is probably possible for a Hello, World program to exist.
And I've set that program up with the smallest known, and probably smallest possible, Hello, World program in Befunge.
i just started it
I'm waiting increasingly faster
need some distration to prevent me looking every other minute for results
Here's a distraction:
Q: Analyse your Chair

wizzwizz4This challenge is based on Downgoat's Adjust your chair. Challenge You just adjusted your new chair! It fits you perfectly. However, the wheel is squeaky and you know the repair people will change the adjustment. Problem is, you don't have a ruler, so you'll have to write a program to measure i...

search hello world in PI?
not the chair...
If you don't want the chair, you could try
Q: Map string to Hilbert curve

wizzwizz4Let's map some strings to 2d space, fractal style. Your task is to compute a Hilbert curve and lay a string along it. Task The task is to take the single-line input string, and lay it out along a Hilbert curve big enough to contain it, but no bigger. Try to make the byte count as low as possi...

I'm regularily frustrated by code-golf challenges
So am I actually. But people seem to like them.
in most cases optimising for speed or small size yields ugly code... and I like beautifull algorithms or code...
People often take the approach of unless that wouldn't work, in which case some form of , probably . And then they criticize people when they don't.
less golfing and more of the other types of challenge would be good... definitely
Yes. Yes it would.
> optimising for speed [...] yields ugly code
You're doing it wrong then.
maybe I should switch to rosetta code... coding for fun and beauty without competition would be ok for me...
But there aren't many challenges like that :-(
@mınxomaτ no... optimizing for speed trashed the beauty of an algorithm...
@yeti No it doesn't. You select a language that fit's the task and optimize only hotspots. Speed optimizations only yield ugly code if you use the wrong language and tools.
I use Pyth for everything golfy and JavaScript for everything pretty. C is for Speed.
@mınxomaτ your opinion... mine differs
can we end this discussion now?
BROWSER WARS!!! (But seriously, no.)
@yeti Is it still running? Has it finished yet?
No. Don't answer that.
Please answer it!!! No, I know what the answer will be. It can't have finished yet.
@wizzwizz4 It is running on 2 different machines at SDF
just in case of somethin weird happening...
why not search hello world in pi?
@yeti Because Seed is fun. And I already have a digit extraction algorithm for pi.

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