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^ good idea!
There's also this:
Just prefix any message with !http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?
^ even better!
yeah but you have to escape everything
Yes, unfortunately...
\ == %5C, <space> == %20, and I think that's all you have to escape
@TanMath ok.
Chat really need a dedicated md tag to allow unescaped URLs.
Chat needs... a lot of things
we should just use miaou
Q: When is code that requires a REPL acceptable?

trichoplaxQuestion in brief: For what challenge types and in what circumstances should code that requires a REPL be acceptable in an answer? There seems to be an understanding in chat that code that only works in a REPL is not valid as an answer, but I can't find any consensus here on meta to back this ...

Thank you, @NewMetaPosts.
@TanMath convert from the first to the second (image below)
yeah but are we just removing the parens?
(2^2)^3 is 64
@Cyoce i did not get your last suggestion, how am I to use it?
I keep reading 05AB1E as "Osable". :P
@Maltysen I thought that said "parents" for a moment and I was wondering why we were removing parents.
2^2^3 is 2^8 is 256
got it
So, remove the parens and then calculate it?
Remove the patents
@El'endiaStarman Haha, I've never heard that one before :p
It's headcanon now. I'mma keep saying it that way. :P
(And then, of course, I will inevitably try to search for "Osable" and fail...)
@El'endiaStarman calculate 2 to the 2^3 vs calculate 2^2 to the 3
@RikerW Yeah, but what's the input?
@Adnan I keep reading it as 05AB1E, i.e. "zero five A B one E."
Also, yay Fanatic!
@El'endiaStarman Congrats!
The expression as (x^y)^z
@AlexA. lol, I don't even know how to pronounce it
So that is also correct :p
output is the same expression reworded as x^y^z, not evaluated.
So, just removing parentheses.
@mınxomaτ You should make codegolf.xyz/chat link here and codegolf.xyz/miaou link to dystroy.org/miaou/1216. (Idea is @Maltysen's; I can't take credit)
Where is your math skills?
s/is/are/ or s/skills/skill/
If there's no evaluation to be done, there's no math to be done.
Pyth 4 bytes: -z`
@El'endiaStarman No, 2^2^3 is 256, (2^2)^3 is 64
Is this what you are talking about:
@RikerW Is input given as the string (2^2)^3 and ouput expected to be 2^2^3?
Or, are you saying we should be taking input as 64 and outputting 256?
Input: Yes.
Output, no, it should be an expression in the form x^y^z that evaluates to 64 still.
Oh, that's a very important detail.
So is 64^1^1 valid?
Yes, but I think I will close that loophole.
I was thinking like 2^3^2.
So it's just "the first number has to be the same"?
@El'endiaStarman Question about your clock challenge. For an input of 5, shouldn't the result be 3 instead of 4? 2*3 = 6 = 1 (mod 5).
Okay, so 2^9^1 is valid
Converting (2^3)^4 to 2^3^2.26185951?
@AlexA. 2^3 = 8 === 3 mod 5.
Got it.
@AlexA. its modular log, not division
@AlexA. Is that thing still in use?
got the challenge now...
@Calvin'sHobbies Woah, change your hat pls.
@Calvin'sHobbies Currently 6 people in it
@PhiNotPi Either that or 2^12^1
@El'endiaStarman wow such dumb, very me ;-; thx
any seriously people here?
Serious people? No. Seriously people? Idk.
Serious? Yes. Seriously? Maybe.
DANGIT. Ninja'd.
> meme-sniped
I feel like this should be a Standard Meme That Is No Longer Funny
Seriously people, ok?
Oh, references to the language called Seriously? We should just hack into GitHub and change the name.
@Doorknob冰 Seriously?
@El'endiaStarman sigh
@Doorknob冰 are you seriously sighing?
If "seriously" is lowercase then we know it's just an adverb.
@Doorknob冰 FWIW I entirely agree with this
now seriously, does anyone know how to do a for loop in Seriously?
Is there no ReadTheDocs, README.md, or other such documentation for Seriously?
there is.. but how do I do a for loop?
@TanMath you do it seriously, not playfully
@Maltysen huh??!!
can we be seriously serious?
@TanMath Is that not covered in the documentation?
@AlexA. no... there is no for loop command
I want a for loop code
Well, oftentimes, such loops are achieved in another way.
Like looping over a list of some sort.
(I mean, that is how for loops are done in Python...)
I'm sure Mego has answered questions in Seriously where he had to do something like a for loop.
It could also be that a while loop is the way to do a for loop.
maybe @quintopia knows...
...how curious.
> No one may edit it without incurring some wrath.
> Anyone may edit it without incurring some wrath.
The meaning of "without" changed!
Of course Mathematica has a built-in for this. :P — El'endia Starman 7 mins ago
And it's only four times as long as the Jelly answer. >:-D
I wonder if I could do this shorter in Befunge... :P
How might I test this? — El'endia Starman 11 mins ago
Using Haskell
In other news, I'm bad at reading.
I probably should have failed out of elementary school.
Haskell was my primary source of headache during the PLQ.
Well, I've tried maybe three different online environments and couldn't manage to figure out how to test it.
A: Is this number a prime?

mınxomaτHTML+CSS, 299+MAX*28 bytes This exploits some features in the mozilla rendering engine for CSS styles. The size of the code depends on the maximum number that you want to have checked. Since I found no specification for this (minimal) maximum in the challenge, this entry is probably non-competin...

For the lolz.
@El'endiaStarman I'm pretty sure we're looking at a function. Did you add boilerplate?
I don't know any Haskell, so..
@AlexA. I think I know what you're talking about.
At least, not enough to know what to do.
@BlockCoder1392 wat?
@BlockCoder1392 hellooooooooo
Seriously? (pun intended)
Please don't start.
@BlockCoder1392 Pyth.
@RikerW Jelly
@BlockCoder1392 Cjam
@RikerW pl
@RikerW TeaScript
@RikerW Well, looks to me like you continued...
@El'endiaStarman No, the seriously fad not golfing langs
@BlockCoder1392 Brainfu**k
@RikerW that's not a golfing language. jolf
It beats Java.
@BlockCoder1392 Japt, Hexagony.
@Dennis About to ninja me, but I stopped and didn't send it.
@RikerW Ostrich
@BlockCoder1392 PlatyPar
@BlockCoder1392 :D
<shameless what="self-promotion">
A: Sign that word!

DennisBrainfuck, 40 bytes ,[>>+>>,]<<[[<<]>>[-[<]>>[.<<->]>+>>]<<] This uses the counting sort algorithm, which makes this an O(n) solution. The code requires a left-infinite or wrapping tape of 8 bit cells. Try it online! How it works , Read a char from STDIN. [ While the byte ...

Actually, depending on the task at hand, it can beat a lot of things.
@RikerW Matl
@Dennis Innocent mod abuse amuses me greatly
@BlockCoder1392 Flogscript
@RikerW Retina
@BlockCoder1392 APL
@AlexA. What closing tags?
@RikerW Flogscript sounds painful.
@BlockCoder1392 Dangit, that was next.
@Dennis </shameless what="self-promotion">
@BlockCoder1392 Cyan
@RikerW :D
@RikerW Pip
@BlockCoder1392 lilypond
@BlockCoder1392 Weird. I don't see that anywhere.
@Dennis Me neither. @BlockCoder1392 are you hallucinating?
@BlockCoder1392 Not there either.
MOD ABUSE!!!1!!!one!!1
@BlockCoder1392 Really, hallucinations in hallucinations. Do you need a doctor?
@BlockCoder1392 Good.
Nice try
@Doorknob冰 That's rich coming from you.
Speaking of mods, the Vim mod broke my send button, @Doorknob冰.
@BlockCoder1392 how old are you? I don't mean to be a stalker, but you have block languages in your name.
@Dennis Why would you click the send button when you can press enter?
I am younger than @Doorknob冰, so there.
Force of habit.
@El'endiaStarman I concede your point. :P
It works for posting messages, but it destroys edits.
Oh. Just... uhhh... don't do it, then.
Actually I think I know why
@BlockCoder1392 did you mean '…'?
I have it hit the "cancel edit" button onblur
so I should... maybe save the edit, and then an onmousedown on "send" should restore it? hmm
Epic Fail then @Doorknob冰.
@RikerW I have no built in unicodes
Okay, maybe I should revamp this whole thing. The clear message on esc "feature" (a chat feature, not from sevichat) is annoying enough anyway
@Doorknob冰 Pls change the shortcut to turn it on. It doesn't really work often for me.
The "cancel editing" button should be "on-esc," not "on-blur."
@RikerW You mean Ctrl+O?
@Doorknob冰 Yes, it doesn't work for me.
What do you mean, doesn't work? Which browser?
I tried rebooting the script, browser, computer, wifi, and house power. (the last two were a power outage. :P)
ctrl o does open
Chrome 47 on Mac.
It should work in Chrome. You're pressing Ctrl+O from within the input text box, yeah?
Also note that it's ctrl and not cmd
@Doorknob冰 Okay, this is weird. ctrl o does nothing, but ctrl + o does it. ?????
... what?
like with the + or = key.
um what okay that's really bizarre
Still no works
As in, {press ctrl} {press +} {press o} {release all}?
@Doorknob冰 Yes. I don't get it. (goes and leaves the universe cause confusion)
Even ctrl+o no works
@RikerW That's really weird
@Doorknob冰 What have you done to my computer???????
@BlockCoder1392 ... er, did you install the userscript?
That is fine. I don't really care.
@RikerW Uh no, I'd like to know why this is so I can fix it :P
Ctrl+O is a little unintuitive anyway
Maybe I should change it
What does ctrl-o do?
@Calvin'sHobbies It's the activation key for my sevichat userscript.
@Calvin'sHobbies but for me only ctrl-+-o works. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
like literally
> {press ctrl} {press +} {press o} {release all}
@Doorknob冰 Here is the snippet from my userscript (the one I am running, should be the same as yours).
I have sevichat now
for i in range(10000):
exec "smash(head,desk)"
What's with the exec?
2/10 not very golfy
@Dennis No, @Doorknob冰's userscript (the chat shortcuts one) should activate with ctrl-o
On my computer in only activates with ctrl-+-o
Like literally, control, plus, o
I get that. More importantly, why exec "smash(head,desk)" and not smash(head,desk)?
Q: Output ASCII of Motörhead

rybo111In memory of Lemmy, outout ASCII art in your chosen language of the word Motörhead (note the second O with umlaut) using spades, skulls, or whatever you deem appropriate.

ugh... I just hit cd<tab> instead of cd<space><tab> and I got shot back to my home directory and now I have to type in a really long path again
@Dennis cause stupidity.
@Doorknob冰 I have shortcuts built into .bash_profile. :P
@TanMath either use W, n, or map over a range.
@quintopia Wat?
@quintopia reply button exists for a reason >_<
@Doorknob冰 its really hard to reply to the transcript from mobile. he'll figure it out.
@Doorknob冰 Alternatively, Esc, R.
@Doorknob冰 I remember when @AlexA. said that to me my first time in chat. :P
@NewMainPosts Thank you, @NewMainPosts.
Oops, cat on computer.
That's never a problem with my dogs. ^_^
... I accidentally hit "r" in my browser's console on SE chat and discovered an object called rehattify.
What's the rarest hat?
Auld Lang Syne
'scuse me?
@Doorknob冰 lol
@El'endiaStarman That has happened with one of my dogs actually.
... I have preventDefault, stopPropagation, and return false in both the keydown and keypress listeners for <esc>, and the chat's default behavior still happens. I don't know what to try now. (@Dennis)
I think I'm going to peruse the chat's JavaScript.
Link to the chat api pls?
There is no chat API
@Doorknob冰 I though somebody said there was?
To prevent it from clearing the message box?
Plodding through minified JS is so much fun
@RikerW Basic API - paste this into your url bar: javascript:$('#input').val('Hello, world!');$('#sayit-button').click();
Hello, world!
That's not an API :P
@Doorknob冰 Did you try jQuery?
@Dennis I did, actually!
$('#input').unbind() should remove everything.
Yup, not even Enter submits anymore.
... I mean, I guess I could do some hacky stuff like that...
Oh, at least that'll tell me whether <esc> clearing is on keydown or keypress.
(with .off('keydown'), refresh, .off('keypress'))
Hey, that would also remove those pesky arrow keys.
Okay, esc clears on keydown.
a.bind("keydown",function(e){var t=!1;if(229!=e.which){switch(Oi=Oi&&(38==e.which||40==e.which),e.which){case 13:e.shiftKey||s||(Ct(),t=!0);break;case 27:a.val()||ei.clear(),T(),t=!0;break;
It is really great and does all things.
did it work?
Okay, what. $('#input').keydown(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }) intercepts everything but <esc> and <return>.
are you adding that after you go into edit mode?
maybe the escape and enter binding is put on after entering edit mode
@Doorknob冰 they are bound here
but is that code executed after you enter edit mode?
what's edit mode?
when you start editing
idk if that's what its actually called
oh nvm I'm stupid
Q: jQuery bind event listener before another

sennettUsing the prettyPhoto plugin to open modal-style content containers, and trying to integrate with Google Analytics' Event Tracking to track when videos get opened. Trouble is, when I $('a.videoClickListener').click(function(event){ console.log('here'); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Produc...

$('#input').on('keydown', function(e) { console.log(this.value); }).data('events').keydown.unshift($('#input').data('events').keydown.pop());
okay, this works
Okay, anyway, a fix for input clearing on clicking "send" is coming shortly. :P

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