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> An obfuscated format where the small numbers indicate the positions where the large digits should be placed. In this reading, 0 is used at positions 2 and 5, 1 is used on position 3, etc.; the result being 20130227
Oh, that's actually really interesting.
did you really need to look that up? ;)
... maaaaybe >.>
Would you have to use Super/sub Script? or are you not that mean?
I was thinking ASCII grid
2 3 1 4
0 1 2 3 7
5   6   8
not exactly sure what to do with more than 3 occurrences of a digit though
You could say "half the digits on top and half on the bottom"
(and when there's an odd number, the extra goes wherever you want)
1111-11-11 will be an interesting test case
It might get ugly-ish if the string is more than 10 chars long, though
Could you use those Weird Stacked ascii letters that mess up every text box every created?
I'm not even sure I'd focus on dates. this doesn't really have anything to do with dates in particular.
That's what I was about to say, yeah
I might sandbox this tomorrow or so
anyway, time to post sierpinski...
Oh, I just noticed you became Darth Büttner. Nice :P
finally a hat that looks alright ;)
Noooo it covers up your pretty face :(
I want to put my handsome face on here but I also want to continue the block of whatever thing
maybe I can change into a block that has my face on all sides?
Squish your head into a cube-shape, then take a picture.
(should probably put legal disclaimers of some sort on that)
what... is that
Don't tell me you've never seen Tron
@Rainbolt Block of whatever thing? You mean Minecraft Ice?
@JimmyJazzx It's seasonal. Right now I'm a block of ice for the winter
@Doorknob冰 ಠ_ಠ
Q: Help, I'm trapped in a Sierpinski triangle!

Martin BüttnerDrawing the Sierpinski triangle has been done to death. There's other interesting things we can do with it though. If we squint hard enough at the triangle, we can view upside-down triangles as nodes of a fractal graph. Let's find our way around that graph! First, let's assign a number to each n...

@NewMainPosts ponders on speed/size tradeoffs
@Doorknob冰 if you want to store the entire tree as a graph in memory, you'll need more than 5 seconds to set it up, I think.
Yes, probably
my reference implementation doesn't use a lot of memory either.
something hard
That was there when I logged in
I posted an alternative on Alex's "increase reputation for challenges" proposal: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7741/18487
@MartinBüttner Dang that's a good challenge.
Then I realized right after I posted that +15 means 13.3 votes and you hit the rep cap
@BrainSteel Thank you :) (cc @Doorknob冰)
We need another proposal for eliminating the rep cap on PPCG
@MartinBüttner Out of curiosity, why 1743392200 as the upper bound?
@Rainbolt no
And maybe a translation mechanism so that PPCG reputation is worth less than reputation from other sites, due to inflation
@BrainSteel 10 layers, I think
Like a reputation exchange
> Note that this corresponds to 20 levels of the tree.
@BrainSteel yeah, it's exactly 20 layers. 21 layers would exceed 2^31
@Doorknob冰 Ah, right, the layers get exponentially bigger. One more layer might be a problem.
Looks like I have some serious thinking to do.
a really useful feature for regex would be non-local alternation. i.e. an equivalent of a?bc? which would require that either a or c is actually matched.
Like (abc?)|(a?bc)
Excuse my awful regex skills - I probably used the wrong symbols
Q: Find the number in the Champernowne constant

AdnanIntroduction In base 10, the Champernowne constant is defined by concatenating representations of successive integers. In base 10: 0.1234567891011121314151617... and so on. You can see that the first appearence of 15 starts at the 20th decimal: Position 000000000111111111122222222223333333...

@Rainbolt hm, I wasn't quite clear whether it should be exclusive or or not, but yes. although I'd leave out the a? frmo the second alternative
there are three cases to distinguish I guess:
a) match at least one of them: (abc?|bc)
b) match exactly one of them: (ab|bc)
c) match at most one of them: (a?b|bc)
all three are annoying because they repeat the b and apart from the second case, they hide the symmetry of the pattern
Took me a second to understand why a) is equivalent to what I wrote but I get it
@MartinBüttner I'm suddenly curious if there's a Brainfuck derivative where, instead of traversing and manipulating a tape, you traverse and manipulate a Sierpinski triangle, using the movements you use in your challenge. That would be fascinating.
@BrainSteel there's Treehugger which uses a binary tree.
that said, this challenge may or may not have been inspired by an esolang I'm working on...
wow... Ell answered the challenge within an hour, including one of their great explanations with diagram and everything
I've seen that one! I'll have to see what your esolang is, then :D
I hope I'll finish it over the holidays, but I'm not sure yet... it's a bit ambitious.
definitely not a BF-derivative ;)
ah right, Ell started on it while it was in the sandbox.
I'll look around and see if there's a BF derivative using such a sierpinski triangle. If there's not, I'll have a go at implementing one.
...making my upcoming esolang look like a rip-off... I knew I shouldn't have used unfinished concepts for challenges :P
I'll be very quiet about it :P
'Tis to sate my own curiosity and have a giggle or two.
@BrainSteel I don't think there is, although for a while I was thinking about making a BF derivative on a spiral tape
So by "using a sierpinski triangle," do you mean travelling between the centers of the nested triangles?
@MartinBüttner Maybe I'll just make the tape a Koch Snowflake instead. Similar idea, less ripoff-ish-ness.
OK so yeah
@BrainSteel Koch Snowflake would be much harder to program ;)
@BrainSteel yeah fractals are definitely interesting in general for esolangs, and as far as I know unexplored
I don't think it is really a rip-off.
@quartata Really? I think it's actually easier than sierpinski, as you can only go "deeper" in two directions, rather than three.
It'd be interesting though, 'cause it's inherently a loop, and thus you can get back to "the start" by going right or left.
Hm. I was thinking more along the lines that after going along the tape for a while it might consume a lot of memory :P Whereas with Sierpinski's Triangle, I don't think you need to store all the triangles in memory at once.
Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I think there's a clever way to dynamically allocate the tape. It should be less efficient than the sierpinski triangle, but perhaps not by much...
That's it. I'm making this.
from fractions import*
from functools import*
from operator import*
b=lambda m:sum(reduce(mul,(Fraction(i-k,i+1)for i in range(v)),Fraction(1))*(v+1)**m/(k+1)for k in range(m+1)for v in range(k+1))
Well @MartinBüttner, this is what reduce got me
Aside from moving to Python 2 to get rid of functools I don't think I can get down under my current Bernoulli solution
It's times like these that I remember than I should start really learning a golfing language
@Sherlock9 If you wait a day you can start learning pl
That'll be fun
The language I'm making.
I think I'll start with CJam or Vitsy or the half dozen other languages I said I was going to learn
Maybe just CJam and Vitsy to start with
@quartata I was wrong, You can go deeper in four directions.
@Sherlock9 CJam is a great choice :)
To be honest, my first choice was Pyth... Well no, it was gs2, then Labyrinth (IIRC, written by Martin), then Golfscript, and now CJam, not counting the many esolangs I read through before all this.
I really should try writing Josephus in Piet again now that I have reference implementations in stack-based languages. Maybe someday
Or try Hexagony :-) or Mornington Crescent :-)
Who was it who recommended ChatSEy to me? Or does anyone know it well?
I'm using it
I think Dennis suggested it though
@Sherlock9 Labyrinth is definitely not a golfing language ;)
It is if the challenge is "Solve this task using Labyrinth in as few characters as possible"
@MartinBüttner How do I get rid of the sidebar, which overlaps and obscures part of the chat messages?
@MartinBüttner second question, once I open the sidebar, how do you close it again?
there's a blue arrow to collapse it (the one that also opened it)
Well then it's broken for me
I think I get it. The sidebar is just always too far left. That way it overlaps the chat messages when collapsed and goes off the left side of the screen when open. This is much more broken than the web UI...
Good gravy, I'm just reading up on the proposed change to MIT licensing instead of copyleft licensing. Holy yuck, is that a big steaming pile ...
"You have to use the MIT license, but you don't have to use the MIT license" is basically what it boils down to.
Q: Rollover Calendar

geokavelThis is inspired by one of Downgoat's questions in Sandbox, where I suggested that he include April 31 as Pi day for people who use day/month format, only for him to inform me that there is no April 31! Given a date string in month/day format that might be invalid, output the correct date using ...

@BrainSteel Ah
I still think you should go for it though. We can call it "SnowFuck"
A: Rollover Calendar

EumelLabVIEW, 32 LabVIEW Primitives

@quartata Currently in progress :D I've called it "KochFuck" but it now occurs to me that Koch was a person.
This guy is the true FGITW
@BrainSteel Yeah, maybe not that...
@MartinBüttner Well, throw Labyrinth on that esolang pile I mentioned
People might think it's political commentary
Koch brothers and all
I think "SnowFuck" is very fitting for the season though ;)
@quartata At least I didn't go with "FuckKoch." Yeah, the Snow alternative will do for now.
That pile includes Piet, Labyrinth, Velato, Whitespace. All sorts of stuff
@quartata Or perhaps I can use a non-vulgar alternative. "KochFluke" has a kinda nice ring to it :P
(I already named the project "kf" and I don't feel like renaming it right now)
What IDE are you using?
Just curious.
Currently XCode. For command-line tools, I've found it to be excellent.
Why do you ask?
I haven't found a good IDE for C projects that I like on Linux (other than NetBeans and good old vi)
I usually use NetBeans for C projects as a result but I've been exploring some other options lately
I'm guessing you've seen Code::Blocks?
I don't program in C much so it isn't that big a deal
@BrainSteel Yeah I have
IIRC I couldn't get it working for some reason...
I use CB on my windows machine, but I haven't actively developed for it in months.
Lemme try it again maybe.
When in doubt, nano.
Hey guys, I'd like some advice on this sandbox post: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7733/38891
@BrainSteel ಠ_ಠ
vim for life dawg
Although I'm not against other clones. elvis is nice too.
@ASCIIThenANSI I would suggest using a task more complex than "Hello, world," as it's been done to death and there's not much room for creativity there. Perhaps primality testing would be a better choice.
@quartata coz you were unable to exit vim?
FizzBuzz would be a much better choice.
@Optimizer ...
That joke's old
^ Fizzbuzz is a fine choice.
@Optimizer Use emacs and then you don't need to exit ...
@quartata Thanks, I'll use that instead of Hello, World.
Anything else that I need to fix with the challenge?
@ASCIIThenANSI I might recommend you put a hard upper limit on the Levenshtein Distance between the working and broken variant.
Why do so many users have the ask, answer, or vote on December 18th hat? Am I missing something?
Like, a day?
Are they users from this site?
@Dennis Supposedly (from what I've heard) you can get it +/- 12 hours from Dec. 18th UTC.
@TimmyD has one.
@BrainSteel How does 15 sound? I think that's enough for people to make significant enough changes without drastically altering the code.
@ASCIIThenANSI 12 hours before?
@BrainSteel Yeah. I have one (I'm just wearing another hat).
@Dennis waves hand This is not the hat you're looking for.
I think that's a little high, but I can't say I know exactly what it should be.
@BrainSteel I'll put it as 10 in the sandbox and leave a note.
@TimmyD That's a Star Wars reference, right?
Ah, now I got it too.
@Dennis I just got it
Oh hey, I've got it.
(I'm an idiot)
@TimmyD You're over 62?
Wait, no, that's the other guy
So, you're over 50?
@TimmyD I'm not the door knob you're looking for.
@Dennis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Dennis You do however have a plate of pasta on your head
whoa, escape fail
Maybe that counts
@TimmyD Just use backticks
@TimmyD That gotta hurt.
Poor dude lost his arm to a Jedi
Hm, it looks odd with backticks.
Tiny hands
I think it looks good with backticks.
And it's easy to do
Easier than adding a backslash?
something hard
Keeps appearing in the box
Q: Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction

DowngoatMixed Number to an Improper Fraction In this challenge you will be converting a mixed number to an improper fraction. Because improper fractions use less numbers, your code will need to be as short as possible. Examples 4 1/2 9/2 12 2/4 50/4 0 0/2 0/2 11 23/44 507/44 Specification You...

oh that is weird
vim users be like
this is weird and google offered no answer: if I click on some empty space on webpages, it takes me to an Avira Safesearch website, I have Avira installed, but this seems way too aggressive to be some intended promotion
@randomra have you tried having less viruses
and I would assume it to be a virus, but it is the legit avira site
@randomra its called adware
@Optimizer but is it avira's?
Have you tried having less antiviruses?
yes, adware is not neccesarily from viruses.
If it is avira's, I would expect some internet outrage, or at least some google hits
There's one way to know for sure: Get rid of Avira.
is it in firefox or chrome?
either ways, going to the extensions/addons page should show you the list of addons installed
you should see one from avira
@Optimizer there is no extension and if I click on chrome, it takes to a FF page too
if you click on Google Chrome, it takes you to Firefox Page?
that doesnt make any sense whatsoever
@Optimizer if it is the avira's crap, it makes some sense
well, not investing much time in this crap, but can you confirm that you actually mean "when I try to open google chrome, it opens a webpage in firefox instead.."
@Optimizer yes, if you click in Chrome, FF opens with a new tab
Well, that's obviously not a browser extension. You should totally drop what you're doing and disable/uninstall Avira.
yeah, it has messed up with your browser binaries..
coz ain't no way google is willingly redirecting to firefox...
nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure
@Dennis I was thinking about that, but it might be a virus whose goal is exactly that
a virus whose goal is to get anti-viruses uninstalled!!!! What is it?? 2215?
@randomra If that's the work of a virus, it already got in. Avira is obviously helpless.
war... has changed
@Dennis that makes sense
guys, its getting out of hand..
i love the idea of a spy virus sneaking in through the back to disable security and let the troops proper get into your system
NSA right now:
> they figured it out, send the nukes
I guess I'm changing passwords on another PC and then going to war here :)
Q: Find the XOR Primes

TheNumberOneIn this challenge posed by xnor, we were asked to implement XOR multiplication. In this challenge the goal is to find the first n XOR primes. XOR primes are very similar to regular primes as you can see by the following definitions: Definition of Prime Number: A positive number greater than 1 wh...

> War. War never changes.
Said the guy with the force choke and the steel helmet.
@Dennis Fallout reference, this time. Which I think actually came from a real-life general or somesuch.
Hehe ... looking at the star board ... Stars are greater than War.
Star ... War ...
Episode VII confirmed.
Q: No strings (or numbers) attached

NBZMake 12 snippets/expressions, in the same language, that result in the numbers 0 through 10, and 42 respectively, but without writing any literal numeric, string, or character data. Build-in data, like PI() and ALPHABET(), are fine, and so are e.g. CJam's U, X, Y, Z, and A constants, and Process...

Q: 1/N probability (Simple)

NBZBecause there are not enough simple code-golf challenges: Create a named program or function that, given (by any means) an integer N ≥ 1, outputs your language's TRUE value with a pseudo-random probability of 1/N, FALSE otherwise. Some languages use 1 (or -1) and 0 for TRUE and FALSE, that is f...

@SuperJedi224 I saw that >40 character golf ;-)
@TimmyD Which one?
A: 1/N probability (Simple)

SuperJedi224Java, 57 bytes boolean b(int a){System.out.println(a*Math.random()<1);}}

I realized you probably meant that one shortly after I asked.
Basically I just changed it to a method.
Is there an O(n) algorithm for finding the distance between the two farthest nodes in a graph?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NBZShorten an already short mathematical expression code-golfmathnumber I was doing some read work, updating old code, and bumped into an expression that is equivalent to what would be written as πx + ex in good old-fashioned math. I thought it would be possible to write it shorter than it was, an...

@TheNumberOne it looks like O(n*lg(n))
Hrm, I'm trying to find the distance from the median node of a graph to the farthest node from it, which is equivalent to finding the distance between the two farthest nodes in a graph divided by 2.
Wouldn't that be the average node?
I meant the node where the distance from it to the farthest node from it is minimal. Not median node or average node :)
@Doorknob冰 OMG, that's hilarious
> dintmeister
Wait how do you guys have the new hope hat
@Quill-HATMANIAC ohai, since when were you in this chatroom? :P
Like a few hours ago when I decided to try this Code Golf thing all the kids are doing
Guaranteed to be at least 5000% better than CR or your money back. :D
is that so
speaking of CR, we have more hats than you guys
@Cyoce date constraints for hats start 14 hours before the UTC day and end 12 hours later.
@Doorknob冰 Is it a coincidence you start this Holy War the day Star Wars comes out?
@TopinFrassi Oh, it's been going on for a loooong time.
does anyone know whether common file systems allow empty file names?
llama@llama:~$ touch ''
touch: cannot touch ‘’: No such file or directory
llama@llama:~$ echo > ''
zsh: no such file or directory:
I can't seem to be able to create one
@Doorknob冰 Oh, I knew yeah. But like... since we got our design I'm not sure we still have time to play the holy war game with you guys... :p
@TopinFrassi Oh, you're from CR too?
kicks :P
@Doorknob冰 Lol! :p
Your comment got shared in our room :p So I wanted to see in which context was the joke made!
Heh, which comment?
@Doorknob冰 that one!
none of the hats fit properly on my avatar XD
@Doorknob冰 Your shell prompt reminded me of this -- Llama, llama, duck.
I can't stay here, I'm not worthy of the Code Golfers. :p Have fun!
We're not some alien race
(at least most of us)...
Sure about that?
they might be, though.
(cooouugh) alex (coouuuugh)
I just thought I'd be a friendly neighbour and spread some christmas friendly-ness :P
and we have a few regulars who contribute here
Hey, Hosch was originally one of ours and then you stole him :P
Blame the mug for that one :P
@Cyoce That's what they taught me at CR. :p
don't listen to those people
they're just nitpickers
pedants, actually...
it's an entire site devoted to "fixing" working code...
@Quill-HATMANIAC Sweet irony
@Cyoce To be fair, they make code better. Our site is literally about making code worse :P
smaller != worse
@Cyoce Well, that depends on your view of "working". :p
We are devoted to making code smaller
9 times out of 10, smaller == worse.
They are devoted to making it faster
@Quill-HATMANIAC In their case, yeah. I would snap the neck of anyone doing code golf in production code. ahah
I always found Code Golf used functions and methods that I wouldn't find on CR, I always enjoyed reading CG posts that landed in our chatroom
@Cyoce Usually more readable/maintainable* :D
ehh who needs readability
^^ PPCG in a nutshell
you are only strengthening my argument
@TopinFrassi nah, it's just minification without assistance
also job security?
how can somebody else maintain it when they can't read it?
@Quill-HATMANIAC You'd need "real security" if you were golfing as my dev partner. :p
Taken from my doc on platypar
> The postfix equivalents of those two would be abc*+ and ab+c*. This is a huge advantage, as it not only saves you space by not needing to use (), but it also makes this harder to read, making distinguishing noobs from pros such as yourself a trivial task
On a related note, my superior asked me yesterday whether we have to leave in Python a scraper I wrote
A: Programming Languages Through The Years

swish2013 - Dogescript Dogescript is a language created in 2013 by Zach Bruggeman. It is nothing more than a syntax-replacement for Javascript to make it read like the internal monologues of memetic Shiba Inus. Hello doge console dose loge with "Dogescript was made in 2013!" ASCII Art such N mu...

pretty funny
I like Arnold C better
A: Implement a Truth-Machine


yes, I also like Shakespeare

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