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Huh, today's fibonacci day. I propose a fibonacci challenge
Well, you just missed Fibonacci Time on Fibonacci Day (11:23 11/23), in my timezone at least. :P
23 11 2015 -> not a Fibonacci series
Still 9:26 here in california
11/23 if fibonacci enough for me
Is this way too broad?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

VɪʜᴀɴFibonacci Day! popularity-contestascii-art Background Today's is 11/23 or Fibonacci day! What better way to celebrate than to make a fibonacci cake? Challenge You must write a program that outputs a cake but that cake must be something related to the fibonacci sequence Twist! Your code'...

I'm a bot don't mind me
There's not even a spec to judge right now :/
so advocate?
Okay, I rewrote it as a code-golf. Hope that's better
I don't think the source code restriction is interesting.
So far, no one has found a decent way to forbid padding, so requiring a fixed code length can always be achieved quite trivially.
All that rule does is make it more likely that there will be ties.
@MartinBüttner In another challenge I've tried "any characters in which the code is not semantically the same without should be excluded." I'll just take it out though
Which is boring because there's less of an incentive to golf down one or two chars.
BTW, previously C had outgolfed Javascript in this challenge: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/64198/99-bottles-of-beer/64230

Well, that has been "fixed", there are 3 different Javascript answers that are shorter! :D (Javascript is way too popular!)
@NewSandboxedPosts Why do you talk to us then?
@Optimizer Reminds me of the DMV
Q: Ducttape the Ducttape

StefnotchYour boss has found out that quite a bunch of his employees (including you) like to steal code from others. He ordered you to write him a program that he can use to find people who steal code from others. Task: Write a program/function that detects if somebody copied (part of) his code from som...

Q: Define map in the fewest tokens

Caridorcmap is a very basic yet important function in functional programming. All FP programming languages have it built-in but it is always fun to see how shortly you can define it yourself. This will be scored in tokens, not bytes. A token is the second-smallest building block of a program, over cha...

*posts a question*
*gets flooded with questions/comments*
*calls 4 comments as a flood*
mine spawned a war over politics, bet you can't say you did that today
Votes are supposed to be hidden, but I'll still say I really don't like politics and that it has affected my voting on this question. Would the asker mind removing politics from the question or at least explain me any pun I may have missed? A political reference is baked into the spec for good, but it can still be removed from the title. — Jan Dvorak 24 hours ago
Yay, I'm almost to the end of the chat-activity list!
What is the noun form of "removing"? Is it "removal", as the comment suggests?
@ZachGates A removal would be correct.
@Mego how can you unzip a function?
It literally means: the action of removing.
@TanMath What does "unzipping a function" do?
@VoteToClose Indeed it does, haha
@VoteToClose Well, this is annoying. I got three downvotes today, for no reason. \o/ So happy.
@VoteToClose Can you reply to your own post? Yes. Can you reply to the same post? Yes. I broke the game.
@ZachGates transposing...in python, zip(*a)
@VoteToClose you cannot reply to your own post?! how can you!
@VoteToClose Yes, you can. @TanMath
I just did.
oh i get it
Do you?
@TanMath did I reply to myself?
I did!
/me claps.
Now, can you @VoteToClose ping yourself?
@TanMath look at you... you broke the system! good job @TanMath!
Without replying.
@VoteToClose you can't
o-o Oookie.
I have tried that...
@VoteToClose didn't work?
I've made it work before. O.o
@VoteToClose how?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not that way, apparently.
doesn't work!
anyone up for a challenge?
A: Find the Interweaved Source Codes (Cops)

Martin BüttnerHexagony, 6 programs, 53 bytes; Score 8/96 (if safe/cracked) [&;//&z ;!X;!!/@! @)6!< @[!.J @a5|9o;"" |@!!!@] Even if this goes safe, it will be very few points for me, but I thought I'd provide a nice puzzle for robbers to bank some points. :) I have no idea how easy or hard this actuall...

I do not think i can even do that challenge!
@MartinBüttner time to go read the Hexagony docs
@MartinBüttner (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Vɪʜᴀɴ [mission accomplished]
And I thought the BitShift one was evil.
I don't even think that one was valid. BitShift is nowhere near what we consider a valid programming language.
user image
^ me trying to crack the Hexagony answer
@Dennis I can trust you not to look at the Vitsy history for my CnR, right? ;)
@Vɪʜᴀɴ I also feel like this when I code templates in C++.
Posting in chat is certainly the proper way to assure that.
I mean in tryitonline. xD
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EllSprocket Science: Animating a Chain Drive System code-golf geometry graphical-output animation The goal of this challenge is to produce an animation of a chain drive system, comprised of a set of sprocket gears connected together by a chain. General Requirements Your program will be given a l...

Have we had a CnR challenge where the robbers need to golf the cops' answers?
^ I tried to, but it was denied.
@VoteToClose Ah, yes, of course.
@TimmyD We did. Didn't go well.
Hello, code-puzzlers and golfers, it's the first time I am in this chat :O
I was thinking about an AST-node-count code-golf
@Caridorc welcome! :)
@MartinBüttner hello :)
@Dennis Ah, yes - just found it codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/44567/42963
The idea is that single character identifier do not really make a language succint
I want to reward saying a program in a few things, no matter if the thing is named a or zipWith
@MartinBüttner What do you think? Should I just create a tag for it? Ask in Meta?
It usually doesn't work out very well, unless you define a toy language everyone should use, because it's tricky to define tokens in some languages.
Question: for the newest CnR, when we interweave, we can only map one-to-one, not using one character in the interweaved version twice, yes?
@MartinBüttner i think that each language gets converted to an AST before being executed (maybe an implicit one in the stack) so while tricky it should be un-ambiguous
@Caridorc if you actually use ASTs you get the problem, that the entire code can be stuffed in a string and eval'ed
@MartinBüttner just banning eval should solve it
Or considering code in a string to still be code
The only possibility to create precise rules for atomic golf is to have a special case for every allowed language.
@Caridorc system("echo 'mycode' | interpreter")
What feersum said
What is your motivation here? Do you want to make languages more comparable or do you want to reward a simple code structure?
I see... maybe resctrictive like something like no meta-programming allowed or just say, "obvious loopholes are obvious, do not use them"
Define "meta-programming." Or "obvious."
@MartinBüttner My motivation is paulgraham.com/power.html <- the more succint the better, but not in terms of bytes
@Doorknob ... touché
In short: to write a function you must build the AST in your mind, the smaller the AST the more productive and "better" the programming language
I like the idea too, but you have to make an exact definition of the scoring.
What is the AST of a language like Ziim?
@MartinBüttner A wild guess: Each instruction counts as a node, as in a stack-based language
I can find you weirder languages if you want ;)
But "a wild guess" is already a problem. It's not that you can't somehow arrive at a definition of an AST for any given language. It's that it's not necessarily obvious how to do so, so scoring by AST is not objectively possible for all languages.
So, if I had 2 programs in 16 bytes, what would my safe/cracked score be?
@MartinBüttner yes, in languages like Python and LISP it is trivial but in others? I see your point
not many languages can do that
Heck, even in "normal" languages like PowerShell, the AST can get really weird really fast once the pipeline is introduced into the code.
@VoteToClose I don't quite understand the scoring system.
So in Perl, would every access of a variable count as two "nodes" because of the $? Because print $a and print @a and print %a are all very different things.
@Doorknob an identifier is a single node. But i $ is like a type signature, then 2
hello all! i am back!
How about a C macro?
It's not a type signature. But whenever you refer to a variable, you have to use a $ (if it's a scalar), @ (if it's an array), or % (if it's a hash) before its name.
There may be any number of AST nodes from the text it expands to.
For example, my $s = 'Hello, '; $s += 'World!'; say $s;
@feersum this is getting WAY out of hand
probably this scoring is only possible for languages with built-in ast writers that are, well, very few and allowing only very few languages is not good
these days, my intro isn't soo cool....
lemme try again...
The TanMath is back!! Hello all!
@Caridorc The only reason code-golf is orders of magnitude more popular than atomic-code-golf is because it's very easy to see that there's an objective winning criterion that's easy to measure.
Notice me Senpai!
Can anyone help me with this scoring? :D
For which challenge?
Q: Find the Interweaved Source Codes (Cops)

EridanThis is the cops' thread. For the robbers' thread, go here. Introduction For this Cops/Robbers challenge, the cops will write output-producing programs and interweave them together. It is the robber's job to pick apart the cops' programs to produce the desired outputs. Cop rules The cops may ...

didn't work!
@VoteToClose heh, your avatars look similar so I thought you were confused about your own challenge :P
@Doorknob yeah... getting the AST of ten lines of JAVA, good luck with that
all but easy
counting bytes is a snap
You can't empty reply to any message.
@VoteToClose ​
o-o Zero spaces.
Anyway, what don't you understand about the scoring?
well, here dies the idea of AST-node code-golf, a nice talk about it nonetheless
@Caridorc It is an interesting idea. :)
Just... not practical, at least at the moment.
@Doorknob thanks :)
I think I get the first number, but the number after the / makes no sense to me.
So, for example, if you have 5 programs used
then the first part of the score would be 256/(2⁵)
Yeah. I got that.
And if your interweaving has, say, 26 bytes
256/(2^5)+256/32? <-- I'm an idiot
you would round that up to 32 (nearest power of 2)
and divide 256 by 32, I think
@VoteToClose yeah that's it I'm pretty sure
Yeah. So, the second half?
\o/ I got half of it, yay!
That's the whole thing.
you just add both components together
There's also a cracked component.
(safe points)/(cracked points)
I just don't see that.
it's in the Robbers post right?
Oh. :I It'd be nice for that to be in this post too.
So... this is right, right?
A: Find the Interweaved Source Codes (Cops)

VoteToCloseVitsy, 2 programs, 15 bytes; Score 80/12 (if safe/cracked) Interweaved Programs a'5oF'2\\aI/NZO Vitsy is so pretty, so clean. Look into its source, and be awed. Output, first program NaNo Output, second program ...

I think -_-
\o/ I wanted to make a high ratio.
@AlexA. And the second, and the third, and the fourth...
oh the errors in Seriously...
Hmmm…has anyone made a regex golf challenge involving Unicode character names?
hey @trichoplax
@BlacklightShining Oh hey, you're the one who helped me with my esolang Macaroni in #rust, yeah? :D
Oh, hay, @Doorknob! :D
Yeah, I am, heh.
welcome to PPCG chat :)
Thanks! ^.^
@BlacklightShining you mean something like this?
Q: Print the character names

me and my catEvery Unicode character has a name, like "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A". A Unicode character name may contain only uppercase letters, white spaces, and the minus sign. Write a program that reads a text and outputs the names of each character on a new line. For example, if the input were "Hello, World!...

It's not regex golf though.
…is regex golf even a thing here? [regex-golf] isn't a tag.
There's no tag specifically for regex golf, but there is
I have seen several regex golf challenges here before
@Doorknob Not…really! I was thinking more “Here're two sets of Unicode characters. Write a regular expression that matches all of the names of the characters in the first set, and none of the names of the characters in the second set.”
@MartinBüttner also likes to answer regular challenges with Retina :P
Hm. No, I don't think that exists yet.
Inspired by someone posting one of those Unicode emoticons on IRC, followed by me looking up the characters' names. XP
Although most pure regex golf is simply solved with an existing program that golfs regexen(?) for you.
I think I've seen a regex-golf question that actually uses that as a baseline!
The asker posted an answer generated with one of the golfing programs, and then challenged the site to do better.
@MartinBüttner Ninja'd. ;D
Yay, I cracked the Vitsy answer without knowing Vitsy!
That was fast.
@Vɪʜᴀɴ o-o Did you now?
Fixed, since everyone complained. I'm not a Pokemon fan. — EMBLEM Mar 9 at 19:37
I think I might do this. o.o Anyone have any ideas about what to use for the two lists?
@phase …what?
@BlacklightShining It's a comment on that post of the creator saying he's not a Pokemon fan, yet he made a Pokemon challenge.
> Use the source, Luke.
@VoteToClose Eh, maybe not. I got it to output NaNo though
@phase …okay? I'm missing the connection here.
@Vɪʜᴀɴ nananananannanananananana batman
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Fancy. :D Now, did you do it my way?
@BlacklightShining just something I saw that was funny ;-;
Seriously, why are there so many errors in Seriously?!
Already spotted two
Because seriously seriously is seriously serious?
What is yall talking about?
@VoteToClose what does the a operator do? Can't find it in the docs
@VoteToClose if Seriously were seriously serious, it seriously wouldn't have so many serious Seriously errors!
@Doorknob I actually had more changes to your Macaroni language, but I lost them when it fell off the bottom of my project stack D:
@Vɪʜᴀɴ a - push 10 to the stack.
@VoteToClose beat you! 6 seriouses' (if that is even a word!)
Actually, it would be better to just not onebox things that are too big (Slack does this). A few days ago people were oneboxing tons of GIFs in PPCG chat and it absolutely killed my browser. :/ — Doorknob 59 secs ago
cough cough @phase
@phase About a (non-existent?) language which makes it Seriously easy to make puns on its name.
@BlacklightShining :( I used it to solve a couple of challenges here. :P
@Doorknob naw that totally wasn't me
@TanMath If Seriously were seriously serious, it seriously wouldn't have so many seriously serious Seriously errors! 1UP
@Caridorc it is an actual language! made by @Mego
@Doorknob Nice :3
@BlacklightShining If Seriously was seriously a serious language, it seriously wouldn't have seeiously serious Seriously errors! Seriously?! 1UP!
You guys talkin' 'bout Serious Black?
Touché, @TanMath.
@phase I am seriously surprised by its existence
@Vɪʜᴀɴ I'm interested how you did the first program. beard stroke Don't post it here - is there a way to message in GitHub?
@flawr His name is Sirius, not Serious. Seriously, some people…
@VoteToClose le gist.github.com
Bad puns, bad puns everywhere...
@Caridorc you seriously serious? don't be seriously suprised by Seriously! seriously guys...
@BlacklightShining Siriusly?
@Doorknob Yeah, seriously bad...
@El'endiaStarman did you seriously just say that
I seriously did.
Whacha gonna do about it?
@Doorknob They're puns about Sirius, though, so they're actually pretty bright.
Jamais-vu, now it sound like seriously is not even a word
@BlacklightShining Oh, ha ha! You dog...
@El'endiaStarman :3
@BlacklightShining hahaha
I am seriously surprised people here siriusly know about astronomy!
*takes a bow* Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week~
Oh, no, I'm no good with astronomy. I just know about that one little star.
You've got 5 already.
@VoteToClose I don't think github has any messaging system thing
It is late it is ser******* time for my TGTB now
@flawr Heh! x3
next most starred message
@Vɪʜᴀɴ @VoteToClose Yeah, GitHub has no messaging system…I recommend just hanging around on a large IRC network. :3
>.> Well then.
(Also, I had a lot of trouble trying to tabcomplete @Vɪʜᴀɴ's name >.> )
@phase what if a sock tries to star the most starred message and instead stars a message about star puns?! seriously thinking about it...
@BlacklightShining don't tab, hit reply button
Because the I isn't an I. :p
@TanMath ok, I'm officially confused
@BlacklightShining What kind of shitty horse is this?
@flawr Buck you, I'm a pegasus.
@phase you are seriously confused? are you seriously serious?!
@BlacklightShining no you aren't
@flawr it is like one of those stupid "My Little Pony" horses.. therefore, it isn't a horse... it is a pony!
@TanMath What is the difference between a horse and a pony?
Pony is specifically a horse of a small breed.
So, a pony is a horse, but a horse is not necessarily a pony.
@flawr it is really short equine
And foals are young horses.
@El'endiaStarman so?
Only Foals and Horses? ;D
Hoarse fouls.
That's fowl talk.
Joke lost forever. Here's the wiki:
Only Fools and Horses is a British television sitcom created and written by John Sullivan. Seven series were originally broadcast on BBC One in the United Kingdom from 1981 to 1991, with nine sporadic Christmas specials until its end in 2003. Episodes are regularly repeated on UKTV comedy channel Gold and occasionally repeated on BBC One. Set in Peckham in south London, it stars David Jason as ambitious market trader Derek "Del Boy" Trotter, Nicholas Lyndhurst as his younger brother Rodney Trotter, and Lennard Pearce as their elderly Grandad. After Pearce's death in 1984, his character was replaced...
from seriously errors to foals and fools!
Funnily enough, I did actually get the reference. I'm not sure why though, I must've seen the name once or something.
@flawr you are sick? or are you a sikh?
No, he's Sikh.
Sikh and tired.
(Actually, I don't think he is. :P)
You think right.
@flawr Did you get run over?
seeeee mai seeeeeekh
@El'endiaStarman By a reindeer?
Over round at our house Christmas Eve?
You may say there's no such thing as Santa...
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe...
@VoteToClose remember, no license for Santa!
sigh Life fulfilled.
Half life complete.
whoa.. now we talk about Santa... this is the most off topic chat ever!
See: The Nineteenth By... oh, wait.
now let us change the topic once again...
To Vitsy!
what is the secret to getting your messages starred?
Don't blink?
@TanMath Say something that people like and/or agree with.
^ See? :P
I like this chat!
But you can't do it by asking for them.
Aaaand it's gone. :(
@El'endiaStarman I disagree with the update to this post, unstarred.
@VoteToClose :(
But it's true!
@El'endiaStarman i said something that people would like, no stars... doesn't work
@TanMath It's very hard to get stars on purpose. If it's clear that you're looking for stars.
...I don't think I've ever seen a twinkling star in this chat before. :P
somebody is messing with the star!
I blame @VoteToClose.
beautiful! the first twinkling stars!
So shiny. So beautiful.
@El'endiaStarman me too!
(insert twinkle twinkle song here)
i am bored...
waiting for somebody to say something (while saying something myself!)
@Vɪʜᴀɴ c:
(don't star this message! star this message)
@VoteToClose wait what
Okay. :D
> crap crap crap ?
-.- So much star. Stop it, @TanMath
@VoteToClose not me
@VoteToClose I posted it even though it didn't work
I made that answer use mechanics that I didn't know about. xD
@TanMath I know it is, because every post was starred but yours. -.-
@VoteToClose it isn't me!!!!!!!!!!! i promise you!
mods! @MartinBüttner can you help?
-.- This is not something to bother the mods with. xD
hey 1/4ata! hello grrsee!
@VoteToClose really? then you better believe me!
Have fun copying jokes.
@flawr having fun...
i think I will blame @phase
wait, maybe it was @El'endiaStarman
duh... he is a Starman!
cracked the case!
wat u say? @VoteToClose

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