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Q: Carrot Popularity Statistics

Calvin's HobbiesIn the PPCG chatroom the Nineteenth Byte, using carets ^ (or carrots) is a way of indicating that you agree with one of the previously made comments just above yours. A caret message consists solely of N ^ characters (where N is a positive integer) and it means agreement with the Nth previous me...

Good one
@Calvin'sHobbies Why does "bread is bread" get a count of 1 instead of zero?
Does SE support inline svg images?
@quintopia because the person who wrote the message counts
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Why wouldn't it? It's a standard for every image tag.
oh okay
@mınxomaτ Sweet, I'm changing my answer headers to svg
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Yep, works.
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Also don't do that. That is a horrible idea.
It's just like saying "screw your leaderboard snippet".
@mınxomaτ I don't think it'll hurt it I do it on questions which don't have a leaderboard snippet
@Vɪʜᴀɴ You can't have the raw svg html rendered in the post if that's what you mean.
@Calvin'sHobbies that was an easy one :D
Yes, you can @Calvin'sHobbies
(Well, if that is what you meant)
A: Shortened words

Vɪʜᴀɴ xL¡l»(b=l0+lS(1)g(/(.)\1+/,"$1")g`[aeiou]`)n>3?b:l,ø)O`a-z ` I should be able to use the unique function to get rid of repeated characters but for now I'm using a regex. I believe this should work fine. I'll be heading off to sleep so notify me if anything is wrong and I'll address it next m...

Well it seems to work
@Vɪʜᴀɴ OK, no. No. no. no. no.
I don't know, is this bad to do on posts that don't have leaderboard snippet
Remove that.
That just looks horrible and takes up screen space for no reason at all.
@mınxomaτ I mean he needs a link like he did. svg tags won't work
@mınxomaτ I definitely agree
Removed it. Was an interesting concept nevertheless.
What if people want to ctrl-f for "TeaScript" @Vɪʜᴀɴ?
@Calvin'sHobbies That would still work. You can search in SVGs.
But it would fail like 9/10 times because Alignment.
Anyone know any good (non-golfing) languages that compile to JavaScript?
@phase CoffeeScript
@phase C
There's an imposter TeaScript also
@Vɪʜᴀɴ ew nope
@mınxomaτ -_-
That was an honest answer.
Well it depends if you want the resulting JS to be human-readable.
@Dennis Yes.
@Calvin'sHobbies for the carrot thing, "non-caret" means carets appear nowhere right?
@phase I've heard good things about TypeScript and Haxe also
@GamrCorps \o/
@quintopia Yes. "All messages will either be caret messages consisting solely of ^'s, or be non-caret messages consisting of letters and spaces ([ a-zA-Z]+ in regex)."
user image
new favorite thing from a member of 40 days, hehe
ugh, paste a comment link, not a screenshot
@phase java
@Vɪʜᴀɴ TS uses constructor instead of this, which I can't deal with.
I might use Dart
@phase `<code>`.replace(/this/g,"constructor")
@Vɪʜᴀɴ You sure that vihanserver.tk/src/status works? It says that vihanserver.tk is down.
@mınxomaτ hm, weird. Works fine for me
Well, the page loads fine, it just says the site is down even though I'm viewing it.
@mınxomaτ Like at the top near "Server Status" or at the bottom near "Client Status"?
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Bottom.
@mınxomaτ Hm :/ are you using Chrome? Chrome's probably blocking the request it uses to check if the site is up. I'll try to fix it
No, it says timeout.
Works for me on Chrome
Everything looks fine to me on Safari
@mınxomaτ I think I fixed it, does it work now?
> Up (7322ms)
@mınxomaτ \o/
@phase Good. Nothing should support XP anymore.
It's still better than Windows 10
Sure, but XP is dead. It's time to move on.
no way I don't believe it
Microsoft doesn't even support XP anymore.
And they made it
I realize you're grieving over the death of XP. You're currently in stage 1: denial. Soon will come anger, then bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.
@phase srsly?!
@AlexA. Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
@Calvin'sHobbies It's the 5 stages of grief. I'm just trying to be a considerate friend for phase, jeez.
@aditsu send me a 64bit laptop and I'll stop complaining
@phase How about I send you a 64-bit Mac laptop? It's the bee's knees.
@AlexA. @phase you remind me of this: youtu.be/i4UerGSc-z0?t=271
@phase Haha was that legit? I can see deleted messages, you know...
@AlexA. naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh kmyb
@AlexA. I feel bad for making up a language earlier
@Calvin'sHobbies haha you're starting to use that syntax :)
@Calvin'sHobbies Huh?
@AlexA. Déru ho tzé?
Oh, you made it up???
I thought it was from Lord of the Rings or some other Tolkien thing
Also favorite OS poll do it
Sigh. Trolled by the cartoon tiger.
How do you guys like Lisp-like languages?
I don't know any but Scheme seems neat.
Whoever voted for 4 wins (strawpoll.me/6079013/r)
I'd be interested in learning it.
@Calvin'sHobbies THAT WAS ME I WON
@AlexA. Too many parens >.<
(((((((oh (((((you (think))))) so))))))?)))
@AlexA. Looks like the text is vibrating
I wish SE supported that
Actually no. I'm really, really glad they don't.
zlagoies (or w/e) are bad enough
Btw, I assume the other Mac person who voted on my poll was Vihan. :P
And it's obvious who the older Windows one was
But who was "other Linux"?
<.< >.>
well, if you wanna know... :p
Oh! I thought you were a Windows guy.
(I'm sorry, I realize that can be taken as an insult)
I quit windoze about 8 years ago
What's your OS of choice now?
Gentoo Linux
I've heard of that but I'm not really familiar with it.
What do you like about it?
I like that it gives me the power to control everything and set things up the way I want
it's not for the faint of heart, especially the first installation :p
@AlexA. I wrote this a few years ago: aditsu.net/Linux
> the only real choices for "desktop use" are Linux and windows
You seem to have omitted the best option.
no, the whole page is about it
Pogoscript looks good
@aditsu Allow me to reiterate: ಠ_ಠ
@AlexA. allow me to reiterate: :)
@phase No that looks weird
@AlexA. urggrgrg
@phase I like it
@VoteToClose The source code is saved in a file called code.
@phase translate.google.com/#en/zh-TW/urggrgrg - having fun with the "Listen" buttons :)
@Dennis Just code?
Yes. Is that a problem?
No - just that the file reader doesn't see it. Odd.
That should print out its source.
@phase 95630?
I don't change into that directory.
That would explain it. :P
@Mego Working hard and succeeding much. ;D
@Dennis Empty file isn't working on printing out the lyrics for 99 bottles anymore.
Yes, I'm trying to fix the quine.
Although, oddly, adding --code as an argument makes the 99 bottles work again. O.o That shouldn't work, I specifically coded against that. xD
Unless there's an empty argument. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Quit yer quining.
@AlexA. I replied to your comment :p
Oh, 99 bottles is back. I'm an idiot
The quine should work now.
hey @Dennis
should i post this now
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

quintopiaGolf a Purple Interpreter Purple is an esolang which is designed with two main purposes: To be a minimization of Aubergine, since there just aren't enough self-modifying one-instruction languages around. To admit the possibility of terrifyingly small golfed interpreters. My first pass at a rea...

> I just don't consider it to be an option.
@quintopia Sorry, but I'm too tired to review this right now. It's 5 AM here, and I haven't been able to sleep yet.
@Dennis :O Sorry you haven't been able to sleep!
Wait, it's 5am there? I didn't realize the time difference between us was so large.
It's midnight Pacific time.
It's 9am here and I didn't sleep since 3pm yesterday...
I'm used to it. I'll go and try again.
@alephalpha Hello
@Dennis Okay. Goodnight!
@alephalpha y u no add explanation of code ;_;
I am also a bed.
Good ni
What is the Quartic ocean?
huh, Nova Scotia seems to be more to the east than Chile, but the time in Chile is 1 hour later
@phase A place where all the mermaids wear algaebras
oooh I was like "wtf that doesn't make any sense"... and then later, it hit me :p
that's pretty punny
I wish this could be available as part of the site
I can think of multiple reasons why that wouldn't work.
@mınxomaτ I love how you can take any idea and immediately find everything wrong with it.
While I was researching answers for this, I saw how horribly inconsistent code formatting in answers is. So inconsistent I had to filter them manually. Add to this different scoring schemes and code broken up into multiple sections.
@phase ikr, I'm always so optimistic.
@mınxomaτ I can think of multiple ways in which it would definitely work
oh come on, I even got my popcorn out. mınxomaτ vs aditsu,phase,trichoplax!
I'm surprised minxocat hasn't whipped out his katana and started swinging, though he probably already found something wrong with the design of it, and started making a new type of sword.
@mınxomaτ What font is that?
damn for?
Can't sleep.
@VoteToClose Are you around?
In Physics, whatcha need?
Your backtick operator is troubling me a little, since it can access arbitrary files on the server.
@Dennis Disable it?
^ I can send you a version that has no file reading abilities.
That would be great.
In this post Pearl Harbor world, people don't trust their fellow man like they once did.
@Dennis How are you running the code for each interpreter?
@VoteToClose Or add a safe mode switch to the interpreter. Pyth does this for its online interpreter.
@phase I'm not sandboxing yet, if that is your question.
@Dennis I don't know what that is, so no
@Dennis It's easier for me just to disable file interactions.
Whatever is easier for you. Restricting it to files in the current directory would also be OK.
@Dennis oh yeah jadonfowler.xyz/tio
you likey mikey?
19 hours ago, by Dennis
@phase That looks neat. :) Thanks!
hot dog
github.com/phase/tio if you want to steal it
I just went through an entire ASPCA commercial without crying, once!
@Dennis Added safe mode jar. Just use java -jar VitsySafe.jar
Great! Thanks.
@phase As far as I remember it might be Diamond Girl
@phase I'm bust with adding features right now. Since each feature changes the design a bit, I'll wait a little with the prettyfication.
@Dennis kk hombre, call me up when you need some top-notch web design
> minxocat
@phase I will. Thanks!
@Dennis vitsy.tryitonline.net/#code=J2Vkb2MnYFo&input=&args= <-- 'code' remains in the stack, which means that ` isn't processed. :D
Yes, I saw. :)
I literally commented out a single line. xD This language is frail.
I did pretty much the same for CJam, which can even make web requests. I'm not very good at Java though.
java is the bomb dot org
@Dennis Changes are occurring. :D Just feeling like changing up the page a bit?
Also, I'm noticing that there's no output from STDERR or methods have stopped working..?
I just started the project last week, so there going to be a lot of changes.
Ah. Coolio.
If debug is green, STDERR should be shown.
Ohhh, that'd help.
Big buttons. o-o
I really should set up a playground and only make changes to actual site when things go well...
I was showing my friend something, reloaded the page, and boop buttons the size of the planet appeared. :D It was kinda cool.
Huh. Found an interesting bug with my language that I don't understand. vitsy.tryitonline.net/…
NQ Rks comes from nowhere.
That is my fault.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

randomraComplete the Digit Sequence We have a string of digits with some elements missing and marked with .s. 74..7.1..1.3...8.781256 We want to fill the missing parts in a way that they would form an arithmetic sequence with the previous on next elements. E.g. 8...2 becomes 8642. If this kind of fil...

@Dennis ?
Just a sec.
@quintopia well... I don't know... the task is good, but the challenge doesn't seem very well specified, so I'm not sure how comparable the answers are. also, I'll probably stop calling them catalogues, because that seems to be achieving the opposite of what it was intended to. so making it a catalogue would be nothing more than adding the leaderboard snippet.
@VoteToClose I fixed an aspect of the CLA earlier, but introduced two bugs in the process.
It should work now.
/me thumbs up.
@MartinBüttner so where and when can we get a rot13 thread with said snippet?
@mınxomaτ I can't tell if that's a spider or a very spindly crab
@quintopia any time you edit the snippet into that challenge
I just marked an answer as spam.. will someone here get to see it?
Aaaand it's gone.
was that you @Dennis :) ?
does that user get blocked too?
Technically Community since I also cast a flag, but yeah.
One spam post is not an automatic ban, but the system handles these pretty quickly.
ooo 2:47am
A: Create the shortest BitShift

phaseD, 472 bytes, 4275 characters import std.stdio;import std.conv;import std.file;import std.format;import core.stdc.stdio;void main(char[][]a){bool f=true;char[] o;int i;char[64000]b;size_t j;FILE* g=core.stdc.stdio.fopen("i", "r");j=fread(cast(void*)b, 1, 64000, g);foreach(dchar n;b[0..j]){string...

I don't even know why I try anymore
I've been stuck on this website for an hour. History rocks.
oh no now you've distracted me
Does anyone know what those arrows are?
@Dennis I've updated Vitsy with a few bug fixes and a few updates to fix/help with CLAs.
@VoteToClose What on earth is your github username?
@VoteToClose Pulled.
n, lots of fun
@phase It's VTCAKAVSMoACE. c:
@VoteToClose ik, but what does it mean
;) You'll never know...
@VoteToClose VoteToClose also known as VoteSM? or Ace
something like that
Vote To Close is not part of it.
no way
You're not going to guess it. xD
I don't believe it
Victini Taught Carate At Kakarot's Apparment somethign sometnigngnhyyhtrh
> It's a real loss of automation when I have to push manually.
@Dennis Why not just make a cron job for every 6 hours? :P
ynaught GitHub hooks?
The day I have to google JavaScript OOP is the day I die.
I'm pushing again, but it's not necessary to pull.
@VoteToClose So secretive. :-P
@ChrisJester-Young Shh... ;D We don't talk about it.
Maybe a code challenge, idk how challenging/interesting it is for bigger grids:

Given a grid of digits and blanks, fill the blanks sowhen a row or column is splitted to numbers those form an arithmetic sequence. Minimize the max element in the sequences in row & columns!

and max element is 12 (rows: 5 3 1, 12 2, 11 3, columns: ...)

and max element is 9 (all numbers are single digits)
@MartinBüttner from your idea I got this ^
hah, that's even harder :D
sounds good though
Q: A Mapping of Primes

LegionMammal978Recently, I have found a bijective mapping f from positive integers to finite, nested sequences. The purpose of this challenge is to implement it in the language of your choice. The Mapping Consider a number n with the factors where . Then: For example: Rules You may write a full progr...

1 hour later…
> viewed 9906 times
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Q: Perfect Square YYYYMMDD

reggerThis past Saturday I noticed that the YYYYMMDD date (20151121) is a perfect square (4489*4489) (I don't make a habit of that, I was just math doodling while waiting for something). When was the last time that was true, and when will it occur again?

Q: Linux: Create a file and write to it using a python script - without using the open() function?

DevRobotIs it possible to do the above without using the os module or the open() function? How can I create a file and write to it, with the above conditions, using Python? Also, could you provide an explanation of how the script works?

I still don't understand how the fuck we end up with these kind of questions
I mean, I'm sure the posters have good intent
But how could they not know that this site is for programming competitions -- it says it right at the top when you sign up...
But were all smart people here( for the most part) and they assume we can answer their question even it its not in the right area?
@JimmyJazzx I don't know, you'd think they'd know they'd have better luck at a site where it is actually on topic
@NewMainPosts I mean this one is obviously for stackoverflow, and it was asked by someone with rep on SO too
I don't understand why this happens...
@quartata I don't work in IT.(accounting) But that don't stop people from e-mailing me IT questions." If you look Smart and tech/code related that must mean you can answer my tech/code question" is a train of thought I feel many people have. Even though they shouldn't. Maybe they have tried to ask SO without any luck and are Grasping at straws?
This is more like someone who has emailed the head of the IT department with questions with many questions in the past, knows company policy backwards and forwards and this time decides randomly to go through the employee phonebook and call up some random dude and ask him his question
The guy has 3k rep on Ask Ubuntu. He isn't stupid.
Well then... Maybe he's Drunk coding again?
@JimmyJazzx haha
I noticed that some Challenges have "For any submission, there must be a free interpreter of the language somewhere" What is this trying to exclude? and Why? Maybe I'm just salty because my main Languages don't; but it seems needlessly restrictive.
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

isaacgUsing a non-free language on a Cops and Robbers challenge Most (currently all) cops and robbers challenges consist of two parts: A cop submission, where a user posts some secret property of a program, such as its output, a scrambled version of the code, etc. Then, other users, the robbers, try...

@JimmyJazzx how will the OP test it?
You found him too, huh?
socks can never hide!
Is today a holiday or something?
In the US, I mean.
@Optimizer Tell that to my washer.
i dont see a reason for it
This Thursday is Thanksgiving
so, for many people, it's a three-day work week
since most businesses are closed both Thursday and Friday
lots of people use this as an opportunity to only take 3 vacation days yet still get a full week of vacation
That would explain the lack of activity.
A: Find the Interweaved Source Codes (Robbers)

DennisBitShift cops thread 0101100110110101001001010110111011101110111011101101010 prints ! ? 1011101110111011101110110101000000000110010101101101010 prints ? ! Code 0101100110110101001001010110111011101110111011101101010 # '! ?' 01011001101101010 # '! ' 0101 # XOR 0 with 128 ...

For a moment I was like "wait, I answered the cops challenge". Then I saw the avatar.
@TimmyD The cop answers belongs to this user:
Yes - that's a deliciously evil cop answer.
True, but not what I meant. Look at the users' locations.
Oh interesting.
@Dennis you should be able to confirm that speculation, right?
Right now, I have no reason to.
why? catching socks-with-benefits is not one of the mod's responsibility?
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Wouldn't this exclude VBA seeing as Office is a paid program? Yet my VBA answer on the Mystery string is highly Voted upon?
@JimmyJazzx office has trial version
As long as you don't use them for evil, it's acceptable to have multiple accounts.
@Dennis posting robbers and cracking that in cops seems evil..
@Optimizer So SAS has a Student Trial So would that be fine to use as well? There are languages that DON'T have free trials?
@Optimizer It's posting cops and cracking in robbers, but yeah.
@JimmyJazzx i guess so, I think the only reasons users write that line is to actually be able to test the answer.
@Dennis i always swap those two
You're not the only one. Some CnRs actually changed the meaning once or twice while the challenge was active. Not confusing at all.
I also do not see why any confusion would occur.
> lots of people use this as an opportunity excuse to only take 3 vacation days yet still get a full week of vacation
for the fuck's yake?
@Optimizer fixed that for you, but that works too I suppose
I have a great idea for this challenge:
Q: Images with all colors

Mark JeronimusSimilar to the images on allrgb.com, Make images where each pixel is a unique color (no color is used twice and no color is missing). Give a program that generates such an image, along with a screenshot or file of the output (upload as PNG). Create the image purely algorithmically. Image must ...

No one did anything involving cellular automata, what a disappointment
Must fix
@MartinBüttner You should try this in Hexagony.
Okay, now I don’t want to alarm anybody in this room, but it’s just come to my attention that the person to your right is a sock of Dennis. Also, the person to your left is a... normal person I guess
Not quite as funny.
Woops Derp
I also got the @Dennis so that helps me I think. (Since I also got a poke for the cops and robbers thing you talked about)
Just because I live in the same country as some person who posted a cops question doesn't mean anything
If you want you can have all documents I created with 5 possible solutions with more byte counts that didn't quite fit
@Dennis I think he was mostly joking.
Yea I got a sock because I joined this chat a few times and every time I joined they said I was a sock so I just went with it
We have something of a running gag of sockpuppet jokes here.
Yea I got a sock because I joined this chat a few times and every time I joined they said I was a sock so I just went with it
ow Okay xD
well I also got poked and from today on I can talk in chat (hooray :P )
so I thought just beter inform
Yea I got a sock because I joined this chat a few times and every time I joined they said I was a sock so I just went with it
Why are you posting the same message over and over again?
@Dennis Happens when you have a bad connection.
@Dennis happens when you are a sock. I have experienced it too!
free train wifi derped I think xD
@mbomb007 I did consider it at the time, but couldn't be bothered.

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