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@quartata Rude
in my case it's because i have no experience writing interpreters :D i'm probably going to rewrite pbi and try to make it not so bad
I tried to find a BF interpreter for testing a truth machine answer and it gives different results if you put a space in the source code
@AlexA. Not the moderators' faults
It is SE's fault
There are a number of Meta.SE questions asking to improve chat moderation.
(And yes, I knew what you meant)
Does anyone know a working interpreter?
I need one that errors if you go off the left edge.
Use BrainSteel's
@AlexA. yes
@Dennis Haha, nice one=)
I'm actually not certain that it errors going off the left side but it's worth a try
@feersum for something as simple as a truth machine you could probably just look at it and think "it goes off the left edge here, error"
May I suggest hsbrainfuck? It comes in Ubuntu repos which is nice.
I know ??? does and that interpreter provides BF <-> ??? translation.
It's pretty traditional as well. Nothing fancy.
@AlexA. I'll give that a try.
Also, if you ever need to use ???, BrainSteel's C interpreter is way better than my original C++ interpreter.
Sp got outgolfed at ><>. How
@AlexA. can i screenshot that message and put it in the "interpreter" section of the README.md in pb's github page haha
Another example where @AlexA. is wrong: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/61955/…
It's APL.
@undergroundmonorail Roflcopter. Sure.
@quartata i don't think that's valid, it's supposed to work for ascii values 48 and 49 but it works for 0 and 1
@undergroundmonorail this edit history is a mess lmao
@AlexA. :D
Here at PPCG, we love our explanations. +1 — quartata 6 secs ago
@AlexA. It doesn't error if I go off the left edge.
people here are so godd**n unfriendly
That's the BF implementation I based ??? off of, so it should error on the left.
But I think it has an issue with correctly detecting unmatched brackets, so keep that in mind.
@Seadrus this has been the opposite of my experience
@Seadrus What makes you say that, sweetheart?
XD Haha
@AlexA. I don't think so.
if(env.mp != env.memory.begin())
Just looking at this question; sure the guy screwed up, but people just start f***ing him over:
@Seadrus Here at PPCG, we eat all of our new users.
It NOPs if you try to go off the left.
Q: N numbers closest to zero staying balanced

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴObjective: Given a positive integer n: If n is odd, output the list of n numbers closest to 0 in increasing order If n is even, output a Falsey value. Test cases: 5 -> [-2,-1,0,1,2] 4 -> [] (or any Falsey value) 1 -> [0] Reference implementation function update(){ var num = +docu...

@feersum Oh. :/
i don't want to be part of a community that does that to people.
and yet i don't want to leave :P
@Seadrus Consider this: he didn't sandbox it, despite being a regular user. This lead to multiple problems being pointed out by others while the challenge is live. This is usually undesirable.
He doesn't sandbox anything.
@El'endiaStarman well i believe in grace, and grace is what should be given
tfw you post a stupid comment
@Seadrus The PPCG community is much better than the League of Legends community.
@Seadrus Me too, but he is not a new user.
@mbomb007 granted
A: Implement a Truth Machine

Blakusl><>, 6 bytes ::n?!; Pushes the input on the stack to start : copy top element on stack : copy top element on stack again n pop and outputs top element ? condition trampoline - pops top element, if it is zero skips next instruction ! trampoline skips next ins...

Exhibit A.
For what it's worth, I do think Peter Taylor was too harsh.
hey so what's happening? O_o
"Why we don't treat our new users like shit"
@Doorknob Stuff
@Seadrus I lack context, but please don't bring personal things such as religion into a site policy discussion
> Here at PPCG, we eat all of our new users.
@BetaDecay Aw, I liked your β avatar...
@Doorknob I agree. I'm an atheist and yet I find it somewhat offensive that he said "your bible," which seems to imply that it is something only they care about.
@Seadrus Again, I just got here, but it's still not an appropriate thing to say
im just saying that its not my bible.
(how do i edit comments?)
You can't
@Seadrus Chillax
After a certain amount of time
5 minutes grace period to edit
@Seadrus I'd also argue that you don't actually understand what "forgive" means there, but that is beside the point.
stop using bold for the love of anything
Would you prefer I use italics?
Or SHOUT to get my point across?
He's using bold because you don't get it. Conor isn't a new user. He didn't sandbox the thing. He's getting some criticism because he should have known better.
(Sorry Conor it's true)
I need a way to emphasize certain bits of what I say.
He's getting some upvotes from it at any rate. It's not like he's getting completely dumped on.
I'm in the wrong OKAY
I [redacted] get it.
This room was placed in timeout for 1 minute; the topic of this room is "General discussion for codegolf.stackexchange.com | abandon all work, ye who enter here —aditsu" - conversation should be limited to that topic.
Please stay calm; there's nothing personal about this.
Judging from the profanity and whatnot, it might benefit all parties if they were to step away from the keyboard for a few minutes.
Nobody's trying to insult or attack anyone (or even if they are, the solution is not more insults).
o_o that was cool
Mayhaps consider watching this while you calm yourself: youtube.com/watch?v=YpcMlj8BwWE
@Optimizer Not the biggest fan of Skrillex.
@quartata pannenkoek2012 is so cool
do you know if anyone ever claimed the bounty?
Oh hello Modern @Art. :)
@undergroundmonorail Nope.
@AlexA. Afternoon.
Yes it is
:D Friendly fractal!
I tried working on it, but part of the problem with it is you have use a JP rom and porting GS codes to JP is a pain in the ass
@quartata i was going to ask you to clarify if no one ever did or if you didn't know but i realized it was going to be harder to play "who's on first" than it would be to just look it up myself :P
@VoteToClose Don't be fooled. He thinks code is an art when really it's a craft.
Glad to see that I'm not the only pannenkoek fan here though.
i read somewhere that people figured out what happened, they figured out which bit flipped to cause the glitch
they just don't know why it happened
for all anyone knows it could be a hardware fault haha
@undergroundmonorail All we know is that the upwarp looks the most like the height bit changed from C4 to C5
@AlexA. Code = art ; code ≠ craft ; code = right ; therefore,
Not that it was a ceiling upwarp per se
Thanks for standing up for me @Seadrus, even if you were on the wrong side and were a little emphatic.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Hey, I personally think you've done a good job trying to fix the challenge
@VoteToClose :O The craft is mine... Minecraft 2 confirmed??
@quartata Thanks :)
@Doorknob Why have I never seen this power used before?
Let's drop it tho before Doorknob whacks us all with a trout again
@PeterTaylor Because PPCG is usually one of the most well-behaved sites on the network.
@Doorknob We're not that srs
I've seen the signal-to-noise ratio drop below 1% before.
@Doorknob I'd probably have said "chill"...sometimes we can get a little immature... :P
Does anyone know what the J equivalent of APL / is?
@quartata ><>slap
Finally found a BF interpreter that worked with the right out of bounds behavior.
@AlexA. Gol><>slap.
^ In the case of small trout.
@PeterTaylor By "well-behaved" I mean "not like math, gamedev, et. al. chat." As in, there are (typically) no personal attacks, rude/abusive comments, etc.
I recall a situation in which one user who had a personal vendetta against another DDOSed their website or whatever
(that was fun for the mods who had to handle that)
@undergroundmonorail Hi
fixed font @quartata
SE Chat is terrible at formatting ><> code
@Doorknob Me. For some reason, I feel inclined to disagree that it was fun... :)
feels pity for @ArtOfCode :P
Much better
@quartata FTFY
back when I was green and keen
Are you blue now?
Da ba dee da ba da
<Z"slap " <-- Infinite slappage. :D
@AlexA. sigh
i was so excited for a second because i thought alex referenced undertale
That's not actually the best code for outputting slap in ><>
But it would be the best for outputting a long string
you filled me with determination and took it away
It exits with an error but who cares!
@quartata Something smells fishy isn't an error. It's a fact.
@quartata You have exactly 1 more rep than I
Quick, someone downvote quartatertots
@AlexA. noo
Aww I missed the commotion :/
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ that name though
@Calvin'sHobbies be glad u did
@Calvin'sHobbies that's an "aww"?
(my interest shows what an exciting life I lead :P)
s/Aww/Thank GOD/
@quartata happy/wtf someone upvoted something of mine
@Calvin'sHobbies print System.in.text.replaceFirst(/Aww/,"Yay")
@VoteToClose You can even ping him like @quartat​ertots. It works!
@AlexA. Didn't ping me.
@VoteToClose :D
@El'endiaStarman I was about to ask you to elaborate (and @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ too, because I didn't see any ad hominem) before the comment thread gets tidied up, but it seems it's too late. Still, if you can remember what it was that seemed too harsh then I would find that helpful.
@quartata Let's debate something else. Your name has more Q's in it than is average in English words. I'm offended.
@quartata​tertots Hey, tater. ;D
@Calvin'sHobbies That's because it is actually Italian.
@PeterTaylor o_o "make a fool of yourself" and your general tone; "directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining" it seemed your were attacking me rather than the invalidity of my question, which I acknowledged, and in fact removed before your comment.
@quartata Really?
user image
hahaha what
@AlexA. Yes.
I'm not Italian before you ask.
I'm trying to put out the flames.
@quartata My great uncle knew 3 Italians. I'm still offended >.>
Whoa, a whole three Italians?
That's like... 3 entire Italians
>.> Some of my best friends are Italians. In fact, I speak a little Italian. :D
that's like the entire population of Italy (extrapolating from @AlexA.'s previous comment about how many guns there are in Texas)
There are more guns in Texas than there are people in Italy?
(I actually would not be surprised if that were true)
... science time?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ah. That wasn't my intention. I intended to attack the idea that all questions should begin with nonsense.
Italy population: 59.83 million (2013)
Texas population: 26.96 million (2014)
@PeterTaylor I know your intention now; thanks for clarifying, though I'm still ticked.
So, basically, the average Texan would have to own at least two guns for this to work.
Probably true then.
> The poll says 44 percent of Texas voters, or a family member, own a gun -- that would be a little over six million people.
but how many
@VoteToClose Ah, but how many guns do they have?
You can't stop with just one.
ninja'd again damn my slow internet
@Doorknob Bill Nein das Science Time
@quartata I would be very surprised if the human-to-gun ratio were greater than 1:2, actually
14% said more than 5, 44% said at least one.
@VoteToClose They could be lying.
@quartata But what would the point of that be?
@VoteToClose Maybe they don't want their neighbors to know their true power.
@VoteToClose Why is it that every time I pop in here there's a picture of a carrot?
This says every Texan owns on average a little more than two guns each.
@mbomb007 Because that's the new thing now
A: The Many Memes of PPCG

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴMeme: Carrots, carrot.<extension> Originator: Rabbits Dennis (?). Cultural Height: Ongoing. Background: In the Nineteenth Byte, it is not uncommon to type a (solitary) ^ to signify agreement or, less commonly, to point another user to, the message/^ above. A rarer occurrence is when a pattern ...

@VoteToClose What do the colors represent?
Customer: "We need [request for new functionality]. Can we do that?"
Me: "This is doable. Submit the request through the usual tracking system. We'll begin work as soon as project management gives the green light."
*Never hears about [request for new functionality] ever again.*
@VoteToClose South Africa?
@Calvin'sHobbies Then it is actually true.
It's amazing how many times I've said yes to people only to not actually have to do the work
What would be cool is a bot that autobanned anyone who posts a picture of a carrot.
There are more guns in Texas than people in Italy.
We could have a challenge to develop the best carrot image recognizer.
@feersum ^
@mbomb007 Comparable gun amounts? (just guessing)
I have started thinking about a meta post asking for the memes thread to be deleted because it seems to be promoting the creation of new memes which lower the signal-to-noise ratio in chat. But I need to go to bed because I have a very early start tomorrow, so I don't have time to discuss it now.
@Calvin'sHobbies Yeah, but which colors are more? What's the legend/scale?
Is red low, and yellow high?
@feersum No.
@VoteToClose Yes.
@Calvin'sHobbies I can't imagine that Oklahoma > Texas.
According to Bloomberg, Texas has 337,309 guns.
@PeterTaylor I have been thinking about this, yes. Generally it's not been a problem due to the mostly-low amount of signal in here anyway, but... (OTOH, I doubt that deleting the meta post will solve the root problem.)
@Doorknob Pun intended?
The average age in here has decreased recently.
Q: The Guesser Machine

Samed Tarık ÇETİNNote before you read: I'm new to this SE, so any edits are welcome. You should write a program that guesses a number choosen in smallest amount of "turns". Rules: Scoring is byte based. The program should only start with the input of original number. The program can check if the number it g...

@Calvin'sHobbies ... what pun? >.>
Root vegetable = root problem.
oh, haha
@NewMainPosts Dammit he copied the catalog
Someone let him know he should use the other code-golf leaderboard instead
Question is way underspecified anyway.
Surely HiLo has already been done
I just realized why I'm not getting any rep.
Guess high, guess low (my professor called it HiLo)
I have somehow mortarboarded.
I didn't even post that much today.
> I'm an idiot ?
@VoteToClose Yeah basically
look there you go again being unkind
I literally had no idea until I looked at the truth machine question and noticed that it had an upvote I didn't get a notification for.
@Seadrus It's a meme
A: The Many Memes of PPCG

DoorknobMeme: chat stars Originator: Unknown Cultural Height: Always Background: Chat (and/or Alex A.) likes to star some strange things: "Also why on earth did 3 people star my message about not seeing replies on mobile? o.O" —Martin Büttner (this message proceeds to get 12 stars) "I see." —Optimiz...

It is tied for the most starred message of all time in the Nineteenth Byte
o-o who is winning
@Seadrus @quartata​rtots once said in chat that he was an idiot. I/we've always loved it, and he doesn't have a problem with it. We're actually pretty friendly. XD
Between me and the announcement that Alex and Dennis were new mods
Holy crap do not Google "hilo game" without quotes and click on the first result while at work
@Rainbolt pffft
@Seadrus You know, you should consider starring that message so that I am the most starred message of all time and not tied.
o_o which message
Oct 29 at 2:17, by quartata
I'm an idiot
^ Click the blue bit.

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