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Ooh a Befunge answer
782 billion possible seeds... Hope it finds it fast
And a Piet answer!
Oh wow a Piet answer!
A: Implement a Truth Machine

Jacque GoupilPiet, 27 codels (Codel is a fancy name for pixel used to avoid confusion when an image is stretched for viewing. I counted codels instead of bytes because piet scripts are saved as images, so the physical size may vary. In an ideal file format that would save piet as efficiently as possible with...

ninja'd again
Python's RNG only uses 32-bit seeds.
That's not the shortest befunge
Wow that's a cool looking Piet answer
You can still look for arbitrary 1-line Befunge programs though.
@Mego Thanks; I don't know Befunge
I barely do
Find a seed that starts with ^ and keep generating bytes until you hit \n>followed by your program.
how do I escape the ` char in code markdown?
Use \
Didn't work, just using 4space indents
Works for both.
does it?
oh. :P
A: Implement a Truth Machine

anOKsquirrelStack, 67 bytes { '1' print a call } `a set '' input num 1 = a { '0' print } ifelse Run by placing the stack folder into your python lib folder, and running py -3 -m stack.cli truth.stack

@Mego what is the Befunge?
@ThomasKwa Actually on closer inspection, the solution I wrote was also 16 bytes
Oh wait it can be done in 9, on a single line
Well whaddaya know? Python is really good and does all things:
A: Longest Common Prefix of 2 Strings

Beta DecayPython 3, 54 bytes Thanks Python for having a built-in function for this task! :D import os;print(os.path.commonprefix(input().split())) Takes input as two words separated by a space such as glossary global.

Stack is a good idea, but its parsing is really strict (spaces between everything) :/
Hey guys
A: RTTTL Obfuscation

fschmenglerWhitespace, 2748 Bytes (replace \t with actual tabs) Hello:d=4, o=5, b=120:2p, 16a2, 16p, 16a2, 16p, 16a3,\t16p, 16a3, 16p,\t16g2, 16p, 16g2, 16p, 16g3,\t16p,\t16g3, 16p, 16a2, 16p, e3,\td3, 16b2, 16c3, 16b2, 16a2,\t8g2,\t16a2, 16p, 16a2,\t16p, 16a3,\t16p, 16a3,\t16p,\t16g2, 16p, 16g2, 16p, 16g...

@Optimizer From my RTTTL Obfuscation challenge. That's an RTTTL version of that song.
@Optimizer flags as offensive
coz glee?
where's the glee in you??
@BetaDecay I agree
Hey that rhymed with glee
I like glee covers!
get out
Oh dear
@Optimizer ಠ_ಠ
I gtg, see you guys later
@Optimizer ಠ______________________________ಠ
See what you've done Optimizer? You made @anOKsquirrel leave!
@Optimizer '_ri*'ಠ_@\
The <center> cannot hold the ಠ_ಠ
I should probably make Seriously capable of handling unicode at some point
its funny because the two songs are from the same episode and the second one expresses my exact feelings for y'all glee haters
Thatha disapproves
@Mego Are you making the interpreter in Py 2?
@Sp3000 Yep
why do you hate glee so much?
@Optimizer They ruin songs
@BetaDecay no they don't
Because it's a terribly-written show with no real plot and their "covers" of songs by mediocre-at-best singers makes me sad
@VoteToClose ughh, I am soo tempted to spam this
@Optimizer ughh, I am soo tempted to flag this
Save the address, everyone. :D Whenever you are disgusted...
Of course, I've never seen an episode of Glee or heard any of their covers, but I am under good authority that it's crap ;)
What are you? 10? this is not 4chan!
stop posting gross pics
I have tonnes of gifs which I am withholding myself from posting otherwise :P
@Mego well, do you expect perfect performance from high school kids?
@Optimizer I do if they're going to be on a recorded and edited national television broadcast specifically meant to showcase their skills
SPOILER ALERT: Glee isn't actually real... Sorry if that ruins it for everyone :(
Lol. I'm golfing my APCS homework.
Haha you get failed for that don't you?
return temp>59&&temp<((isSummer)?101:91);
@Mego I am not sure you understand the "playing the character" part here. Next you would ask is for the breaking bad guy to cure his own cancer because he is on national television in an edited broadcast specifically focused on showcasing his chemist skills
That variable name is terrible.
I got failed on a test for using a list comprehension :P
@BetaDecay Nupe. Just means that my teacher is mildly amused.
@Optimizer You seem to be incapable of grasping the point I made and intent on continuing this pointless argument about an objectively-terrible TV show, so I'm done
mic drop
And I'm currently listening to:
Praise be to Guido for the ignore button
@Mego Python has an ignore button??
oh, dubstep fan
Only melodic dubstep. o-o
@trichoplax No, I just chose to praise Guido for SEChat's ignore button
Fair enough :)
Stuff that has weird loops or no melodic meaning are discluded.
I'm currently listening to:
Guido Fawkes?
Guido van Rossum, creator of Python
@BetaDecay Understandable confusion at this time of year :P
@trichoplax Of course
Damn TV is advertising Christmas stuff though
Which is completely unacceptable
There should be a badge for attracting new golfers
@BetaDecay Easy to fix: Turn off the TV.
@trichoplax That would require a refferal system
@SuperJedi224 Which exists.
@Geobits I'd much rather complain to Ofcom
@SuperJedi224 I meant that the question poster would get the badge for first time answerers (like Rainbolt's example)
Wait, stack exchange has a refferal system?
@SuperJedi224 sort of
Announcer, Booster and Publicist are essentially such badges
@trichoplax Okay
@trichoplax oh right
@BetaDecay haha nope. I went to go ride my bike
You could just query for first posts right? Don't need a referral system
@anOKsquirrel What kind of bike? :D
@Rainbolt Yes I was thinking the badge would go to the person who wrote the question rather than to someone who just linked them to it
exercise bike. I have crippling allergies
I'm allergic to grass, air, flowers, and outside
Gas mask?
Have you tried programming?
Must suck being a squirrel, then.
Yeah, it's terrible.
Nah, you'd look like you'd come out of a Doctor Who episode
Programming helps.
Programming beats the outside
It really sucks, I can't go outside in spring at all
@VoteToClose heard this youtube.com/watch?v=9Bm3CfBqn0Y ?
Hello from the outside?
hey, I have 50 rep now, so I can actually comment :P
Having said that, I do like having a laptop so I can program outside (if I should ever choose to)
I have a really old laptop which is my only computer at the moment
@Rainbolt Just finished making a pathway between the nether-side portals
You guys have a server right?
I'll have to join once I get a decent computer/Minecraft
@anOKsquirrel I'm typing this from a really old laptop that can no longer go outside
we're back to 7.7 questions per day
yeah, same
@Geobits ::print("I like being a Squirrel");
...did anyone get the joke?
@anOKsquirrel If you want to join, join this chat room, then type @Calvin'sHobbies Please whitelist [insert_minecraft_username_here]
I wish Minecraft Pocket Edition was decent
Wow no one got it
Squirrel is a high level imperative, object-oriented programming language, designed to be a light-weight scripting language that fits in the size, memory bandwidth, and real-time requirements of applications like video games and hardware such as Electric Imp. MirthKit, a simple toolkit for making and distributing open source, cross-platform 2D games, uses Squirrel for its platform. It is used extensively by Code::Blocks for scripting and was also used in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King It is also used in Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 2 for scripted events. == Language featuresEdit... ==
@Rainbolt Thanks! Will do (I should be getting a pc in a week or so)
@quartata That's a language? Darnit. I was going to use that name for my own language
My home-end portal was already up, actually.
I don't know how you get an exercise bike in there, but still a pretty nice house
It's quite small
Of course, it's squirrel sized :D
He stole it from a hamster
Hard to ride, though.
from two, actually
@BetaDecay This convo is disturbing considering the pic isn't loading
@Mego I guess you ignored too much
I think my laptop has opengl 1.4 or something.
@Mego Disturbing? Hmm
I have only found three games that work
I have 713 extra wheat seeds. I have no idea what to do with them.
I've asked like five questions on dba.stackexchange.com and I think I've gotten a straightforward answer to only one (two if you count "You can't do what you are trying to do" as straightforward)
Those guys need to loosen up a bit
Hey, redstone is coming in MCPE soon
PE doesn't have it already?
Wait, beta is out!
Yes I am
The police were reluctant, but they had no choice
So, your hand and leg were stiched back properly?
I have MCPE for the kindle
So I can't beta test
5 hours ago, by Beta Decay
Hmph those doctors aren't gentle when they fit the bionic limbs :P
maybe they just knew that you are a glee-hater ;)
Haha maybe they did :D
@Dennis How much can you improve your score by parameter tweaking?
Just found 49 more seeds in another chest. I think that brings the total to 762.
dangit, I really want PC now :P
@Zgarb I'm currently at 44 misclassified lists.
@VoteToClose I like your new avatar.
@SuperJedi224 I thought about making a wheat farm that resembles rice paddies. Maybe you can do that with all of your seeds
Stepped plateaus covered in wheat
Nobody saw that...
A: Implement a Truth Machine

Digital TraumaBash + GNU utils, 13 grep 0||yes 1 Bash, 35 read n;for((;n;));{ echo 1;};echo 0

I asked for a yes solution. He said yes
@Dennis I didn't expect there to be much room for that with 500 input lists... but I don't want to change the rules at this point. Tweak ahead.
@Zgarb OK, thanks. I used empirical values from the beginning (since I found that easier to figure out the expected ones), so there might not be as much room for tweaking as my revision history suggests...
@Zgarb For example, the optimal value for one of the parameters turned out to be Pi/2. That's probably not a coincidence.
@Dennis :D
@quartata Do you know about editing down and deleting sandbox posts once they go to main?
in haskell, is there a nice way to compose a function that takes two arguments with a function that take one argument, like head.zip?
ok, it seems to be (head.).zip, but i'm not totally sure why
@xnor That's that, and it's because (head.).zip $ x == (head.)(zip x) == head.zip x
@trichoplax Yes, I do it to all of my posts.
I haven't done it for Truth Machine yet.
Q: Balancing Base Act

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴA lot of my challenges have been a tad, uh, involved, if you will. I thought I'd go for something simpler. When talking about bases, it is customary to refer to some as "balanced"; when I say a base is balanced, I mean that there are an equal number of symbols that can be placed on either side o...

Srsly, what is wrong with this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62763/24877
@flawr Link to language spec?
So it maps exactly onto BF programs?
There are no specs on whether those data that SAF can handle should be interpreted like chars or strings or ints in other languages.
Then it should do byte I/O with values 48 and 49.
Basically yes, but it works directly on numbers.
Your problem is that the loop is supposed to end when the input is 0. But it's not. It's 48.
Yes it is 0.
It's "0", but not 0.
The question specifies that the input is "0".
There is no difference between "0" and 0
Which is 48.
.....yes there is.
Well not in SAF=)
SAF is nothing more than a compression of BF.
BF takes input as characters.
Which I would assume means their ASCII codes.
That is NOT specified.
There are a lot of BF interpeters that just use numbers, and not chars.
You specify that it is a direct encoding of Brainfuck.
Brainfuck is specified thusly.
And the BF is not specified.
This opens up a new kind of MetaGolfScript.
All we need is 256 interpreters implemented as cross-compilers.
> •note that when I am referring to 0 and 1 I am explicitly referring to the ASCII characters 48 and 49 (or appropriate equivalent depending on your language's character encoding). Byte or unary input or output is not allowed.
Then we can make any program in 0 bytes.
The problem is theat there is no character encoding...
Ok, so if I accept 49 and 48 and output 49 and 48 instead everything would be ok?
(49 and 48 as numbers?)
No point since it's a trivial duplicate of brainfuck.
Except that output is characters, not numbers.
There was no brainfuck answer when I posted this..
The length ordering is exactly the same.
it's slightly more compact, but...
So the brainfuck answer is a trivial copy of SAF just with handling the 48 49 problem.
It would be better to answer in brainfuck only since it's a well-known language.
I think it would be fine to answer in both, as long as both are correct.
@feersum Be careful with statements like that, as there are instances where you could argue the same for (e.g.) Pyth
@TimmyD I have no idea what you're talking about.
@feersum If someone posts a Python answer, you could argue using the same logic as above to say "Don't bother posting the Pyth answer, as it's a trivial substitution of the already existing Python answer"
It's not at all like a trivial substitution of Python.
SAF is a trivial substitution of BF because it takes all possible two-character pairings of BF and makes them one character.
@feersum That may or may not be true, depending on the task.
Incidentally, I'm all for having answers in BF and SAF on catalog questions.
@SuperJedi224 It isn't remotely true in any sense.
@BetaDecay d'awhhh
@quartata Haha my reaction too :)
@feersum Simplistic example -- "Hello World! vs print("Hello World!")
@TimmyD That's a rare exception. And it's not really trivial.
Okay, @flawr, I studied the "Hello world!" example on the BF esolangs page. Output with , outputs characters, as in, it treats the value of the current cell as an ASCII code and outputs the character corresponding to that code. The "cat" example later uses . and , with no modification, which means that . takes input as character, meaning its ASCII code. So . will take an input of 0 as 48.
Now, you then used [] as a loop that runs only if the current cell is non-zero. But if the input is 0, then the current cell is 48, so the loop runs forever.
The answer, then, is to copy the input's value into the next cell and subtract 48. THEN it can be used on the loop.
@El'endiaStarman I did not create this example.
Yes, that is what I am trying to do rightnow.

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