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@Rainbolt That's a relief :D
@quartata I said +1 in the comment, but didn't +1 it. XD Fixed.
Oh, didn't see the restriction to ASCII @quartata; my answer is invalid then
Two people pointed out a problem with my challenge, I edited, and then they promptly deleted their comments. Such a well-behaved community
It's chat which makes it all go to pot ;)
@ThomasKwa Here is the online compiler to my Carrot answer where you can get "proof": here
@ThomasKwa Was it a TI-BASIC one?
It wasn't really a restriction to ASCII per se
Q: Longest Common Prefix of 2 Strings

Lawrence V.Write a program that takes 2 strings as input, and returns the longest common prefix. Test Case 1: "global" , "glossary" "glo" Test Case 2: "department" , "depart" "depart" Test Case 3: "glove", "dove" ""

Just a restriction to the appropriate character encoding
No, it wasn't TI BASIC
I just solved Project Euler problems 2 using Hexagony.
I don't like that restriction; shouldn't the most natural representation of 1 in a language be allowed?
What is the language?
oh god, all my addons broke with this latest firefox update...
I mean if it outputs as a 0 or a 1 it is OK is the idea. Not like outputting an unprintable that corresponds to 1 in you character encoding
Motorola MC14500B machine code
Takes I/O as bits
Ah I see the issue.
I took the better part of a day finding the language.
wow, histocrat's Ruby truth machine is incredibly clever
@SuperJedi224 thanks for fixing my terrible explanation
@VoteToClose Yeah, don't feel like you need to hurry. I'm pretty sure I've still got the simulators on my laptop at home, along with whatever .schematic files I've made.
A: Implement a Truth Machine

flawrShady As Fuck, 2 bytes KX K reads one char and opens a new loop, X outputs the content of the current memory cell and closes the loop. The loop is running as long the current memory cell is not 0 (at the closing of the loop).

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ We got rekt
Although wait a second
I don't think that works the way he thinks it does.
I think it outputs bytes.
@MartinBüttner histocrat's Ruby anything is incredibly clever
this is also true.
A: Implement a Truth Machine

quartataPerl, 18 + 1 = 19 bytes while($_+0){print} Run like this: perl -p truth.pl <<< NUMBER

Amazed no one did a Perl answer sooner.
plz dont mess with stars im testing my new code, thank you
@quartata I think my answer is valid even as ASCII, after some more reflection
No wait
@mbomb007 I'm not sure what your comment is getting at. What I mean in the post is that if we represent the 5xinstrument bits by replacing the opaque block by 5 separate blocks, then we can fit the note block into the encoding fine
@Sp3000 You say "I'm not going to address the total scoring method in this post, but I'd like to propose a method of counting each individual block.", but then what is the entropy for?
Is it just showing that each block can be counted as one byte?
Yeah, e.g. if you wanted to represent each block is a code-like format (like the new row/new layer idea I mentioned in the comments)
It's meant to be used with some other total scoring method, e.g. for volume you'd count each block as one then add on extra bytes for command/containers as necessary
@Sp3000 How dense are redstone constructions normally? Might a sparse encoding be more efficient?
That... really depends, and would probably go into GolfCraft territory where there's instructions to specify long segments of straight wire
Optimally I'd like to score it like TIS in that you can take a source code sort of representation and use it, but Minecraft being Minecraft it'd be hard to score (since you can't examine layer by layer easily)
@quartata can I get a ruling on my answer?
@Sp3000 That's why you'd post an image representation of a .schematic file. It's much easier to see it that way as it's 2D and visually similar to its appearance in Minecraft.
I remember some discussion going around a challenge involving as many loopholes as possible!
There are also .gifs for multiple layers.
Yeah, but even with the schematic it'd be difficult to do what I had in mind, which was to treat it similarly to regular code
e.g. for the first row it'd be 8 bytes for air, 2 bytes for wire then a newline
@ThomasKwa Is outputting to the data bus of a microprocessor an acceptable alternative to STDOUT?
@Sp3000 But there's no interpreter for that sort of code. You can score it that way, but I definitely wouldn't represent it that way. Plus, a .schematic file can be imported to Minecraft, so it makes sense to include one.
@quartata Yes; it's the only possible way to output.
Q: Hello, World with loopholes

Hurricane996Your task is to print Hello, World! breaking as many standard loopholes as possible. The score is bytecount/number of broken standard loopholes. GO!

I actually did have the idea written down to create a language that is interpreted as if it was blocks in Minecraft, though.
office 365 is so buggy when it comes to logging in and out...
I guess it is OK then. It's such an edge case I'm not sure how to rule it really.
Well I was just proposing a representation which is supposed to be better than using volume
It told me that my session expired, then told me that after I signed out, I needed to close all of my browser windows
Not that I'd use it though, which is why I haven't actually added it to my post
Scoring by volume would be the easiest to do, but like Piet it runs into a little issue which is encoding the dimensions
I guess going by the .schematic size is another option
Another bug not even 30 seconds later: i.imgur.com/zFSosdk.png
The fault in this challenge
A: Hello, World with loopholes

quartataMetaGolfScript-209180605381204854470575573749277224, 0/1 = 0 bytes Hey look I won.

Now can we close this please
You answer, then ask for it to be closed?
you'd better delete your answer before any more downvotes
It was mostly to demonstrate why it was a bad challenge.
Is there a rep cap for downvotes? We should try to find out.
I'm not sure why it got downvoted anyways when it was really a fault in the challenge.
@feersum Oh shush
I deleted it anyways.
Yeah, I didn't downvote; if there's a trivial answer to the question it's not a bad answer
The question was so flawed in this case that you should have just posted as a comment, though.
Question got deleted so it is like it never even happened
Tacos for lunch today, tacos for lunch tomorrow, tacos on Thursday...
What was that saying again? Too much of a good thing is awesome?
@Rainbolt <s>Smoke</s> Eat tacos erryday
It's funnier when it isn't really crossed out though
Taco time?
A: Who has the most stars in The Nineteenth Byte?

Agawa001 I' m so sorry for retardation but reading starred message while coding was so hilarious and dilatory, this could have been keeping my mood up for a month long. BrownRecluse, without bonus = 485 with bonus = 561-15% = 476 b U=New(URL);P=New(Parser);L=New(Stack);t=New(Stack);v='http://chat.stac...

Finally an answer to this
I was about to post a bounty
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That moment you realize you're a version ahead of your GitHub. -.-
@quartata Woohoo I'm one of the most-starred people
What am I then
> Smoke tacos erryday
@quartata idiot
@Optimizer ಠ_ಠ
@quartata not my words!
@Optimizer Oh right
@quartata You can't really fight yourself...
Having the most starred message of all time isn't as cool as you might think it is
2 days ago, by Mitch Schwartz
user image
@Optimizer sigh my words
@quartata specially for idiots
@mbomb007 I should probably also mention - the post was sort of a rebuttal for VTC's post. I'll post an answer for the .schematic thing though
You know the problem with this Truth Machine catalog is that no one is upvoting any of the answers
@VoteToClose See the MC scoring post
@quartata Be patient; the good answers will be upvoted when people stop rushing to post their own answers.
A: Implement a Truth Machine

DLoscOuroboros, 11 bytes rm1( S.n.!( The lines of code in an Ouroboros program represent one or more snakes eating their tails. Snake 1 r reads a number from input; m moves it to the shared stack. Then 1( causes the snake to eat one character from the end of the program. Since the instruction poi...

Why is this a thing
I'm going to try an answer in esolangs.org/wiki/Chicken
Wish me luck.
I'm trying BF
@quartata stop chickening out and asking for luck!
@Optimizer But it's difficult!
Maybe I should have asked for puts on sunglasses some cluck
Oct 29 at 2:17, by quartata
I'm an idiot
Stars are srs business don't you know
@anOKsquirrel I already answered in BF. :)
Last I checked you didn't
When was that
A: Implement a Truth Machine

mbomb007Brainfuck, 33 bytes Subtract 48 from the input, and if it's not zero, then print ASCII 49 forever. -[>+<-----]>--->,<[->->+<<]>>+<[>.<] I ran it here, but due to buffered output, you cannot see any output since the program never terminates on 1.

That's what I was going to do :/
Oh well.
Fastest brainfuck in the west
So, what language should I use then?
And @quartata you were supposed to let me know before you posted it so I could get the Python answer
Maybe treehugger, but I don't see how that could be any faster
By the way, @quartata, it's polite to wait a while to post an answer to your own challenge.
@ThomasKwa I didn't think it was a terribly big deal since it was a catalog
Actually, Seed is possible
Yeah, but I don't want to :P
If there was actually a winner I wouldn't have posted at all
@quartata Triple checking - STDERR output okay?
@Sp3000 STDERR output is fine
Outputting the actual output on stderr, or emitting error messages?
@quartata you should learn from this chicken :
@feersum I assume he means emitting error messages
@Sp3000 That is very well researched. +1
Error messages yeah
Outputting on STDERR is not OK (although I have no idea how you would pull that off and have it be shorter than STDOUT)
Find your perfect language here
I guess I could do one of those
@VoteToClose Yeah, it was kinda a response to your post. Having said that, your post doesn't really address how blocks are positioned relative to one another, which might be a problem
I think someone has implemented an esolang at least once where stderr is used for stdout.
@VoteToClose hehe
Fission seems to have massive debugging where STDERR gets flooded with the current execution state
as a language, I mean
The Befunge truth machine is &:j@:. right?
I don't know Befunge.
> StackLanguge
A: What are programming languages?

Peter TaylorMy previous answer was criticised for not drawing a line in a sand, so following some discussion on chat I propose a line. Executive Summary A purported programming language should be accepted as such if and only if it is capable of addition of natural numbers and primality testing of natural n...

@Sp3000 Hmm. I was considering direction - but given that MC inventions will vastly outsize other programming languages anyway due to the physical aspect of them, I figured it was better balanced.
TLDR: If you can add numbers, tell whether a number is prime and do I/O you're OK
Also, if we're including command blocks, it should be the bytes within and mobs used - I can make a calculator with 5 command blocks, a redstone block and an armor stand.
I'm not sure we should balance just because a language is usually going to be very long...
So if the Befunge is 6 chars the Seed is possible to generate.
@ΚριτικσιΛίθος The fact that carrot is tied with Vitsy in the "showcase your language" page is telling.
@VoteToClose "and mobs used"?
Yeah - tracing statistics with /scoreboard for mobs is a thing.
If we're including mobs, that's going to be a whole new can of worms o_O
For example - /scoreboard objectives set value JOHN @e[type=ArmorStand,c=1]
Mobs would essentially be stacks.
Yeah, but they could be used for other things too, e.g. pressure plates
How should I handle people posting answers that are longer than already-posted answers in the same language?
A: Implement a Truth Machine

ppperryThue, 48 bytes 1::=ab a::=1 b::=~1 0::=~0 c::=::: ::= c

A: Implement a Truth Machine

SuperJedi224Thue, 34 bytes 1::=12 2::=~1 0::=~0 @::=::: ::= @ Explanation: 1::=12 Instances of the substring "1" can become "12" 2::=~1 Instances of the substring "2" can be removed, printing "1" 0::=~0 Instances of the substring "0" can be removed, printing "0" @::=::: Instances of the substring "@" ...

Is that a problem? The leaderboard will link to the best in each language, right?
A: Implement a Truth Machine

intrepidcoderJava, 149 bytes import java.util.*;class A{public static void main(String[]a){Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);int n=s.nextInt();do System.out.print(n);while(n>0);}} Why 149 bytes? Because Java.

Is my comment valid?
@trichoplax Right, but should I leave a comment or anything?
If you want
@VoteToClose If not, let us return to Act 1
Are catalog(ue) questions being treated any differently from normal? They are still a competition between answers for the same language if I understand correctly
Only 782757789696 possibilities for the Seed truth machine
"Estimated time: 90 days, 14 hours"
Not that bad
THERE'S A SHADYASFUCK ANSWER! :D My life is complete.
@VoteToClose There's an incorrect SAF answer
@VoteToClose Too bad it's invalid
Nonetheless, there exists a SAF answer on the interwebs.
There really shouldn't be, because... wait... where'd that line about easy-to-port answers go
@VoteToClose You did good
Oops, closed wrong tab
A: Implement a Truth Machine

SuperJedi224HSPAL, 60 bytes 110000 000000 420000 400000 420000 400000 120000 030000 040000 010000

Long lists of numbers
No one likes my Perl answer..
No one likes Perl at all here really
I have to finish my interpreter for Seriously so I can post an answer :P
@quartata be patient
@quartata What would you comment to say? People can check the leaderboard to see if their answer is the shortest in that language. I think it should work fine without having to point it out each time - that would make a lot of work for you :)
if it's good, people will upvote after they run out of langs to answer in
@ThomasKwa It's not time it's because people hate Perl here
@mbomb007 Wanna make a 3-D Stack-Based Programming language based on MC? :D
,;.W;. would be the Seriously answer
@Mego Ooh short
> No one likes Perl.
For a place that makes these terrible line noise languages you'd think people would like Perl
@Mego Vitsy's still winning. :D
@quartata Of all the mainstream languages that could be expected to be popular for golfing, you might think Perl would be the top, but apparently not.
@quartata by the way, did you mean that any language that doesn't have STDIN can hardcode, or that any language that doesn't have a standard input method?
read value from stdin, dupe stack, pop and output, start while loop (peek top of stack and repeat while it evals to true), dupe stack, pop and output
@ThomasKwa Any language that doesn't have a standard input method
Does it only read integer input?
So it can't do any of the applicable input methods from the meta post
@trichoplax It's because most people aren't fluent in Klingon
@quartata Do you want to add a slight clarification to the rules that for hardcoded input people should post the code for input 1?
@Mego If you think Perl is nasty you've never actually tried it
@VoteToClose It reads integer, list, or string input, depending on how the input is formatted. 1 is integer, "foo" is string, [1,2,"fizz",4,"buzz"] is list
@Sp3000 No, I think it is fine if I leave that up to the poster.
They'll have to show where to put input anyways.
Is there any way to force input type?
So they'll more or less be posting both programs.
A flag of sorts?
So... if I can save bytes by showing input 0 instead then that's fine?
@Mego So it works like input(
@Sp3000 Yes
@quartata Yep
@VoteToClose Nope, it's however it evals
Oh - misread @Mego. Never mind.
A: Implement a Truth Machine

ppperryAcc! - 54 Bytes N-48 Write _+48 Count q while _ { Write 49 }

Also integer is a misnomer - it's all numeric types, so int, double, or complex
Hey this is from the unusable language challenge
@Mego Python has support for complex numbers?
@quartata import cmath
So it is like a type?
Complex is built into Python 3 btw
import cmath turns on complex number handling - cmath.sqrt(-1) returns 0+1i instead of throwing a ValueError
@Sp3000 Complex is built into Python 2, but you have to include a module to use it
@Mego o_o
Yeah, I meant the without a module part
@Sp3000 Python 3 works the same way
OK that gave me a little more respect for Python
Just... just a little bit though
It has cmath, but you don't have to import it in 3
Fair enough
I still like Perl better
(-1)**0.5 actually gives you the complex value, cool
See? Heh.. heh we have that too! You ... aren't special
Yeah but ours doesn't need weird symbols all over the place
gulp you will.. n-n-n-never make me crack
Perl is love Perl is life

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